View Full Version : Inconsiderate Bastard Parking

20-05-2008, 10:43
Things like this really piss me off. Our street isn't always the best for parking but the residents know where we all parks so we tend to stick to our own spaces.

So, last night some bint in a Mini pulls up outside our house. She parks just between ours and our neighbour's drive. I think she's popping in next door so think nothing of it. Next thing I know she's left the car and walked off around the corner. I'm 99% sure I know what house she's gone to but thought I'd leave it as she surely isn't staying long.

Come down this morning and the car is still parked outside :angry:




Was going to pop a note on the window but our neighbour, Ray, beat us to it. Not sure what was on the note but I'll ask him tonight. The pics above don't look so bad as the cars from across the street have moved. But if they were still there, as they were last night, it would have been a tough job to get the angle to get out. I could have done it, but it shouldn't have to be that hard.

The thing is she could have parked outside the house she was visiting. Why not inconvenience their neighbours rather than us? Why not park 200 yards down the road where there are plenty or spare parking places? Lazy ****ing bint.

20-05-2008, 11:16
Slash the tyres :evil:

20-05-2008, 11:19
That sort of thing really pisses me off too. I got home last night and had a car parked part on the pavement outside my house but forward enough that it was blocking off a bit of my driveway. My driveway is horrible at the best of times (narrow with a wall to the left, house to the right and with a steepish downward camber) but when people can't be arsed to park properly it makes is sodding awkward to get my car onto it.

As I was picking up the post this morning the guy who owned the car appeared and was somewhat embarrased when I asked him to be a little more considerate in future. His missus on the other hand saw nothing wrong with how their car was parked (seems it was her that parked it) and wasn't impressed when I asked her if she had her eyes closed when she parked it.

Dr. Z
20-05-2008, 11:23
Where is the BMW?!

You should have got your neighbours out and bounced the car down the road.

20-05-2008, 11:29
I hate that sort of thing. We only have street parking but with a college up the road from us, we have loads of students and even staff (despite the fact they have permits to use the college car park) parking outside our house or making it much harder for us to park. Not helped by a combination of my mum having bad shoulder and neck problems and no power steering.
There's a bit up the road that's just a grassy area so they could park next to that, but of course that'd take slightly more thought than just parking in front of someone's house.

20-05-2008, 11:29
Slash the tyres :evil:

Nah, slash the roof.

Then you've got access to release the handbrake and push the car out of the way. :evil:

On the other hand, do you have a dropped kerb outside your drive? Hard to tell from the picture. If there's no dropped kerb then there's nothing to stop anyone parking across the drive.

20-05-2008, 11:30
BM was parked over the road last night (pics were from this morning). Sinead left the front of our house empty so a friend who was popping over last night had somewhere to park. Obviously he now had to park further down to the road when he turned up.

20-05-2008, 11:46
On the other hand, do you have a dropped kerb outside your drive? Hard to tell from the picture. If there's no dropped kerb then there's nothing to stop anyone parking across the drive.

True, but we're talking about inconsiderate rather than illegal parking. Having a dropped kerb wouldn't make it any less inconsiderate.

20-05-2008, 12:18
Nope, no dropped curb on the road. As you say, not really illegal but still a pain in the arse. Guess there's nothing to stop me doing it to the house she went to either :evil:

20-05-2008, 12:25
Bloody MINI drivers ;)


20-05-2008, 12:29
Let us know what that note says when you find out :D

I would be mega pissed off, our road is dire for parking, thats what you get living on a new estate, theres only just enough room for a car to get by when two cars are parked on the kerb either side of it :(

We would be shagged without a driveway, Daz gets that with the bigger car, my little Golf seems ok on the kerb, even though the miserable cow over the road has moaned dozens of times :/

20-05-2008, 13:03
Parking round our way is terrible. We have a drive but don't use it as it would be a bugger to get out if anyone parked outside the house. We generally park outside the house between our house and Lynnie's mums (the houses are adjoined for those who don't know). We've lost count of the number of times we've arrived home to find someone parked in such a way we can't park outside either house, and it's always the same people visiting the same neighbours. Despite getting them to move every time, they still insist on doing it the next time. Inconsiderate tossers.

20-05-2008, 13:21
Blocking a driveway is a No No but unfortunetly as you have no drop kerb you actually have No driveway to block ;)
I take it you have no planning permission for a drive or you would have had your drop kerb done. You are in fact breaking the law when you cross a path with no drop kerb.
having said all that though no matter what I Never block a drive & think those that do are inconsiderate *****.

20-05-2008, 13:41
We used to have that trouble where I live. Except that one time when I got home some git parked directly infront of the drive. So I blocked his car in leaving a note asking them to come see me and tell me why he had blocked my drive. Cue about three hours later a lad came up practically pooping himself in a meek little voice saying he was very sorry.

20-05-2008, 13:57
I don't give a **** about the legalities dude ;D

20-05-2008, 15:13
Anyone wanna borrow my truck to park on their drive? I'll bet you absolutely NOBODY parks in front of THAT!! :D

21-05-2008, 05:29
At my parents house people like parking right up to the dropped kerb, and even without anyone there visibility to get out is limited, with someone there you can't see a thing - ok nothing illegal about the parking.

When there's football on at the field over the road, the whole side of the road is full of cars, usually including the odd one blocking the entire pavement with all it's wheels off the ground.

Yet the layby directly opposite is 90% of the time totally empty! How does that work??!

21-05-2008, 09:43
The parking behind our flat is just embarrassing to watch sometimes. Our flat is above a florist and travel agents and they have 4 spaces in total reserved for the staff. There's a Nationwide branch next to those and they have two spaces reserved.

Nationwide customers annoy me because they flood the car park and dump their cars on the reserved parking OR they park behind the other cars, effectively blocking the entire car park (it's only small) whilst they just "pop in" to the branch. Really annoys me when I come down to my car and find a car just dumped in front of it. I feel like storming into the branch and shouting, "To the owner of the blue Mondeo. If the car park is full, PISS OFF. Don't just dump your car blocking other people in because you can't be arsed to find somewhere else to park!"

21-05-2008, 10:46
I don't give a **** about the legalities dude ;D

You should apply for permission to drop your kerb matey. Costs about 250 quid & will stick a few grand on the value of your house.
Then if it is blocked you are quite within your rights to go Sparta on the inconsiderate ****.

21-05-2008, 18:07
Italian parking (http://drawexp.blogspot.com/2007/05/no-parking-unless-you-have-good-reason.html) is an art form. Seeing two rows of cars along the same side of the road is the norm, how anyone gets out I don't know.

Still bad parking annoys me if I have to park anywhere, even just those who feel the need to take up 2 spaces, used to get idiots using my drive all the time where I used to live despite there being a free car park closer to town :s

23-05-2008, 11:34
You should apply for permission to drop your kerb matey. Costs about 250 quid & will stick a few grand on the value of your house.
Not around here it isn't. Last I heard it costs over £1K as you have to get the curb dropped by an approved contractor or something. Might look into it but I'm not paying that sort of money.

23-05-2008, 11:50
Here's a typical assclown who dumps their car in the middle of the car park, blocking people in. Room mate has the blue Seat, and had to wait 45 minutes before the dickhead came back. It's tighter than it looks. The silver Fiesta could squeeze out but my room mate had no chance, he simply had to wait.


23-05-2008, 12:11
Gah. I went to Tesco earlier to get milk. Came back and someone had parked right across the entrance to my drive and was in the process of walking off when I arrived back.

Apparently she didn't think it was a problem because "people are normally at work at this time of day" and "there wasn't a car parked on the drive"

There isn't a shortage of places to park a car here, so why the hell would you park right across someones drive and block both my drive and the one opposite unless the guy wants to drive over his front lawn?

23-05-2008, 19:02
How much does next door want for the 205?

23-05-2008, 19:17
Advert from le Car

19 GTI
K&N Boost Valve
£550 ONO !


23-05-2008, 19:29
Well an FSE boost valve doesn't really do anything but £550 is cheap for a 1.9 these days.

Sorry about your parking maladies :p

23-05-2008, 19:48
Well an FSE boost valve doesn't really do anything but £550 is cheap for a 1.9 these days.Oh God....

23-05-2008, 20:46
Hmmmm £550 :huh:, i'm starting to crave something faster than my reliable grandad mobile... I think i'm too sensible to really chase something like this up yet, hassle involved with selling my car, changing insurance etc also doesn't help either though.

Aren't they something like half leather too?

24-05-2008, 08:07
Oh God....

lol! :D

27-05-2008, 01:23
You could get a bus through there :p

A Place of Light
27-05-2008, 19:11
Whack two trolley jacks under it and move it yourself.
You are legally allowed to move a vehicle as long as you do not damage it at all in the process.

27-05-2008, 21:45
You could get a bus through there :p
I could have....but it would have had a missive dent in the front :D

Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
31-05-2008, 15:59
ARGH!!! Just come home to 2 people visiting 11A. 1 parked outside mums across drive, the other outside ours and also across the drive so we had nowhere to park.

Knocked and owner of 11A says, well they are taxed so they can park there!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!! Cheeky ****ing bitch!!!!

I have now contacted my local councilor about getting the street made residential parking only. Probably wont do a bit of good, but I've had to do something or I'd smash their windows in! :feek: :angry: :feek:

So annoyed. Even Davey is wound up and he never gets wound up about these things!

31-05-2008, 16:00
That's ridiculous :/
That'd really piss me off.

31-05-2008, 16:36
If it is a dropped kerb then they can't bloody park there, go round and tell them you are going to ring the police because they are causing an obstruction and the police will get them to move.

31-05-2008, 16:58
ARGH!!! Just come home to 2 people visiting 11A. 1 parked outside mums across drive, the other outside ours and also across the drive so we had nowhere to park.

Knocked and owner of 11A says, well they are taxed so they can park there!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!! Cheeky ****ing bitch!!!!

I have now contacted my local councilor about getting the street made residential parking only. Probably wont do a bit of good, but I've had to do something or I'd smash their windows in! :feek: :angry: :feek:

So annoyed. Even Davey is wound up and he never gets wound up about these things!
Flats just weren't made with parking in mind were they? We have a nightmare of a time in Edinburgh too, thats without visitors (or me being fined). If you think about it per house number there are maybe two spaces tops, but per that number there are 4 or 6, 5 person flats, even if only 10% of people own a car and want to park it outside, you can see theres already a problem :D Don't really know what the answer is, but theres sure a problem!

31-05-2008, 17:03
They don't live in a flat, regular street of houses although having seen it, it is quite often full of cars but no excuse at all to park across people's driveways! Visitors should park round the corner if they can't park in the street imo.

31-05-2008, 17:13
Oooooh I just assumed with 11A :o :o

31-05-2008, 17:21
Which makes perfect sense :D I don't know why it's 11A either, just know the road :D

31-05-2008, 18:19
that is correct, take a photo and send it to the council.They can now issue parking fines with photographic evidence and they will do!

They are not allowed to block access to private property regardless of road tax. They are breaking the law and the police will come and ask them to move.

If you report a dropped curb block 3 times to the police (I'd take photos too and dates/times/report reference numbers), I believe the council then have to paint an entrance way road marking free of charge or you can request and pay for it yourself but I think that then costs lots

Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
31-05-2008, 19:10
Hmmm interesting reading :)

11A park over mums drive all the time! tbh I know neighbours up the street are sick of big vans parking by them, it makes it so difficult to get out of their drive.

I've sent an email. Now I'm calming down I'm hoping they don't send a letter to 11A, as we do normally get on really well. I'd rather they tell me what I can do in future :)

12-06-2008, 08:58
Which makes perfect sense :D I don't know why it's 11A either, just know the road :D
It's 11A so that it's not house number 13. I imagine previous owners were superstitious :)

12-06-2008, 11:38
Ahhh didn't think of that, makes sense now :)