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27-03-2011, 17:15
Good going Matt :) Find a nice easy training program, 3 months is a good time. Hardest part is battling your head. Most times when I go running it takes a few miles to get into it. The first few I'm thinking "Oh god, can't do it." If you can find a running partner that will help so much.

Half marathon done :D Felt great to finish it, to defeat something I've feared these past few weeks. The start was odd. An insane amount of people passed me and I felt like I was the very last runner in the race. I was doing my perfect pace but it still made me feel deflated. That changed around the 9 mile mark though. All those people couldn't keep up that pace and were walking or slowing down. As I kept a consistent pace of about 10:15/mile I was able to over take them. That felt great :D

I did it in 2hrs 13 mins, which is about 20 mins faster than last time. Very happy with my consistent pace. Only time I stopped was for the loo about 7 miles in, so I probably did around 2hrs 10 or so. Felt like my toenails came off but they didn't. No other issues other than that.

27-03-2011, 17:24
Way to go Pete! Beat all those people wished they'd kept it sensible like you as they were dying for the last four miles :)

28-03-2011, 12:24
Well done Matt! You'll be flying along in no time :)

And nice one Pete. I need to do me a h.m. at some point.

28-03-2011, 14:11
Does anyone know if you're meant to do the ice bath thing before or after a warm one?

After my long runs on Friday I've taken to using the cold shower on max on the legs which seems to help a bit, especially important this week as I'm running Thursday and diving Sunday which requires the ability to move my legs.

Anyway, my shower is now busted (it's got a broken knob), so I may have to take to having a bath until the landlady's "handy man" gets it fixed, so wondered... should I lie in cold water first... or have a warm bath. Because I'm not washing in freezing water!

28-03-2011, 17:35
So I um, went for my first run today. Have spent a few weeks psyching myself up to do it, and buying the right shoes etc.

Used the iPhone c25k app, and I managed 16 mins of the 20 min run, which isn't half bad for a first attempt I think. Need to keep an eye on my dodgy knee though.

28-03-2011, 17:40
Well done Marie! :D

With running its breaking the barrier of The Fear and getting on with it :)

It gets better the more you do trust me!!!

BB x

28-03-2011, 17:42
Thanks, felt like a bit of a tit at first, but I took Patch with me for company, he is now semi comatose as he had to run along with me! ;D

28-03-2011, 17:57
AWwww his poor ickle legs!!!

PS I think you can get special jogging with dog leads...

BB x

28-03-2011, 20:51
My legs felt like I'd been in a minor road accident today.

Out again tomorrow!


28-03-2011, 21:48
4km in 23m 13secs

did the other km before body pump & body attack.


BB x

29-03-2011, 12:04
Need to keep an eye on my dodgy knee though.
My bad knee has pretty much stopped giving me grief since I started running. I think a bit of muscle around it for support really helps. Hopefully it'll be the same for you :)

29-03-2011, 20:40
Out again tonight and it felt a bit better, I didn't go off at quite such a pace and the walking in the interval training gave me an opertunity to get my breath back rather than just compounding things, the Runkeeper app is good but it doesn't really cater very well for interval training, especially if you find yourself finishing the program before you get home you bugger up your averages. So I'm looking forward to when I'm actually running the whole routes as my performance increases will but much easier to see :)


29-03-2011, 22:06
5km = 29m 38 secs (I think) no music.


Well done MB :) keep it up! :D

PS thigh chaffage due to wearing Cycling shorts to run :/

BB x

29-03-2011, 22:38
I'm lucky, never yet had chaffing issues. Just wear bog standard shorts or walking trousers if it's cold.

Yesterday: 5.02 miles = 42:25. Quite happy, the last mile was 7:40.

31-03-2011, 18:29
Went out again. My shins hurt when I run, and my feet hurt, but Kate warned me this might happen as my feet needed correcting with the trainers I got because I lift my feet off the floor the wrong way round when I walk.

It hurts, but I'm not dead :D

05-04-2011, 20:02
Running is going well, did my 4th run tonight and repeated the first C25K workout although I should have moved to week 2, and actually in hindsight I probably could have done, today felt better than any run so far, my pace is up and I recover quicker after the run sections so on Thursday we'll move from a 60s run/ 90s walk for 20 mins to 90s run/ 120s walk for 20 mins

The rest of the workout is here


Seem daunting at first but if my fitness keeps building; despite my inital reservations I think I'll be able to keep up.

I'm a bit peeved that I put on a huge amount of weight by eating off plan at the weekend but in my heart I know it's mostly water weight and will come off soon enough, maybe I'll stop weighing for a couple of weeks, maybe not ;D


05-04-2011, 20:14
Im repeating the first weeks runs again this week because I didn't get to the end of the whole thing. I'd rather do it right though rather than rush myself. I ache today though, after a run yesterday and then pole class today.

06-04-2011, 22:53
29m 20secs

No music and after body pump... can't believe I am saying this but I am MEGA gutted that I can't run the JP Morgan Chase Run this year (will be on a plane :D)

BB x

08-04-2011, 09:03
29m 35secs

I may have done this this morning :/


BB x

08-04-2011, 09:27
Thats impressive Mei, I'll be happy when I can do 5k in 40 minutes, I'm currently doing an average of 8mins/km which includes my warm up walk but thats over ~3k.

On the flat my running seems to be going well but my route has quite a big hill in it which stops me in my tracks and can turn a jogging interval into a rather out of breath walk interval and can cut into the next one too. I'm not sure whether to keep the hill in with the hope that in a couple of weeks I'll be able to do it without stopping or whether to try a different route in the hope that where my fitness increases on the flat I'll be able to do the hill when I go back to it.

You can see from the graph below the impact that the hill has on my speed and the subsiquent interval.

There are 8 running intervals with walks inbetween and a 5 minute walk to start.


Things are going well although I come back completely exhausted and have to sit down for 10 minutes even after a cool down walk ;D


08-04-2011, 18:45
Crossposted from Bookface

"Today's run was quite interesting, went off with the intention of taking the run intervals steadier and the result was a faster time overall and faster and more consistant walk and run sectors. Conclusion is I've been pushing a little too hard. Still had to walk through a run section after the big hill but I felt easier overall and .2km further in the same time as yesterday :)"

If anyone is using Runkeeper and want to add me to their Streetteam then 'd be only too pleased :)


10-04-2011, 08:52
A common mistake early on is to go too fast Matt. I still do it and have to slow myself down or I burn myself out before the end of the run :D

10-04-2011, 12:24
I went out this AM for an extra run as I was feeling inspired and I seem to have got back some of the addiction to exercise I had when I was working out 6 times a week back when I was in my twenties.

Started with minimal expectations and a plan to do my regular coaching of 90s run 120s walk and got the the end of the 26 minutes by which time I was on the track back along the river, so I kept the runkeeper app on and went for 5k. I didn't run the rest but did a fast walk with a few short jogs. Total time on the end for 5k was 37.5min which is under the 40min target I set myself for the charity run in August already. Based on that I'm going to revise the target to 30 minutes for that run which if I don't walk at all should be achieveable.

Considering my first run was 11 days ago and was 3k after which I think I could happily have curled up and died and was more of a jog followed by a hobble I think this is going OK :D


10-04-2011, 12:35
Nice one Matt :)

10-04-2011, 12:36
Good going Matt :) Especially given it's fairly warm out there at the moment I imagine, certainly is here in Warwick.

12-04-2011, 11:52
Oooopps I appear to have signed up for another 5k!

This one is right at the end of my c25k training, the Royal Romp is another 6 weeks on so this one will give me a chance to see how I get on :)

I must be bonkers because despite the fact that when I am out running I curse myself for thinking I could ever put one foot in front of the other, when I get back and for days afterwards I'm thinking about running and my next training session and whether I could run a 10k in the future. At the moment I'm not even capable of running the 5k without haveing to walk 2/5s of the way!

I've registered to run Pants in the Park which is in aid of prostrate cancer in June (25th) and is also in Regent's Park which my all accounts is pretty flat :D


12-04-2011, 12:38
I've registered to run Pants in the Park which is in aid of prostrate cancer in June (25th) and is also in Regent's Park which my all accounts is pretty flat :D


That lying on your back is awfully dangerous ;)

My feet keep going numb when I run/cycle. Drives me mad. Have to stop to get the feeling back. Wondering if my laces are too tight, but it doesn't feel like it.

12-04-2011, 13:37
stupid spellchecker :/


12-04-2011, 13:40
That lying on your back is awfully dangerous ;)

My feet keep going numb when I run/cycle. Drives me mad. Have to stop to get the feeling back. Wondering if my laces are too tight, but it doesn't feel like it.

I remeber having that issue in the gym but haven't had anything like it when running, I think these shoes are the best I've had they are NB 858's which have quite a lot of support by all accounts, I didn't have gait analysis when I had them fitted but I'm pretty sure I told them about my foot pain etc when they recomended them. Next time I'm gong to get proper gait analysis and get shoes which are ideally suited to me :cool:


12-04-2011, 16:03
That lying on your back is awfully dangerous ;)

My feet keep going numb when I run/cycle. Drives me mad. Have to stop to get the feeling back. Wondering if my laces are too tight, but it doesn't feel like it.
Worth trying to slacken them off and seeing if it makes a diff, even if they do feel fine as they are. I scrunch my toes up in my shoe when I tie it so it makes me tie a little looser if that makes sense?

Desperately need new trainers but no time to get them fitted and I can't find my current model online anywhere

12-04-2011, 18:21
Next time I'm gong to get proper gait analysis and get shoes which are ideally suited to me :cool:


I did that, but I can't lay hands on the trainers I got. I remember it being a little better with them, but not completely. I often get a numb couple of toes on the outside because one foot is bigger than other, so to get shoes that fit mostly, a couple of toes get scrunched on one foot.

My shin hurt yesterday too, but I'm sure it's just getting back into it.

Kate, I'll try that tomorrow.

12-04-2011, 21:35
I'm planning on another 13.1 training run Friday. Been doing 8/9 mile runs for two months now (started 8.2 @ 1:19, last Friday 9.25 @ 1:25) so hoping I will be able to properly strech (aka stand) after this one.

Bloke at work is trying to talk me into a October HM, we'd both be aiming for sub 2h, he's currently on 10k @ 52min and managed a 63 min 7 miler. Still that's VERY different to 13.1 miles.

13-04-2011, 05:18
Yes it is, but it's perfectly achievable. Are you doing any speedwork in your weekly plan? It's well worth swapping 1 run per week for speed reps once you are up to 8-9 miles for your long runs. It really does make a huge difference!

13-04-2011, 05:21
I did that, but I can't lay hands on the trainers I got. I remember it being a little better with them, but not completely. I often get a numb couple of toes on the outside because one foot is bigger than other, so to get shoes that fit mostly, a couple of toes get scrunched on one foot.

My shin hurt yesterday too, but I'm sure it's just getting back into it.

Kate, I'll try that tomorrow.
Are your trainers just your normal trainer size? They advise going up at least 0.5 size when you buy running shoes because your feet expand quite a lot when they get hot. I'm a bit concerned that some of your toes feel scrunched up before you've even started. That's not good!

You probably already know all this, so I'm not trying to patronise, just help :)

13-04-2011, 06:53
Yes it is, but it's perfectly achievable. Are you doing any speedwork in your weekly plan? It's well worth swapping 1 run per week for speed reps once you are up to 8-9 miles for your long runs. It really does make a huge difference!

Sort of, still just doing two a week Monday is my faster run and I'm doing 5 miles in ~43 mins, the last mile is sub 8 (for the last 4 that I've done).

Hoping to get back up to include a short 3 miler Wednesdays against post holiday now that my legs are use to the extra distance.

13-04-2011, 13:31
Are your trainers just your normal trainer size? They advise going up at least 0.5 size when you buy running shoes because your feet expand quite a lot when they get hot. I'm a bit concerned that some of your toes feel scrunched up before you've even started. That's not good!

You probably already know all this, so I'm not trying to patronise, just help :)

Sorry, Kate, that's normal shoes.

They were fitted by the people in the shop after the gait analysis - they checked the room. But the ones I'm using while they are AWOL are a full size bigger than usual which is why I think it might be that they are tied too tight (as they come off otherwise!)

And don't worry about patronising me, I know you're not and even so, I know nada about this stuff! Anything I learnt I've forgotten.

13-04-2011, 21:37
29m 09 secs :cool:

BB x

15-04-2011, 16:41
Thew in another 5k today to see if my pace was increasing, if you take out the pause for the traffic lights I'm calling that under 35mins which included some walking, if I can only get running for the whole thing I think I'll be able to get under 30 mins eventually. I'm in awe of you BBx getting under 30, are you running that on a tread mill with no incline?


15-04-2011, 18:25
Come off it, if you're hitting 35 already, you'll be <30 in no time!

15-04-2011, 18:34
It doesn't sound like much but its a full minute less per km and when I look at the splits I've done in <6 minutes there is only one and there are 8 and almost 9 minute splits too. :(

km Pace (min/km)
1 6:30
2 5:34
3 7:34
4 6:44
5 8:48

I need to be running consistently and faster, the first hurdle is actually being able to run for 5km without having to give up and walk for a while at about the 3km mark! If I can do that I think I'll get there :cool:


15-04-2011, 21:26
Maybe slow down your first could of kms Matt, try and get the slower start / faster end rhythm, hard I know. The longer I run for the faster I seem to feel even when I'm actually doing the same speed as I tire.

Tonight: 2:05:56. But I was able to actually chuck the bin back, take the boxes in, and not physically shake while trying to unlock the door, progress. 13C, dry and little wind, perfect running weather imho.

Hope the weather holds for anyone busy Sunday! 26.2 miles is an insane distance.

15-04-2011, 22:00
Matt - are you just doing long paced runs or shorter faster ones and mixing it up?

15-04-2011, 22:08
I'm mostly sticking to the C25K program, thats 3 sessions of interval training in a week building to a full 5k continious run but I did a 5k on Sunday and one today just to mix it up and see if I can.


After this I think I'll use the Bridge to 10k training program which is more of the same really. I've been reading today that intervals are better for weight loss anyway so thats ideal. I'm open to suggestions though :)


16-04-2011, 00:40
I'm in awe of you BBx getting under 30, are you running that on a tread mill with no incline?


Yes running on a treadmill at incline of only 0.1 that's all... I should increase it though to compensate for road running as would like to get out on the road now its getting lighter/warmer.

When I first started this 10k a week running thing (I do 2x sessions of 5km) I started the 5kms at 9.5km/k and now I am at 10km/h finishing the last 250m on a sprint at 11km/h.

Its so true that the more you run the beeter you get at it... and you have to keep it up otherwise you have to start from the beginning... the hotel I am staying at on hols has a gym so want to keep it up.

~Next week I am out a lot in the eve so am going to have to spread the 10k target across a few mornings (eek!)

You are doing incredibly well though Matt! I find its just breaking out the mould and getting the first pang of motivation - once you are there you feed off it and want to keep it up....

I may be drunk... but i think I still make semse,...

BB x

16-04-2011, 09:28
I'm mostly sticking to the C25K program, thats 3 sessions of interval training in a week building to a full 5k continious run but I did a 5k on Sunday and one today just to mix it up and see if I can.


After this I think I'll use the Bridge to 10k training program which is more of the same really. I've been reading today that intervals are better for weight loss anyway so thats ideal. I'm open to suggestions though :)


Sounds ideal. Intervals definitely help with your cardio fitness too. I think you're doing brilliantly. All of a sudden you'll break the 5k barrier and you'll feel on top of the world! The 5k is the hardest one to break I think. After that it seems easy to increase each time.

16-04-2011, 10:44
Sounds ideal. Intervals definitely help with your cardio fitness too. I think you're doing brilliantly. All of a sudden you'll break the 5k barrier and you'll feel on top of the world! The 5k is the hardest one to break I think. After that it seems easy to increase each time.

I would still say ignore time and concentrate on just running for 5k nonstop, no matter how slow it feels. Getting your speed up is the easy bit. It's the stamina that takes a while to develop :) The best piece of advice I got when I was just starting out was SLOW DOWN

16-04-2011, 13:17
I'm only running at 5km/ph at the moment. Feel like a wuss but I can get further.

16-04-2011, 16:59
You will get better Kitten :) your body gets used to the speed and then you find your legs are running too fast for the treadmill so you HAVE to put the speed up :)

I HATE running (have I said that before?! :p) its all baby steps and we have good and bad days.

Today was a good day... 29m 09 again.. :)

BB x

16-04-2011, 18:41
Just spoke to a friend who was roped into a 10km that took him 1h55m, I think this goes to show that running slowly is a good idea. His main issue was the first 4k were far too fast and so he really suffered later on.

The most important thing as lostkat said is the stamina, until I started keeping it really slow and working on just going for as long as I could I made very little progress.

17-04-2011, 11:15
You're almost certainly going too fast at first Matt. I don't time my kilometres but I do set off substantially slower than I end up going later. Start slow, get the crap out of your system, get your heart rate up, get your breathing in check and you settle into your pace. But you MUST start off slow when you set out.

Did about 7km this morning. Set off before the Marathon started so I didn't look too much like a motivated Marathon newbie and found some new trails through the woods. I only set out to do 3-5km but I was enjoying myself so much I stayed out for a bit longer. I have been CHOWING DOWN the supplies in the cupboard. I can soak up a 5km run but anything over that I get HUNGRY ;D

18-04-2011, 20:54
Obviously inspired by the marathon yesterday... I thought i'd try a bit further, set a pace of 10.3km/h & went for 7.5km.

Did that in 43m 43sec (5km was 29m 12s couldve done it in 29m 09s but had set pace)

Then went on to complete 8km in 46m 26secs. Kicking myself I didnt do the full 10k but didnt want to push myself too far, will do the other 2km tom morning as short week & am going to ache like a biatch tomorrow! :D

Hope hol doesnt undo all my progress :( checked website & its a spa hotel so bound to have a gym.

10.3km/h was a comfortable speed so averaging out 'technically' thats 10k under 1hr-obviously you have to factor in road training, but thats still better than 1hr 12m which I did the ASICS 10k run in 2 years ago.

BB x

18-04-2011, 21:12
Well done Mei Mei :) xx

18-04-2011, 21:17
Woo Mei! :D

18-04-2011, 21:25
Go Mei :)

I too was partially inspired and more just wanted to crush my 57 min 10k from before I started working on improving my speed. Plus it was my last run before my holiday and unlikely to get a chance to run again until May 4th.

6.28 miles (10.05k) @ 50:49. Very happy. But heh, I've been running 5 miles+ regularly since October (18/10/10) so it's taken a while.

18-04-2011, 21:28
Well done and thank you guys :)

Was writing on the train and wanted to get the facts out of my brain before I forgot. lol

BB x

18-04-2011, 21:33
Am still getting pains in the fronts of my legs, so didn't want to push the running too much. I went for a walk with the dog for almost a mile after work today, pole class tomorrow, and am going to try and have another run later this week :)

18-04-2011, 21:37
Am still getting pains in the fronts of my legs, so didn't want to push the running too much. I went for a walk with the dog for almost a mile after work today, pole class tomorrow, and am going to try and have another run later this week :)

How often are you running? I've had a much better time since I cut my runs down to twice a week instead of three, was getting major shin splints on almost every run. The new trainers may have helped a little but I'd only done 360 miles in the old ones.

That said I do want to start getting back to three soon.

18-04-2011, 21:41
Im still only doing the beginning round of the C25K app, walking for 90 seconds running for 60, I haven't upped it because I don't feel ready, and also I have a dodgy knee which I have been told is going to need replacing, so I don't want to accerbate things. I do feel fitter though, and am managing to walk a lot longer than I used to. Im also going to try cycling for a bit this week as well, as thats not so much direct pressure on my legs/knee :)

18-04-2011, 21:46
cross trainer is good too apparently Marie. Less direct pressure. Also rowing?

18-04-2011, 21:49
cross trainer is good too apparently Marie. Less direct pressure. Also rowing?

Indeed, just trying to do free stuff whilst i'm in the last three months of clearing me debts. Plus the man who runs my local gym is an ex I'd rather avoid.

18-04-2011, 22:06
Took me ages to work out what C25K was, I kept thinking Matt was trying to run 25k.

If you can find a cheap place to swim that's meant to be good too, the price puts me off too though, £3.20 for an hour or £25/month.

Try running reallyslowly? I started (as most others have) with the walk/run thing. Been doing it months and months before Kate said just go really slow and managed to jog the whole lot (albeit extremely slowly :P). You'd be suprised how fast a very slow jog can feel especially early in, 12 min miles are perfectly fine and will feel like you're almost walking.

Most important thing especially if you have knee problems is taking it slowly though, nothing wrong with that at all. You're still fitter than 90% of the population!

18-04-2011, 22:08
You don't need to run in a gym now its lighter :)

I used to use Map my run and plan a route. I used to do a 15min route three times a day to get me started.

Can't do that now because I finish late and it gets dark too quickly :( plus I pay too much for my gym NOT to use it!

BB x

18-04-2011, 23:15
Sorry Marie, I thought you had a gym you went to.

You got a fit ball? They're really good and you can get an overall workout on them too. :) Patch will love it too :P

19-04-2011, 07:00
Well last night I hit the running machine after our weights sessions but instead of walking for 20 minutes as usual I run it instead. Dropped my pace right down to 7.5km/h for the bulk of it and then steadily increased it for the last 5 minutes in increments unitl the end. Started out on a 2.5 incline as well and kept upping that near the end.

It's not ideal as I did it after a heavy leg session and in my gym trainers rather than my runners but it got me going and I kept jogging for 20 minutes solid which I was quite happy with.

Will kep doing the same and slowly upping the pace over the coming weeks :)

19-04-2011, 12:21
cross trainer is good too apparently Marie. Less direct pressure. Also rowing?
Yes, I used the cross trainer when I injured my knee. It's zero impact and can be good for getting the strength up before pounding the streets :)

19-04-2011, 13:43
Well last night I hit the running machine after our weights sessions but instead of walking for 20 minutes as usual I run it instead. Dropped my pace right down to 7.5km/h for the bulk of it and then steadily increased it for the last 5 minutes in increments unitl the end. Started out on a 2.5 incline as well and kept upping that near the end.

It's not ideal as I did it after a heavy leg session and in my gym trainers rather than my runners but it got me going and I kept jogging for 20 minutes solid which I was quite happy with.

Will kep doing the same and slowly upping the pace over the coming weeks :)

Take your bloody running shoes with you, I'm not going to carry you around Regent's Park if you have an injury :p

And don't practice too much or I'll have to meet you at the finish!


19-04-2011, 14:59
Take your bloody running shoes with you, I'm not going to carry you around Regent's Park if you have an injury :p
Nah, trying to make it hard for myself so that when I put the runners on and hit the road it will be much easier :D
And don't practice too much or I'll have to meet you at the finish!
I still think you'll do better than me but even if I am a touch faster, we'll finish together.

I want to cross the finish line skipping and holding hands ;D

19-04-2011, 18:44
Week 4 of C25K today and the transition was surprisingly pleasant despite there being a 5 minute fast section (this was actually my fastest split). I pretty much stuck to the splits but the big bastard hill got me again and I had to break the routine and walk about 100 yards, I'll get there by the end of the week though, the bastard will be conquered it might slow me down but I will run up it!

I think you can probably see my progress here


if anyone is interested in the specific splits :)


20-04-2011, 08:37
Matt, you're consistently starting faster and slowing down after we told you not to. Come here for your smack... :D

You're making good progress though. Top effort.

I like that run tracking app. My friend uses one on his smartphone that probably uses similar data but it's displayed in a really awful format.

20-04-2011, 08:53
Matt, you're consistently starting faster and slowing down after we told you not to. Come here for your smack... :D

You're making good progress though. Top effort.

I like that run tracking app. My friend uses one on his smartphone that probably uses similar data but it's displayed in a really awful format.

It's so hard not to though, I'm not doing it deliberately the problem is Bastard Hill, however hard I try it still cause me to slow and it then effects my next splits.

If you look at the elevations here


I need to either stop running this route (which is tempting) although I have seen a good improvement over the last few weeks in my ability to climb the hill, or keep at it and allow it to damage my splits. The hill itself is a bit of a double whammy because I decend the hill on one side of the road but assend on the other, then I have an additional climb over a pedestrian bridge to get back to the original side of the road, there is a slight let off between the hill and the foot bridge but not much and I hardly get a chance to catch my breath.

I do have alternative routes but I'm loath to compromise and I think having the hill in there is good for my strength. I might mix it up soon though as the route is getting a bit repetitive.

What I'm looking forward to is the point where I can recover as well after a strenious hill by running as I can by walking, at that level of fitness I'll be able to run all day at slow to medium pace :cool:

I can feel myself getting there, the actual running sections on the falt or slight inclines feel pretty good but if I go up a steep hill I can't recover whilst running I have to break into a walk which obviously damages my splits. Getting there though, even over the past few days I can begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel and I think I can probably get under 30 minutes for 5k in the next few weeks :)


20-04-2011, 09:28
This is what worries me MB, I may be able to do the 5km, but I'm way off the 30 minutes at the moment. Yes, I'm putting everything against myself with the running at the moment what with doing it after training, on a treadmill in bog standard gym trainers, but I'm not sure how much better I'll get.

Still, it's a nice little challenge :D

20-04-2011, 09:30
Better than me Jamie, I can barely walk when I've finished a gym session.

I'm amazed what a difference the right trainers make. When I found mine, hiding in the wardrobe, I slipped them on that night it was SO much easier. Well worth anyone who hasn't, getting a pair fitted properly.

20-04-2011, 09:47
You'll get there T, just takes time :)

My problem is....I'm not a natural runner. I know people think that because we're down the gym so often I should be fit, but we just don't do this type of cardio at all and I've always struggled with running, having only ever run 6-7km in the past.

I think I might take my runners with me tomorrow night and see how I get on. I know it will make a big difference, but I wonder how big?

20-04-2011, 11:08
I know what you mean, when I was lifting in my twentys I did a lot of high intensity interval training and although I was fit I still couldn't have run very far, most of the HIIT I did was on a cross trainer and it was a very different type of fitness I had, much more explosive, sprint fitness than endurance and despite being cardio I was relying on my strength a lot.

I have little doubt you'll be able to run a 30 minute 5k Jamie but obviously a bit of training won't hurt :D


20-04-2011, 12:10
I'm more about the cardio than the training. But I was really into it last year. Just shocking how hard it is when you're getting back into it. Still, it gets much better, much faster.

21-04-2011, 05:08
My problem is....I'm not a natural runner.The thing is Jamie that I just don't buy that :p I wasn't a 'natural' runner either 3 years ago. I am certainly not your typical runner shape and when people find out that I do run they're usually quite surprised. However, with 3 marathons under my belt I can say that I definitely AM a runner.

Matt - Do not let that hill beat you. It's all in your head. Grit your teeth and slow down until you almost feel like you're at walking pace, but keep with the running action. You WILL get there. Varying the route does keep it interesting though. I love planning new routes on map my run or with my OS map :)

23-04-2011, 14:25
Right, I got a pair of Nike with Nike + logo on it, there is a hole in the sole in one of the shoe. So I guess I need a Nike + dongle to go in it. So I need an armband too? I am going to use my phone.

Anyone got any tips on using it? Does it matter what music I use?

23-04-2011, 17:53
Apparently you cant play Drum n Bass or Techno on those things Ray as the bass makes u fall over...


29m 15secs lovely gym here! Everything in Spanish tho lol. oh & treadmill has personalised facial air con! :D

BB x

23-04-2011, 19:12
^^ ours have that too! Lovely little fan right at the top of the treadmill :D

Ray, you use the wireless in-shoe sensor. Know a few people who have it with mixed reviews. Some think it's awesome, others say it doesn't record the distance properly. I've got a pair of Nike's that have the fitting in the sole too, will be interested to see what you think.

24-04-2011, 10:01
I can't see anything which Nike+ can do which Runkeeper can't exxcept cadance, distance calculations won't be as accurate as GPS. I understand the online software is very good though, probably more polished than runkeeper, the other thing which it does offer is heart rate monitor integration which is a pain in the arse with iPhone as you need a dongle, iPhone Bluetooth doesn't support any HRMs :/


24-04-2011, 10:15
I'm pleased, I went out for a 5k this morning.

Mum and Dad have been down this weekend so I've had a few drinks in the evening and I haven't been as good food wise as I could have which has resulted in slight hangovers both mornings, however I've had my best 25 minute training time and best 5k time over the last two days :)

5k now down to 32.5 thats 5 minutes faster then 2 weeks ago with plenty of training time left before my charity runs, so lots of time to improve!


24-04-2011, 14:27
Have you conquered that hill yet?

I have a pair of Nike lunarglides with a footpod bit in them. Very happy indeed with my Garmin though so I haven't considered buying one. I think theyre a bit of a gimic anyway and stop you changing trainer brands. Like MB says you're better off just getting an Ap for running. Free and interchangeable between trainers.

24-04-2011, 14:37
As of next week I'll be taking my runners yo the gym to see what I can manage :)

Kate, fancy taking me for a spin next Saturday? :p

24-04-2011, 15:08
As of next week I'll be taking my runners yo the gym to see what I can manage :)

Kate, fancy taking me for a spin next Saturday? :p
Ooh why not?? :)

24-04-2011, 18:43
Bugger. You're meant to say you're washing your hair ;D

24-04-2011, 21:45
Bugger. You're meant to say you're washing your hair ;D

Only prob is that I only work in miles and generally my shortest runs are 5 miles. Ahhhh you'll be fine ;) hahaha

Seriously though, if you and/or Matt want to test your endurance there is a pancake flat old railway track you can run up a few miles from here. See how far you get on the flat!

25-04-2011, 18:30
28m 50secs

*BOOM!* :D

Went in the gym....glorious sunshine....walked out.... pissing it down

Crazy Spanish weather! :p

At least the gym is sth I can do when its rubbish!

BB x

26-04-2011, 06:09
Well done BBx :)

For all you budding marathon runners, the London Marathon 2012 ballot opened today ;)

26-04-2011, 09:59
Having never run more than 7-8 miles before I've just resolved to try and run a half marathon quicker than the world record marathon holder, which is not much longer than 2 hours. I've done 10k in 53 minutes before so as long as I can keep it up it should be easy(ish). It's just the distance - 7 miles had me on the floor!

26-04-2011, 12:06
You guys are getting fast. I'd better step up my game a bit ;)

It's the work 5K race next week. Nearly missed it again. I was going to have a shot at winning it this year but I've not been practicing that distance and my back is really holding me up at the moment. I don't think it's going to happen this year, especially as the current hot shot is apparently running it in about 17-18 minutes, which is a fair bit faster than I'm going.

26-04-2011, 12:59
I just realised it sounds like I'm trying to run a half marathon quicker than the marathon world record holder could do it. I meant I'm going to try and run a half marathon quicker than the marathon world record holder can run a full marathon!

26-04-2011, 16:52
I just realised it sounds like I'm trying to run a half marathon quicker than the marathon world record holder could do it. I meant I'm going to try and run a half marathon quicker than the marathon world record holder can run a full marathon!
You can do a half in under 2hrs no worries. I managed it for my first half and you're half the size of me. You'll float along!! :)

27-04-2011, 09:55
Well I took my runners to the gym last night and did 2.7km in our 20 minute cardio session. Not too bad and puts me under the 40 minute mark for 5km if I can keep the pace up. That's still after a heavy hamstring weights session and not being particularly well fueled for the run.

27-04-2011, 12:33
Good going :D

I am so close to being able to run non stop for 20 minutes after my five minute warm up, I slowed to a walk once today but I was pleased with my stamina; tomorrow the aim is not to stop.

Today I got almost exactly 4km in 26 minutes including the warm up. What I've realised is that all my runs include a 5 minute walk so I need to factor that in, need to do a longer run without the warm up factored in and see what the overall 5km time but it's looking good for the fun run :)


27-04-2011, 13:17
I seem to have the stamina to cope with running for the time required, I just don't have the pace at the moment. I blame my short legs ;D

28-04-2011, 10:49
Despite a major heavy leg sessions last night (extension/squat superset, walking lunges, leg press and calf raises if you're interested), I still just about managed to run :D

2.7km in 20 minutes. Started at a steady 8km/h and upped it a little at the 2km mark. I still need to work on my pace long term though.

28-04-2011, 13:05
I've changed my training tactics a little bit, now I always run my 5k river route. This leaves me no option but to travel 5k, so I can do my training run and do a long cool down walk or I can run the full 5k but whatever I've got to travel 5k.

Full runs start this week and I have to say I'm not finding it easy, even slowing my pace a lot my body just wants to walk sometimes usually after about 3k even if its just for 100 yards. I will crack this and it's getting better, I think its more brain than brawn, I need to learn to push that extra 10% because when I'm slowing I'm not on the brink of colapse I could push harder.

Still plenty of time but still plenty of distance to travel!


28-04-2011, 19:25
Which bit is letting go Matt? Is it your legs giving up or are you running out of breath?

29-04-2011, 00:12
Just putting this out there for you runners.. may not be of use to everyone, not a vast amount of locations.

Parkrun (http://www.parkrun.com/home)

Basically you sign up get a barcode and every week you do an organised timed 5k run.. your times are recorded on the site for records so you can see how your doing.

It's free, might be one near you for some added fun!

29-04-2011, 07:37
Just putting this out there for you runners.. may not be of use to everyone, not a vast amount of locations.

Parkrun (http://www.parkrun.com/home)

Basically you sign up get a barcode and every week you do an organised timed 5k run.. your times are recorded on the site for records so you can see how your doing.

It's free, might be one near you for some added fun!
We have one near us and they're absolutely brilliant. A real good way of practicing a 5k race distance and getting your times down :)

29-04-2011, 08:49
Just putting this out there for you runners.. may not be of use to everyone, not a vast amount of locations.

Parkrun (http://www.parkrun.com/home)

Basically you sign up get a barcode and every week you do an organised timed 5k run.. your times are recorded on the site for records so you can see how your doing.

It's free, might be one near you for some added fun!

Kate told me about these and I was really hopeing that there would be one nearby but the closest is in Whitstable which is a bit of a trek. I'm keeping an eye open to see if they open one in Maidstone or nearby. The local running shop have run nights with a beginners run on a Monday, I'm still deciding what kind of runner I am; a solitary runner or a social runner and whether I need a club or not.

Which bit is letting go Matt? Is it your legs giving up or are you running out of breath?

I'm not really sure, I body just seems to want to stop and rest a bit, I don't think it's my legs and I'm not ny more short of breath than I usually, my body just seems to beg me for a break :angry:.

When I get tired I sometimes say to myself, just keep running till you get to (point a) and almost before I've got there I'm subconciously slowing to a halt rather than being able to say 'right, now we've got here we'll keep going and try to get to there)

My times aren't bad and I'm getting better but I'm still not getting 4k without being desperate for a break, although even then I'm still walking pretty quickly :)


29-04-2011, 10:05
Oooh there's a park run just up the road from me at Ashton Court - as it started as of last week and runs every weekend that'd be great!... Think I'm busy this weekend though... ;)

Good work on just being out there Matt - with every run you can take the knowledge that you're improving your body/fitness even if the results aren't as speedy as you might like. Run on run you don't always notice the difference, but once you reach a milestone/race you will look back at what you were like on the first runs and won't believe it :)

Keep it up everyone :)

29-04-2011, 10:13
I'm definitely a solitary runner. It feels like other people are in my way if I run with more than one other person. Plus I don't think I could run consistently without music. It's a shame really as the times I've been out with other people I've had much more adventurous runs.

29-04-2011, 14:01
Some events ban headphones - grr! :(

I'm running Bristol 10k with someone much, much fitter and faster than me so I'll have them providing me with any motivation ;D

29-04-2011, 14:36
Some events ban headphones - grr! :(

I'm running Bristol 10k with someone much, much fitter and faster than me so I'll have them providing me with any motivation ;D
To be fair, it's damn annoying when you're shouting "CAR" at someone who's running in front of you in the middle of the road with their music on, completely oblivious to everything going on around them. For races on roads which aren't closed then I'm in full agreement with banning headphones. I've only ever worn them for 1 race (first half mara) and had them really quiet. I listen to music if I'm pounding the streets alone, but otherwise I don't want or need it.

29-04-2011, 16:08
I think you're right about the busy road ones - I only ever have 'one ear in' for my own safety for the same reasons.

I often run without earphones - but I certainly find my music really helps when i'm struggling and a great tune comes on - it's like a turbo boost :D

30-04-2011, 09:45
I think you're right about the busy road ones - I only ever have 'one ear in' for my own safety for the same reasons.

I often run without earphones - but I certainly find my music really helps when i'm struggling and a great tune comes on - it's like a turbo boost :D
Yeah agreed. I always do my tempo runs with music as it really spurs me on. On my loooong slow runs or cross country though, I'm happy to listen to the birds chirping in the trees and the sound of my own feet plodding along :)

Had a cracking run this morning with a friend from running club. It was almost entirely off road and we ran up Bardon Hill which is the highest point in Leicestershire. I've been up there loads before, but I actually ran the whole way for once. It is a VERY steep climb, even if you're walking! The view off the top was well worth it though. Magnificent :)

30-04-2011, 10:56
Wow I used to love peak running but just haven't been up to that level of fitness for years - when trying to force myself up a gert big steep hill, the spectacular views are necessary for motivation!

Once you got to the top did you pump your fists in the air like Rocky? (If a helicopter happened to be doing an aerial video of you at this point I'd love to see it :D)

I'm going to sneak out for a quick run later as I haven't been in a week and need to just get out - short/long/slow/fast - whatever!

03-05-2011, 21:55
Won't be doing the 5K tomorrow. Been stuck in bed with a virus since Friday and it's far from over :(

05-05-2011, 09:03
Boo Jonny :(

I ran 6km on Sat in 40mins

Just wanted to log.

Going to go for a run tonight, but am totally exhausted.

BB x

05-05-2011, 12:23
Leg has stopped hurting constantly and I've been without The Boot for 2 days. Just wondering if I should begin running again or need to rest longer, any ideas?

05-05-2011, 17:19
I'd start out walking vix and slowly build it up.

05-05-2011, 18:22
I'd start out walking vix and slowly build it up.

05-05-2011, 19:09
Agreed, took the dog out this eve and ankle is killing again so I'm going to wait til i feel no pain before running!

05-05-2011, 19:44
T'other half started off just walking in her trainers, then built up to a light run when the time was right. You're doing the right thing by being keen though. The sooner you get on it the sooner it'll repair properly.

05-05-2011, 21:00
29m 24secs

Am shattered today.

BB x

06-05-2011, 23:52

Ditto. First run since April 18th, didn't get the one I wanted in for Wednesday so decided to go all out. Figured maybe the 40C weather at sea level and long cooler walks at 2-3k meters would have improved my fitness. Hmmm, certainly felt like hard work.
Should have drunk more.

07-05-2011, 07:29

Ditto. First run since April 18th, didn't get the one I wanted in for Wednesday so decided to go all out. Figured maybe the 40C weather at sea level and long cooler walks at 2-3k meters would have improved my fitness. Hmmm, certainly felt like hard work.
Should have drunk more.
How far did you run?

07-05-2011, 12:29
How far did you run?

13.10 again.

07-05-2011, 13:09
Going to try a slow run today to test this calf, after trying it last week and ending up in pain for 3 days I need to go easy but I also need to get back in the saddle


07-05-2011, 18:26
13.10 again.

Nice one :) Well done!!

I'm pacing a friend who's doing their first half tomorrow. He wants to do it in less than 2 hrs. Been a while since I've done a half under race conditions and I shouldn't struggle with that but am nervous all of a sudden!

MB have you considered a sports massage to free up the tightness in your muscles? I find it really helps

07-05-2011, 18:49
Went out this evening with my running partner and knocked out 51 minutes - although I'm running at a much, much slower pace than I used to, it was non-stop and included some good steep climbs.

The 'home' route also included a half a mile at a much increased pace, and then several sets of sprints between lamp posts; this killed me :p

Not sure of a distance but I'll add it to my runmapper thing later - Bristol 10k next weekend! :D

07-05-2011, 19:24
Nice one :) Well done!!

I'm pacing a friend who's doing their first half tomorrow. He wants to do it in less than 2 hrs. Been a while since I've done a half under race conditions and I shouldn't struggle with that but am nervous all of a sudden!

Let me know how it goes, you going for sub 2 or 1:57 (9 min miles)? Except for a realization I'd underdone hydration I wasn't too bad until about 9 miles in. Last four yeouch.

Went out this evening with my running partner and knocked out 51 minutes - although I'm running at a much, much slower pace than I used to, it was non-stop and included some good steep climbs.

The 'home' route also included a half a mile at a much increased pace, and then several sets of sprints between lamp posts; this killed me :p

Not sure of a distance but I'll add it to my runmapper thing later - Bristol 10k next weekend! :D

What distance you training Jingo? Was that a 10k? If so great time!

07-05-2011, 21:46
Haha that was my last 10k time so thanks! :p unfortunately (and entirely my own fault) my fitness has gone down the drain entirely since then= today was 7.7k so not a particular good time but taking into account the inclines we tackled I'm happy.

I'd like to knock that down to under 6minute kilometres to be honest and I'm hoping on raceday I might be able to find that something extra :)

07-05-2011, 22:15
Haha that was my last 10k time so thanks! :p unfortunately (and entirely my own fault) my fitness has gone down the drain entirely since then= today was 7.7k so not a particular good time but taking into account the inclines we tackled I'm happy.

I'd like to knock that down to under 6minute kilometres to be honest and I'm hoping on raceday I might be able to find that something extra :)

The inclines will make a massive difference, you'd think a canal is flat but there are some pretty steep parts on my run including this (http://www.yourlocalweb.co.uk/images/pictures/00/51/shrewley-canal-tunnel-5018.jpg) which gets steeper and goes on about as far again before a more gentle but decent length slope into the town. My mile times (excluding the last one) where all within 16 seconds of each other but that was the longest one and took the most out of my legs.

The adrenaline should kick in on race day, still not got a race under my belt but the stories I've heard seem incredible; and I've done some crazy things myself on it in the past.

07-05-2011, 22:42
Where abouts do you live jmc? Always looking for more race buddies in the SW!

I'd invite Kate along but would only see her for a flash at the start and then she'd be home by the time we hit finish line! :D

Don't think I'm capable of it this year but would like to hit up some more 'interesting' races ASAP! Not good for the PB but superb fun and a real post-achievement buzz!:


07-05-2011, 23:30
Where abouts do you live jmc? Always looking for more race buddies in the SW!

I'd invite Kate along but would only see her for a flash at the start and then she'd be home by the time we hit finish line! :D

Don't think I'm capable of it this year but would like to hit up some more 'interesting' races ASAP! Not good for the PB but superb fun and a real post-achievement buzz!:

Warwick, so unless I'm misinterpreting SW I don't think I'm that close :(

Not sure what sort of footwear I'd use for one of those runs! Don't really want to get my running ones completely immersed in water!

08-05-2011, 07:30
Let me know how it goes, you going for sub 2 or 1:57 (9 min miles)? Except for a realization I'd underdone hydration I wasn't too bad until about 9 miles in. Last four yeouch.
Just sub 2 for now. Not sure whether he can do it, but we'll have a bash! I'm nowhere near on form at the moment either because of marathon training which I'm utterly sick of. After Windermere I'm not doing one for 12 months (unless I get in London) because I want to concentrate on enjoying running again. It feels like ive just been building up to the next marathon for the past 18 mths and it takes a lot out of you. Also want to get a HM PB :)

08-05-2011, 16:05
1:56:40 is the provisional result. Happy because it did the job but its my 2nd worst time for a half marathon, haha. 10 mins off my PB! I REALLY struggled today. My head went at about 10 miles and my legs were really stiff as I'm long overdue a sports massage. Will book in this week otherwise I'll have seized up completely by the time my marathon comes around!!

08-05-2011, 19:26
1:56:40 is the provisional result. Happy because it did the job but its my 2nd worst time for a half marathon, haha. 10 mins off my PB! I REALLY struggled today. My head went at about 10 miles and my legs were really stiff as I'm long overdue a sports massage. Will book in this week otherwise I'll have seized up completely by the time my marathon comes around!!

That'd do me, what is your PB then, about 1:45?
Good luck with Windermere, looks like May 22nd so guess you may be tapering for the next couple of weeks.

08-05-2011, 21:07
That'd do me, what is your PB then, about 1:45?
Good luck with Windermere, looks like May 22nd so guess you may be tapering for the next couple of weeks.
01:46:49 is my PB. Will go sub 1:45 by the end of the year if all goes well :)

I'm very poorly prepped for Windermere. Lost my mojo for marathon training. I've been tapering since about March, haha. This is going to be by far the slowest yet, but the setting is beautiful and the views will be stunning so I'll have something to take my mind of it :)

08-05-2011, 21:57
I hadn't made the connection before now, it's around Lake Windermere I guess.

Stayed in the hostel just outside there last September, it's definitely got some great views especially if you have decent, but cool weather. If you need a car park the one just past when the hostel is on your left was free. Though it may be busy.

10-05-2011, 05:30
Yep, all the way round the lake. Here's a course map. We don't actually start in Windermere itself and I have a car parking pass for the place where we start so that's all sorted.

It's going to be an absolute killer though, especially if it's hot. The plan is to take it very slowly and just enjoy the scenery. The latter may go out the window after about mile 7 where there's an horrific hill (see hill profile below).

I'm camping with a few members of my running club plus my parents on the Friday & Saturday, then I'm getting the train home on Sunday ready for work on Monday. Urgh!


10-05-2011, 06:59
Oooooofff....mile 7 certainly looks...interesting!!!

10-05-2011, 09:14
Mile seven looks hellish! :eek: at least you'll be into your stride by then - mile 20-21.5 however looks like it won't be welcomed by anyone!

I went out for 5.5miles yesterday and it was one of those jogs...

I went off too fast, wore a waterproof which got me far too hot, hadn't eaten properly the day before, nor anything properly on the day, I didn't drink enough before and became dehydrated very quickly, didn't stretch a tight muscle sufficiently beforehand and this resulted in a horrible, unenjoyable time start to finish - peaking with being overtaken by what must have been an OAP! ;D

I would have happily stopped and turned back at any point but then what would that have achieved? Nice to know I can tackle a hearty hill and keep going despite feeling awful but an even more important lesson to prepare properly!

10-05-2011, 14:08
The next few miles afterwards could be tough if they're steep decents too, not what the knees needs with another 16 miles to go.

I've only warn a waterproof twice, when it was -6C outside, even then after about 5 miles it was too much. Found a level 3 long sleeved base layer is fine by itself for runs even when cool, but at least time of year it's a lightweight short sleeved one.

Been overtaken by OAPs before, along with plenty of people a great deal older in general :( Only recently I overtook someone for I think the first ever time.

Just be careful, really pushed myself too hard my last two runs and suffered greatly as a result :(

10-05-2011, 15:29
How many marathons have you done now Kate?

10-05-2011, 22:31
I'm not too worried about mile 20-21.5 to be honest Jingo as I'll definitely be walking by then! Haha. It's a nasty course though, a couple of real killer hills.

I've had a sports massage tonight. She put her hands on my calves and let out an evil cackle. She said it's no wonder I ran poorly at the weekend with legs like these. She's proper hurt me tonight. Stripped my ITB (OOOOOOOOOOWCH!!!!!!), pummled my calves and beat the crap out of my quads. She said if I stretch every single day up until the marathon, I will have a good race. Otherwise, I'm fooked. Haha. Better get stretching and drinking looooots of water to help my tired, beaten muscles then!

Jonny - this will be my 4th.

I rarely bother with waterproofs unless it's cold, like jmc said. I don't own any "breathable" running gear because I believe it's a pointless waste of money... it just doesn't work when you're running. At this time of year, I'd just wear my t-shirt or vest and go out in the rain. It's LOVELY :)

Don't forget to stretch after your runs jmc. Aids recovery massively. Trust me!!!

Oh and you've experienced nothing until you've been overtaken by a walker. Bloody speedwalker overtook us on Sunday at about mile 5. I called him a bastard :D

10-05-2011, 22:50
29m 08 secs

BB x

11-05-2011, 15:02
Are these your 5k times Mei? :)

I went out again today and achieved just under 5.5miles but I am really struggling - I seem to be reaching problem barriers at around 3 miles and I can't really understand it; I've been starting off very slow and steady, increasing pace a little once I get comfortable (around 9-12 mins in) and I'm just finding my legs are very 'tired' and a general lack of oomph!

I don't think I'm pushing it too hard as even at the 'increased pace' i'm still only jogging at a very slow pace.

I stopped at around 40minutes for a couple of minutes to give some Canadians directions to "a british type pub thing" ( ;D ) and after that I had that distinctive spring in my step that I used to run with all the time!

Run Bristol 10k is this weekend and although 6/7miles used to be comfortable 2/3 times a week distance for me, I'm having doubts as to even completing this weekends race on this form! :( Boo-urns.

Runners of BD - please chip in your thoughts as they'd be very welcome at the moment :)

11-05-2011, 16:59
Sorry you're feeling sluggish! :( Spend some pennies on a sports massage. That usually does the trick on tired legs for me. And do the 10k this weekend anyway. You might find that the adrenaline and race atmosphere gives you some energy.

11-05-2011, 18:10
Been overtaken by OAPs before, along with plenty of people a great deal older in general :(

I may be able to trump that. A couple of years ago when I was a good deal fitter than I am now running-wise I tried a 5K run for fun in Richmond Park. I completed it in a respectable 23 minutes but halfway through I was overtaken by a chap pushing a toddler in an all-terrain pushchair. I guess the moral is that no matter how good you think you are you're never in a position where you can't be put in your place!

11-05-2011, 19:29
I went out again today and achieved just under 5.5miles but I am really struggling - I seem to be reaching problem barriers at around 3 miles and I can't really understand it; I've been starting off very slow and steady, increasing pace a little once I get comfortable (around 9-12 mins in) and I'm just finding my legs are very 'tired' and a general lack of oomph!

Don't know if this helps but personally I was having real issues before Christmas, had been moving up to regular 5+ miles 3 times a week and started to get leg issues (shin splints and knee pains) quite early on. Taking 12 days off, cutting down to twice a week and new shoes really helped (old ones had only done 350 miles tho). Hopefully adrenaline will get you through the 10k, maybe taking a bit of a break or checking out new trainers (do you log miles to see how worn they are?) to see if that helps.

I think some places let you try trainers for a few miles indoor ie: gym treadmill to see how they feel, but even if they don't help right now you'll eventually need new ones right.

I wondered if I should think about an occasional sports massage but I'm not marathon training or running so not sure if it's needed or would help.

That and there is this crazy person I heard about who had one which sort of put me off...

I've had a sports massage tonight. She put her hands on my calves and let out an evil cackle. She said it's no wonder I ran poorly at the weekend with legs like these. She's proper hurt me tonight. Stripped my ITB (OOOOOOOOOOWCH!!!!!!), pummled my calves and beat the crap out of my quads. She said if I stretch every single day up until the marathon, I will have a good race. Otherwise, I'm fooked.

11-05-2011, 22:09
Haha, I won't deny that it hurts like HELL, but it makes such a massive difference to my running that it's well worth it. I'd go through twice the amount of pain for that. I've done my stretches for tonight and have every faith in my physio :)

4 days before the London Marathon last year, I woke up in the morning and walked downstairs. It felt like someone was stabbing knives into my knee caps. I was in agony and absolutely terrified I wouldn't be able to run. I rang her, she diagnosed the problem over the phone, instructed me to massage my quads with a golf ball and hey presto they were sorted.

You don't have to be a marathon runner to benefit from a sports massage. Just give it a try.

Von Smallhausen
11-05-2011, 23:08
I am running again since mam had her heart attack, 2-3 times a week.

At first it was hard as I hadn't distance ran in ages but it is surprising how quickly it gets easier. Bought some Reebok Premier before I started and they are a very comfortable running shoe.

Also have some Adidas climacool which are comfortable but a harder run in comparison.

Lycra shorts a must though.

12-05-2011, 06:53
I'm either really lucky or just not running far enough but get on fine with really old basic (£3 type!) shorts from Tesco or somewhere.

I am condsidering something more specific though, to reduce weight and they do get a little damp to see if it is more comfortable. Shorts are the only thing I haven't gotten specifically for running.

12-05-2011, 16:38
Taking 12 days off, cutting down to twice a week and new shoes really helped

I think my current life stresses and routines take it out of me more than I'd like to imagine and this is having an impact upon my running mentality more than the physical. I forget how much your running ability stems from your current mentality. :) My shoes have got a few more miles in them yet as they're fairly new in terms of lifetime. Thanks for your advice jmc :)

Haha, I won't deny that it hurts like HELL, but it makes such a massive difference to my running that it's well worth it.
You don't have to be a marathon runner to benefit from a sports massage. Just give it a try.

I think I might try one out next week post race and see how I get on :) There's a qualified individual a few streets away that seems reasonably priced.

Lycra shorts a must though.

Yes- I'm finding my running shorts + hot weather = very undesirable rubs :(

Shorts are the only thing I haven't gotten specifically for running.

You're not missing out too much - if they cover the Gent.Veg and don't rub then they are perfect ;D

12-05-2011, 21:42
Well I hit the treadmill again tonight :)

Can't lift weights at the moment as I've injured my arm so after doing legs on Monday and Tuesday, I couldn't train last night or tonight. So tonight I tried my first 5km for ages....and I did it :D

Was on my last legs near the end and ran most of it with one arm down by my side ;D but kept upping the pace a little as I went and completed it in 35.38 which I was quite happy with. I now know I can slog out 5km like I thought I could, just need to work on slowly upping the pace now.

13-05-2011, 08:39
Any faster and you'll be having to slow down for me when we do our 5k

Don't rule out doing splits though, my understanding is that even though we can run 5k, well I can't but I'm getting there, that actually doing it on a regular basis doesn't have the fitness impact of doing splits which will make you stronger. So I'm going to keep them in my regime and try to keep the 5k straight runs for just once a week.

Oh and I think you would be an ideal candidate or Fartlek (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fartlek) training ;)


13-05-2011, 09:08
Are these your 5k times Mei? :)

Yes they are :) I am using this thread to log my times - hope no one minds!

I am trying to run at least 10km a week (or more) in 5km stints or broken down if I have to (like this week).

I will collate the times when I have a chance. I was late to the gym last night so had to split my 5k.

1km before and 1km after the class - running faster than usual though at 11km/h (normal speed is 10.3km/h.

Did the other 3km this morning in 18m 15secs then ran for the 20mins total.

Should really have been sub 18mins but hangover yesterday and lackage of sleep has obviously caught up on me!

Man cannot live on running alone so am doing some weights/strength training for pole and Body Pump/Body Combat/Body Attack classes when I can. Making sure I do at least one Body Pump class a week and swimming if I am around at the weekend too!

BB x

13-05-2011, 10:30
Why don't you register to run the Royal Romp with me and Jamie Mei?


13-05-2011, 11:05
Any faster and you'll be having to slow down for me when we do our 5k
Here's the deal....if I have to slow down a little to stay with you then that's fine with me. If you have to slow down for me then don't. I want you to beat that 30 minute time as that has been your aim. If I can help drag you there a little then I'll be pleased I could help, if I become a hindrance with it then I want you to go on by yourself.

This is your run mate, I'm just there for a bit of support :)

13-05-2011, 11:54
To be honest Matt, once you have a panting Desmo behind you, your pace will probably skyrocket!

13-05-2011, 13:46
Why don't you register to run the Royal Romp with me and Jamie Mei?


How far is it?

I have *whispers* considered doing the Greenwich Half Run to the Beat in September, but obviously will have had to have done a 5km and a 10km before then. So this could be a good one to do yes :)

I'm at a wedding in Belfast that weekend :( but I can do the Pants one! :D if they are still accepting entries!

BB x

17-05-2011, 21:09
I have a few queries, firstly these sports massages, what is a good price? There are a couple of places nearby and it seems to be about £30-£45 for 30-60 mins depending upon the place, but not got any experience, is a full 60 minutes suggested for a first time?!

Also, is it better to go just before or after a long distance one? Or should I leave it until I have a day free on either side (ie: Wednesday after a 5 mile one Monday), should I go steady afterwards?

Also regarding races. Seriously considering the Cov HM Oct 2nd, especially as I should be able to blag a lift with a mate (he is running, his missus doesn't)... is it a good idea to enter the time you are 95% sure you can do all things being well, or the time you would hope to train to. I can do sub 2, but wondering if I'll be able to do a sub 1:45 by then. It's a tall order (for me) and I can only sustain the required pace for about 3 miles so far (did manage to average it for 5 but virtually dead afterwards), but then I have over 4 months to get plenty of speedwork in.

17-05-2011, 23:46

PB? Not sure...

BB x

18-05-2011, 05:21
I have a few queries, firstly these sports massages, what is a good price? There are a couple of places nearby and it seems to be about £30-£45 for 30-60 mins depending upon the place, but not got any experience, is a full 60 minutes suggested for a first time?!
£30-£40 is reasonable for an hour session. Personally I'd go for an hour your first time and see how it goes. I always have an hour, but I always need it and it ususally turns out to be about 20 mins longer than that.

Also, is it better to go just before or after a long distance one? Or should I leave it until I have a day free on either side (ie: Wednesday after a 5 mile one Monday), should I go steady afterwards?
Go after a long run (doesn't have to be the day after or anything) and leave yourself at least 1 day recovery afterwards. You might need 2 depending upon how deep the massage is. See how your legs feel afterwards and that will determine how easy you need to take it.

Also regarding races. Seriously considering the Cov HM Oct 2nd, especially as I should be able to blag a lift with a mate (he is running, his missus doesn't)... is it a good idea to enter the time you are 95% sure you can do all things being well, or the time you would hope to train to. I can do sub 2, but wondering if I'll be able to do a sub 1:45 by then. It's a tall order (for me) and I can only sustain the required pace for about 3 miles so far (did manage to average it for 5 but virtually dead afterwards), but then I have over 4 months to get plenty of speedwork in.
When I entered my first HM, I could run 10K. So stop faffing around and just bloody enter it! :p

18-05-2011, 21:47
5km in 30:36 tonight :)

Didn't really shift any weights tonight as I'm still resting my arm but have trained legs last night and Monday night so had a bit more energy but legs still felt a little heavy.

Tonight I wanted to try and increase my pace so I started a little faster and then slowly increased the incline. After a certain distance I'd drop the incline and up the pace. I did this a few times and found it worked really well to help increase pace throughout the run.

20-05-2011, 17:33
I did 3k yesterday and 3k today. My short term memory is rubbish and can't remember my time yesterday but todays was 16m 57s.

Think Yesterday's was 16m 53s.

Well done James, the more you do it the better you get! :D

BB x

20-05-2011, 21:35
Well done James, the more you do it the better you get! :D
Cheers Mei, but what about the running? ;D

21-05-2011, 09:34
Uh oooooh.

I may or may not be doing the 9mile Sodbury Slog (through bogs) in November.

I'd best get my running shoes back on... I will drown otherwise!!


21-05-2011, 12:51
Cheers Mei, but what about the running? ;D


Clare you will need hovershoes!

BB x

22-05-2011, 12:02
Sodbury Slog

That's an awesome race - flaming hay bales and massive hills - not quite up to the Hellrunner level of pain but a great day of fun. November too = usually more rain :p

I did the Bristol 10k last weekend which was good fun - much much more training required for future though as I crossed the line in 61 minutes which is slow. Slow or not though it was a non-stop run and highlights included being overtaken by a girl in a giant banana costume, and seeing someone vomit from the bridge onto crowds below. ;D

Good atmosphere on the day and lots of friends and family both competing and cheering :)

Been out twice this week - one for 5.4miles which was 52 minutes and this morning just for the sake of going out 2.1m in 20 minutes which wasn't too bad cosidering that contained a half mile hill :)

More races to come this year as and when I get chance to organise things :)

22-05-2011, 13:35
Yeh Jingo, tis going to be utterly killing! Well done on your 10k! :) And Mei mei - damn right! Hahaha! I will coming out looking like a bog monster I am sure!!

Went for a run yesterday and did 5miles. 2miles was a beach run. That... was hell! Ended up part walking for a minute at one point.. strangely on the road run bit. I'm a dinosaur when I run so think road running is poop for me!

Will keep training on beaches so I get used to working against the pressure of sand and what!

22-05-2011, 21:09
Windermere marathon - DONE!!!
Not sure of the time as my watch battery died but I think I got sub 4:30 which I'm well chuffed with given that I've done naff all training.
Very pleased indeed :)

BLOODY hard race though

23-05-2011, 06:54
Way to go! If I tried to do a flat marathon with no training you'd see me crawling over the line after about 8 hours if at all. Though I do think your 'no training' differs from the rest of us somewhat :P

23-05-2011, 06:58
Nice one Kate :)

How was mile 7? :D

23-05-2011, 08:37
Well done Kate :D

I went out and did about 2.5k yesterday and it killed. Feels so good though. Muscles aching this morning which is reassuring.

My legs are very weak though. Heart and lungs seem to be able to keep up but my legs won't hold me up for much longer than a slow 5k by the feel of it. Got some work ahead of me to get back where I was.

23-05-2011, 08:46
Well done Reeves!!! :D

BB x

23-05-2011, 09:42
Nice one Kate :)

How was mile 7? :D
Vertical! Haha

23-05-2011, 20:34
4:27:45 YAYAYAYAYAYAY :D Slowest marathon, but definitely my second biggest achievement (after London) and the best route EVER. I'm going back next year for another stab :)

(edit: actually, it was 12 seconds quicker than Rutland Marathon... GET IN!!! :D )

23-05-2011, 20:38
Went out for first run in 10 days to test calf, 1km in and I feel a slight pop and pain everytime I push off. Hobbled home :/



23-05-2011, 20:47
Bugger. Sorry to hear that :(

23-05-2011, 21:12
Oh Matt :( have you seen a specialist about it?

27m45secs today!

Hell yeh! :D thats got to be a PB... & after Body Pump & half a class of attack.

Double sesh of pole this wk-am going to be knackered!

BB x

24-05-2011, 08:32
Matt, now might be a good time to jump in and see a physio. Might sound a bit overkill but its best to nip it in the bud than to let it turn into a long term injury that comes back later to haunt you. Especially because we're not as young as we used to be and we don't bounce back as well as we used to.

24-05-2011, 08:36
Thats what I thought Johnny :)

BB x

24-05-2011, 08:42
Congrats Miss Kate! Awesome stuff!

Johnny - good to get back to these things, hope you have a steady recovery back to your running!

Matt - owchy :( Take it easy Poppa Matt :(

26-05-2011, 09:09
2.5k in 14mins and 3k in 17mins 38secs

BB x

26-05-2011, 21:57
Got exam tomorrow, must reference it(with notes).

I have valuable information in this email, which needs to be accessible on a public site if I can use it. No need to comment or anything, just borrowing some threadspace until I get my final mark.


27-05-2011, 09:30
3k 16m40s

Woah... that can't be right... must be 17m40 - no way I could have knocked off one minute :/ although I DO remember at the time thinking that I had done it much much much more than sub 18mins (which was my old target).

So must have been right! :D I was running a lot faster...

BB x

27-05-2011, 09:43
Zomg. I am super super slow at running at the moment. Really really driving me nuts... I just can't seem to keep a steady pace. I'm doing about 3.3k in 24minutes... I used to do this in sub 20minutes easily.

Bah. And annoyingly in my run this morning I developed super ear ache as it's blowing a gale. Boo.

This is why I hate running, I feel super poop on bad days even though it's good that I went out for a run. :(

27-05-2011, 12:12
Yeah don't beat yourself up about it Clare - at least YOU WENT that is the good thing.

As you know you have to build up stamina and once you fall off the wagon you have to start all over again.

REALLY don't want to fall off!

BB x

27-05-2011, 12:47
I think the wagon ran me over as I toppled off it ;D

New work place means having to pay for parking daily. I can park in the towns spangly shiney all singing all dancing gym for £2 per day which'll be £36pm. Gym membership is £54pm....inc parking. Would be rude not to really wouldn't it? I can't run on roads at the moment as my achilles will explode, have to build up to it on treadmills, plus I can do spinning again! Well, not yet, unless they have inbuilt oxygen and defibs.

Am excited! Only 2.5 stone to shift! ;D

27-05-2011, 13:06
Pebs I think I was too run over and then reversed over! Boo!

Yay to gym membership! Go go go! Canny afford things like that me :( Buuut! I have the road to beat!

I've realised what's not helping me... lack of music. I've not been able to find my head phones so have been running without my ipod. Music allllllways helps me run. Must find headphones.

31-05-2011, 20:13
5km no music v tired.

2.5km in 14m03secs

5km 27m51secs

BB x

31-05-2011, 21:14
4th 10 miler in the last month (and one 13.1 in sub-2), hit a new PB for 10.1 miles of 1:24:40 with the last mile being 7:12, and did a 5:25 speed for the last .10. That was with a light backpack (aka clothes but not shoes) following my normal 3 mile walk into work this morning.

Still not signed up for the HM, waiting on a friend but will get there! Am booked in for a sports massage tomorrow though, hence the non-normal Tuesday run as don't figure Thursday would be a good plan and camping Friday/Saturday.

What should I wear? It's only a mile so was planning on walking, is that wise?

02-06-2011, 08:25
5km this MORNING!

27mins46sec no music.

AND got into work on time... I am a) not going to be able to move and b) fall asleep at my desk, today.

Going to start collating my times now I think :)

BB x

02-06-2011, 08:37
This thread has gone from making me want to run to making me want to cry :(


02-06-2011, 10:16
Don't worry MB you'll be back to it soon I'm sure - try not to get too down in the dumps about it :)

*runners group hug*

(the sweatiest of hugs!)

02-06-2011, 19:14
Managed for the first time (with Pheebs) to complete the full 30 mins of walk/run today. Definitely helps having someone to do it with.

You'll be back Matt I'm sure. :)

02-06-2011, 19:24
Well done Marie and Clare :D

Matt too... :) hope you improve soon.

BB x

02-06-2011, 19:36
Go go us!! You did mega Mawee and should be awesomely proud! Gonna keep coming round weekly for it!...

... and some running too! ;)

Hope you have a quick recovery Mr Matt :) x

02-06-2011, 19:39
I'm back (a bit) :)

2.3k in two splits on the flat, shortened strides and lots of stretches before and after. No twinges so it's looking good, programing in another of the same for Saturday, not before, another fizz session tomorrow.


02-06-2011, 20:27
Good to hear it Matt :) If you read my more recent posts, you'll notice that I bang on about stretching quite a lot. People really do underestimate the massive benefit of stretching properly.

I got myself into a right pickle before my marathon and it came to a point where I was considering pulling out because my legs felt like lead weights all the time and I had lots of little annoying niggles. I went for a massage and my physio said "Stretch every day until your marathon and you will have a great marathon. Ignore me and it will be absolutely awful". She also said I'd knock 1/2hr off my time. She was bloody right.

Every night I would set my timer and stretch my calfs (2 types of stretches to make sure I hit all the areas needed), quads, hamstrings, hip flexors and lower back for at LEAST 2 mins per stretch or until I felt the muscle relax. It made one hell of a difference.

Do your stretches, do them properly, stick to them, do not grow complacent and you will reap the benefits!!

02-06-2011, 20:41
I'd heard mixed things about stretching many people swear by it there has been other research which says it makes no difference at all particularly before warm up/ run.

Being me I took the easy way, it may or may not be protecting me now but I'll stick with it :)

I just looked at my times for tonights run on Runkeeper and my pace was the fastest of any run I've ever done :D. This is mainly because up to now I've always included my warm up in my timings and they brought down my average times quite dramatically. From now on I'll be keeping the two seperate and not including the warm up.

What this means is that by tonights speeds I should still stand a chance of cracking 30 minutes by my second 5k, if I can hold tonights speed for 5k then I'll be on for around 28 minutes :D but I'll be building up to it slowly :embarassed:


02-06-2011, 22:24
other research which says it makes no difference at all particularly before warm up/ run.

That is one of the more ridiculous claims of research I've heard in a while! ;D

Without stretching I don't think I'd ever achieve half of a run, and would ache for days after!

02-06-2011, 22:38
I've heard that stretching after is the thing to do...

I need to stretch more! Though I do quite a lot in my pole classes... not enough to get in the splits though :(

BB x

02-06-2011, 22:38
5km this MORNING!

27mins46sec no music.

AND got into work on time... I am a) not going to be able to move and b) fall asleep at my desk, today.

Going to start collating my times now I think :)

BB x

Record how you feel too :) I record the weather too, Windy (if very), Sunny, Dark, Wet, and temperature.

Must admit I don't do much of a warm up before running, used to walk 5 mins, tend to wander down the car park and up and down while the watch gets a signal these days, spend at least 20-30 mins streching afterwards though or really pay for it!

Good to hear you're on the way back MB! And to Marie and Claire, definitely the way to start - still can't believe my mate tried to run a 10k with no prep and ended up with about a 2 hour time in total :evil:

02-06-2011, 22:39
Here you go



02-06-2011, 22:43
Record how you feel too :) I record the weather too, Windy (if very), Sunny, Dark, Wet, and temperature.

I usually feel knackered lol! ;D

I did the chart, but was so busy at work I couldn't post - so will do tomorrow :)

BB x

02-06-2011, 22:45
Interesting article, noticed all their volunteers ran at least 10 miles a week though... I reckon there's an important difference between people who are starting out and those running 10+ miles a week.

I must say though I find the first 3 miles often the toughest (which is common I believe), and generally enjoy the run more after an hour and I'm into the rhythum (sp?) a lot more.

02-06-2011, 22:49
That is a very fair point, these are seasoned runners who are maintaining not starting out and as such the implications are probably a lot less.


02-06-2011, 22:50
I usually feel knackered lol! ;D

I did the chart, but was so busy at work I couldn't post - so will do tomorrow :)

BB x

GPS watches, one of my favourite gadgets! Allows logging of split km/miles too and for pacing there is nothing better. I was always starting off way too fast.

There's a new Garmin 600 or something out, so the older ones may drop in price again (though the 305 is up £10 on what I paid at the moment, the 205 looks to be about £85). Fairly expensive, but so worth it imho.

02-06-2011, 22:55
GPS watches, one of my favourite gadgets! Allows logging of split km/miles too and for pacing there is nothing better. I was always starting off way too fast.

There's a new Garmin 600 or something out, so the older ones may drop in price again (though the 305 is up £10 on what I paid at the moment, the 205 looks to be about £85). Fairly expensive, but so worth it imho.

90% of us are carrying everything we need to plot and record our runs and provide music on the way. Although for serious runners I don't think you can beat the GPS watches.


02-06-2011, 22:56
I've entered the 5km pants in the park on 25th June and the 10km Race for Life on 3rd July.

As long as I beat my PB on the 10k I will be happy - in better shape than when I did my first two years ago... soooo fingers crossed!

BB x

03-06-2011, 05:20
I meant stretches after exercise :) Never stretch before, unless it's a short (fast) race in which case I do a few dynamic (moving) stretches and a little warm up just to get my limbs moving. Racing off from cold isn't good!

Quality static stretches always after the run

03-06-2011, 05:29
I meant stretches after exercise :) Never stretch before, unless it's a short (fast) race in which case I do a few dynamic (moving) stretches and a little warm up just to get my limbs moving. Racing off from cold isn't good!

Quality static stretches always after the run

How you get up this time every day I'll never know!

03-06-2011, 12:13
How you get up this time every day I'll never know!
By going to bed ridiculously early!! :p

03-06-2011, 13:00
I've entered the 5km pants in the park on 25th June and the 10km Race for Life on 3rd July.

As long as I beat my PB on the 10k I will be happy - in better shape than when I did my first two years ago... soooo fingers crossed!

BB x

I'll see you at Pants although given your times vs mine I'm sure I won't see you for long ;D

I need to sort out what I'm going to wear, fancy pants on the outside of running shrts seem to be the order of the day :shocked:


03-06-2011, 13:02
I'm stretching a few times a day concentrating on my calves and hams which I found are also quite tight. I have to keep correcting myself every time I sit badly at my desk or cross my legs because thats definately a contributory factor. I'm going to get caught doing calf raises in the lift soon I know it! I can do 10 on the way up to the 4th floor :)


03-06-2011, 13:39
I'll see you at Pants although given your times vs mine I'm sure I won't see you for long ;D

I need to sort out what I'm going to wear, fancy pants on the outside of running shrts seem to be the order of the day :shocked:


Ha ha.... as its a fun run I think its going to be pretty hard to get off the mark and dodge people, but will be a good warm up for the 10k :)

I have some Union Jack knickers... not sure if they are big enough though lol - don't want any chaffage!


Here are my collated times :)

BB x

03-06-2011, 14:05
146kms!! :eek:

06-06-2011, 20:46
5km.. 27m 51secs


BB x

06-06-2011, 20:48
I went for a run for the first time in ages today... it was... hard work. I blame all of you for getting me interested in giving it a go :p

06-06-2011, 21:19
In pain tonight, shinsplints from virtually the start.
Worked out over 10 days I did at least 56 miles, ignoring bits and pieces...
Fri 3 walk, Fri 10 run, Sun 6 walk, Tues 3 walk, Tues 10 run, Wed 1 walk, Fri 4/1 walks, Sat 1/10/1 walks, Sun 6 walk.

3 days off til Friday, going to avoid walking.

07-06-2011, 22:21
5km again today. Same as yesterday 27m 51secs.

Feeling **** this week... tired, grumpy and PO with work doesn't help.

BB x

09-06-2011, 08:42
My times are down, quite badly down but it's hardly suprising given the amount of time off I took. My distances are also down whilst I recover a bit although I don't factor in my warm up anymore and just walk jog down to my start/ finish which is just over .5km away so with warm up warm down factored in I'm traveling around 4.5km which give me hope to being able to do a full 5km.

What am I saying? I'll DEFINATELY be able to do a full 5km, although this may require a little bit of walking in a couple of places unless I pick up another injury there is no doubt I can do it :)


09-06-2011, 13:41
Adrenaline should carry you through the 5km no problems, you'll be fine though and very sensible imo about getting someone to look into it before it got worse / taking it slow getting back into it etc...

10-06-2011, 12:04
I ran back from the kebab shop last night which sounds ridiculous but it felt so good. Going to get the L2B out the way next weekend and then plan putting some running back into my life. I have the Wight Challenge coming up in September which has an 8 mile run at the end, so I'm going to have to drop the speeds a bit. There's also a 3 mile canoe, so I'll need some paddling practice.

10-06-2011, 14:57
In pain again :/

Going to switch the eliptical trainer for a few weeks, see the physio again, do these fun runs and reassess whether running is right for me.

Need to explore other cardio options long term if I can't run without injuring myself, or take a couple of months off to see if I heal comprehensively.

Oh well


Von Smallhausen
13-06-2011, 00:06
Would different shoes work Mat?

I have a pair of size 10 Nikes hardly worn and you are welcome to them as they are a little too big for me.

13-06-2011, 11:27
I'm not sure about the shoes, I went for gait analysis and was told that me style was bad but the shoes are pronation control ones and a good make.

Need to go back to the shop and see them again to check if its worth changing them but general consensus was that I wasn't doing enough miles for the shoes to be the root of the problem though :(

I'm currently in a 12.5 extra wide shoe so the 10s would probably be a bit ickle for me ;)

Thank you for the offer though


13-06-2011, 11:43
Been reading about your issues Matt. Wanted to say in your defence if you've followed the couch to 5k training program then you've done nothing wrong. Its what I did and I had no issues and I'm probably carrying more weight than you :)

I know people who have attempted it but had issues so it probably is something physical holding you back, and would definitely be worth getting sorted to prevent yourself doing harm. I'm sure you are doing the right thing getting it all checked out :)

So I start my marathon training next week. A mate has dumped his iPhone and got a Garmin GPS watch as apparently you can't use an iPhone for timing in a marathon due to UKA rules. No mp3 players. If that's true I guess I'll need to get one too. But I like the Runkeeper training programs as it integrates with the app. I like the robot woman telling me what to do. Not sure how I'd cope with a watch for interval training.

13-06-2011, 17:10
Got some feet issues, well foot. Ball of right foot been giving me issues since about 6 miles into Friday's 10 miles, kept off it over the weekend and got some gel inserts. Gave up walk into work today and it felt better so did a quick 2.28 miles this evening. Foot now hurts on top instead :(

Still doesn't really hurt any more with pressure though, just when I move my toes or do nothing. Did the miles in 16:01 though.

14-06-2011, 20:52
27m 50secs

BB x

16-06-2011, 21:57
I ran today!!! (first time ever i ran more than 1 minute) so slow....

4km in 37min. but didn't stop and ran all the way!

17-06-2011, 06:47
I ran today!!! (first time ever i ran more than 1 minute) so slow....

4km in 37min. but didn't stop and ran all the way!

Nothing wrong with that, slow and steady to build it up. And running the whole way from only being able to run a minute is pretty good going :)

17-06-2011, 10:34
^ +1

17-06-2011, 13:05
3km 16m 51secs yesterday
3km 16m 36secs

BB x

17-06-2011, 18:04
3km 16m 51secs yesterday
3km 16m 36secs

BB x

Thats sprinting speed to me! :shocked:

17-06-2011, 20:18
Have to log this, HM @ 01:53:08.


19-06-2011, 13:51
Nice time, congrats :)

19-06-2011, 15:50
Is that an official time yet or are they still practice runs? ;-) great time either way

19-06-2011, 17:11
It seems we're all getting the bug for running! I haven't fallen in love with it, but I have to say I do feel better for doing it, and want to challenge myself to improve - though I'm under strict instructions not to become too good! :p

20-06-2011, 22:45
5km at 27m 36secs

Ran the last two at 0.5 incline :/

BB x

21-06-2011, 19:57
5.02km in 30.06 minutes.

How bloody annoying is that :D

Maybe I'll crack 30 minutes at the weekend, maybe not but I'll get there soon :)


semi-pro waster
21-06-2011, 20:03
Looks like progress to me though so it might be annoying to just miss out on sub 30 minutes but you're getting damn close. :)

21-06-2011, 20:56
Is that an official time yet or are they still practice runs? ;-) great time either way

Just practice ones still, got loads of other things on at weekends but hoping to try 15 miles just before I go away for just over a week (end of July), got the 3 peaks challenge the weekend after I get back and that may interrupt the running a little :s

21-06-2011, 21:38
4km in 32min today.

21-06-2011, 21:45
Are you doing splits Ray? If not you might want to consider something like the couch to 5k program.

I found splits were a great way to start and build my fitness and I didn't feel like slowing to walk was a negative because it was part of the program. I wonder if you aren't possibly overdoing the distance too, I would hate you to experience what I did and end up with an injury, it was so depressing and its been hard to get back in to my running again.

Don't be too desperate to get to 5k too soon, a build up is better :)


21-06-2011, 21:50
I dont know what splits is...

All I do is set a speed on the treadmill and run at that pace. In terms of distance, the 4km is set in my head, not the machine. It just happens the last time i ran 4km, and it was comfortable so i speed up a tiny bit and see if i can keep that pace up for the same distance and turns out i could. :)

21-06-2011, 21:59
Splits is a term used to describe splitting the run into sections where you run and then walk and then run again, this is a good way of building fitness and stamina and protecting you from injury because the slower sections gives you time to recover also letting the heart rate fall and then raising it again increases fitness more than just straight running :)

Have a look at this program


You've made a great start just make sure you protect yourself from injury and stretch too ;)


21-06-2011, 22:00
Ahhh, and i do 20 min on the cross trainer first before i start running :)

21-06-2011, 22:29
Just saw this on hotukdeals (http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/garmin-forerunner-305-package-97-44-delivered-amazon/961495), if anyones interested :)

21-06-2011, 22:31
Any of you runners do any skipping?!

21-06-2011, 22:40
Any of you runners do any skipping?!




21-06-2011, 22:51

No more along the lines of:


22-06-2011, 06:30
Just saw this on hotukdeals (http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/garmin-forerunner-305-package-97-44-delivered-amazon/961495), if anyones interested :)

On yeah saw that on amazon the other day, does indeed go like a yo-yo though. WIthout the HRM (I think?) the 205 is a bit less.

Any of you runners do any skipping?!

No (neither!)

I started the coach to 5k one, sort of. Had to go over 5k to get home but did a lot of walking splits for a good 1-3 months before I tried and succeeded runing the whole way once I kept it slow. In fact, that was June 29th 2009, need to see if I can duplicate that run next wek.

22-06-2011, 10:29
Did my first run in ages yesterday, about 2 miles. Managed to not stop once and feel fine this morning :)

22-06-2011, 20:08
Nice one Jonny :)

I've been hearing about fartlek training. Spoke to a sports therapist the other day who said the key to training is short interval bursts. He said one guy did this crazy training like fartlek and then ran a marathon. He never did any long distances to build up to it, just short intervals.

I've just started my marathon training and it wants me to do a half marathon in a few weeks. I can just about do 4 miles and it took me 3 months to build up to a half. Worried that I should be doing fartlek style training instead of 1 long distance a week.