View Full Version : Getting old.
Von Smallhausen
11-06-2008, 18:18
At the weekend, I went to a job where an old lady took ill when carers went to her house and there was no way in.
I didn't have any entry equipment with me so I reverted to the old Sweeney technique of booting the door in where I found the old dear collapsed but otherwise concious and soon she was up again although she was not in good health and had to use a frame etc.
It hammered home the occassional reminder that I am actually a bit scared of getting old.
Anyone else feel the same ?
I look around at work and the idea of ending up like that scares the crap out of me. I'd rather top myself than end up like that :/
11-06-2008, 19:56
Absolutey terrified :/
Petrified. More so that I won't be able to fit in everything that I want to do in my life time and before I know it I will be old.
12-06-2008, 07:34
Im not scared no, it was actually more scary for us family watching my Grandads mind and body fail him in the months before he died than it was for him, because he didnt have a clue what was going on. His body was still here, but Grandad wasnt :'(
I hope I go quickly though, and not like he did, but it doesnt really scare me no.
No. I'm looking forward to being able to be rude and wee wherever I want.
me too, i want a cane for beating rapscalions, a monacle and a comb over. an excuse to smoke cigars and pipes whenever i want.
And I want to wear the most enormous bloomers in the world.
Admiral Huddy
12-06-2008, 08:40
Nope and i'm not worried about it now. I was when I got to 30.
I carry on as if i were 21.. My body lets me know when things ain't right.
The only time I feel old is when good looking younger women, then realise I'm twice their age and it sounds soo wrong.
That said, my legs and knees are ****ed from running and boxing when I was younger which slows me down a bit.
Nope, couldn't give a toss.
12-06-2008, 09:32
Nope, couldn't give a toss.
I try not to think about it - I sometimes think.. . **** what have I done with my life, I'm touching 30 and what have I got to show for it?! But then I realise that in fact for my age I've done more than most people have done in their entire lives so that's refreshing and calms me. However I don't want to get old, even though I accept it, I know I can't stop it.
I'm trying to appreciate life more, and trying and starting to enjoy being alive more... no bouts of depression for a few months so it doesn't bother me. At times it gets very dire though :/
Admiral Huddy
12-06-2008, 10:06
Looking back, 30 is a great age :)
edit - hark at me lol :p
I used to be indifferent about it. However, having watched Still Game I'm actually fairly positive about it.
12-06-2008, 10:26
Absolutey terrified :/
Same at times. For the most i feel it'll never happen, then you have those moments where you're like **** where's it all going... I actually feel like i'm wasting lots of time at University, it costs loads and i could be doing so much exploring/travelling/experiencing, but i suppose it may be worth it in the end. My mates are finishing Uni now i feel like i've already wasted years of my life since i'm no where near finishing... Hmmmm
I'll be able to get onto buses, sit next to random strangers and say far too enthusiastically... "OOooooo I haven't seen you for ages! How is everyone? That was a right old carry on wasn't it, who'd have thought, what happened in the end then?" *big expectant cheesy grin*
I do sometimes think I'll end up and old spinster with lots of cats.... but then I start thinking about other things as I have an attention span of a goldfish for things like that :)
I plan on becoming the next Heff. No need to worry about falling down with all those cushions everywhere. :D
12-06-2008, 10:50
I worry about getting dementia or something which leave me with all my brain functions but none of my bodily functions, I worry about going first or going second but I don't really worry about being old per se, it has its perks.
When I am Old
I will wear Purple!
When I am an old woman,
I shall wear purple - -
With a red hat which doesn't go,
and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension
on brandy and summer gloves and satin sandles,
And say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
and gobble up samples in shops
and press alarm bells
and run with my stick along public railings,
and make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
and pick flowers in other people's gardens
and learn to spit!
You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
and eat three pounds of sausages at ago,
or only bread and pickles for a week,
and hoard pens and pencils
and beermats and things in boxes.
But now we must have clothes that keep us dry,
and pay our rent
and not swear in the street,
and set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner
and read the papers.
But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me
are not too shocked and surprised
when suddenly I am old,
And start to wear purple!
--Jenny Joseph
Admiral Huddy
12-06-2008, 11:17
You can always tell a womans age by the size of their handbag.. By the time they get to 60 they have baskets. Older then they are used to aid their walking!
Doesn't bother me in the slightest, but then I'm old already!
But seriously, it's only occasionally that I really feel my age anyway, mentally I'm a _lot_ younger than my physical years.
12-06-2008, 13:16
The only things that bother me if the fact ill health runs in my family, the actual getting old part doesn't faze me as long as i'm not only on those creepy old ladies who wheeze at you in the street, cackle and have so many wrinkles their wrinkles have wrinkles. On the plus side my granny has wrinkles that make her look a bit like a punch and judy puppet, i always expect her mouth to suddenly open weird when she talks. And i'm a long way from being old yet, although a little boy it work did ask me what it was like being old.
Since I lost weight, I keep getting ID'ed :o And the bus driver tried to sell me a child ticket a few weeks ago :shocked:
I'm not looking forward to it but then my grandparents and family are starting to die in various ways and it gives you insight into what's coming for you.
Von, my grandpa was rescued by the police when he fell and broke his hip, he was in there for about 24 hours before he was discovered so I truly appreciate your efforts :)
It's interesting to note how many of the under-30s are petrified and how many of the over-30s aren't particularly worried.
As for me, the same as MB. I'm more worried about dementia and other slow onset illnesses that would result in not being able to care for myself than the actual 'getting old' bit.
Same thing in my family Mark :(
Getting old = illness and slow painful drawn-out death :(
Hopefully by then medical science will be able to help me rather than just keep me alive longer than I am supposed to last ;)
I've now got 2 relatives on either side of the family who didn't get past their late 50s/early 60s, one side of the family who live to their 90s with np (excluding my Dad) and the other side of the family with a heap of ailments who are lucky to get past their 70s.
But I don't see the point in worrying about it, and never really have. I'll try my best to get to old age by living well but there's no guarantee of anything, so might as well enjoy what is there :D
12-06-2008, 16:30
It's really not something I ever think about to be honest - until about a month ago, I didn't even have life insurance :shocked:
I'm not bothered by death itself but a long drawn out painful (for me or my family) end would be pretty bad.
12-06-2008, 16:36
Lifes last Great experience,
Some days I can't wait & others I like to finish. For me I have always lived Day to Day, If it's a good day I'd like to finish it & if it's not I'm ready when you are.
Be nice to see my mates, My Grandad & my Auntie Marion again :)
Most of my family died in their 60's so I only have -30 years left and by god I'm going to enjoy them!
For me if we went by family stuff - Female side: mother still alive (I think) aprox late 40s-early 50s, nan no idea as never met her, grumpy aprox 60's. Male side: Greatnan (Dorothy Perkins :D ) mid 90s, nan late 70s - early 80s I think, grandfather no idea but similar time to my nan so possibly similar age, dad 46 :(
Just goes to show, family ages aren't everything.
12-06-2008, 21:14
you're old :p
I kid, I kid.
Admiral Sir Fayshun Sr. RN Rtd is 81 this year and still going strong-ish.
He had a TIA (like a mini-stroke) about 8 years ago which has affected his leg a bit and he's got Type 2 Diabetes and he's getting cataracts and the occasional attck of gout.
He eats relatively healthily (he's subscribed to the Mediterranean diet) which helps to control his diabetes and keeps active, either in the garden or playing golf and apart from having his afternoon nap (aww bless!) he's as active as he was 20 years ago. Looking at him you wouldn't say he was 80 either.
He says every year he has had over his dad (who died aged 53 from emphysema) he sees as a bonus.
My dads mum died in her late 60's with senile dementia, and both my mums parents died from lung cancer in their late 60's.
Hopefully I will inherit the longevity from the old man!
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