View Full Version : No power in Chelmsford & surrounding (Flash meet ? )

07-05-2008, 14:16

The main power distribution point in Chelmsford behind Anglia uni has gone up with flames and just reported explosions (sister works nearby). The result is if you have a postcode beginning with CM1,2,3,7,11 you have no power.

Being the size of whats just gone boom its not going to be anytime soon either. :confused:

Flash meet for grub in London?

07-05-2008, 14:35

Admiral Huddy
07-05-2008, 16:22
I only changed a fuse!!!!!

We have power at home. power diverted from grid I would have thought. I'll be passing that later

07-05-2008, 16:25
Haha as soon as I saw this I thought of you Huddy :p

07-05-2008, 16:58
Well I can still log in to the router at home so we've still got leccy :)

Sad to hear of a life lost though :/

07-05-2008, 17:16
I thought of Huddy then Treefrog... :o

Hope you're not inconvenienced too long Matt.

It is sad to hear of the death :(

07-05-2008, 17:20
Never realised that there was a death, just the explosion :(

07-05-2008, 17:56
I have the powah!

07-05-2008, 18:10
Ah so what you are saying is you want someone to come round, drink your beer, eat your food and watch tv? :p

edit: tis joking btw

07-05-2008, 20:22
LOL! Feel free!

07-05-2008, 22:02
I'm back and tis late now :( Another night when I haven't been down the pub having a few bevvys. Well earned pint though and I think I have tomorrow to work from home.

Admiral Huddy
08-05-2008, 09:21
I have the powah!
Show me sexeh!:huh:

08-05-2008, 16:05
I had no power at the flat for most of yesterday, and not at my parent's house either. Came back on at 9:15pm. My flat and the 'rents' are about 1/2 mile apart, and almost everywhere in between the two had power. Huh?

Looks like it's been off again today as well at some point.

08-05-2008, 16:19
Yep went off while they were replacing whatever went bang. Around 12-2pm as I came home around then

09-05-2008, 16:02
Went off again briefly last night, and now there's a huuuuuge generator on Arbour Lane!

10-05-2008, 22:26
And it went off again about 9 for an hour or so.


11-05-2008, 21:04
How wierd is this? After resetting countless clocks for the umpteenth time, we noticed a few hours later that a lot of them are running 10 minutes fast!

I guess the generator they've supplied doesn't spin at 50Hz....

We're on super mains :D

Admiral Huddy
12-05-2008, 15:53
Ok, I'm done.

Managed to fix the problem with a hair clip and some sticky back plastic!

15-05-2008, 19:55
Are you sure mr H? A week later and we're still on a genny :shocked: Just had a brief power cut. Ran out of diesel maybe? :evil:

16-05-2008, 09:03
Are you sure mr H? A week later and we're still on a genny :shocked: Just had a brief power cut. Ran out of diesel maybe? :evil:

Locals have probably started filling their cars with it.