View Full Version : Applying for a tax disc online

16-08-2006, 20:35
Anyone done this? Is the website a pain in the arse? It's been REALLY slow for the past 2 days so I've not been able to do it. Not sure if it's me or if it's the website being useless!!

16-08-2006, 20:37
I tried as soon as my SORN wotsit arrived but it wouldnt recognise the code :/ Gonna leave it till post BBQ and try again, then failing that, plain old post office.

16-08-2006, 20:37
DVLA? It's in Wales isn't it? Do they even have broadband down there? :p

*runs* :eek:

16-08-2006, 20:42
I did it in February. The first couple of days I tried the site was buggered but then it magically started working and my application went through with no problems.

16-08-2006, 20:42
DVLA? It's in Wales isn't it? Do they even have broadband down there? :p

*runs* :eek:

Aye, they got in installed along with electricity and running water last week.

16-08-2006, 20:45
ZOMG it's done!! It'll save me having to try and deceipher what the bloody woman at the PO is trying to say anyway. I've left them feedback saying their site is slow and has issues with Firefox.

16-08-2006, 20:46
Just tried it again myself actually, went through ok, though you're right, slow as hell :/

16-08-2006, 21:06
DVLA? It's in Wales isn't it? Do they even have broadband down there? :p

*runs* :eek:

Servers aren't in Wales as fas as I can remeber.

18 months ago they were being run by Fujitsu.

Hence the reason the system is ****... ;)

16-08-2006, 23:21
I found it to be really painless and such a godsend if I'm honest.

17-08-2006, 13:42
I wonder what type of nob would work there....

17-08-2006, 16:49
Your type I bet, you big gay bear :p

:lubu: :x

17-08-2006, 18:33
I wonder what type of nob would work there....

Not me....anymore. :D *does a happy dance...*

18-08-2006, 11:43
Hey, Fujitsu is great... Their servers are top class* and their PC's make great hand warmers when their PSUs catch fire!**

BTW, I work not far from the DVLA and when I applied online I was fully expecting to have to go in and get it in person, but it worked a treat. I applied at lunchtime too.

Oh and yeah, I do have broadband and because of my proximity to the exchange, my house has 6.5mb broadband :p

* this may not be true
** this is true
*** this is Tru
**** Who is Tru