View Full Version : Cyclone in Burma

10-05-2008, 12:18
I can't believe I only heard about this yesterday...but it's absolutely crazy. I got sent an email about it as well:

In the wake of a massive cyclone, a shocking 100,000 Burmese may be dead. But what's happening in Burma is not just a natural disaster--it's also a catastrophe of bad leadership.

Humanitarian relief is urgently needed, but Burma's government could easily delay, divert or misuse any aid. Yesterday the International Burmese Monks Organization, including many leaders of the democracy protests last fall, launched a new effort to provide relief through Burma's powerful grass roots network of monasteries--the most trusted institutions in the country and currently the only source of housing and support in many devastated communities. Click below to help the Burmese people with a donation and see a video appeal to Avaaz from a leader of the monks:


Giving to the monks is a smart, fast way to get aid directly to Burma's people. Governments and international aid organizations are important, but face challenges--they may not be allowed into Burma, or they may be forced to provide aid according to the junta's rules. The monks are already on the front lines of the aid effort--housing, feeding, and supporting the victims of the cyclone since the day it struck. The International Burmese Monks Organization will send money directly to each monastery through their own networks, bypassing regime controls.

It sucks when you don't trust ANYONE enough to help them...but thats how I feel in this case! How do I even know the monks are trustworthy, you know?
Has anyone saw stuff on this?

13-05-2008, 20:59
I wouldn't trust any unsolicited 'charity' e-mail. Unfortunately there are scammers more than sick enough to attempt to profit from others' pain and suffering, and even death. Of course, the Monks themselves are very keen to overthrow their Government as demonstrated by the recent protests. Providing aid where the Government can or will not would do their cause no harm at all. The problem here is not with trusting the Monks, but rather with trusting the donation means itself.

I'm certainly not accusing avaaz.org of being a scam site. The fact that the domain has existed for 10 years lends some credibility, but unfortunately there's no way to rule out a site hijack.

DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee) is a safe bet (I've personally donated through them before), but with the Burmese Generals' reluctance there is no guarantee that aid is going to get through (though for the moment at least some limited aid seems to be getting in).

16-05-2008, 12:09
Thanks for the tips guys. Its frustrating when you don't know who can be trusted...