View Full Version : Cold Case

Snuggle Ferret
18-06-2008, 17:29
Anyone else think the music on this show is fabtastic?

18-06-2008, 20:24
The music all depends when the "cold case" for that episode is. Sometimes tbh its naff but the show itself I really like. Bit far fetched on how much detail people "remember" after 10, 20, 30 years but it is still enjoyable

Snuggle Ferret
19-06-2008, 09:30
I haven't caught many of them, but the few I've caught have had music I love, so I may be slightly biased LOL

19-06-2008, 09:33
There is the case of the ever shrinking Lilly (thats the main female) I'm thinking by next season it'll be a skeleton with blonde hair

19-06-2008, 14:46
Mrs. Feek likes this programme, but I'm slowly working my way through CSI. In about four years when I've finished CSI I might move onto Cold Case :)