View Full Version : Local Election Results

Dr. Z
02-05-2008, 01:38
As it stands at the moment, Labour are being battered, Conservatives are +8, Labour -2, Lib Dems -1 in terms of councils.

I am really glad that Labour are being smacked about because I really think they need to get the message.

I also hope Boris wins in London, its absolutely needed to get Ken out, Boris might appear to be a buffoon but I think he is the right medicine for the needs of London.

BNP have got +4 seats....

02-05-2008, 01:46
Battered? Talk of worst result in history and behind the Lib Dems? That's not battered, that's getting their innards ripped out and handed back to them, and rightly so. How things change so quickly from talk of snap elections. Admittedly some of the effect is down to things like the credit crunch which certainly didn't help, but the whole 10p tax thing hit their own supporters hardest and they've reaped the consequences.

As for Boris, I haven't really followed the London Mayoral Election so don't know his policies (I don't buy the buffoonery though - while he certainly has a natural tendency in that direction he's used that to his advantage). I'm not going to advocate kicking Red Ken out on a whim as it seems if nothing else he's got London noticed again (terrorism aside).

02-05-2008, 02:14
Lib Dems lost Liverpool, 'persuaded' an independant, and just regained Liverpool. :shocked:

02-05-2008, 06:46
Ken's a **** and I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. ANYTHING would be better than him. I actually quite like Borris, he has personality and charisma - ok not necessarily what is needed to be London mayor but it's good enough for me. IMHO I don't think we should have any mayor in London anyway and do what Tatcher tried to do back in the 80s.

02-05-2008, 09:19
I voted, but don't like/agree with either of those two :p

BB x

02-05-2008, 09:22
Greebo ate my voting card. Portsmouth are NOC again.

02-05-2008, 09:33
I voted, but don't like/agree with either of those two :p

BB x

You know there are more than 2 candidates yeah? ;) :p

02-05-2008, 14:46
Well how do you think I managed to vote then? :p

BB x

02-05-2008, 16:40
Definitely not Ken and Borris I would guess?! ;)

02-05-2008, 16:51
Maybe, maybe not ;)

I was very tempted to vote English Democrats for Mayor so that I would get my birthday off! :D

BB x

02-05-2008, 17:08
lol - always a good selling point! :D

I was very wary of voting for people such as UKIP and BNP - they're just too right wing, and I'm far too much of a liberal for that. They say they have fair policies but I think it would be very dangerous and the quality of life of a lot of decent men & women would suffer as a result.

02-05-2008, 18:08
I was very wary of voting for people such as UKIP and BNP - they're just too right wing, and I'm far too much of a liberal for that. They say they have fair policies but I think it would be very dangerous and the quality of life of a lot of decent men & women would suffer as a result.
That's generally my viewpoint on parties like that.

Tough one to vote on for me. Didn't really like any of the parties despite reading up as much as possible on the off chance, one of them sounded alright.

02-05-2008, 22:57
I also hope Boris wins in London, its absolutely needed to get Ken out

I don't agree with that logic I'm afraid. Whatever you might think of KL, would you rather he was replaced by a chimp?

Did anyone else hear his comments on The Politics Show?

I'm down with the ethnics, you can't out ethnic me!

Granted he's funny, but just voting for him because "He isn't Ken" is a bit of a logical fallacy if you ask me.

Dr. Z
02-05-2008, 23:18
I don't agree with that logic I'm afraid. Whatever you might think of KL, would you rather he was replaced by a chimp?

Did anyone else hear his comments on The Politics Show?

Granted he's funny, but just voting for him because "He isn't Ken" is a bit of a logical fallacy if you ask me.

I think he uses his humour and buffoonery to his advantage. He is no different really to the guy in work that is sensible but has a bit of a laugh about it. I think that if politics was more like Boris and William Hague and less like Gordon Brown and Geoff Hoon then it would be an awful lot better.

Hell, Charles Kennedy was more of a real man than 99% of the political spectrum, despite his problems.

02-05-2008, 23:55
Ken Livingstone. You are the Weakest Link. Goodbye.

1st + 2nd preference

Boris Johnson 1,168,738
Ken Livingstone 1,028,966

03-05-2008, 00:07
I think he uses his humour and buffoonery to his advantage. He is no different really to the guy in work that is sensible but has a bit of a laugh about it. I think that if politics was more like Boris and William Hague and less like Gordon Brown and Geoff Hoon then it would be an awful lot better.

But whenever you see him interviewed, he's a complete idiot with a fundemental lack of knowledge about politics. Unfortunately I don't think there is a sensible person underneath :D

Hell, Charles Kennedy was more of a real man than 99% of the political spectrum, despite his problems.

Agree with that totally. CK was aces :)

03-05-2008, 08:55
Thank **** for that. Ken's out. This can only be a good thing. I couldn't stand that mini nazi, left wing, communist dictator - heck he was almost an oppressor.

If i had my choice we'd get rid of the london mayor all together - we have the lord mayor already, we have the GLA & GLC we don't need a mayor at all.

Anyway it's going to take a couple of years to see Borris' handy work anyway, London is no worse off. Surprised how close the votes were though!

04-05-2008, 10:35
Good luck London, you're going to need it. I'm glad I don't live there any more.

Joe 90
04-05-2008, 15:07
we've gone lib dem i hear - what a waste of time :eek: