View Full Version : In Bruges [spoilers]

Dr. Z
30-04-2008, 23:46
Went to see this tonight. What a strange film!

I was expecting a funny but dark film about some assassins in Bruges. What I actually got was extremely different to how I was expecting it to be.

It had its funny moments but I wouldn't say it was a funny film, the whole film was very dark (in a lighting sense) and had very depressing classical music playing through most of it. The overall feel of the film was one of sadness and the comedy side of it just didn't make that go away.

I thought it was very cleverly done because although the characters were light hearted and funny, the sadness they felt about how things had turned out was extremely well conveyed to the audience.

I wouldn't go and see it if you were easily offended by bad language, racist jokes or anything like that because that seems to be where most of the humour is (but its not directed at any actual characters bar anti-American sentiment).

I wont spoil the ending but it wasn't a great ending but it was thought-provoking I suppose.

01-05-2008, 00:55
I absolutely loved this film, thought it was pretty refreshing and had no idea what to expect from it really. Would recommend it personally :D

Tbh though from the advert you wouldn't expect it to be too PC now would you ;)

Dr. Z
01-05-2008, 00:57
What did you think of the way that the humour and sadness was sort of balanced in favour of the sadness? I really expected this to be a fair bit of action with humour tied into it rather than a fairly sad story with the odd bit of dark humour.

01-05-2008, 01:27
Tbh i was a bit shocked, i expected quite a few more clichés so-to-speak, but i was relieved to watch something different, as i said refreshing pretty much sums it up for me :)
I liked the ending, and i think the injustices within the plot where good!

06-05-2008, 15:38
I saw this yesterday, loved it. Wasn't sure what to expect, was pleasantly surprised.

I was thoroughly amused in places, yet quite solemn in others. I'd definitely recommend it, though not if swearing/racism/strongish violence will put you off...

15-06-2008, 12:15
I have to say though done in any other accent it wouldn't have been as funny.