View Full Version : moany old git!

Admiral Huddy
12-05-2008, 09:01
How come, when we get a bit of decent weather, everyone thinks they should be sharing their Housework music to the whole neighbourhood! Doors wide open, volume full blast and some dosy woman singing her lungs out as if she was on dog idol.

Why do people think that's acceptable?


12-05-2008, 09:08
Same goes for blokes that seem to think it's acceptable to just take their shirt off wherever they are. Put your moobs away!

12-05-2008, 09:33

Admiral Huddy
12-05-2008, 10:02
Same goes for blokes that seem to think it's acceptable to just take their shirt off wherever they are. Put your moobs away!


12-05-2008, 10:14
How about if I sing along to loud music whilst doing the housework with my moobs out? Do I get a prize?

12-05-2008, 10:19
Part of the Good & Bad of a Heatwave.

All the lookers wear less clothes & look fine.
You have to look through a Sea of Cottage cheese to see it.

You get to step out the shower & throw just one or two items of clothing on.
Smelly people.

Every window & door in the house open & chairs in the yard for relaxing.
Everybody else is doing it & talking crap & listening to Crap music.

12-05-2008, 10:50
Hmmm...I guess I don't notice so much. I enjoy hearing other people sing, especially when they don't think anyone can hear. I find it really cute:-)
Warm weather just makes everyone happy!

(I did see a rather unathletic dude without a shirt on in Crawley on friday... I stopped and gawked and wondered why he thought that was okay. Oh well. Then I saw a guy with awesome abs without a shirt on Sunday, so it cancelled the other one out)

12-05-2008, 10:54
I think one of the worst inventions for summer has to be those gigantic patio heater things. It means that when it gets too cold to stay out at night, neighbours having BBQs can fire them up and continue into the wee small hours. You're then stuck with the dilemma of either trying to get to sleep while drunk people are still clattering about at 2am, or shutting the windows and trying to get to sleep in a baking hot house.

I've taken to just staying up and drinking. If you can't beat 'em...

Admiral Huddy
12-05-2008, 11:06
^^they're being banned I believe.
Too right .. ! What a waste of energy too.

12-05-2008, 11:12
Oooh we're gonna get one of they chimney things - not a patio heater! Chuck logs in it, couple of spuds, get out the marshmallows and hoooorah! Big Jumpers, plenty of port and well... that's an ideal evening!

By the sounds of it you'd hate me :( I'm constantly singing and dancing and prancing around with all the windows and doors open :( I even serenaded Trio on my guitar this morning in the garden.

We must be sucky neighbours :(

12-05-2008, 11:13
I never used to mind my neighbour at my previous house doing that, but she could hold a note and tone. I guess if the persong singing, cant sing, it would make a huge difference.

ahh, the LOVE of no longer having neighbours in close proximity.

and BBQ heaters are not banned, just very frowned upon.
B&Q still sell them!

12-05-2008, 11:16
^^ come and live next door to meeeeeee!

naah, that would mean I would have neighbours... cant be doing with that any more :D

12-05-2008, 11:19
not you, Pheebs :p

You've got kids, can't be doing with that ;)

probably a good thing eh ;)

also.. quote her then ya muppet :D
looked like ME you were pointing at! :D:D
hence my reply

and NO you cant have Phees/Pickers they are mine I tells ya, MINE ;)

12-05-2008, 11:22
you posted at the same time, your post wasn't there when I hit reply else I would have done :)

well... :p:p:p:p to you :D

damn happy moods, I blame the weather I do!

12-05-2008, 12:47
If you live in creme egg land I may well have to! ;D

Though, unfortunately I canny hold a note. I pretend I can... but that's different :p

Admiral Huddy
12-05-2008, 14:24
Pheebs, please live next door so I can perv at you through my binoculars :p

12-05-2008, 15:24
Pheebs, please live next door so I can perv at you through my binoculars :p

dont think Binoculars would be needed :D:D:D

12-05-2008, 16:51
dont think Binoculars would be needed :D:D:D

OI! You calling me fat!??!!?

:p ;)

You wouldn't see much of me at the moment - I'm indoors slaving away at the poota. Boo :(

Tomorrow, however, equals ENVELOPE AND CELLO BAG DAY! This means sunshine + fruity cocktail + my cards + folding + putting into envelopes + putting into cello bags + moosic = HAPPY SUNSHINE SINGING ME! :D :D

12-05-2008, 20:12
Old man tbh :p

BB x

Admiral Huddy
13-05-2008, 14:22
Old man tbh :p

BB x


13-05-2008, 21:49
Neighbours are currently playing loud music/having a party :/

/me starts up a game of HL2: Deathmatch and turns up the surround sound :D

13-05-2008, 22:15
I had locals playing footy outside until 2AM several nights last week. The scenery and food more than made up for it though. ;D

Coming back home to find the thermometers around the house reading 30-34C = not so good.

and BBQ heaters are not banned, just very frowned upon.
B&Q still sell them!
For now. Seems they're discontinuing them. Wyevale already have discontinued them.

13-05-2008, 23:10
Last I heard the EU bods had only expressed a preference, not actually started on legislation. Having said that, someone probably has started on legislation. Likely to be next year at least before much happens though.

13-05-2008, 23:27
Deja Vu? :p ;D

14-05-2008, 00:08
wow, thanks for the info.. I didnt know that.. about the heaters..
not that I care.. HUGE open fire grate on the patio:D

14-05-2008, 00:16
Dammit - better buy a couple now then.