View Full Version : TightVNC help

Admiral Huddy
01-05-2008, 14:42
I've never actually used this product but thought yesterday I'd give it a try as one client would like me to have remote assistant.

So I thought I'd give this a try between my work shop PCs.

All I want the client to do is click on something to allow me access when needed ( so basically I can't get in when not).

So I'm not sure how this is going to help.

Also, the two PCs I have are on the same network as they are behind a router. Given the the VNC is asking for an IP address, what do i give it to access the PC outsire the network.


Bit confussed

01-05-2008, 14:54
Are you trying to set TightVNC up as remote assitance? If so why not just use remote assitance? :huh:

01-05-2008, 14:57
If you want to connect to a VNC host behind a router then the IP address you need to enter is the public IP address of the router, ie, the IP address assigned by the ISP.

For that to work you'll need to setup some port forwarding on the router to forward the relevant ports (5800/tcp & 5900/tcp I think) to the client PC. Assuming the client PC is using DHCP then you may find that it'll work one day but not the next if the router has been rebooted and the DHCP clients table has been wiped.

There are web based services you can use whereby the client goes to a website, enters a code that you get from the site and you then control their PC. I've not used any of them but have heard good things about them.

Admiral Huddy
01-05-2008, 15:28
Are you trying to set TightVNC up as remote assitance? If so why not just use remote assitance? :huh:


There are web based services you can use whereby the client goes to a website, enters a code that you get from the site and you then control their PC. I've not used any of them but have heard good things about them.

Looking at LogmeIn now :)

Admiral Huddy
01-05-2008, 16:01
Looking at RA for Vista


<LI class=alertListItem>You cannot use Remote Desktop Connection to connect to computers running Windows Vista Starter, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Basic N, or Windows Vista Home Premium. You can, however, connect from those editions of Windows Vista to computers running other versions of Windows.
You cannot use Remote Desktop Connection to connect to computers running Windows XP Home Edition.

rules that out really.

in contrast XP allows RA via remote terminal service ie. token passing on via email or MSN:


Why on earth have they changed this?

01-05-2008, 16:31
One more reason to keep the SMB on the business product line :)

01-05-2008, 16:54
They haven't. Windows Remote Assistance still exists - or at least it should.

01-05-2008, 17:11
There is a version of VNC that you can email to people and they just run the .exe which then, I think, just phones home to you. Will try and find it.

Admiral Huddy
01-05-2008, 17:12
ah yes it does :


Will this allow cross platform. I.e. if a XP user request assistance from a Vista user?