View Full Version : Any Ford Focus owners?

13-05-2008, 22:07
Hi folks

I'd like to be able to listen to tracks on my iPod Touch by plugging the unit into my car stereo. Woe betide me for thinking this was a simple wish! I drive a Focus '53 model.

So far I have two possible avenues (I think). The first is an adapter plug that goes into the 6CD changer socket on the stereo, and gives me a 3.5mm socket. Similar to this:


link (http://www.caraudiodirect.co.uk/alpine-kcmaux-p-3136.html?cadid=9ba11d5c8a513dd2d3507719f68a8dd2)

The problem is I have no idea what kind of connector the Ford stereo has on it. Can anyone help there?

My second option is considerably pricier and I am not sure if it is compatible.

The Dension ice > Link Gateway 100 (http://www.ipodcarkitdirect.co.uk/iPod_Car_Kit/For_Factory_Fitted_Radios/Ford_iPod_Car_Kit/Desion_Ford_Gateway_100_Ipod_Car_Kit/Ford_ice%3ELink_Gateway_100/Compatibility) seems to be compatible with my car but not with the Touch!

If anyone has any knowledge or experience of this, I'd be very grateful for any advice.

14-05-2008, 20:42
I've got a Podgear Cardock FM transmitter - The same as this..


It sits nicely in my lighter socket in the 2000 Focus and works perfectly with my old iPod mini and my new Touch.

14-05-2008, 21:29
You don't get any hassle with interference?

14-05-2008, 22:32
I've been offered a lift in the Feekmobile a few times now and I can't say I noticed any major problems with the iPod. Given the plethora of radio hardware that was in there at the time that's praise indeed. :)

14-05-2008, 23:49
You don't get any hassle with interference?

From what to what?

I get the odd burst of breakthrough if my 50 watt VHF wireless goes into transmit if I'm listening to a weak broadcast station but that's about it and I'm sure that's not what you mean!

I've found a frequency that's clear for my journey to and from work, I sometimes need to retune the transmitter if I head off around the country and go into an area where there's a strong signal on the frequency I've chosen for the Podgear thing (94.0MHz) but apart from that, I've never had any problems with it.