View Full Version : Did you like Grosse Point Blank?

21-05-2008, 23:19
If so - then you'll probably like War Inc.

John and Joan Cusack and Dan Aykroyd again - John plays a hitman - and it's set it Turaqistan. ;)

Has Hilary Duff in it too, for longer than I was hoping, but she doesn't cock it up too much.

Trailers here (http://www.apple.com/trailers/independent/warinc/):

I really enjoyed it - DVD release in the US on June 1st. Was a very limited release in the Cinema. I can see why - it really is a piss take and would not be popular in many places in the US. :D


22-05-2008, 06:25
Cool :)

22-05-2008, 09:10
Looks awesome! How much older do they look though? :(

22-05-2008, 12:18
Yes loved GPB and War Inc looks cool :)

23-05-2008, 11:55
Cool, will have to keep my eye out for this. I also loved high fidelity.

A Place of Light
26-05-2008, 18:13
GPB was a superb movie.
Benny the jet is a long time hero of mine.

26-05-2008, 19:02
Just found out it's available on R1 import from June 1st from your friendly DVD importers. :D