View Full Version : Choose your own adventure books

10-05-2008, 22:18
In a random conversation with Lana this evening the subject of choose your own novels came up (as you do). She revealed, shock horror, that she tended to cheat with them, taking note of the previous number and going back to it if she thought she'd gone down the wrong route, or ended up dead. I commented that I tended to do the same and as far as I was aware everyone did.

So the question is.. did you cheat or didn't you?

10-05-2008, 22:29
The Steve Jackson books?


10-05-2008, 22:56
OOo that takes me back 'The Shamutanti Hills', 'Kharé Cityport of Traps'.....

...well I wasn't going to start from the beginning each time now was I ;)

10-05-2008, 22:59
I've still got mine somewhere :)

10-05-2008, 23:05
*hangs head in shame*

11-05-2008, 00:54
OOo that takes me back 'The Shamutanti Hills', 'Kharé Cityport of Traps'.....

...well I wasn't going to start from the beginning each time now was I ;)

Those were particularly good ones :) I used to own loads of Steve Jackson ones, still got some somewhere. I was also hooked on Lone Wolf ones, although they weren't as easy to find round here.
Oh and of course I cheated :p It was more fun!

11-05-2008, 15:35
I left my finger in at the last paragraph, yeah. Never bothered with the dice rolling for the fights either. I reckoned I was hard enough to stuff every monster with one hand behind my back.
I was the hero after all. ;)

This list brings back memories: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Fighting_Fantasy_gamebooks

Veteran Tyke
11-05-2008, 16:11
Still have about 10 of them stored away. Personal faves were Freeway Fighters and Deathtrap Dungeon.

11-05-2008, 19:04
My favourites were Starship Traveller, Forest of Doom and Deathtrap Dungeon :) Got so many fond memories of them all though.

11-05-2008, 20:10
I too was cheating scum. TBH I don't know how I live with myself.

12-05-2008, 09:20
Still have about 10 of them stored away. Personal faves were Freeway Fighters and Deathtrap Dungeon.

DD was well scary :(

Most of them were, but still read them :D

There were some white ones... these ones, which were a bit tamer :D


BB x

12-05-2008, 10:58
The only ones I really remember reading were goosebumps ones as a kid. There was one that was about a scary night at a circus...and you could die every few pages. It drove me nuts!
Glad to know I am not the only one. I wonder if the inventors of these books knew their audience:-P

12-05-2008, 16:16
I had a Transformers adventure book, I'm pretty sure I cheated as well as reading it cover to cover once, made no sense at all.

12-05-2008, 16:26
I had one based on the Knightmare TV show. It was awesome.

Snuggle Ferret
12-05-2008, 16:36
I never had one :-)

12-05-2008, 17:04
I had one based on the Knightmare TV show. It was awesome.

I had a couple of those, they were great :D

11-06-2008, 16:29
My cousin in Malaysia had a few of these and I flicked through Citadel of Chaos and Armies of Death.

Some of the illustrations scared me :(

I remember I never once used the dice or used the 'Adventure Sheet', always 'won' the fights and checking all the options... I even remembered a password from COC! :/

Will have to check out some Charity shops and trying playing them properly :p

BB x

11-06-2008, 18:26
I was watching Family Guy the other day. Peter is in bed reading one of the choose your own adventure books. He is reading along, makes his choice, dies and then immediately says to Lois... 'I still had my finger on the page!...........' and turns back :D :D

If I could remember which episode it was I would try and find the clip.