View Full Version : BBC iPlayer on the Mac

01-06-2008, 20:37
Well, not quite. it's a frig to allow you to download content from the iPlayer. Very dodgy, but I've tried it and it does work. I'm downloading the Pink Floyd Story now :)

Here's (http://www.macformat.co.uk/page/macformat?entry=iplayer_downloader_for_os_x) the details with the link to the downloader.

01-06-2008, 20:44
Does it download the iPhone/Touch streams like the ruby script does?

01-06-2008, 20:45
Dunno, I just copied the URL from the streaming doofer and threw it in, I'll tell you in 53.4% time what it's like :)

01-06-2008, 21:11
It's grabbed it at 484x272 resolution, not sure what the frame rate is but it seems much higher quality than the normal streamed content through the online player.

484x272, 59 minutes, 222Mb .mov file.

And of course, no DRM :D

01-06-2008, 22:20
PC version? :p