View Full Version : BSG S4 *Spoilers*
Just seen the mid season break. Apparently we have to wait 7 months now before the next episode. Such a fantastic episode. S4 has been rather dull so far but then BANG what an episode. I don't think theres any other show on at the moment that can really do dramatic tension with such great characters as BSG can. I think it airs on Tuesday or something in the UK.
Tigh telling Adama he's a cylon was something else. Its not like Tigh had any involvement with the destruction of humanity but to find out that the Cylons have potentially been playing you for over 30 years, well what Adama did. He just snapped. That ending though. I was on the edge of my seat. Earth.
14-06-2008, 18:24
ah didn't realise there was another episode :)
Ep10. Its odd that they're calling it a mid season cliff hanger when its not on till Jan 09. Lost isn't back till then either but its a new season.
Blame the writers' strike. I've heard rumours the second half is better than the first, not that I've seen any of it.
14-06-2008, 19:20
I damn well forgot to watch this when it started up again.
I dont think I have the patience to "borrow" them all to watch, anyone willing to give me a run down of what happened please pretty please!
15-06-2008, 20:23
Just watched it OMG!!! I have to 2 this and CSI: NY are the best season finales I've seen out of the current crop of shows we watch.
Del Lardo
15-06-2008, 21:02
Not been that impressed with S4 so far but looking forward to watching the finale in bed tonight.
I'm just rewatching it.
I think its clear now that theres a 3rd party involved we haven't met yet. Maybe the Cylon god.
15-06-2008, 22:53
Say what Pete??
With all the things happening like Starbuck's destiny. Her returning alive with a brand new Viper which has the only device to point the way to Earth and then the final 4 hearing the music which draws them to the ship. Its all too much random luck to be luck. Theres something out there.
Del Lardo
15-06-2008, 23:45
Well we're still missing the final Cylon. It could be controlling everything.
I was wondering what they'd do with Earth and worried that they'd frack it up (quite why I have no idea) but the final scene built up the 2nd half of the season perfectly
I think they've split Season 4 into 2 mini seasons as it's cost them so much money to make. Read somewhere that the SciFi channel aren't "making money" on the series as it costs a lot to make but has relatively few viewers compared to something like American Idol.
Farscape dejavu there. They cancelled that for the same reason in s4.
16-06-2008, 09:48
I really hope they don't cancel it I did actually wonder if they'd ever make it to earth or whether the series would end before that happened.
16-06-2008, 09:49
damn spoiler tags. Ok got that right now :)
My mind did start racing when I saw they were actually there, I wondered how they'd make contact with us etc. I remember the orginal series when they came to earth and thought that was excellent.
Seems we've buggered up earth though I'm sure we'll find out how that happened. I wonder through if they're not actually on earth but have gone somewhere else.
I do agree with you though Pete, I was hoping to find out who the final cylon was but seems we'll have to wait. The scene between bill and tigh was excellent and yes that would seriously mess with your head thinking the cylons have been there for 30 years. However.....what if they swapped Tigh while he was on new caprica?
Those of you that can't be bothered to wait for it to be broadcast on UK TV might want to keep an eye on your usual sources. "The Final Episodes" start tonight on the SciFi channel stateside.
Seen it.
Ellen?? Dee?? Starbuck mk2??? So Starbuck died and someone rebuilt her ship and her. Theres a 3rd party out there.
17-01-2009, 13:05
Cheers Pete will have a look for it.
Spoilers (if you didn't see last nights episode),0,3409207.story - An interview with the final cylon. It doesn't really say too much about her or her character, but *meh*
Reading that interview is a bit depressing. It seems more like the writers came up with her being the final Cylon for fun. A way of bringing her back which implies that they had to bend the plot around her to make it work. Its a shame really. Imagine how well woven the story could have been if they planned it from the start. Its all pure luck that Anders got rescued and far too easily explained away by saying God is behind it. Still waiting for Dirk Benedict to popup. Moore said he was going to be in the S1 cliff hanger as God
Still waiting for Dirk Benedict to popup. Moore said he was going to be in the S1 cliff hanger as God
I'm still pegging on the original Gods re-appearing and blasting them all to hell for disbelieving in them and running away like cowards from the cylons.
18-01-2009, 11:51
Well just seen it so will put some thoughts up in a bit.
11-02-2009, 21:54
So who has been watching it?? :shocked:
Del Lardo
11-02-2009, 21:57
US Episode
Was happy to see Gater (sp) gone. Since he got his leg shot off his pastyness has annoyed the crap outta me.
Cracking 2 parter :D
11-02-2009, 22:02
It was excellent.
the first episode was excellent and I thought the second part was well done. What on earth did the chief see?
Del Lardo
11-02-2009, 22:05
All I remember is the chief crawling around a lot and one of the mutineers letting him go. May have to watch it again as I was a wee bit squiffy ;)
11-02-2009, 22:09
haha watch towards the end and let me know what you think.
to me it looks like something has cut/scraped the metal. Then again it might be sabotage so the ship can't jump. Do we think Sam is deaded then?
Del Lardo
11-02-2009, 22:11
bugger, had forgotten about Sam as well ;D
Note to self, watch BSG again when I'm not stoned off my tits :o
11-02-2009, 22:13
probably a good plan :p
Damn where is Mr Carr I can talk to him about it ;D
Those were some of the best episodes in a while. Less of the "OMGWTF" stuff and a lot more plot. Still feels like the writers have their heads up their own arses a bit in a "zomg, how clever are we!!!111oneoneone" but hopefully being this close to the end that'll be almost all done.
12-02-2009, 08:19
what do you mean Garp about how clever are we?
what do you mean Garp about how clever are we?
Sorry.. didn't word it all that well.
I just mean that like with Lost, Heroes and so on they seem determined to be all "clever" with an absurd number of plot twists, gotcha moments and so on. They start out quite cool, but after a while it gets to seem rather pretentious like they're wanting to walk around saying "Ha, ha, ha, ha we know and you don't". Story telling should contain a fair balance of "Wha... huh?" moments and "Ohhhhhh" resolutions. BSG has (to me) felt like it's had way too much of the former and very little of the latter.
Del Lardo
15-02-2009, 21:58
For those who are annoyed with never getting any answers watch E15 ASAP.
More answers given than questions posed!
15-02-2009, 22:24
twas awesome
that is all
I've seen it and listened to RDM's podcast and I still can't quite wrap my head around some of it. There are still missing questions. Baltar's visions of 6. 6's visions of Baltar. Though I have no real clue if Caprica 6 is dead or not with all the damn clones. What is Starbuck? Some sort of hybrid? There's an interesting theory bouncing around that makes you think. What if they're all Cylons? The past is so complex that at some point they may have forgot that they were all Cylons.
If you don't listen to RDM's podcasts you should. "This is an interesting thing and it sets up a story line that takes us right to the end." He's such a tease but its great to know that its all going somewhere. Annoyingly I've heard that that somewhere may not be a nice place. Oh and his wife is hilarious. "Well if you were a better writer things would make more sense."
President is definitely done. Galactica is quite possibly done. I have this feeling that Adama and Roslin are going to go out in a blaze of glory on Galactica. They're all old things due for retirement.
RDM has said that they've tried to save as much money for the finale as they can. Thats not far off now. God I can't wait for that.
15-02-2009, 22:38
I'm still confused with Starbuck myself :huh:
I think these law few are going to be awesome, I'll just be gutted when it finishes.
Better to be gutted than to think "fking finally." Its ending on hopefully a spectacular note and it'll answer most of our questions. Its a good ending. There is a tv movie planned called "The Plan" which is about the events of the mini-series and up to s2 set from the Cylon perspective afaik.
15-02-2009, 22:55
Sounds good. Caprica sounds promising too.
was it true they were planning on having a 2-3 hour finale?
I'm not entirely sure. I've heard this though.
Executive Producer Ron Moore has said that the final 10 episodes will run 11 hours in length – or longer, with the series finale running three or more hours
I would love that. Basically have a miniseries size ending. Its sort of hinted at in the podcasts cos RDM keeps saying the show is returning to how it started, to some extent. Remembering that Galactica was once a damn fine ship. Tyrel fixing the ship. Kara kicking ass and taking names. I'd love a 3hr finale.
Del Lardo
18-02-2009, 17:48
So who do we think Daniel is and how does he fit in?
First thoughts was that Baltar could be an escaped Daniel but Cavil has spent time with him so would have noticed he was still alive.
My guessing is that Daniel knocked up Socrata Thrace explaining why Kara has returned from the dead and could find Earth.
21-02-2009, 10:36
Cylon Ellen is a bitch
that is all
She always was and especially around Tigh. Last week she was so different. I guess jealousy and stuff really isn't good for her. Poor baby though. I think its clear, especially with the themes in this episode, where things are going. Humans & Cylons need each other to survive. Galactica needs Cylon tech. Cylons need to fall in love with humans to procreate. That then leads us to the end. Cavil wants the final 5 to build resurection. He has superior forces too. That'll make him try and take them by force. Its not clear how many ships he has though. Oh and now Baltar's religious group is armed. Hard to see where that's going. Maybe some fight between them and the "Sons of Ares" after all he's the god of war. Its clear that theres a big showdown coming though. One to decide the fate of everything.
I've heard...
last episode has been extended to 3 parts
part 1 on the thursday, then part 1 repeated again on the Friday along with parts 2 and 3
21-02-2009, 13:50
so instead of it being 22 episodes long the season is in fact 24?
I really have no idea. The production numbers throw me completely. Todays was ep 16. But last weeks podcast was about ep 17 which was actually 15. I thought it was going to be 20 episodes. Ok wiki to the rescue.
The Sci-Fi Channel confirmed on March 22, 2007 that Battlestar Galactica had been renewed for a fourth season of 22 episodes, which producers David Eick and Ronald D. Moore later announced to be the series' last.
The first 2 slots of season four's 22 episode order were taken up by the two-hour TV movie Battlestar Galactica: Razor
Episodes 3 to 12
The rest of the fourth season was split into two parts, partly due to the writers' strike.
Episodes 13 to 22
The second half of season 4 (referred to as Season 4.5), consisting of 10 episodes, began airing on January 16, 2009.[17][18] Moore has stated that some of these episodes will run longer than the traditional episode with the March 20 [19] series finale possibly running for up to three hours.[20]
So its a normal 20 episode season. There are 4 episodes left. But I don't know whether that means 1 next week then 3 the week after or 3 more "1 hour" episodes and then one big "3 hour" event. Ah wait :D
until March 21 for the 2 hour finale.
2 hour, 3 hour. I dunno :D The last 2 episodes are a 2 parter I know that much from the episode titles of part 1 and part 2.
21-02-2009, 14:29
my brain hurts ;D
Part 1 could be 1 hour and part 2 2 hours. I dunno. I wish they'd clarify it. Anyways, last 4 episodes essentially. Seems like an insane amount to "tigh" up :D
21-02-2009, 14:42
rofles yes they have alot to sort out over the next few weeks
I reckon Dirk Benedict turns up as Kara's father and the one true god. Ronald D Moore actually said that they considered having Dirk appear at the end of S1 during the opera house stuff. I think he felt it would have been too cheesey. Ah ha. Ok so at least one thing seems clear. RDM has at one point felt that "god" is real and we get to meet him/her. Who knows if we still do.
In the first draft of "Kobol's Last Gleaming", he went into the temple and Six took him towards some subterranean passage, and it was very dark, and she said, "This is as far as I go." And he says, "What?" And she makes him go further and he's just finds himself walking in a void, a black void, and doesn't know where it's leading. And at the end of that he comes into a room and he hears music and it's a recognizable Earth-tune, to the audience and to him. It was Jimi Hendrix was playing, actually, and he goes, "God, I recognize that." And then somebody- or somebody s- a voice says, "You recognize that?" And he says, "Yes." And he turns and it's Dirk Benedict. (Laughs.) And Dirk Benedict said, "Hi. I'm God." And you just cut. We just cut out on that.
Just to continue that thought about Kobol and it was Dirk Benedict, and he said, "Hi. I'm God." And they shake hands and that was- we were gonna cut, and that was gonna be the end of that whole storyline and at the episode. I liked it. I thought it was wacky. I didn't quite know what it meant. I thought- I was looking for a surprise. Something interesting that fed into the mythos of the show and also to the audience and something that would really be unexpected and different and, frankly I didn't know what the hell I meant. I didn't know, was he lying? Is it true? It threw a lot of puzzle pieces up in the air in an unexpected way which, to me, was a reason to try to do it and see if it worked. And by and large the reaction ran the gamut from, "Huh?" to "That's really wild and cool!" And ultimately in a discussion with the network, I think it was Mark Stern, who's our production executive at the network, just said, "You know what? You don't need this. You really don't need to go this far. It seems like you're pushing- it's pushing too far. It's winking at the audience for the first time and you haven't done that." And I said, "You know what? You're right." He was right. It was a misstep.
Wham! Something just hit me.
Daniel can't be Kara's Dad. The actor who plays the pianist in the recent episode isn't the actor that plays Daniel in the new Caprica show. RDM has said that Daniel isn't a key figure in BSG but is in Capirca. This begs the question of just who the frack Kara's Dad is. Theres a clear Cylon final 5 connection there. Maybe, what if, there are other survivors from Earth? Another colony?
Aw poor Galactica. I knew she wouldn't make it. I knew there would be something else to the Cylon goop. I'm guessing a skeleton crew might stay on board. They'll go after Hera in it as Anders, if he ever becomes lucid, could probably pilot the ship. Have to wonder if Starbuck will survive. She seems to have accepted her own death. If she died once maybe she'll come back. Maybe she doesn't need to come back.
2 weeks left. 2 official episodes. 19 and 20. Well, production wise 21 and 22. The schedule on Scifi ( for that evening is 8pm 4x21. 9pm till 11pm is 4x22. Thats the 3hr finale. We get one hour next week and then 2 the week after. As Michael Jackson this week said, this is it. 3 hours left to answer it all. They did say that the finale really wraps it all up.
Del Lardo
07-03-2009, 15:21
I've fallen a few weeks behind (seen up to episode 15) as I've been too busy to give them my full attention and I'm now sorely tempted to hold off until I have them all and then sit down and watch them all in one go.
It would be a superb day (reminicent of when I watch all of 24 S4 in one day) but I'm not sure if I can avoid giving in to temptation.
21-03-2009, 12:21
Very sad that there will be very few posts in this thread anymore but wow, what an end :)
Frack me with a toaster what an end. I'm really going to miss that show. It wasn't perfect but when it hit the right notes it topped anything else out there. I'll miss it because there's now no spaced based sci-fi on tv anymore. No Star Trek, Stargate, B5, Farscape, and now no BSG. I'll also miss it because even though it was set in space with robots it was more down to earth than most shows, divine intervention aside ;) Damn what an end. Its like being on a rollercoaster thats on fire while having sex with everything blowing up around you.
I want to hit Ronald D Moore.
That planet is Earth? We’re not going to find out, “Oh, there’s this other Earth over here...” This is the only Earth we’ll see?
They have found Earth. This is the Earth that the 13th Colony discovered, they christened it Earth. They found Earth.
I think we had all accepted that Earth was our Earth, at least its how it read. Then he drops in our actual Earth and I just wanted to hit him for playing us all like that. It was brilliant.
21-03-2009, 12:54
haha same thing Pete, I was like :shocked: when I saw it ;D a big yesssss moment :D
Watched it last night, fantastic, great at everythink it does well.
I'm going to miss this program, loved the space sounds, the broken ships, the realistic way they flew, the drama and the liberal use of the work Frak :D
SiD the Turtle
23-03-2009, 14:03
The ending was fantastic. It was a lot more upbeat than I was expecting, definitely a valentine for the fans. The CGI was top notch, especially loved the night flyby of Caprica city.
Also, how haut did Caprica Six look in that black dress in the Caprica flashback?
I know I'm a fair few weeks behind everyone else. Just saw the final episode and as everyone else has said what an ending! I really will genuinely miss this series. I agree with Pete in that when it hit the right notes, it blew everything else away. For a series it had a lot of damn good twists and a lot of stuff that you didn't see coming. Excellent visuals even if it was CGI, especially in HD.
Another thought, what the hell am I going to watch now? :( Terminator Chronicles has finished for this series, that leaves Eureka around July which is *very* hit and miss.
Interesting to see what they are going to wheel out on the sci-fi channel now. More Firefly anyone?
Del Lardo
22-05-2009, 11:57
I've fallen a few weeks behind (seen up to episode 15) as I've been too busy to give them my full attention and I'm now sorely tempted to hold off until I have them all and then sit down and watch them all in one go.
It would be a superb day (reminicent of when I watch all of 24 S4 in one day) but I'm not sure if I can avoid giving in to temptation.
Well I have avoided temptation, forgotten what happened in eps11-15 so now have 11-20 waiting for me. Mrs DL has been booked to go to Brno 12-15 June so I have my weekend :D Now I just need to make sure that I have suitable "supplies" in for that weekend so I can really enjoy it.
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