View Full Version : iPhone & HTC Touch Diamond

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A Place of Light
08-05-2009, 19:49
Thanks APol I will try that :)

Deleted some photos the other day - I think that helped a bit.

BB x

IIRC there's a tiny app available called "The magic button".
This closes, rather than minimizes, programs when you close them by clicking on the "x" and it's handy as you tend to assume app's you don't have on screen aren't using resources when in many cases they bloomin' well still are..

24-05-2009, 09:04
Well I finally took the plunge and flashed my HTC HD to a custom ROM. I'm now running windows mobile 6.5 and I'm really impressed with a noticable difference to the phones speed and stability. The process was relatively painless if a little stressful and some of the guides are convoluted so if anyone else fancies doing it I'd be happy to explain in simple terms how I went about it.

Over all I'm chuffed to bits and I can see myself becoming quite addicted to updating it on a regular basis.

24-05-2009, 09:09
I think Kitten could be interested in that :)

Joe 90
24-05-2009, 21:54
i want a WM 6.5 Rom for my Kaiser. not been on XDA in a while, will have to go see if theres one out yet.

In other news - i just heard the Pre might be coming to O2 over here :o

25-05-2009, 11:20
Might check out a new ROM for mine and see what's floating about :)

25-05-2009, 11:54
Why can't I just leave things alone and working? Updating to a new ROM right now :D

25-05-2009, 13:16
Why can't I just leave things alone and working? Updating to a new ROM right now :D

Heh, that's exactly what I was saying to myself as I was starting the process.

I went with the HTC HD miri win 6.5 v.13 ROM; what are you trying?

25-05-2009, 13:37
you got instructions mr boobie?

25-05-2009, 14:15
you got instructions mr boobie?

For the HTC HD...

Dummies guide here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=505377

edit: I've read since doing it to remove the memory card as people have reported permanent corruption. I didn't and it's ok but I thought it remiss not to mention it.


Update the Vista (Win 7) drivers:
You need to be able to talk to your phone from the SPL multicolour screen.

USPL temporary changes the SPL of your phone so it accepts custom ROMS.

Then flash a standard 1.56 ROM like this one: RUU_BlackStone_HTC_WWE_1.56.405.1_Radio_52.62.25.3 4_1.13.25.24_Ship.exe
Get it here: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Blackstone_Ship_exe
This updates the SPL to 1.54.

Then use USPL again.
Then flash a custom ROM. I used Miri's latest v.13.
You can get it here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=493911

Then follow 6e of the guide to restore the settings:

"Hard reset afterwards. For instructions on how go to step (6e). Once or twice- up to you. Twice has been recommended.
(6e) Turn off your phone. I personally do it right after flashing completes and I see the "Smart Mobility" screen. I just yank the battery out instead of waiting for it to boot up all the way and go through customization process just to hard reset Hold the volume down button and volume up button while you press the power on button. You should see a message saying "This operation will delete all your personal data, and reset all settings to the manufacturer default settings. Press VolUp to restore manufacturer defaults, or press other keys to cancel." Do exactly what it says..."

25-05-2009, 14:57
Kitten has a touch does that make any difference?

Joe 90
25-05-2009, 16:04
i flashed my Kaiser to a 6.5 ROM by anryl yesterday. It was horribly slow to respond to user input so i'm flashing back to HTC Stock and then trying the Ultimate-X2 Beta. Maybe i'll have to wait until i get a new phone with better hardware :/

Its like a bank holiday of nothing to do but flash phones \o/

25-05-2009, 16:57
what are you trying?
I'm using this Energy ROM (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=517300) on my Touch Diamond. Nice little upgrade to 6.5 and the latest TF3D stuff too :)

Also stuck on Finger Keyboard as it's soo much nicer and better than the standard one :)

26-05-2009, 10:22
Not sure if I'll stick with this upgrade :(

I'd love to as it works a treat, but TF3D2 is very memory hungry and is sitting around 83% usage instead of the older version at around 55-65%. This also means it seems to eat through the battery quite a bit faster which is really my main problem.

I'll sit with it for the week and see how it goes but I'm not sure it'll last long if I've guessed right with the battery.

27-05-2009, 09:53
Swapped back to WinMo6.1 and TF3D yesterday. The new one was night but I need memory and battery life. The memory was so bad that trying to view just one page in Opera and it ran out of memory ::/:

Good job I can change ROM's and reload my main software in about 10 minutes :D
Might look around for another updated ROM later though.

27-05-2009, 10:01
Did you try 6.5 without TouchFlo? I know they updated the default WinMo interface in 6.5, not sure how useful it is though.

27-05-2009, 10:33
Yeah, tried that. It's not bad, but TF3D is really nice and I much prefer it. I've just found another ROM to try out which promises less RAM usage so loading it up now ;D

I think I'm addicted :p Also found a kitchen pack so might even try and build my own ROM :D

27-05-2009, 10:36
Touch Pro 2 now available - £510

Not as expensive as I was expecting.

27-05-2009, 10:45
Ooooohhh, new ROM with 6.5 and TF3D2 is sitting at 57% RAM free :D
Got the HTC Dialer turned off which helps with that but it's looking good so far.

27-05-2009, 10:51
TomTom still work Des?

27-05-2009, 12:39
The lower memory one had too many bugs for me and things weren't working properly :(

Gone back to EnergyROM3 for now but turned off the HTC Dialer which saves me 10MB RAM :)
Hopefully that will help with the battery situation too.

TomTom is working fine on every ROM I've tried recently.

27-05-2009, 21:38
I just made my own ROM :eek:

Needs lots of work and reading up to get some bits sorted, but it's currently running at 54% RAM :D

A Place of Light
28-05-2009, 00:25
I just made my own ROM :eek:

Needs lots of work and reading up to get some bits sorted, but it's currently running at 54% RAM :D

Why they don't just fit more to the device itself is beyond me.

28-05-2009, 09:08
Aye, a bit more RAM would have been handy.

Quite easy to break these things aren't they ;D I've somehow managed to make my internal storage read-only so can't relfash with a new ROM straight from the phone. Going to have to do it through a Doze box.

28-05-2009, 10:07
Couldn't connect through active sync and started to panic a little ;D

Thought sod it and did a reset and format of the internal storage and all is fine again so somehow it got corrupted. Installing a "safe" ROM on there again and will experiment later :D

Joe 90
28-05-2009, 12:49
I broke active sync with the first flash i made on sunday :(

its not worked again since - never like this Windows Mobile Device Centre.

been having to flash from mSD, although it does appear to be a little quicker and also must be safer.

Joe 90
31-05-2009, 04:38
I've just been reading a bunch of Diamond 2 reviews and now really want one.

Anybody know when they're likely to be available to Orange customers on an upgrade?

03-06-2009, 21:03
Just seen an announcement that HTC have a press conference type thing scheduled for this month to show off their next range of phones :(
Also got Apple and Samsung having similar things going on this month so more new phones to choose from.
Also Acer have just showcased a new 1Ghz full touchscreen phone.

Too many choices not enough ears :D

03-06-2009, 21:07
Palm Pre launches in the states on Saturday too :D

03-06-2009, 21:15
Not sure what I'll do with my next upgrade either. After a few years of it I'm ready for a break from Windows Mobile I think, but I need something that will tether to the laptop (on Windows and Linux), give me a decent satnav option and Sync with Exchange. The iPhone and the Pre wont tether, which is a shame. There are a few Nokia options but they're all bricks and a bit boring really, plus I dont like the browsers. A decent Android handset might surface and that's a relatively open platform so will give me options, plus it's very Linux friendly which is a bonus.

Will see what happens over the coming weeks, see if becomes easier or harder!

03-06-2009, 21:23
I thought the Pre did tether :huh:

03-06-2009, 21:25
I read it had the capability but could be turned off by the carrier, which it inevitably will be (they want you to buy bloody dongles!). My Touch has sharing disabled but at least I could flash that!

03-06-2009, 21:29
to be honest fella I'd wait and see if someone brings out an app that allows you to tether it :D Tethering might be a go for here in the UK.

03-06-2009, 21:35
One of the new HTC phones is rumoured to be running Android I believe.

04-06-2009, 01:06
I'm in much the same boat as Daz. I think I could take WM or leave it, but although it's rare that it happens I have tethered my TyTN to the laptop a few times and would like to keep that option open. I'm already well out of contract but the timing just hasn't been right so far and I can't make my mind up anyway. :o

04-06-2009, 07:13
One of the new HTC phones is rumoured to be running Android I believe.
I've already run Android on my Diamond :D The guys at XDA are awesome. It wasn't fully working last time I tried it, but they getting more and more out of it.

04-06-2009, 09:17
I'm tired of WM to be honest. I thought I'd be installing new stuff all the time but apart from TomTom and a game I haven't put anything on the Dual and don't intend to.

Early rumours regarding the new iphone software said that everything was there for tethering and even if it isn't I can buy a dongle and swap the sim over so I think its a foregone conclusion for me, it'll be an iphone next. The chances are it will get more use than the Dual has and the ease of application installation and level of polish on the apps available will mean I use a much bigger variety of programs, even if I do end up paying for them, will also recoup some money by selling my iPod Classic :)


04-06-2009, 09:52
I've never liked WM and only had WM phones because they were the best option at the time.

Tethering doesn't bother me as I've got a work supplied 3G dongle with 'unlimited' data so I can see that. At the moment I've also got a Three 3G dongle which costs me £10/month for 1Gb but I very rarely use it so I'm going to cancel that when the contract expires.

Currently I'm using a Blackberry Bold which is a fantastic handset but just a bit too big for my liking. For sending emails it is the best phone I've used bar none and I can't really see it being beaten because the keyboard is so usable. That said, I rarely send an email using it now and just use it for reading so an iPhone would do the job just as well there.

The iPhone appeals to me more and more each time I use one. My Vodafone contract is up at the end of July and I've made a note in my calendar to request my PAC on 25th June.

06-06-2009, 09:47
Here (http://www.betanews.com/article/Sprint-CSO-Palm-Pre-data-tethering-will-be-possible-iTunes-feature-may-break/1244267401) you go Daz, tethering may be possible :)

07-06-2009, 12:46
I think the new Iphone will be for me - just hoping that there will be some nice improvements.

07-06-2009, 14:49
I think the new Iphone will be for me - just hoping that there will be some nice improvements.I'm waiting for the new iPhone that everyone is expecting to see if its worth it. Hanging off getting an HTC Magic so I can compare the two phones. :)

Joe 90
08-06-2009, 18:31
on that subject... some rumours...
http://www.gsmarena.com/apples_big_moment_coming_today_with_the_iphone_3gs _-news-959.php

and live coverage of WWDC...

for me its iphone vs Diamond 2

and then how much orange want to keep me with them.

08-06-2009, 20:03
Well there you go, the new iPhone is being released on the 19th June!

Joe 90
09-06-2009, 01:10
and not really anything new... other than the obvious things that have been talked about in the rumour mill for some time.

09-06-2009, 18:00
and not really anything new... other than the obvious things that have been talked about in the rumour mill for some time.Yep. I was kind of left underwhelmed when I found out what Apple had announced. Said to an Apple fanboi on MSN that the iPhone was catching up. He said it was leading the way. ;D

Apple have done nothing to make me want the new iPhone over the HTC Magic so really as soon as finances allow I'll get an HTC Magic. :)

29-06-2009, 09:30
Was at a geeky friend's for the weekend and he managed to put Tom Tom and also a new menu system on my Diamond so now I am learning to use it all again :p

So now I need an in car charger and suction holder thingamy.. something like this:


I have Amazon vouchers, but would I be able to use them as I think its another company who is selling this on Amazon?

BB x

29-06-2009, 11:06
Yeah you can use them on marketplace sellers :) I did a little while ago for a book.

29-06-2009, 12:03
Cool thanks for the info Jen :) I am sure I tried to use one on something before and couldn't... hmm

BB x

29-06-2009, 12:31
Actually, just looked at their FAQ and it's saying you can't :/ Which is really odd because I definitely bought a book using vouchers from a marketplace seller that isn't listed :s


Looks like you can't then :(

29-06-2009, 12:48
B**ger :( might aswell get the official HTC one from expansys then...

Unless anyone has any other ideas?

Cheers hon!

BB x

29-06-2009, 12:56
Sorry about that :( Not sure what happened that meant I could use the vouchers though :huh:

29-06-2009, 15:14
For incar holders, I've not found anything better than Brodit. It comes in two parts, one for the car and one for the phone. Each phone holder is made to fit a specific phone so they're a perfect fit. Each car piece is made for the car and clips in so no holes drilled, etc.

29-06-2009, 15:42
Yep, Brodit cradles are the brand I use too.