View Full Version : SPS to partner with OcUK, hahahaha
06-06-2008, 11:24
So i've just woke up after getting back from belfast thought i'd catch up on my mail and low an behold in the last half an hour i got the strangest email from "OcUK" but its annonymous ;D
date Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 10:57 AM
subject OcUk just got BETTER!
hide details 10:57 AM (25 minutes ago) Reply
Dear OcUk member,
We at OcUk are always striving to provide you, our valued community, with the best possible forum experience. Part of this involves soliciting regular feedback.
Following our most recent user survey, it has come to our attention that many of our members wish to have the same great community aspects of OcUk, but with more leeway in terms of what content is permissable. In order to provide this atmosphere, we have decided to partner with another forum so that we can provide the same family friendly atmosphere on OcUk, while allowing our users to enjoy the freedom to express themselves as they wish
The forum we have chosen as our partner is The Self Preservation Society, and can be found at
Following registration there, simply email your user id to a Don (details available in the FAQ), and we will set up the link between the two, in order that your details may be replicated between the two fora.
Once again, may we take this opportunity to thank you for your continued contribution
Regards, OcUk
I don't read over there, and really can't be bothered, so anyone wanna explain whats going on?
06-06-2008, 11:29
Yes, its total arse, sent by someone who wants to stir up trouble, its not really our business and I get the impression that the guys over at SPS want nothing to do with it either.
06-06-2008, 11:49
Gotcha :)
I was just gonna ignore it, but i can't say i wasn't slightly intrigued as to who was playing at something...
No one at the sps knows who sent it and tbh, no one wants the hassle this has caused.
06-06-2008, 11:58
Personally I think it's a Recruitment drive & by the looks of it quite a succesful one an all.
Another OcUK leak? That'll piss off the admins no end. :(
06-06-2008, 12:22
It wasn't me :p
It's pissed me off to be honest partly because 95% percent of people don't give a crap anymore, but also my personal email address (different domain) is hosted there and I'll end up getting the IP backlisted if they carry on this like :/
Personally I think it's a Recruitment drive & by the looks of it quite a succesful one an all.
Have many new people joined there since this was sent out? I would have thought if anything it would have the opposite effect, oddness.
06-06-2008, 12:34
You obviously have somebody there who is only thinking of themselves mate. It's a Shame as SPS can be as Funny as **** & the continuation of anti other place BS only puts people off. People seemed to be coming back to the place recently for the Humour but with all this kicking off again I think it will put them off again.
Having your personal details linked & potentially blacklisted is ******** & just another example of people only thinking about themselves :(
06-06-2008, 12:37
Have many new people joined there since this was sent out? I would have thought if anything it would have the opposite effect, oddness.
Well what happens is all the Tools come out the woodwork as they think there is back up for there own Stupid grievance against Oc. Also there is the general interest factor of Who/What is this SPS, Best go have a look.
Out of this comes two things, More pettyness & sniping against Oc or more people that miss out on the Humour of SPS then disregard the site as anti oc.
Either way it's bad.
It's such a shame that this sort of thing keeps getting dragged up between them again and it'll do neither side any good.
Admiral Huddy
06-06-2008, 14:32
Quite sad really. I occasionally look at SPS but have never got as far as the register icon. Not sure why. I guess it's the unmoderated tone.
Aye, some silly sod wants to just stir up some **** that nobody else wants to get involved in :/
06-06-2008, 14:43
If anything it has shown that there is more love for Oc over there than first thought ;D
Some **** bags scheme has back fired I think.
SPS is more like the Black sheep of the family ;D;D;D
O the Ironing :D
I have to admit, never popped over to SPS before and seeing it mentioned here I thought "hmmm... I wonder what they're all about" and clickity click later...
I don't know if people from here are members over there, but there are certainly a lot of 'members' there judging from the few threads I have just clicked on.
It's... as bad as OCUK... if not worse! Talk about flying testosterone. And the language!
*closes down thread linkies and sticks to BD*
It's bizarre all this forum shenanigans. Biiiiiiiazaaaarre.
I signed up there first before Feek told me about here, didn't post much over there as is my way with some forums at times. I prefer it here though more people from the old days who i knew from ocuk and also the meets i made :)
semi-pro waster
06-06-2008, 18:31
I've read there a few times and like Huddy considered registering but never quite got round to it, I couldn't browse it while at work safely and apart from anything else I'm not totally sure if I'd fit in there anyway.
06-06-2008, 19:32
I like saying the C word on there ;D
**** stirring idiots tbh (and I don't mean anyone here). Some people just can't let go of their past disagreements, though you'd have thought they'd be a little more selective about who they spam. :)
As for the C word, at times it seems like that's a mandatory word to be used in every post on SPS. I realise it's all rather rebellious and tongue-in-cheek but with my personal distaste for that word it's a definite turn-off and the reason that while I may lurk occasionally, I won't join.
I'm just glad there's the more mature option - thanks BD. :hugs:
I like saying the C word on there ;D
</innocent young lad> ;D
Words with seven or more vowels should also be banned. :p
It's such a shame that this sort of thing keeps getting dragged up between them again and it'll do neither side any good.
Indeed, it's crazy. Basically banging on the heads of two dogs and then putting them together hoping they'll fight. Neither forum gives a toss anymore and neither want any more hassle about it all. Yet someone, or some people seem intent on causing trouble. :(
07-06-2008, 04:08
Hopefully they'll stop soon. My postmans sack is heavy enough already :p
I got nada, No body loves me :(
Hopefully they'll stop soon. My postmans sack is heavy enough already :p
Both desperately needing to empty the sack; seems like you have something in common. :evil:
I woke up to the email this morning in my inbox, whoever is sending it either had a late night or did a batch send at about 2am this morning. Very sad really this email sighs
Well, either someone is doing them manually or they have far too much time on their hands as well as a chip the size of a dinner plate on their shoulder. Either way, best to try to ignore it as the less their scheming gets attention the sooner they'll hopefully give up.
08-06-2008, 21:13
I got nada, No body loves me :(I did. I am. ;D
LOL at sending it to current Underbosses. Sending out to ex-mods is understandable in some twisted way, but sending it to the current team? ;D ;D ;D
08-06-2008, 21:23
LOL at sending it to current Underbosses. Sending out to ex-mods is understandable in some twisted way, but sending it to the current team? ;D ;D ;DYeah I'd like to know which twerp is doing this. :angry:
08-06-2008, 21:24
Got mine about half an hour ago, Took him a while to get to the M's.
He/she must be working in an odd order then as he did the S's the other night with me receiving the mail lol
I doubt I'll get one, I don't think my trust address goes anywhere that's still connected any more so if they've harvested those then I won't be a recipient.
No loss really :)
Well, if they're using a hijacked account, then going through trust in account creation order would seem the most logical way to get a lot of email addresses, but runs a higher risk of getting caught (not that they'll care if it's a hijacked account anyway). If not, they're left with harvesting from signatures as the other options require a login.
semi-pro waster
08-06-2008, 23:20
Nothing here still and nothing the last time that such an email was sent out, I'm feeling seriously left out. :( :D
09-06-2008, 00:40
Obviously we aren't good enough semi-pro.
I just got it (well - 21:05 last night is the time on it) - odd thing is that it isn't the email that I signed up to ocuk on :huh:
I got mine early last Tuesday, must have been one of the first as it was a while after that before the first threads started appearing on OcUK about it.
I just got it (well - 21:05 last night is the time on it) - odd thing is that it isn't the email that I signed up to ocuk on :huh:
It won't be your sign up one anyway, as that would require admin access to be able to see.
If they were going to registered sign up addresses either someone hacked into their admincp or Gilly/slackworth/werewolf/spie are sending them.
It'd be far easier to just send them to trust system accounts, seeing as they are easily accessed.
09-06-2008, 12:38
I have to say that if it all kicks off again i will back away from BOTH sites.
I've a Lot going on in my life at the mo & don't want to be involved in a load of BS. I've recently posted my thoughts on the situation but it has only been met by the normal Immature responces.
I am starting to realise that a Lot of poeple online have Absolutely Nothing going on in there lives apart from slinging **** from behind there Closed Bedroom doors.
Unfortunately true. There are far too many people in this world who hide behind their keyboards and fire random torrents of abuse or **** at people in the hope it'll stick.
They think it makes them look big, clever, and powerful, when if you were to ever actually meet them I'll wager quite a few will be scared of going out for fear they might actually see the sun, let alone actually standing up for themselves.
Hard is it often is, the best policy is often to simply walk away - it's rather hard to shoot a target that doesn't exist. Failing that, if you really are big and hard enough to take it as far as it needs to go and can find out who they are, there's the option of rounding on them and scaring the **** out of them so much that they run screaming home to mummy. :D
As for this particular incident, it'll only go anywhere if those who actually make the decisions on either side care for it to do so. I can't speak for them, but I hope they don't.
09-06-2008, 13:13
Well I have just came back in from a Superb dog walk & my mind is clear.
Why am I bothering to get stressed over bedroom dwelling children.
I am Backing away from both sites as I think it's the right thing to do for myself.
Like I saud I have Far to much going on in my Lifee to involve myself in such BS.
Those that want to stay in touch can so through MSN but I doubt many will bother.
Fortunetly I have This place, Full of Friendly Sociable people who have No alterior motives in ther eposting style or with what they say/Post.
09-06-2008, 13:32
Well after being patronised by Scuzi about my spelling I've pretty much had enough of OcUK now, not worth getting wound up about but for some reason correcting my spelling really pisses me off. The fact the place is run by people who feel they can have a pop and not get responded to because they have a 'position' makes me not want to be there. :(
So don't go there then. Problem solved :)
Well after being patronised by Scuzi about my spelling I've pretty much had enough of OcUK now, not worth getting wound up about but for some reason correcting my spelling really pisses me off. The fact the place is run by people who feel they can have a pop and not get responded to because they have a 'position' makes me not want to be there. :(
Most of us have already met, so it changes things here (for the better). It's easy on the community if everyone keeps in touch. Anonynimity(sp?) seems to curse most forums. Plus, the whole admin power thing seems to come up time and time again, as the OcUK forums happily demonstrate.
Saying that though, there are people here I've never really spoken to, including your good self.
09-06-2008, 14:41
I only visit OcUK when its a slow day here (or in general) and its more for information than nice people, i post totally different over there too, defensive i guess. The place is too big for its boot unfortunately, but i totally love it here. Hence i just don't care! :D
09-06-2008, 14:46
I feel kind of relieved to be honest, I speak from the Heart & people take advantage of there Anonynimity to play stupid games.
On here I am fortunate that I have people that really know me & I think care about me. On top of that those that don't know me know others who do so can pass on polite requests for a better explanation or reason for whatever it was I said/posted. The close inter linked community here provides reassurance that All of our intentions are honourable & maybe we are having a bad day or whatever.
I don't know really but it just feels peaceful & freindly here & I am more relaxed amongst friends :)
So don't go there then. Problem solved :)
Gets a :thumbup: from Faysh
09-06-2008, 15:20
I don't know really but it just feels peaceful & freindly here & I am more relaxed amongst friends :)**** OFF!
09-06-2008, 16:27
**** OFF!
I got the mail about 5 days ago. It appears to be the same person using the same list as last time though. In only say that as last time it was leeched from the trust accounts I changed my trust email and it still went to the one that was registered at before. As it is an email account I am very careful with I doubt they got it from anywhere else.
Not that it makes a great difference to me, my opinion of both places remains the same :)
Well a few people could potentially have the 'old list' as a DL link was passed around a bit I believe.
I didn't receive this email before so they might have added to the list since then.
Never got one. They must know how I feel :D
Wahey - nice to feel wanted :P
From: Borked Pseudo Mailed []
Sent: [04/06/2008 15:21 ] 04/06/2008 15:21
Subject: OcUk just got BETTER!
I'm amazed how many people have asked if it's genuine though. No wonder so many people end up getting stung by Nigerians or whoever else happens to be the scammer of the month. :dunno:
Can anyone get on the-sps? It keeps coming up, page not found for me for some reason even though I was on there earlier.
Can anyone get on the-sps? It keeps coming up, page not found for me for some reason even though I was on there earlier.
brokened here, I can't get on the other sites on the same server either
I got mine on friday, straight to my Junk inbox.
/me feels the love.
/me can't remember the last time he logged on to OcUK.
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