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02-06-2008, 18:54
I cracked and called CPW to ask about the cost of upgrading. I was pleasantly surprised to find I could upgrade from June 5th and not wait until Sept 5th. So of course I'm tempted by the Nokia n95. I haven't owned a Nokia since my 7110 <3. I've seen some interesting apps for it, specifically the one to turn it into a wifi hotspot so I can use my iTouch with it. But then it hit me. WWDC is on Monday. New iPhone goodness. But I have a 32gb iTouch, why do I need an iPhone? Its new and shiny, thats why! I am tempted by the n95 8gb / iTouch combo though. Best of both worlds. Apps a plenty on both sides. I've jailbroken my iTouch and I can now do all sorts including store hires images on it for emergencies and email them. Kinda crazy that I have an ftp server on my iPod. Its just that after using the iTouch for the past few months nothing else comes close. Safari is brilliant and so so much nicer than anything else. Mail is great and again better with the virtual keyboard than a stupid phone keyboard. Sure I can use both, most likely, but theres this part of me that knows that a 3g iPhone with oodles of useful apps would be brilliant and save on pocket space.

Saying this, it hasn't stopped Ray :D

02-06-2008, 19:04
3G iPhone will hopefully be fantastic, and even i'm looking forward to it :) Definately should be waiting for that if anything! Touch safari is very clever i'll give you that, but wait for the next version of Opera mobile to appear, it should be almost or as good easily. When its arriving i have no idea though :p

02-06-2008, 19:04
Shall we start Shiny Things Anonymous. I think we have our first addict. ;D :p

Mine's not up until November/December/ush, which is just as well really (though I'm sure I'll get a call before that). I'd certainly give due dilligence to a 3G iPhone, but I'd probably have to find a way to get one without the O2 contract baggage.

The fact that they appear to be out-of-stock everywhere suggests that something is incoming, and I certainly hope 3G is part of it. Time to hold your horses. :)

02-06-2008, 19:06
But Opera mobile won't be as good on a non-touch display shirly? Nokia n95 isn't a touchscreen device is it?

Yeah I forgot about the o2 nonsense. 18 month contract & £160 :( Bah. Might just try for a free n95 8gb.

02-06-2008, 19:52
With 3g and Exchange Active-Sync, it'd be more appealing to me as a device, but it's just too expensive at the moment for my tastes. Same situation as the PS3 for my wallet - not an OMG will sell cats to have it, but would like it, maybe when it's cheaper.

Personally, I've got my eye on a HTC Diamond (http://www.htc.com/www/product.aspx?id=46278) when they hit. T-Mobile have butchered the name (T-Mobile MDA Compact IV (http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2008/05/07/htc_diamond_tmobile_arrival/)) but so long as I can upgrade to it without selling my soul I'll let them off :)

02-06-2008, 19:55
For something that runs Windows that is pretty damn fine.

02-06-2008, 19:57
They've used Opera as the browser as well, which will please Alex ;)

It's a good decision though, I use it on my Touch. I dont buy that it's faster than IE, but it does render better. Until MS get around to sorting Deepfish IE looks very outdated next to Opera.

[edit]Vid (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAWMa1JorNE)
Better vid (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoaXA9un7YE)

02-06-2008, 20:13
Opera works great as a touchscreen broswer Pete, but excels in none touch screen applications too, its pretty versatile, and i plug it at every oppurtunity ;) They really should be paying me... ;D

02-06-2008, 20:16
Personally, I've got my eye on a HTC Diamond (http://www.htc.com/www/product.aspx?id=46278) when they hit.)
OOoooooofffff!!!!! I WANT!!!

02-06-2008, 20:20
I know. It's like, the first sexy Windows Mobile device ;D

02-06-2008, 20:46
My contract is up with O2 a month or so after T-Mobile should have that so it could be a go'er :)

02-06-2008, 20:49
If you want to stick with O2 they say all our networks will be flogging it, including O2 :)


Not that I wouldnt recommend T-Mobile. £27.50 a month with unlimited data and it suits me great, was £0.33p over last month. First contract I've had that I've kept under £35-40 a month, it was all data.

The only limiting factor with the Diamond is 4GB onboard with no card slots - but thats ok for me, I only have 1GB SD at the moment and dont use all that. Least it'll be fast(er) flash memory!

02-06-2008, 21:31
Give me. Give me now. You've just solved my 'what next' problem. Thank you. I owe you a beer. :D

PS - I suspect Alex will love me long time. I may steer clear on the PC, but my HTC TyTN runs Opera. Actually, I still use IE most of the time as I find it's better for WAP sites, but Opera is far better for proper sites (though it still upchucks with our very own chatbox - probably fixed by now as my version hasn't been updated since I got it a year ago).

02-06-2008, 21:36
If you want to stick with O2 they say all our networks will be flogging it, including O2 :)

Hhhmmmm, could be interesting. I don't spend a massive amount on my contract so doubt I'll get a good deal with O2. Still, it's worth a go.
Not that I wouldnt recommend T-Mobile. £27.50 a month with unlimited data and it suits me great, was £0.33p over last month. First contract I've had that I've kept under £35-40 a month, it was all data.
I like the sound of the T-Mob web'n'walk packages so unless O2 could chuck in some decent data as well, I'm happy to swap. Will just port my number over.
The only limiting factor with the Diamond is 4GB onboard with no card slots - but thats ok for me, I only have 1GB SD at the moment and dont use all that. Least it'll be fast(er) flash memory!
I've only got a 1GB card in my N73 and it's more than enough for what I'll ever need so 4GB will be overkill for me :D

02-06-2008, 21:45
I had a quick look at the "unlimited" data plans today. I'm with o2 and I pay £7.50 / month for a 200mb limit. I'm paying about £42 / month. On T-mobile their similar plan is £43 and a 3gb limit but 18 months. I could switch to their £27 12 month contract and get 1gb fair use. Apparently o2 send out a txt to say if you're going to go over their limit, which I haven't got but I think I did go over last month.

02-06-2008, 21:52
I don't spend a massive amount on my contract so doubt I'll get a good deal with O2. Still, it's worth a go.
I didn't either and thought the same as you, but I told Orange I was off to T-Mob and they price-matched the tariff I wanted and then knocked £10 off that. I thought I'd regret sticking with it due to missing out on W'n'W, but I just haven't.

It seems to be just a case of how desperate they are to keep you, so I dunno if I'll get away with that one again but if not, I'm offski.

Del Lardo
02-06-2008, 23:09
I'm sorely tempted by an N95 8GB at the moment but I can't help feel that it is too thick. Also how does the mapping software work? Is it GPS or like googlemaps on iPhone?

Other issue is that I'm getting a Nokia E61i from work sometime soon and I don't want to carry two large phones around with me.

02-06-2008, 23:20
Yeah I did worry about the chunkyness of the n95. Classic Nokia. But having seen it in the flesh it doesn't look that much bigger than my k800i.


The GPS is proper GPS. It can run tomtom.

Del Lardo
02-06-2008, 23:46
Compared to my 6300 it's feckin huge.

02-06-2008, 23:51
I remember my 7110 was big and then I got the Sony z5 which was tiny and so classically Japanese. Then I moved to the t610 which was also tiny and so cool. Oddly phones seem to have grown since.

02-06-2008, 23:57
No it hasn't stopped me :p



The size of the iphone might be longer and wider but it is MUCH thinner, it is probably thinner than 90% of phones out there. Only a few Samsung and Motorola Razr series is as thin. So it fits well in the pocket, it doesn't stick out like the N95 does. The only downside is I had to get a IMAT2 to give the phone better grip, I mean the ipod is fine without a case because the position you hold it at (45 degrees to horizontal), so that you can see and play with it. The iphone when making calls you hold it vertically, and it is like a soap without a case so its very easy to drop.

I have no regrets going from the N95 to the iphone at all. I don't think i even used the 3G in my N95 since my sim is from the K750i which is a 2G sim. Plus i am on PAYG so 3G would have killed my credit in minutes so i am not missing out on something i can live without.

02-06-2008, 23:59
Personally, I've got my eye on a HTC Diamond (http://www.htc.com/www/product.aspx?id=46278) when they hit.

I'm waiting for the Raphael tbh. It's the Diamond with a slide out keyboard - as I still use my XDA Exec a lot and love the keyboard it's become a must for me.

The Diamond is awfully tempting though *plus as we do mobile software at work we have contacts who are tryign to get us a couple of demo phones. ;)*

03-06-2008, 00:00
I have the soap effect with my Razr. Very annoying. The iTouch is so thin its great. Its nice to only have the one bulge in my pants ;) But I'm just not sure I need two identical devices.

03-06-2008, 00:01
Compared to my 6300 it's feckin huge.

If you want something that size look at the E51 :) Its what i use because its so so much smaller.

You lose out on 5mp camera and GPS but also a lot of weight!

I use a keyring GPS which i think works out better for both anyway :)

03-06-2008, 00:07
I've finished my mobile contract, just counting down the days till the 3G iPhone is out :D

03-06-2008, 09:55
I need a job so I can get the N95 8gb.

Although I've just got:

12 months
£8 P/M
Nokia 6300
75 minutes
100 texts

When I get a job I'll buy this out and get the Nokia N95 8gb/Sony Xperia X1.

04-06-2008, 11:46
My contract runs out at the end of next month. Hopefully by then the Diamond will be available and will see how much it costs. I'm not a heavy user though so I think it could be out of my "prepared to pay" range.

07-06-2008, 13:23

This is *the* killer device :D

07-06-2008, 13:24
Slimer than the last one as well


07-06-2008, 14:16
The Apple bods are going to be hopping mad about that. I expect lawsuits, even if it is only a few days before. :/

Still, you're right. That's finally going to give the latest HTC phones a run for their money. There's still the whole cost/contract tie-in problem though so I'm not sure if it's quite killer yet. I got my current device for £50 and £27/mo. Do that with an iPhone (though I admit there have also been rumours Apple will drop the rule about subsidies).

07-06-2008, 14:47
The front looks almost identical except with a front camera and the back colours.

07-06-2008, 14:49
If they're on Orange, I'll have one but I have no reason to chance my mobile provider.

07-06-2008, 15:45
If they're on Orange, I'll have one but I have no reason to chance my mobile provider.

They'll only be on O2, but you can easily get one and jailbreak it to work on any network.

O2 will be doing free data though so I'm gonna port over.

07-06-2008, 16:47
Grrrrrr. I took at look at the n95 8gb and well its chunky and the buttons are a bit plasticy. It does everything I want in a phone but I'm just not sold really. I can't stop thinking that the iPhone is everything I want in a phone. Thin, wifi, email, good keyboard, great browser, n such. They need to fix the MMS issue though. But buying one would mean I wasted money on the Touch. Although I guess I could have one for video n one for audio. But it just seems so silly. But then I think what the n95 does, basically the same. Two devices that both play music, video, do wifi n email. Bah. iPhone is the phone I want. I'll see what happens Monday. I've got a job Monday morning that'll pay for it too.

07-06-2008, 16:54
They'll only be on O2, but you can easily get one and jailbreak it to work on any network.

You sound very confident considering there have been no official announcements regarding the new one yet. I know about jailbreaking (yay, my Touch is jainbroken) but I don't want to do it on a phone.

07-06-2008, 17:12
If I get an iPhone I don't think I'll risk jailbreaking it. The app store should provide everyone with all the apps they need. I need a phone for business use more than personal and I can't take the risk of random code killing it.

08-06-2008, 00:46
if you want someone to take your iTouch off your hands, I could be talked into it. I'm trying not to buy one, and helping out a mate, well, I couldn't say no, could I?? :p

A possability. It'll be handy for long train trips n such where I don't want to kill the battery on whatever phone I end up with. Still not too happy about an 18 month contract. Just read this mini review on the HTC Diamond (http://gizmodo.com/5014271/htc-touch-diamond-impressions-verdict-its-kinda-slow). What I noticed in the vids was that it was slow but figured it was a beta. Seems that its just slow.

Joe 90
09-06-2008, 10:52
Seems that its just slow.


looks like HTC still havent included the ATi/QualComm 3d drivers as this one is slow like my TyTNII!

09-06-2008, 12:07
5 hours to go people :)

09-06-2008, 12:31
Is anyone covering it realtime this year?

09-06-2008, 12:34
I've been up since 5:30am for a shoot and I had visions of this day being so so so slow but here we are at mid point. I've still got other shots to get later too. I'm totally set on the iPhone 3G now. I just hope its a good price, out tomorrow and that I can get one.

http://www.macrumorslive.com/ FTW :) I've heard a rumour that Twitter will crash from iPhone news overload.

09-06-2008, 13:26
Is anyone covering it realtime this year?

Don't think anyone here will be but the usual will engadget, macbreakweekly, etc.

09-06-2008, 14:16
I'd still happily take the Touch over the iPhone. The iPhone is just too locked down for my liking and I don't think I could acquire all the software I'd want to play about with. I know you can jailbreak it but that's too risky for a phone to me.

From what I've read, the speed on the Touch is down to some software problem that there is a fix for so not a biggy for me.

09-06-2008, 14:21
I just hope he also springs something reasonably large that isnt the 3G iPhone. Just because we're all expecting it now and it wont be a surprise!

09-06-2008, 15:23
The whole apps thing doesn't bother me. Save Opera which I wouldn't need, I've never installed any apps on my current phone anyway (though that's mostly because I don't know what there is that's worth installing anyway) so not being able to isn't really a loss. It's the cost of the phone and contract that do more bad things for me than anything else.

PS - Daz - difficult to tell. Apple used to have a knack for springing surprises but some of their recent efforts have seemed a little less than stellar. :)

09-06-2008, 18:18
'Remote Wipe' indeed. That gives me scary Orwellian thoughts. :shocked: :)

09-06-2008, 18:41
No 3G yet :(

09-06-2008, 18:45
Location based apps. Wave of the future. I remember they had similar things in Japan a few years ago. Games that used real world locations. You had to go places in the real world to find clues n things.

09-06-2008, 18:49
Aye the mobile news network looks interesting. Quite a bit of location based stuff, I know they use cell locations at the moment but I wonder if this is leading to the GPS.

09-06-2008, 18:50
The one thing we need to remember about this location based stuff is it will be FAR FAR FAR more accurate and plentiful for the US customers.

09-06-2008, 19:00
Well it relies on the end users to upload/update content and there are more people in the US so it's not surprising. If this update brings the phone to more people over here then content will only increase.
I see this is the last demo, time to get down to the nitty gritty perhaps?

09-06-2008, 19:01

09-06-2008, 19:03
I have a bad feeling about this. Its been in my mind and others for a while. Its a developer conference. There is a good chance we won't get the 3g today :( Keynotes usually last 1.5hrs. Of course there is the "one last thing" which might change it all.

iPhone 2.0 will be available in early for July. Free for iPhone owners, $9.99 for iPod Touch owners.

09-06-2008, 19:10
True, it's probably going to be Macworld when we get a new version.

09-06-2008, 19:15
I think its going to be sooner than Macworld. Shops aren't stocking the old iPhone and theres those rumours about stores getting packages saying "Do not open till today." Theres too many rumours around for it not to be today, but the way its going they may all just be rumours.

09-06-2008, 19:15
Aye, its all been about the software so far as you'd expect for a developer conference. Anything concerning 3G is bound to be an 'and finally' moment, especially with that covered-up sign and the fact that all the shops are closed - why would they be clsoed for a software-only keynote?

You also have to remember that location-aware apps are nothing new. They've been around on other devices for a while now. What is new is the level of integration.

09-06-2008, 19:18
Exactly. The App Store and all the things they've spoken about aren't launching today so why would they close the store? C'mon Stevey boy.

09-06-2008, 19:23
I don't like the 'me.com' thing, it's pretentious like 'my computer'.

09-06-2008, 19:23
Lots of photo stuff now, but I wouldn't be surprised if they still had the same limitations as the (non broken) iTouch.

09-06-2008, 19:28
I guess they needed something more relevant than .Mac but I'm also not hugely impressed with the name. The concept looks very good though.

09-06-2008, 19:30
Aye. Maybe I actually might use my otherwise dormant .Mac account (at least until it expires - not sure when that is).

Announcement could be incoming right about now. :)

09-06-2008, 19:31
Here we go.....

09-06-2008, 19:32
The suspenders are killing me. ;D

PS - $99/yr for mobileMe. Wonder how that will work out in the UK compared to .Mac.#

Edit - 3G - confirmed. :)

09-06-2008, 19:32

09-06-2008, 19:32
Hmm this last update from macrumours mentions 3G.

09-06-2008, 19:32

09-06-2008, 19:33

09-06-2008, 19:34
They even fixed the headphone jack - no more adapters. :)

09-06-2008, 19:34

Its hilarious listening to it. "today we're introducing...YEEAAHHH!!!!!!!!" What did he say they were introducing? I couldn't hear :)

09-06-2008, 19:35
dang it the site I'm looking at is too slow.

09-06-2008, 19:37
LOL at Apple touting the virtues of 3G. What did everyone tell them a year ago. ;D ;D

09-06-2008, 19:37
http://www.macrumorslive.com/ This better be out this week. So want one.

09-06-2008, 19:39
GPS too. We may have a winner. :)

09-06-2008, 19:40
11:38 am GPS support now integrated into the iPhone.

So is that support for an external GPS is integrated or the actual GPS integrated?

09-06-2008, 19:40
seems macrumourslive is a little slow.

09-06-2008, 19:41
It's integrated.

I want one!

09-06-2008, 19:41
How much is it??????

09-06-2008, 19:42
Seems fine to me - or at least we're getting in quick with the punches. :)

Hmm. Google Maps. Does that mean it has to have an active connection to do GPS mapping. That's going to be a gigantic PITA (to the point of being unusable) while abroad. :/

09-06-2008, 19:44
How much is it??????

Well he did talk about them being too expensive so I'd hope to see a fairly hefty price cut. Maybe. Perhaps.

09-06-2008, 19:44
A good point. You'll need both a stable net connection for gps. I never figured it would be Tomtom but more of an added bonus. Great for location tagging on images.

09-06-2008, 19:45
$200 get in!!! Hmmm though I'd really prefer a 32Gb instead of the 16.

09-06-2008, 19:46
Now on to the final challenge -- affordability. Started at $599 for an 8GB iPhone, now $399. The iPhone 3G 8GB will sell for... $199.
That's better.

09-06-2008, 19:47
Much better - I'd want 16Gb though as a minimum as that's what my Touch has.

/edit - $299, I can deal with the matter :D

09-06-2008, 19:47
Ooh, the whole black and white versions thing did happen. Seems quite a few people suspected that was false.

09-06-2008, 19:48
That's highest price too so we're promised not to get shafted over exchange rates. All hail the mighty Apple for showing how it's supposed to be done. :D

09-06-2008, 19:49
I might just get the 8gb. If I need more I can take the 32gb touch with me. But then I suppose its apps and an 18 month contract. July 11th... booo. Need to get on a preorder list asap.

09-06-2008, 19:50
Steve is having the crowd thank the iPhone team.

09-06-2008, 19:51
I like that he's specified a maximum price, that's quite impressive. I think the demand for the new models is going to be significantly higher than last year. Now all we need to see is whether they're being released on other networks in the UK. I hope so, I really really hope so.

09-06-2008, 19:52
I doubt that. The O2 deal was multi-year.

09-06-2008, 19:53
I'm not sure about the other networks thing. Its got that visual voicemail thing that is network dependent. I just need to know how I can get one on July 11th.

09-06-2008, 19:53
Yeah, but was it for that specific model as has been suggested? I guess we'll find out soon enough.

09-06-2008, 19:58
I would assume they weren't so naive as to assume that one model would last forever. As such, its pretty damned certain O2 will get it exclusively - at least for the forseeable future.

No pricing on the UK Apple Store - which is getting splattered. :)

09-06-2008, 20:03
No update on CarphoneWarehouse's site, or o2's.

09-06-2008, 20:05
They're on the UK Apple store :p

/edit but only links to 02 and cpw :(

09-06-2008, 20:25
Well, Exchange Active Sync and Cisco VPN support make it viable to me. No sure I fancy moving back to O2 though, nor an 18 month contract :/

We'll see come renewal time. Diamond still for now though, just so I can chop it up without risking it being bricked!

09-06-2008, 21:38
o2 site says news tomorrow.

09-06-2008, 22:04
We'll see come renewal time. Diamond still for now though, just so I can chop it up without risking it being bricked!
This is my thought too. Whilst I love using Apple stuff, I just don't like the fact that it seems too tied down. I'm almost starting to dislike Apple because of it :p

I think the Diamond is still the way to go for me. There's just a lot more I can do with it.

09-06-2008, 22:16
American release is July 11th i think, i think i can hold off getting another phone :p

I would've got it if it had a better screen since that's what i use most along with its ipod feature, but thats that same so the 3G thing won't matter to me much. The CPU is also the same too so it's basically the same phone.

09-06-2008, 22:20
In some ways I like the way Apple locks you in. MobileMe could be great. Syncronising my Mac, iPhone and online for when I'm away from both for some random reason. I've had a Dell Axim pda for a few years and never bothered with it outside of Tomtom. While the Diamond maybe more open it just looks sluggish and I'd hate using something like that daily.

09-06-2008, 22:29
Looks like a great phone. If I hadn't just moved to an 18 month Orange contract I'd be seriously considering getting one. I'll just stick with my HTC Touch + iPod Touch combo for now.

09-06-2008, 23:08
o2 update...

*Best of all, the new 8GB iPhone won't cost you a penny on our £45 and £75 tariffs. And it's just £99 on our £35 tariff and new £30 tariff.

Handset subject to availability. Connection subject to status, 18-month minimum term contract, credit check & direct debit. Data usage whilst roaming not included. Unlimited Wi-Fi is available at any of the 9,500 Wi-Fi hotspots from our partners The Cloud and BT Openzone (available from 11 July 2008). Excessive usage policy and full terms apply.

BT Openzone access will be great for me. I'm always finding that in random places in Liverpool. I think theres a wifi hotspot in the Mersey. Found one the other day there.


I'm just reading on this Push Email thing. Its just what I've been wanting. Out and about and the iPhone tells me I've got an email like an SMS. The only thing I worry about is the inevitable data charges from leaving that running.

09-06-2008, 23:10
£99 on a £30 a month isn't that bad................

09-06-2008, 23:15
But that £30/month contract is rubbish compared to the £35 / month one.

09-06-2008, 23:24
YEah i take that back, what the heck is one to do with 75 minutes and 125 messages !

£35 at minimum or its not really worth it.

09-06-2008, 23:30
Looks like Apple will go with the traditional Contract route where you sign up instore too. Else you'll just say you are getting the £75 contract but get a phone free wouldn't you ?

09-06-2008, 23:52
American release is July 11th i think, i think i can hold off getting another phone :p
So is the UK release. :)

YEah i take that back, what the heck is one to do with 75 minutes and 125 messages !

£35 at minimum or its not really worth it.
Why not? It's more than enough for social reclusives like me. I used to manage on 30 min/month and no texts without issue.

Believe me, I wish that wasn't the case - just wish I could find something to talk about that is vaguely interesting to the average non-geek. :(

10-06-2008, 07:29
YEah i take that back, what the heck is one to do with 75 minutes and 125 messages !
That's more than enough for me. Not all of us walk around with a phone stuck to our ear :)

10-06-2008, 08:44
Nor do I but compare to other £35 a month contract that is not very good at all, I'd like at least 300 text....125 text is like contracts 5 years ago.

10-06-2008, 08:46
That contract would be useless for me as I often use my phone in work, and end up texting people loads throughout the day. I'm happy with me 600 minutes and unlimited texts :)

10-06-2008, 09:53
I'm thinking get a phone and jailbreak it. Not fussed about the visual voicemail. I'll probably go back to T-Mobile when my current contract runs out and then get an iPhone and use the net alot. It§s just not viable on orange at the moment.

10-06-2008, 10:01
I'm just reading on this Push Email thing. Its just what I've been wanting. Out and about and the iPhone tells me I've got an email like an SMS. The only thing I worry about is the inevitable data charges from leaving that running.
Tis exactly why I dont want to leave T-Mobile - I dont want to worry about my data charges when it's hooked to my Exchange box. £27.50 a month, 12 month contract, done.

10-06-2008, 10:14
Don't the O2 contracts include lots of data as they recognise the iPhone needs a net connection lots?

10-06-2008, 10:15
Aye, but it's still more a month, for a longer term than I'm on now, for the same service.

10-06-2008, 10:22
They may do Mark but I still think an iPhone with web'n'walk would be the dogs danglies.

10-06-2008, 10:27
Just to confirm I wasn't justifying the cost, because it's certainly too high for me to consider. :)

10-06-2008, 10:35
Don't o2 have an unlimited bolt on which is a essentially a poor mans copy of w'n'w? Like Voda have done etc...?

Like the look of this iPhone (thats words coming from me!) but i'd rather be abe to buy it not activate and put my t-mob sim in, o2 isn't my thing and i dont want a horrendous monthly contract like that....

10-06-2008, 10:44
Yeah it is more expensive. £35/month for 18 months and I'm not sure what "unlimited" is. The web bolt-on is 200mb / month and given that the iPhone is the most internet orientated phone around you've got to wonder if 200mb is going to be enough. The gps map downloads, constant push email services, etc.

10-06-2008, 10:55
Don't o2 have an unlimited bolt on which is a essentially a poor mans copy of w'n'w? Like Voda have done etc...?

Like the look of this iPhone (thats words coming from me!) but i'd rather be abe to buy it not activate and put my t-mob sim in, o2 isn't my thing and i dont want a horrendous monthly contract like that....

Best try MMC on the Albert Dock ;) see if you can buy the phone from them :)

10-06-2008, 12:24
I've just done some checking. It seems that o2 do acknowledge that the iPhone is internet heavy. Their web bolt-on that I currently have on my phone has a fair usage policy of 200mb. Pretty crap really. I've just read through the specific iPhone T&C's (http://www.o2.co.uk/termsconditions/iphone) and it doesn't explicitly state a limit. Thats a very good thing and a very bad thing. Theres no way to know what the limit is and if you exceed it. On the flip side, there is no limit in their T&C so you can argue if need be. They don't want you to use it for continuous streaming audio / video. I think for general iPhone usage, as intended, its unlimited. So things like Push services, Google Maps, n such should be fine. It seems to be perfect. You also get access to the Cloud & BT Openzone. Lots of those in cities. It looks like they really are saying "Ok we know this is THE internet phone so here, enjoy the internet without worrying about costs." The web on other phones feels like an after thought due to costs, input methods and screen sizes. I can't wait for July 11th. Its totally the phone I've been wanting for years. Not just because of what the phone does but because of the data costs and the internet services Apple are launching.

10-06-2008, 12:28
I've heard stuff mentioned in the 1GB range. They do have a FUP so it's definitely not 'all you can eat', but as long as you're sensible it shouldn't matter.

I admit I thought I'd use my new phone a lot more on the net as it was much better for that, but in the end after the fascination wore off I just use it as much as I did the old one. :(

10-06-2008, 12:31
So Pete, you are going to get an iphone then, from what i see you are all set to get one !

10-06-2008, 12:37
Was there really ever any doubt? ;D ;D

10-06-2008, 12:38
Oooh existing iphone owners can upgrade early to the new one until October according to the O2 site. I'm tempted there. I got an iphone a couple of months back when they dropped to £169 (but I got it for £69 courtesy of quidco), not overly fussed about the new one at the moment and I knew there'd be another one out soon enough. But it might be tempting depending on stock and money nearer October.
I've been very pleased with my iphone. Really easy to jailbreak as I was initially unsure if I would but it's added some nice functionality. It was nice to spend the train journey at the weekend watching a few films on it :D Only downside is it is a bit bulky for my liking compared to my w810i.
Never had an Apple product before but I like it :)

10-06-2008, 12:47
For me as a freelancer having net access is a must. I always hate going out to get shots to come home and find an email saying "Do you have this? Need it now!"

So Pete, you are going to get an iphone then, from what i see you are all set to get one !

I sure am. Theres no other phone that has all the features, is as thin, has as big a screen, has the data tariff, works perfectly with iCal iPhoto and my Mac. n95 is a brick in comparison and sending emails via a numpad is laborious. The Diamond thing looks nice but the interface looks sluggish and that'd annoy me after 10 minutes.

10-06-2008, 12:58
Get the Iphone then, I am sure the 3G thing is what you've been waiting for. :)

11-06-2008, 10:37
I've had an iPhone for about 6 months now and I love it! Maybe I'm being thick but the 200mb bolton isnt necessary surely, it's got unlimited internet oojamaflip. The only downside I find is you can't be descreet with it.

Anyway, my tarif means I'll get a free upgrade to the 8gb 3G possibly pre-launch, 1200 minutes, unlimited texts and unlimited internet for £52 per month. Jobs a goodun! :D

11-06-2008, 11:17
You've had one for 6 months and you are only telling us now???? :shocked:

11-06-2008, 12:02
I just checked and my contract doesn't expire until 14th December. Curse these 18 month contracts, it's the first time I've considered moving away and it's the first time I've had an 18 monther :(

If I'd had the usual 12 month jobbie it would have expired on Saturday :angry:

11-06-2008, 12:03
I plan on sticking with 12 months as long as I can get away with it. 12 month refreshes are about right, was only on 18 month once and didnt enjoy it!

11-06-2008, 12:21
Yep, I always stick with 12 months. Never had an 18 month and don't plan to try one if I can get away with it. The free Wifi access with the iPhone is a great deal too, but I still think the iPhone isn't really for me, although it's a tough choice. I think the software available for WM is pushing me that way.

11-06-2008, 13:00
I've had an iPhone for about 6 months now and I love it! Maybe I'm being thick but the 200mb bolton isnt necessary surely, it's got unlimited internet oojamaflip. The only downside I find is you can't be descreet with it.

Yeah I assumed that the o2 web bolton was what the iPhone has. Its not. The iPhone one is much better. I also feel that 12 months is a good loop. New phones come out mid summer and my contract is up in Sept so its nice. But in this case the only option is either a phone that isn't the iPhone or the iPhone & 18 months. It doesn't sound too bad until I think I can't upgrade till Jan 2010! I imagine the next iPhone will have a better camera and more space. I'm ok with missing out on that right away.

11-06-2008, 13:03
The yanks are stuck on 24 months contract with AT&T with the iphone !!

11-06-2008, 13:27
Not to mention a $10 increase :D

11-06-2008, 14:47
I always used to prefer 12 month contracts but after having my w810i for over 2 years without changing, I figured I might as well go with 18 months :) I'm sure if I'd gone for more of a PDA style phone, I'd have got a better deal but the iphone had that oooh factor :D And I've never had a phone for oohness before.

11-06-2008, 14:55
Ivecbeen with O2 for several years and Ive always found them to be very flexible within a contract, and I've been able to shuffle tariffs about etc. 18 months is no great hardship here.

I'm sure I mentioned it Leo, but who knows?! Anyway, I have and I loves it!

11-06-2008, 15:10
Anyway, I have and I loves it!

bitch! :p

11-06-2008, 15:19
Yep, but I'm a bitch with an iPhone :D

11-06-2008, 15:25
Yep, but I'm a bitch with an iPhone :D


11-06-2008, 16:39
Yep, but I'm a bitch with an iPhone :D

cow bag ;) :p hmmmmmmm whatever I say you'll still have an iPhone ;D

11-06-2008, 16:44
Does the shiny new version of the iPhone have MMS support? If it does then I'm getting one. My Dad and Brother both tried various MMS apps on their iPhone and they were less than successful.

11-06-2008, 16:49
Yep, but I'm a bitch with an iPhone :D

11-06-2008, 17:25
MMS isn't supported burble.

I can see the appeal in the iPhone and i would consider getting one as i've already said, but this whole touchscreen is the future thing isn't for me. Tactility is immensely better for most interactions. I can find my way around far far far quicker than any touchscreen. But i don't knock the iPhones ability, and i'm not saying i don't want one a little. I can just see me getting annoyed/bored/held back by it eventually...

11-06-2008, 17:29
I put my money on that MMS will be supported, in the App Store, and it will cost you like $10/£5 to buy it.

The hardware can do it, People want it, Apple knows it, therefore money to be made from it.

11-06-2008, 17:29
Stuff that then. Oh well.

Have you actually used an iPhone for an extended period, Alex? I was very sceptical about them until I picked up 2 in NYC for my Dad and Brother. After unlocking them I used one of them for a couple of weeks and found that the touchscreen was all but perfect.

11-06-2008, 17:30
I put my money on that MMS will be supported, in the App Store, and it will cost you like $10/£5 to buy it.

The hardware can do it, People want it, Apple knows it, therefore money to be made from it.

I hadn't thought of that. Whilst I do object to paying for something that should be included I'll be sorely tempted to get a 3G iPhone if an official MMS app does appear.

11-06-2008, 17:33
If that's want you really want from the iphone and its the deal clincher, i'd wait. The good news is that the App Store is due to appear at the end of June, about 2 weeks prior to the release of the phone, it'll be release along with the V2 firmware upgrade for V1 iphones so we'll know then what Apps there are to be bought in the App store.

11-06-2008, 17:35
I'm in no hurry so waiting isn't a problem :)

11-06-2008, 17:35
Besides, there is nothing stopping a 3rd party making their own MMS apps too and charging for it in the App Store. I mean if you are a small software company/programmer, there is money to be made as we all know people want MMS on the iphone ! This is a goldmine really!

11-06-2008, 17:44
After using the iTouch for occasional emails I just can't go back to a normal phone keyboard for exactly the same reasons you'd get bored with the iPhone :) Its a shame it doesn't support normal MMS. Its Apple's classic thing. Sometimes they don't think something is needed and dump it. In 5 years time it won't be an issue. You "MMS" via email on the iPhone. TBH I've never really used MMS. I won't miss it.

11-06-2008, 17:45
There's currently SwirlyMMS if you jailbreak it. I've only given it a quick look though so don't know if it actually works. I very rarely send MMSes although typically I wanted to last night and couldn't.

11-06-2008, 17:48
I had problems with SwirlyMMS on both the iPhones on varying software versions so I'm avoiding it. I know people who have no problem with it at all so I guess I was unluckly.

I don't send or receive many MMS's but it's something that I do occasionally and have been able to do so for several years so I don't want a phone that can't at least do everything my current one can. If I can get proper MMS support then I'll be getting an iPhone :)

11-06-2008, 17:50
Hmm, i'll give it a go on mine sometime.
I'm sure there'll be official support soon enough, like Mondo said, probably a cheap app.

11-06-2008, 17:55
You were all such a pessamistic lot on Monday! :p

Killer device see ;)

11-06-2008, 18:47

LOLOLOL!!!!!!! That's given me the giggles!

25-06-2008, 14:02
So, it seems that you'll be able to get one from early morning on the 11th July.


If you’re itching to buy the 3G iPhone on 11 July, then you’d better set your alarm-clock because O2 is said to be letting the first devices leave its stores at 7am – provided you pass a credit check.

That's me knackered then.

25-06-2008, 14:09
A credit check? Surely if you've got a current o2 contract an upgrade will be a piece of cake? I like that there will be 5000 per store, if thats true. I'll probably get there early morning. Goto the Liverpool store and tie it in with a shot for my book. Not the o2 store in the book but an excuse to kill 2 birds with one stone.

25-06-2008, 14:35
They won't credit check existing customers, just new ones.

Threads like those are normally full of rubbish though. No retailer in their right mind would leave that much stock (5000 units) kicking round in storage. You can get lost up in those kind of threads. They are similar to all the ones with misinformation/assumptions you get on console/big game launch days.

If they do the pre-contract/credit checks early though, I'll do that if it guarantees I was wander in at lunchtime and pick one up :D

25-06-2008, 14:43
Nope - that's far too much stock per store. No way they'll do that.

Credit checks seem fair given the subsidies - I've had them before with other phones so why not.

25-06-2008, 14:52
I don't have an O2 contract, I'm with Orange at the moment and it'll be a few months before I can PAC my number over if I want an iPhone on contract, but the chances of me passing a credit check are miniscule to none.

25-06-2008, 15:03
Mobile phone credit checks are not nearly as stringent as loan/credit card ones. The idea being that the supplier can simply remove the service as opposed to a loan where they need to try and reclaim the money.

Have a look at creditexpert.co.uk if you want to check your file.

25-06-2008, 18:23

25-06-2008, 18:26
From my experiences at CPW, phone companies seemed to switch their views of what constitutes a 'good' customer around quite a bit depending on how desperate they were for new customers :D Some months, one network would accept everyone going while the next month, they'd accept only the best (credit check wise) customers.

I know when I was working there last year, O2 (at least through CPW) were accepting everyone, but many people were having to pay a deposit that they got back 6 months later. These ranged from £50 to £500 depending on how risky you were.
Plus like starscream said, they're not as stringent as other credit checks.

Worth a go either way :)

25-06-2008, 18:47
They gave me a contract a couple of years back Feek and my credit rating then was shocking.

25-06-2008, 18:53
Aye, already in that frame of mind. I'll get a PAC from Orange and then take it into the O2 shop. If they won't sign me up then I've lost nothing and if they do then they'll be getting a customer who's never missed a payment on their mobile phone contract in many many years. Not that my credit rating will reflect that :)

This is still six months away anyway.

25-06-2008, 19:28
If you don't get it you've not lost anything, just try not to get your hopes up :)

Not quite true technically actually as a search (footprint) on your credit file will be slightly detrimental. That said, assuming Feek hasn't been applying for much else in the last 6 months, it would be minimal.

25-06-2008, 19:34
they'll be getting a customer who's never missed a payment on their mobile phone contract in many many years. Not that my credit rating will reflect that :)

Yeah it will :)

Each month, Orange will provide information through to the various credit reference agencies. If you been paying on time, they will reflect this. It may be that you think you've got other bad stuff on there, but if a manual review is done, the underwriter will be able to see that you've been consistent at least with the service you are interest in switching.

Remember that there isn't really such a thing as a Credit Rating. All the agencies do is provide raw data to companies who are checking customers. It is then down the each individual company how they chose to interperate that data and offer their services accordingly.

You should definately get your files checked out if you are concerned. There may be inaccuracies which you could sort out. At least it would give you a better idea on where you stand and how long you are likely to be affected for - Defaults remain for 6 years for example then are removed :)

25-06-2008, 20:04
Aye, I'm very aware.

25-06-2008, 20:12
Yup, I shall.

(are we going round in circles yet? ;D)

25-06-2008, 20:13
I think it's worth a try Feek.......ohhh wait have I already said that? :D

07-07-2008, 11:24
O2 are taking pre-orders as from 08:00 this morning.


07-07-2008, 18:43
All gone. Sold out in a few hours. Friday morning at the shop is going to be manic.

08-07-2008, 11:32
Mine should be turning up on Friday :D

08-07-2008, 11:40
It's just a phone FFS. :p ;D

I'm all for shiny new stuff, but I think I'll sit this one out (again). :)

08-07-2008, 11:46
For me its freedom from my current crappy phone that I can barely text on. Its annoying to be out, quickly checking my email and to be unable to reply due to the crappy phone. If I take the iTouch with me its also annoying to see a BT Openzone connection and to know that if only I had the iPhone I could use it. Basically its an end to a list of daily annoyances. I fully expect Friday is going to be insane though, and I probably will be one of those sad geeks queing for a phone. But if it sells out then I'd rather que than miss out.

08-07-2008, 11:55
Don't get me wrong, I understand why some people need this sort of technology (yourself included) - just for the same reason the Blackberry has proliferated.

It's the 'I must have this now or I'm going to kill myself' attitude from those who are probably already queueing outside O2 shops that amuses me. Obviously no-one here would do that. :D

08-07-2008, 12:09
lol yeah I'm not that bad :)


10-07-2008, 10:48
lol yeah I'm not that bad :)

Ok so I had a dream that I got the new iPhone 3G... It was odd because at one point I realised it was a dream. "Wait, its not out yet. I must be dreaming."

10-07-2008, 12:11
You're outside the O2 shop, posting from your iTouch, aren't you? :p ;D

10-07-2008, 12:13
lol no :p (No wifi hotspot) ;)

10-07-2008, 12:42
Gonna ask in here because it's where all the phone geeks appear to be :D

What are Orange like for FUP's etc? I'm loathe to move away from T-Mobile, but a guy I work with is after a Diamond as well, and found this:


Been with Orange before and never had any issues with them, only left because they were rubbish with data charges. T-Mobile give me no trouble at the moment (though I'm only on GPRS), though I very very rarely use the phone as a modem, just for Google Reader and some other light browsing on the move. He wants to use it as a modem though (remote support) - are they likely to give him hassle?

ta :)

10-07-2008, 13:28
Been keeping an eye on this as well Daz. There seems to be some confusion over the orange data plans from what I can tell. There doesn't seem to be anything concrete on their FUP.

10-07-2008, 13:34
Nice to know Orange have finally bit the bullet on data plans. About bloomin time too.

10-07-2008, 13:34
Here's the story I saw on the Orange data plans...


Still, now that Orange have the phone, it gives me a bit more leverage when upgrade time comes on O2 :D

10-07-2008, 13:51
Bugger off out the iphone thread :p

10-07-2008, 13:59
Make us. :p

10-07-2008, 13:59
The what thread? :D

10-07-2008, 14:00
Oh christ, Desmo has been pushing buttons again.

10-07-2008, 14:11
An everything still works :shocked:

10-07-2008, 14:12
There's a first time for everything matey ;)

10-07-2008, 14:18
In that case, you can have this :D



10-07-2008, 14:19

10-07-2008, 14:20
Is getting :D

Whether it's with O2, T-Mobile or Orange, I don't know yet. But I will deffo be picking one up :)

10-07-2008, 15:19
The thing about making random unintentional calls bothers me. I've done that a few times now with my TyTN and that doesn't have the fancy TouchFlo. :dunno:

10-07-2008, 15:24
I dont plan to use the rolodex (dont use the equivalent now), which is where the problem seemed to be, so I'm not bothered by that :) I've never used anything quicker than how WM handles it now (type in a couple of characters on the numeric keypad and it returns all name and number matches).

[edit]Suddenly Orange looks more appealing!

10-07-2008, 17:33
Ok I can officially say that the iPhone will sell out tomorrow. I visited 1 store and rang 2. My local CPW said "We won't have any for sale. They've all been reserved online for pickup." The shiny new Liverpool 1 store said "We're getting 13. 3 are the 16gb model. They're all pre-ordered." I said "But but but you're not doing pre-orders?!" and they said they had been for funsies. I rang another store and they said "We're getting plenty." Huzzah! "Can I put my name down for the 16gb? ... You can but we're only getting 2 of them." Insane shortage there. I just hope that they have put my name down for the 16gb model and that I do get one tomorrow.

10-07-2008, 19:21
Good luck man :)

10-07-2008, 19:22
Good luck getting it :D I love my very soon to be out of date iphone :D

10-07-2008, 19:51
Rumour has it that the pre-orders have all been cancelled.

10-07-2008, 19:59
lol that really would be the icing on the cake. o2 site crashes and can't take new orders. Upgrade site completely fails and no-one can upgrade at all. People are told that the stock in store has been pre-ordered already, despite no pre-order campaign. Each store gets about 10 iPhones to sell to the first fanboy willing to eat the cell chip from a PS3.

11-07-2008, 10:11
Having just looked on their site, I must say, i'm even more shocked people are getting this excited than I was before.

3G and GPS. That's it. Nothing else new that the old iPhone and iPod touch aren't getting in a software update today.

I can't say that slightly faster data transfer and having google maps know where I am would be enough to get me excited enough to go queue outside a phone shop for half of friday morning...

11-07-2008, 10:25
There's a big hole in that argument. A lot of people said they wanted a 1st Gen iPhone but weren't prepared to get one because it didn't have 3G. That problem just disappeared in a puff of logic. :)

11-07-2008, 10:28
Can't say I disagree with you there Rich. Overall, I find the iPhone doesn't live up to the hype.

11-07-2008, 10:32
There's a big hole in that argument. A lot of people said they wanted a 1st Gen iPhone but weren't prepared to get one because it didn't have 3G. That problem just disappeared in a puff of logic. :)

I suppose you're right.

The slight extra speed over EDGE makes it well worth the money now :/

11-07-2008, 10:35
It has nothing to do with speed, and everything to do with perception. Besides, I've found EDGE coverage to be a lot worse than 3G (at least it is on Orange - O2 may be different I suppose).

11-07-2008, 10:37

Just found this:

"While EDGE is part of the 3G standard, some phones report EDGE and 3G network availability as separate things, notably the iPhone."

I suspect a lot of 3G phones just use EDGE tech and don't call it that because no one knows what it is :p

11-07-2008, 10:41
Aha, yes. That makes sense. HTC phones do also report EDGE if they can't get a stable 3G signal, but the only place I've ever had that happen is at my parents (non-3G area). I'm borderline 3G at home and never get EDGE.

11-07-2008, 10:44
I still think it's a massively petty thing to base a several hundred pound purchase on, either way.

More so for people who already have a V1 and are paying out just for the 3G and GPS

11-07-2008, 10:49
I've hardly used EDGE on mine. Always seem to be free wi-fi networks about when I need them :) I wouldn't pay the full price for an iphone though which is why i got my v1 for £69. The monthly contract isn't the best contract available but I've spent 2 years on cheap contracts with the same phone so it was a treat to myself really. :D

11-07-2008, 11:05
More so for people who already have a V1 and are paying out just for the 3G and GPS
This I agree with. There seems to be a lot of people saying the same - if you have a v1 already then skip this one and at least wait for the next incarnation.

11-07-2008, 11:27
The whole iphone v2 sale thing has turned into a FARCE, not enough stock, average two 16G per store and their in house sign up system crashed, they had to take the orders manually on paper and input them later. When it did work, it takes 20 mins for a credit check to go through.

Glad i don't need one.

11-07-2008, 11:34
The stock thing was probably intentional, to create the 'OMFG iPhone sold out in an hour' headlines tomorrow and get even more people clamouring for one thinking they must be awesome and exclusive.

The rest of it though is just an embarrassing cock up.

11-07-2008, 12:25
I still think it's a massively petty thing to base a several hundred pound purchase on, either way.

Several? I paid £160. Its about the first time since I got my first phone 10 years ago that I've had to pay for an upgrade. I do agree that its annoying to have to pay and the 18th month contract isn't something I would normally take. Simple thing is that there isn't a phone out there that syncs wit iTunes, iPhoto, iCal, and various other things on my Mac. Oh oh oh and now i can make it act like a lightsaber!

11-07-2008, 12:27
If you're launching simultaneously across 29 countries or however many it is, stock is guaranteed to be thin even if they did get a headstart on production by stopping early with the v1. Someone deliberately made that decision for whatever reason.

11-07-2008, 12:29
Agreed. I don't think they did it to limit sales and create good headlines. They had like 10-30 per store which is insanely stupid. I reckon they could have had 100 per store and still sold out. When the Wii launched worldwide it had the same issue.

11-07-2008, 12:48
I think they underestimated the market for the 16G version, there doesn't seems to be a shortage on the 8G version. So its not really about production issue, is about someone made a decision to make less 16G.

11-07-2008, 16:29
Just noticed I can get £150 Quidco if I go to Orange. Surely it's a no brainer?

11-07-2008, 16:32
:o Thats pretty sweet.

11-07-2008, 16:34
I really should start using Quidco.

I'm confused Pete, did you get one? How the devil is it? :)

11-07-2008, 16:37
I thing I'll call O2 over the weekend and let them know I can get what I want for £30 a month with Orange, £40 for phone and £150 Quidco. Let's see what they can do with that :D

I'm happy to lose out on Quidco if they do the phone for free, drop to a 12 month contract and give me unlimited net as I only pay £19 a month now.

11-07-2008, 16:39
I really should start using Quidco.
Yeah you should :p

I just got another £30 which is the VAT back on a couple of ink and toner cartridges for work ;D

11-07-2008, 16:56
I'm confused Pete, did you get one? How the devil is it? :)

I did :D They had 2 16gb models at a random store near me. Luckily I managed to reserve one yesterday. They opened at 10am so I didn't have to get up at stupid o'clock and queue. In fact when I got there at 9:30 there was only 1 person queuing. They had been at the o2 store round the corner since 7am and missed out by 1 iPhone so they came to this store. Upgraded without issue and was done by about 10:15. Loving it so far. Still a fair bit of stuff to sort out. MobileMe's push email works perfectly. Its something I've wanted for years now. The ability to get notified of a new email just like a new SMS. I tried it years ago when I set my phone to check for email every 5 minutes. I got a huge bill :) Theres a program called Exposure that integrates with Flickr and GPS. I can instantly see photos on Flickr taken near by. The closest is about 1km away. Brilliant stuff. Imagine being somewhere and wanting to know whats around the corner. I'm still trying to work out a few other things, like whether the camera stores gps data or not. The speaker phone is by far the best I've ever heard. Really clear and no distortion at full volume.

11-07-2008, 16:57
As for Quidco, I just got £15 back from MyLotto24 for spending £5. Everyone's a winner. And no, I didn't wager the rest - haven't touched the account since. :)

Thanks Desmo.

11-07-2008, 17:04
Its something I've wanted for years now. The ability to get notified of a new email just like a new SMS.
Me too, have to run my own Exchange server to get it, but it's a big bonus. I tell people to email me now whenever they can, saves us both money!

Glad you're enjoying it. Exposure sounds very funky, very useful in a city. Doubt there'll be much of old Swad ;D

11-07-2008, 17:17
No dude, it needs Active Directory :) I had a full AD network in a test environment already, since I moved and got my 24/7 server all I've done is left them running and moved my mail into it. Way overkill for most :)

[edit]Couple of places do free Exchange Push email (mail2web (http://services.mail2web.com/FreeServices/m2wLive/default.asp) for one), but I'm not sure what limitations they have considering they dont cost owt!

11-07-2008, 17:26
I deleted my post as after about a 5 second think about it, I don't really need it :p

But thought I'd add this again otherwise it makes your post above look stupid :D

11-07-2008, 17:28
Thanks :p

11-07-2008, 17:32
I got £100 off quidco when I got my iphone the other month :) Very handy :D Recently done the home insurance and RAC membership through it too, it made the RAC stupidly cheap in the end.

Not updated my iphone yet to 2.0, looks great though.

11-07-2008, 17:36
I had a quick play on Monkeyball which is hard. Bomberman is quite cool though. Good potential there for games. Not a huge lineup out right now but there is a good potential there. I've got a stupid program that makes the mario jump sound when I jump up and down.

11-07-2008, 17:40
I popped into the Apple store at 8.15am this morning to see what the fuss was about. Never seen a queue as full of sad acts. They all seemed to be talking about World Of Warcraft and I thought they were going to break out the dungeons and dragons playing cards any second.

I then realised that I was actually hanging round with them and had actually asked a few questions giving the impression of friendship so I scurried on.

The guy from the Apple store I spoke to said they had tons in stock anyway and would open until late tonight until the queues went down. The O2 shop was only doing upgrades though and that sold out of 16GB's early apparantly. It certainly seemed that if you wanted one, you could get one though.

Mine gets delivered tomorrow which worked out well as I didn't need to pay the saturday delivery and couldn't have been in to take delivery today.

So rather than a dreary trip to some god awful depot tomorrow, I get to sit around in my pants eating left over pizza and then play with new gadgets :D

11-07-2008, 21:11
Poop. Just noticed that the £150 Quidco for Orange runs out on Sunday night. Now O2 don't even have the Diamond listed yet although I believe it's out next month. So, do I take a gamble and go with Orange or just stick with O2 and hope that I can get a decent deal.

Only downside with Orange is that my monthly payment is going to be a touch higher and it's an 18 month contract. But with the phone at £40 and £150 cashback that's pretty good.

O2 might want to charge a lot for the phone and my monthly cost will probably be around £27 with the unlimited internet so only a few quid cheaper each month.

Is there a cooling off period with Orange? I could order from them and then still have time to maybe sort something with O2.

11-07-2008, 22:01
Sod it....just ordered with Orange ;D

Got 7 days from receipt to cancel if I REALLY want to. Will give O2 a call tomorrow to get my PAC. They'd need to offer me something really stupid to keep me now though.

12-07-2008, 00:29
Nice :)


Thats Exposure.

12-07-2008, 00:30
Cool :D I like it.
Is that exclusive to the new iphone or the new software?

12-07-2008, 00:44
Its available on the App store. Theres a free version with ads on or the ad free for £6. Thinking though, it might require the GPS of the 3g. I'm not sure.

12-07-2008, 00:46
Stuff on the app store generally says whether it requires anything iPhone specific I think, so iTouch users don't go buying apps that won't work.

12-07-2008, 00:51
Its available on the App store. Theres a free version with ads on or the ad free for £6. Thinking though, it might require the GPS of the 3g. I'm not sure.

Just downloaded it now :) First app :D Need to set up a flickr account now.

12-07-2008, 00:55
Question - can someone who can make iTunes actually open those stupid links from Apple's website tell me how much the iPhone 2.0 update costs for iTouch?

Cos I click the link on here (http://www.apple.com/uk/ipodtouch/appstore/) and iTunes appears and just does nothing.

edit - FFS, even if I check for software updates within iTunes and click 'Learn More' it flicks to the Store, says 'iPod' in the middle for about a second and then flicks back to the general iPod overview page I was on before.

12-07-2008, 01:26
I couldn't get it to work either sorry :/

12-07-2008, 01:27
In which case, my uninstalling of iTunes was probably a waste of time. Damn it.

12-07-2008, 10:24
So I've had my iPhone for 24hrs and the battery is down to about 25%. I guess thats to be expected from lots of gps, wifi, 3g, camera, video, usage. Still, its much better than my Motorola that died after 1 day from just leaving it on.


This new program, Vicinity, isn't exactly smart.

12-07-2008, 10:58
Question - can someone who can make iTunes actually open those stupid links from Apple's website tell me how much the iPhone 2.0 update costs for iTouch?


It didn't work for me last night but it worked perfectly this morning.

I have no qualms in paying that. I un-jailbroke my Touch last week and when it restored from iTunes I'd lost the January Upgrade. Apple first told me it was tough and i was my problem that I'd not kept a backup but after discussions I got this

Please accept my sincere apologies for the frustration the "iPod touch January Software Upgrade" has caused. I understand you when you said you was not enjoying iTunes right now. Well your stars must be aligned correctly and have very good karma.

I was able to for the first time request and receive a exception for a refund of the "iPod touch January Software Upgrade."

I have refunded your purchase of 11.30 GBP plus any applicable sales tax. The credit will be posted the credit card that was used for purchase, it takes up to 3-5 business days to finish processing.

So I don't mind paying the £5.99 for the 2.0 upgrade :)

12-07-2008, 11:00
Yeah I just it bought now, waiting for it to download at the moment :D

It was only after I totally uninstalled/reinstalled iTunes last night that I looked around google and found that they'd delayed the software release til today because the systems could barely handle all the new 3G iPhones.

12-07-2008, 11:21
Damn, it wasn't lying when it said it takes a long time to install.

12-07-2008, 11:57
Ha! The push email feature is quicker than my gmail notifier.

12-07-2008, 12:07
Hooray for super monkey ball!

12-07-2008, 12:37
I can't get exchange to work, possibly because my Uni only shows how to sync through Windows Mobile using ActiveSync, the settings for which don't work on the iPod.

They don't just give a page with the settings on it and the 'Other mobile devices' only gives IMAP settings :(

12-07-2008, 12:47
It should just be the same dude. Point it at your web access address, put in a valid user name and password, and away you go.

Unless you have to faff with adding certificates and stuff it should be fairly straight forward.

12-07-2008, 13:02
Well the iPod wants email address, which I give it, username and pass, which I give it and 'Server'

I have no idea what to put in there. The windows mobile guide says 'async.soton.ac.uk' which doesn't work and in Web Access I can find two other servers addresses, neither of which work.

"Some non-Windows Mobile devices (such as the 2nd generation Apple I-Phone, for example) may have Exchange synchronisation capabilities - please refer to your manufacturer’s documentation for this."

"In the server address: window, type async.soton.ac.uk. Tick the This server requires an encrypted (SSL) connection option."

I can't tick an SSL box on my iPod.

"Type in your username, password and for the domain: type in soton. Tick the Save password option."

I don't have a domain option at all.

12-07-2008, 13:07
If you don't have a box to enter the domain, then enter your username as domain/username and see if that works.

12-07-2008, 13:29
async.soton.ac.uk doesn't exist (at least as far as I can tell) - I'd ping an email off somewhere ask what the crack is. Typically you use the same web access address for AS, but you dont have to. If they're saying use that and it isn't resolvable on the web (unknown host async.soton.ac.uk) then something's obviously changed, maybe the documentation just hasn't been updated.