29-04-2008, 13:02
Post your gamertag, ID or console code in this thread and it will be added to the list.
This thread will regularly be cleaned out and have posts deleted so best keep conversations elsewhere :)
Xbox Gamertags
Desmo = Desmo UK
Starscream = Woodsi
Matblack = Matb1ack
Haly = Haly x3h
Davey_Pitch = DaveyPitch
Creature = Erutaerc
Belmit = Belmit
Burble = Burbleflop
Robert = Robertus85
petemc = jedichu
Daz = DazWorrall
leowyatt = leowyatt
Japser = sameagain
FakeSnake = fak3snake
Vaultinglinky = vaultingslinky
Bigstan = Bigstan528
Rich L = Real Lads
Pickers = RPickers
Priest = CCPriest
Show = The Show 123
Nismo = Teletraan 82
CliffyG = Ch0c0lateTeapot
Tommy = Tommo san
Beansprout = beanspr0ut
Feek = STK Feek
NokkonWud = Nokkon
Kitten = Kitteh
Wossi = wossii
Wellington = Bogiee
Mondo = Raymondlin
Justsomebloke = VeryVoid
john = John P B
Kamikaze_Pigeon = KamikazePigeon7
Dangerous = Dangeroous
Jhadur = JhadurMic
Faysh = Faysh
nikebee = nikebee
Snuggle Ferret = Snuggle Ferret
Snuggle Ferret's Husnband = LONEWINTERWOLF
Metfalface Mark = Metalface Mark
Blighter = Chez the Third
cheets = CHEETS
Soulja = Soulja05
Psymonkee = Psymonkee
Del Lardo = DelLardo
Show = TheShowUK
FakeSnake = fakeysnakey
SidewinderINC = SidewinderINC
Starscream = Wudzi
nikebee = nikebee
Metalface Mark = Metalfacemark
G0MAN2004 = Harper980
Soulja = Soulja85
Psymonkee = Psymonkee
ElRazur = ElRazur
Nintendo Wii Codes
5647-0458-3141-3489 = Betty
7565-2496-2956-0733 = Bigstan
1880-0540-3326-4144 = Burble
7256-7265-5951-8685 = CliffyG
5877-4515-3300-0660 = Davey Pitch/Lynnieleigh
1509-1916-6027-9269 = Del Lardo
2186-4360-6213-3961 = Dymetrie/Garp
5842-7793-0226-4718 = Fayshun/Lomster
5838-3560-5635-4769 = Feek
3192-7581-7391-7044 = Flibster
3401-4434-8777-2208 = Kamikaze Pigeon
0734-2126-2676-7727 = Kitten and Leo
7119-9447-3597-3026 = Lozza
3046-2310-6962-5905 = Matblack
5104-5114-6812-9841 = Mondo
0499-0749-7852-8862 = Nismo
5655-8639-6970-3752 = Pebs
6560-2632-5267-6424 = Pigmo
7782-2346-3213-0517 = petemc
1376-6559-4890-6150 = Pumpkinstew
5332-5748-0192-8014 = rich99
5020-1685-4456-6933 = Takhisis
3546-9791-9275-4113 = Starscream
Nintendo DS Codes
2062-3474-7051 = Blackstar
4338-6805-0921 = Burbleflop
1589-9015-1994 = Creature
3436-7267-2730 = Daz
3136-0782-0866 = Haly
3350-8346-1096 = HollyThirtyfive
2362-9184-7020 = Long H
1503-9712-0689 = Raymond Lin
0215-5182-8289 = Betty
0559-1018-7394 = Vix
Steam Account Names
spudez = 8 I3ALL
hard_huddy = Admiral Huddy
Belmit = Belmit
bigst4n = Bigstan
pauleagles = Burble
CliffyG = CliffyG
mickey_d56754 = Darrin
Otaconda = Daz
[BD]Desmo = Desmo
Dymetrie = Dymetrie
d_r_z = DRZ
FakeSnake = FakeSnake
anjinsahn = Feek
Garp = Garp
Haly = Haly
Metrix_GBR = iCraig
mic.d = Jhadur
killerkebab = killerkebab
chilliedog = Pickers
Pumpkinstew = Pumpkinstew
Veewan = Vertigo1
wmr1980 = Will
nikebee = nikebee
This thread will regularly be cleaned out and have posts deleted so best keep conversations elsewhere :)
Xbox Gamertags
Desmo = Desmo UK
Starscream = Woodsi
Matblack = Matb1ack
Haly = Haly x3h
Davey_Pitch = DaveyPitch
Creature = Erutaerc
Belmit = Belmit
Burble = Burbleflop
Robert = Robertus85
petemc = jedichu
Daz = DazWorrall
leowyatt = leowyatt
Japser = sameagain
FakeSnake = fak3snake
Vaultinglinky = vaultingslinky
Bigstan = Bigstan528
Rich L = Real Lads
Pickers = RPickers
Priest = CCPriest
Show = The Show 123
Nismo = Teletraan 82
CliffyG = Ch0c0lateTeapot
Tommy = Tommo san
Beansprout = beanspr0ut
Feek = STK Feek
NokkonWud = Nokkon
Kitten = Kitteh
Wossi = wossii
Wellington = Bogiee
Mondo = Raymondlin
Justsomebloke = VeryVoid
john = John P B
Kamikaze_Pigeon = KamikazePigeon7
Dangerous = Dangeroous
Jhadur = JhadurMic
Faysh = Faysh
nikebee = nikebee
Snuggle Ferret = Snuggle Ferret
Snuggle Ferret's Husnband = LONEWINTERWOLF
Metfalface Mark = Metalface Mark
Blighter = Chez the Third
cheets = CHEETS
Soulja = Soulja05
Psymonkee = Psymonkee
Del Lardo = DelLardo
Show = TheShowUK
FakeSnake = fakeysnakey
SidewinderINC = SidewinderINC
Starscream = Wudzi
nikebee = nikebee
Metalface Mark = Metalfacemark
G0MAN2004 = Harper980
Soulja = Soulja85
Psymonkee = Psymonkee
ElRazur = ElRazur
Nintendo Wii Codes
5647-0458-3141-3489 = Betty
7565-2496-2956-0733 = Bigstan
1880-0540-3326-4144 = Burble
7256-7265-5951-8685 = CliffyG
5877-4515-3300-0660 = Davey Pitch/Lynnieleigh
1509-1916-6027-9269 = Del Lardo
2186-4360-6213-3961 = Dymetrie/Garp
5842-7793-0226-4718 = Fayshun/Lomster
5838-3560-5635-4769 = Feek
3192-7581-7391-7044 = Flibster
3401-4434-8777-2208 = Kamikaze Pigeon
0734-2126-2676-7727 = Kitten and Leo
7119-9447-3597-3026 = Lozza
3046-2310-6962-5905 = Matblack
5104-5114-6812-9841 = Mondo
0499-0749-7852-8862 = Nismo
5655-8639-6970-3752 = Pebs
6560-2632-5267-6424 = Pigmo
7782-2346-3213-0517 = petemc
1376-6559-4890-6150 = Pumpkinstew
5332-5748-0192-8014 = rich99
5020-1685-4456-6933 = Takhisis
3546-9791-9275-4113 = Starscream
Nintendo DS Codes
2062-3474-7051 = Blackstar
4338-6805-0921 = Burbleflop
1589-9015-1994 = Creature
3436-7267-2730 = Daz
3136-0782-0866 = Haly
3350-8346-1096 = HollyThirtyfive
2362-9184-7020 = Long H
1503-9712-0689 = Raymond Lin
0215-5182-8289 = Betty
0559-1018-7394 = Vix
Steam Account Names
spudez = 8 I3ALL
hard_huddy = Admiral Huddy
Belmit = Belmit
bigst4n = Bigstan
pauleagles = Burble
CliffyG = CliffyG
mickey_d56754 = Darrin
Otaconda = Daz
[BD]Desmo = Desmo
Dymetrie = Dymetrie
d_r_z = DRZ
FakeSnake = FakeSnake
anjinsahn = Feek
Garp = Garp
Haly = Haly
Metrix_GBR = iCraig
mic.d = Jhadur
killerkebab = killerkebab
chilliedog = Pickers
Pumpkinstew = Pumpkinstew
Veewan = Vertigo1
wmr1980 = Will
nikebee = nikebee