View Full Version : Ninja Gaiden 2

23-05-2008, 16:02
Arrives in 2 weeks.

That is all.


23-05-2008, 16:05
In unrelated news, Davey_Pitch vanishes from existence in 2 weeks.

23-05-2008, 16:13
Have to stick that on the rental list I think :D
I'm bound to suck sooooooo badly at it ;D

23-05-2008, 18:33
Cheesey vagina! 2 weeks? I really didn't think it was that close. Man I can't wait. Got a stack of trade-ins for this. I know I'll totally suck and smash a few windows trying to defeat the first guy, but if I can complete the first I'm sure I can do the second... assuming it has the girly mode I needed ;)

23-05-2008, 19:44
In unrelated news, Davey_Pitch vanishes from existence in 2 weeks.
Hahaha, quite possibly. If Gameplay do their usual trick I hope to have the game on the Thursday. I'll likely have it finished by Saturday evening either way on normal mode, though I've seen a few reports suggesting it's slightly easier than the first. If that's the case I may just jump in on the harder difficulty, assuming the achievements stack :)

25-05-2008, 11:52
Achievements for it: http://www.360sync.com/2008/05/23/first-look-ninja-gaiden-2-achievements

Good luck :D

25-05-2008, 12:21
Jesus :| How many times do you have to complete it for 1000? Those 5 pointers for completing it with a specific weapon (?) are harsh.

25-05-2008, 12:55
8 times :shocked:

25-05-2008, 20:07
So Davey will have a 1000 points in what??? 8-10 days?

25-05-2008, 22:37
Ouch, not liking those achievements. They'll be hard to get simply as some weapons are not suited to certain enemies. I do doubt their validity though simply because in the first game you didn't get some of the weapons until partway through the game. That achievement list suggests you'll get them all from the start, which I highly doubt. I'll wait to see the full achievement list before I start worrying too much.

25-05-2008, 23:01
I wondered if possibly after the first completion, a weapon is unlocked and so on for however many completions. No idea, just sounds like a good way to encourage people to keep playing

26-05-2008, 03:02
They won't keep any weapons from you during the game I don't think, it'll be denying the casual players the chance to use some of them. If the achievements are true, perhaps on subsequent playthroughs previously unlocked weapons are available from the start. It's the only way I could see those achievements being correct.

26-05-2008, 12:34
That was what I meant :p
Was typing fast on my mobile while watching TV though so probably phrased it wrong :D

26-05-2008, 16:21

Eurogamer review :)

29-05-2008, 20:57
Know anyone over the pond Davey?



Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
29-05-2008, 21:11
Phwoar!!!!!! If it was a close up of Ryu's eyes I'd have it in a shot ;)

Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
29-05-2008, 21:13
Oooo £14.99 to get it here (http://www.twenga.co.uk/offer/0177935490.html)

29-05-2008, 21:15

29-05-2008, 21:46
Ooh very cool :D

30-05-2008, 09:24
How forgiving is this game? I never played the first for some reason, but fancy giving it a go.

30-05-2008, 13:08
I wouldn't call it forgiving if it's like the first game. A lot of people had trouble getting past the first level in the original, and some couldn't finish it at all on the normal difficulty. However, the game is never cheap. If you get killed, it's simply because you're not good enough at the game yet. If you're willing to put the time in to improve then you'll be able to complete the game :)

30-05-2008, 13:17
Yeah I had trouble with the first guy. It was like a tester. If you can't beat him then you're not going to be able to really enjoy the game. So you have to be good enough to beat him.

30-05-2008, 13:30
It really is a game that rewards patience and practise. I remember having trouble beating him, but after a few run throughs I could destroy him in under 60 seconds.

Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
30-05-2008, 15:56
It really is a game that rewards patience and practise. I remember having trouble beating him, but after a few run throughs I could destroy him in under 60 seconds.
He's not joking!

Anybody wanting to convince their partner that games rock, then make then sit down and watch ninja gaiden like a movie :D

30-05-2008, 16:09
Hehe Kitten used to watch me playing RE4 when it came out.

30-05-2008, 21:51
Ooh someone on my friends list is playing it already :shocked:

31-05-2008, 18:37
McDaniel already has it. He'll need the extra week's practise as I'll be kicking his arse on it in no time :D

31-05-2008, 18:48
Good :D Can't let him beat you :D

02-06-2008, 12:23
Fingers crossed for very soon :D I want to see how crap I am at the demo ;D

02-06-2008, 12:44
I'm looking forward to the demo. I've heard people say that if you loved the first you'll love the second. But then I've heard people moan about the camera in the 2nd.

02-06-2008, 13:20
The camera is meant to be better than in the first game, and I didn't have that many problems with it. Sure it could be a pain now and then, but just block and re-position yourself and you're fine. People made more of it than I thought they should have done.

02-06-2008, 13:26
Yeah I don't seem to remember being that annoyed by it. I don't remember any issues really. Reading Eurogamers review made me wonder.

02-06-2008, 15:06
The brief amount I played NG1 (because I sucked, not because I didn't want to!) I wasn't too bothered about the camera angles. No worse than many other games in my experience and didn't really detract from it.

02-06-2008, 15:28
Thats it really. I think I felt that I sucked at the game more than the camera was bad :) Oh that pink haired hotty better be in the sequel to help me through it ;)

03-06-2008, 01:04

03-06-2008, 01:09
10am? Nuts. Gunna have to get up early :/

03-06-2008, 09:02
Now I'm glad I'm going home at lunchtime to feed the cats :D

03-06-2008, 10:21
Can anyone confirm whether this is up yet?

03-06-2008, 11:00
I'll check now :D

Edit: Yeah it is, 854mb ish.

03-06-2008, 11:06
Thanks Jen. Hopefully that'll download quick enough for me to have a quick blast before I head back to work after lunch :)

03-06-2008, 11:06
Should do :) It's at 33% for me already.

03-06-2008, 12:04
Just had a play of the demo, won't put my thoughts out in the open to spoil it for Davey till after he's played it.
Easy is actually quite easy at least for that level, if I managed to survive, it can't be that bad! Then again I didn't get to the end of the level this time round so not sure if there's a boss at the end that will pulverise me. The 'fatality' style moves are over the top but cool. And it's still got that great fluid feel that the original had. You know if you screw up that it's your fault, not the game's mechanics.
However, there are camera issues again. It doesn't detract from the fun but is still a minor niggle.
It was enjoyable enough that I'm now eyeing up what I could trade in so that must say something :D I'll probably end up waiting a while though to check how hard it is :o

03-06-2008, 12:12
Ah crap.

As we eagerly await our chance to experience the Ninja Gaiden II demo we just caught wind of a VERY juicy announcement coming from Mr. cool shades, Ninja Gaiden creator and Team Ninja member Tomonobu Itagaki. Simply stated, Itagaki is suing Tecmo and just announced plans to leave Team Ninja ... ZOMG!

According to 1UP who received an official letter from one of Itagaki's aids, Itagaki reveals that he is suing Tecmo for 145 million yen due to "unpaid completion bonuses" and because Itagaki claims that there were "unreasonable and disingenuous statements made towards me" by Tecmo's president Yoshimi Yasuda which caused "significant emotional distress." The letter goes on to say that the lawsuit is based on a "strong intent to question the social responsibility of Tecmo Co., Ltd." and that Itagaki will resign from Tecmo effective July 1st. Ending his letter, Itagaki addresses his fans, saying that Ninja Gaiden II "will be the last Ninja Gaiden I will create", mentions that he will never "be able to make Dead or Alive 5" and, for that, Itagaki regrets "the disappointment this will cause" those who have enjoyed his work.

03-06-2008, 13:25
I managed to have a quick 15 min go on it as it downloaded really quickly for me. I found it really quite easy tbh, but it was on the easiest difficulty. I didn't finish it though so it could well pick up in difficulty. I want to try the harder level :D I love the talons, but not overly keen on the scythe, it's a bit too slow for my liking. I'm not looking forward to having to complete the entire game using that :/

03-06-2008, 13:29
I thought you'd find it too easy :D
The scythe is handy for cool looking deaths but it is a bit slow.

03-06-2008, 13:36
Gimme the full game, gimme hard difficulty to start with, and I'll be a happy Davey :D

03-06-2008, 13:52
*eyes ebay auctions ending tomorrow and wonders if she can make £32.99 out of them*......but I probably shouldn't........but I haven't bought a game in a long time.......but I have things to pay for coming up......
I love how my brain works, not :p

Oooh although if it is hard, give it a week and I bet loads of people start selling their copies off cheap. That sounds like a plan :D

04-06-2008, 13:15
Yay, my copy has been dispatched from Gameplay, I'll hopefully have it tomorrow. McDan completed it in under 8 hours on the easiest difficulty, so I'm going to aim for a similar time on the normal level, and hopefully find that the achievements will stack :)

04-06-2008, 13:16
Keep us updated on your progress :D If you can find the time to type in between sessions :p

04-06-2008, 13:20
I'm sure I can find the time now and then :D

04-06-2008, 19:58
Hope this is gonna be good as it should be delivered tomorrow :)

04-06-2008, 20:01
It was only when Mic said he'd ordered it that I realised it wasn't Ninja Garden as I've been reading it :o

04-06-2008, 21:09
lol. He does now have Edward Scissorhands hands so he could do gardening. I played the demo and found it easy, oddly. It brought back memories of 1's camera issue. I had completely forgot about the way I used to hit the right trigger all the time. It became so natural. At one point on the bridge the camera is showing off the lovely finish on the wood. I love the limb chopping. Very Monty Python. "Oh its only a flesh wound!" Despite the niggles theres no other game thats as quick, stylish and none that gives you such a satisfying way to kill people.

05-06-2008, 08:54
Played the demo and really liked it. Took a couple of minutes to get used to it though. For some reason I was thinking it was going to be more on the lines of Tenchu than DMC, still good though and I will be picking it up even though I have half a dozen games to complete first.

05-06-2008, 12:47
It's here! Now I just have to wait 3 hours 15 minutes till I can leave work and go play it :D

05-06-2008, 13:16
And how many seconds? :D
I want it, hoping lots of people trade it in when they realise they're crap at it.

05-06-2008, 22:50
Mines sitting at the post office after it couldnt get delivered today. :(

05-06-2008, 23:41
Out tomorrow !!!!

06-06-2008, 00:15
Out tomorrow !!!!
In my Xbox now :p

06-06-2008, 00:23
Almost got my ass kicked on the demo on Acolyte, got to very low health 3 times :(

06-06-2008, 01:10
I'm having a bit of trouble with the level 3 boss (playing on Warrior). It's not easy trying to learn boss attack patterns when they're powerful enough to take off huge amounts of health every time they hit you :/ May go back down to Acolyte and run through the game first just to learn all the attacks of all the bosses. It's how I became so good at the first game. Shame if I have to drop down though, the enemies so far have been the right mix between challenging and fun.

Edit: After reading up on the achievements, it looks like I *should* drop back down. To get the weapon achievements I'd need to start a new game on the difficulty I've beat it on, and I'll start with the weapons I've already unlocked. I do want to get the full 1000 on this so I may well start off on Acolyte. Wish I'd read that earlier!

06-06-2008, 11:43
Hmm already p****d off with the stupidly fast and powerful boss at end of level 2 gonna leave it alone for a while while I calm down. :(

Only playing on Acolyte too. :(

06-06-2008, 12:06
Genshin? Keep blocking and moving, and wait for him to attack and miss you. Hit him with a few quick strikes, and get back out of the way again. Rinse and repeat till dead :)

06-06-2008, 12:16
Tried that and he still keeps killing me :(

06-06-2008, 16:54
OK finally managed to get by him.

I can see the difficulty of him putting off a lot of "casual" gamers.

06-06-2008, 18:13
I'm stuck on the same end level as you. It appears that you can't do what you normally do to kill him :( will give it another blast after dinner.

08-06-2008, 07:48
Tried the end of level boss thing on 3rd level about 10 times so far, still not got him/it. At least I hope it's the boss. :)

08-06-2008, 11:31
Tried the end of level boss thing on 3rd level about 10 times so far, still not got him/it. At least I hope it's the boss. :)

The electric worm boss? He's a right pain. The best way to beat him is to shoot arrows at his face from a distance, and use the fireball ninpo when he's not firing the mini worms at you. When he turns upside down and fires st the ceiling, that's when you can use regular attacks on him. Be patient and take your time with him :)

08-06-2008, 23:05
Thanks to some careful planning, I can afford this or Lego Indiana Jones.....now all I need to do is decide :D
You finished it yet Davey?

09-06-2008, 01:55
Not yet, not had nearly enough time on it as I would like. I'm on chapter 9, and I assume there are 15 or so like the first game. It's taking me longer though as I'm searching everywhere trying to make sure I don't miss anything, though I'm sure I will. Also sticking to the Dragon Sword to try to get that achievement while I'm at it :)

09-06-2008, 12:22
But the weekend's over! I was sure you'd do it ;D

09-06-2008, 17:33
This game's awesome.

09-06-2008, 17:52
But the weekend's over! I was sure you'd do it ;D
If I had more time I would have done for sure. Nothing's particularly challenging yet, only died 3 times on 2 different bosses (and 1 was completely cheap, I killed it and it blew up taking me with it - didn't realise I had to block!). I'll hopefully get a few more hours on it tonight to get closer to finishing it :)

09-06-2008, 17:54
I have a copy on the way now :D
Was going to buy it while shopping but it was £10 less if I bought online so it made sense not to.

09-06-2008, 17:58
Will that slow your whoring down then?


09-06-2008, 18:01
Not sure, the whoring's never really that planned as I switch from game to game far too fast :o I've still got a few games I'm enjoying that are good for whoring so it might not slow down that much :D

09-06-2008, 20:46
Good lord, I suck majorly at this game. Still can't get past the 2nd boss :( Tried 5 times earlier and died everytime :(

11-06-2008, 14:39
Me too Wossi, I'll have another bash at him later on.

11-06-2008, 14:50
It might not be much of a comfort, but he's one of the harder bosses in the game, so if you get past him you should be fine from there. :)

12-06-2008, 08:50
Well, that's NG finished then. The final part is a slight pain because you have to fight 3 boss characters in a row, with no shops inbetween them. Your health does fully regenerate between each fight, but that battle will be a major pain for new players to NG.

Overall I love it as much as the first one. I think it's easier and harder in a way. The enemies seem easier this time around, and the regenerating health is great, but they've really limited the amount of health potions you can carry. In the first game it was 10 minor potions and 3 major health potions (on the easiest difficulty), but this time it's 3 of each. Still, I think the game was designed with that in mind and it's meant to be a challenge, so they succeeded there. I think I'll play it through a few more times to get various weapon achievements done before tackling other difficulties so I can learn the boss attack patterns a little more.

Good lord, I suck majorly at this game. Still can't get past the 2nd boss :( Tried 5 times earlier and died everytime :(

Have you managed to get past him yet? If not, I'll upload a video to Ninja Cinema tonight on how to beat him, it may hopefully give you some ideas on how to do it :)

12-06-2008, 09:18
Well, that's NG finished then. The final part is a slight pain because you have to fight 3 boss characters in a row, with no shops inbetween them. Your health does fully regenerate between each fight, but that battle will be a major pain for new players to NG.

Overall I love it as much as the first one. I think it's easier and harder in a way. The enemies seem easier this time around, and the regenerating health is great, but they've really limited the amount of health potions you can carry. In the first game it was 10 minor potions and 3 major health potions (on the easiest difficulty), but this time it's 3 of each. Still, I think the game was designed with that in mind and it's meant to be a challenge, so they succeeded there. I think I'll play it through a few more times to get various weapon achievements done before tackling other difficulties so I can learn the boss attack patterns a little more.

Have you managed to get past him yet? If not, I'll upload a video to Ninja Cinema tonight on how to beat him, it may hopefully give you some ideas on how to do it :)

Not yet, only because I've been engrossed with the football. Need to give it another go.

12-06-2008, 11:38
Nice one Davey :)
My copy arrived this morning but I'll probably wait till the weekend to properly have a go at it, I'll save up some patience ;)

12-06-2008, 20:49
I like it :D Didn't find the first boss much of a challenge but I can sense it getting much harder in future levels. Forgot how enjoyable the series is :) Something so satisfying about pulling off a good combo, or wiping out 10-15 enemies without barely a scratch on you :D
Now for a more sedate game of GTA4 as I can feel too much adrenaline pumping ;D

03-08-2008, 16:36
picked this up today. just finished chapter 2.

if anyone hasn't got it yet, game has it instore for 20 of your hard erned.

03-08-2008, 18:15
i just got leathered by a bald king kong......

first time i've died too :(

04-08-2008, 10:52
I like it :D Didn't find the first boss much of a challenge but I can sense it getting much harder in future levels. Forgot how enjoyable the series is :) Something so satisfying about pulling off a good combo, or wiping out 10-15 enemies without barely a scratch on you :D
Now for a more sedate game of GTA4 as I can feel too much adrenaline pumping ;D

Agreed. I spent a few hours playing it last night and its great. The camera is a bit annoying in that you basically have to do your own camera work but it just becomes something you have to do and you forget you're doing it after a while. I'm enjoying playing as Wolverine too :D Can't figure out how the hell I'm meant to fire the fire / wind things though. X+Y to power up and then I keep hitting buttons and it seems to go off randomly.

25-09-2009, 15:47
The Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma demo is up on PSN now. It has a level for Ryu and Ayane. It certainly looks more colourful than it's 360 cousin. The framerates are also smoother. I only noticed a drop when i cast Ayane's ninpo. The levels still look a bit empty though and far too clean looking! For major cities, they don't look lived in! This was always one of my major criticisms on the 360 version.

Never expected that to change for this version right enough! :)

25-09-2009, 18:46
I can do one better than the demo ;) http://twitpic.com/j2i0e

25-09-2009, 18:48
Hoping the postman delivers mine tomorrow :D

I'm awaiting 4 different games and none of them arrived today, grrrr