View Full Version : Do you have monthly bandwidth limits? How close do you get?

08-06-2008, 11:59
I never had any limits with Eclipse but their service went rat**** so I moved to UKFSN on a limited contract.

I've never got close to their limits (60Gb peak, 330Gb off peak) but it's a good job I checked earlier this week.


I had a week to go and my peak usage was on 50Gb. By limiting my torrenting I managed to keep it within the 60Gb limit but I seem to have somewhat thrashed the connection this month!

08-06-2008, 12:00
We don't have limits on Virgin but when I was on Freeserve we had a 40Gb limit and I regularly went over it ;D I think the best I had was 57.

08-06-2008, 13:11
Yeah rape the Virgin connection here in Liverpool and Edinburgh, and although i'm on the slowest package and speed isn't uber fast i regulary download 100-200Gb of crap a month.

08-06-2008, 14:02
I had a 50gb limit on Nildram but never went over it. Unlimted on Be now, not that I go crazy with it.

08-06-2008, 14:32
No limits per se with Virgin, except for the silly STM times that they keep changing.

Del Lardo
08-06-2008, 14:37
Have a 3GB limit on Klara's Three mobile broadband and last month she got up to 2800mb.

08-06-2008, 16:29
Nowhere near, and i thought i raped it this month, new month start on the 17th each month.

Total Peak Usage: 1.87 Gb / 45Gb
Total Offpeak Usage: 25.05 Gb / 300Gb

08-06-2008, 17:08
Virgin here & they recently upgraded me from 4mb to 10mb for nowt so I'm not complaining.
Did read some disturbing stuff on OcUk earlier though about there monitoring & targeting you with advertising.

08-06-2008, 17:47
Feek, do you use their RSS feed? It's quite handy if you just want a quick check on your used allowance.

08-06-2008, 17:57
Nope, didn't know there was one. Is that from the UKFSN site or direct from Entanet?

Dr. Z
08-06-2008, 18:28
Last month I downloaded 300Gb in newsgroups alone, the most in a single month since August 2007 when I downloaded 307Gb (using Torrents though).

That completely excludes all my surfing and other downloads like ISOs and things from any of my other machines. I would imagine looking at the figures I have here my average transfer is around the 250Gb/month region which works out at 8Gb a DAY. Eep! Mind you, films in 720 and 1080 aren't exactly small and I regularly download those which must bump the average up quite a bit.

08-06-2008, 19:31
Virgin here & they recently upgraded me from 4mb to 10mb for nowt so I'm not complaining.
Did read some disturbing stuff on OcUk earlier though about there monitoring & targeting you with advertising.

Yeah but its actually a pile of crap the upgrade, cause after that they then changed the STM policies and netured the connection. I'd rather have a slightly slower pipe but not have to hassle around planning when i need to download thing. There overloading the infrastructure they have with these "free" upgrades. Annoys me.

08-06-2008, 19:47
40gb with sky until they upgrade my exchange and i get unlimited open to me, i never get near the 40gb and most is 20-30gb a month when i'm downloading.


08-06-2008, 20:17
Nope, didn't know there was one. Is that from the UKFSN site or direct from Entanet?
Entanet. It's a link at the bottom of the usage page and I find it quite handy, although I never really get close to my limit.

09-06-2008, 08:52
Virgin here & they recently upgraded me from 4mb to 10mb for nowt so I'm not complaining.
Did read some disturbing stuff on OcUk earlier though about there monitoring & targeting you with advertising.

Cableforum have been going on about this for quite a while now - http://www.cableforum.co.uk/board/12/33628733-virgin-media-phorm-webwise-adverts-updated.html

Virgin aren't doing it just yet, but BT have been running secret trials on customers.

09-06-2008, 09:48
1.5Gb / mo I think but I never get near it. I download anything really big at work but that happens like never.

09-06-2008, 10:03
No no no no no no no no no no no no no there's no limit.

09-06-2008, 10:08
I'm on BT's uncapped and it's great. Actually get 8MB and so far the service has been good as gold.

Occasionally I go nuts with the newsgroups (tend to buy the odd month access and beat it for all it's worth!) but they've never emailed me or anything. Typically use around 25GB a month I reckon - a lot of that is pushing/pulling stuff over VPN with the office, and random *nix'y bits.

09-06-2008, 10:38
My usage varies a lot. When I'm grabbing torrents or newsgroup stuff it'll be around 250Gb or so but with normal usage it's somewhere around 100Gb. That figure can vary depending how many days I work from home.

Joe 90
09-06-2008, 10:38
i has no limit to my 8mb pipex connection \o/

09-06-2008, 13:17
What do you guys do with this 100-odd Gb you download each month? I don't even have 100Gb of storage!

09-06-2008, 13:27
I'm with BT something or other. No idea if there is a limit. :D

09-06-2008, 13:50
A lot of my traffic is work related stuff as I often grab large DB2 exports. That aside I'll download TV episodes and films which I shove on the laptop and watch when I'm stuck abroad somewhere.

09-06-2008, 14:08
What do you guys do with this 100-odd Gb you download each month? I don't even have 100Gb of storage!

I'm constantly running out of room :D

I'm always trying to find things to replace/delete its actually really annoying!

09-06-2008, 17:55
Hahahahahaha!! Exceed a bandwidth limit? I've got to HAVE a bandwidth before I can rack up any useage....

10-06-2008, 08:01
I got 42gb yesterday :confused:

10-06-2008, 15:02
What do you guys do with this 100-odd Gb you download each month? I don't even have 100Gb of storage!

TV Shows. I keep collecting full seasons of shows I want to watch. Have nearly filled 1.5Tb with them and nearly filled a 500gb drive with HD movies :D

14-06-2008, 08:55
I'm on UKFSN's 30/300. Most I've seen is 10/25.

Hmm. Wonder if I could save a few quid!