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I bought this book - - which had a lot of useful info in about diet, drinks, exercises and so many other things than just running. What I found was that there's a book load of things you have to think about for a marathon that you don't for a half. It's insane.
55m 40 secs last night.
Shattered today.... thanks to Reevo for the advice for Marathon training :)
Spoke to my Director yesterday aswell as we were out and its one of the subjects I am able to smalltalk with him. He's done 5 Marathons and the London 3 times. O_o
He said about a 16wk plan and that apparently the Reading Half falls nicely into the plan.
Any training I do until I start the plan will be basically conditioning my body and preparing it for the training of 16wks.
He also advised that I did squats as well to strengthen my legs as they will get a pounding with all the training.
I also slipped in the fact that I have to raise £1.5k for charity ;)
Also to concentrate on amount of time running rather than speed - which is going to be tough for me :/
Oh and he reckons after I told him my Half marathon result - that I should be able to do it in 4h30 - yeah ok :p
BB x
So... basically he concured with everything I said then. Woohoo, I do know what I'm talking about after all. Phew! ;)
I told you 4h30 :p
Great idea about squats btw, although maybe not the weights William does ;) I was still doing Body Pump when I started marathon training. Eventually, I just didn't have time to carry on.
Pete - Bang on. I think I said to you when you started marathon training - A marathon is so much more than just 2 half marathons.
Yep everything you said Reevo! :D
I said 'my friend who ran last year has been giving me some advice and suggested I run 3-4 times a week...and about the 16 week plan.'
Just didn't post it soweee!! :o
BB x
Oooohhh squats!! Nice! Also helps your bootyliciousness! ;)
Ooo ow ow owch... :p
Ran back with EVERYTHING in my bag tonight. Laptop, clothes, spare food, work book, copy of GQ. 6kg all in. Kept the pace down but it is SO difficult to run with that weight trying to pull you over backwards. Shins and calfs have taken a battering; I'm going to be soooo shinsplinty tomorrow :D
sat: 3miles 30mins
today 6miles 55m 25 secs
felt good today! :D
BB x
5miles 46m 08s didnt have time for 6miles :(
BB x
Not long to go to the Grim...
Dear Friend of GRIM
Two weeks to go and we are really excited about the upcoming race. We hope your preparations are going well - taking mud baths, practicing crawling around in the garden, running through the kids sandpit etc - and we really look forward to welcoming you in Aldershot soon.
The big news is that we've tweaked the course. The good news is that it is shorter - hooray! It's now 8.5m (yes, we know it's over 8m but it was almost 9 before!). The bad news is that we've found some more 'fun' elements. In fact, that's good news really as it has meant that we've been able to shorten the 'boring' bit - those of you who have run it will know the section.
We've added a path that is basically one mogul after another for about 600m, have been able to extended the Alpine section, added some railway tracks and a path made of logs (really!). We're really happy with the new route and we think you'll have a lot of fun taking on the new course.
A map of the course will be added to the Grim website in the next couple of days for you to review. There is a map specifically for any spectators who are looking to see you take on the various puddles, camo net or the tough alpine section.
:D jonny!
6miles in 55m29s and 1 extra mile because I had time :p
BB x
2 miles of that in 18m 15s
BB x
I've got a feeling this could be a 'how long is a piece of string' type question but....what kind of speed (on a treadmill) should I be aiming at to slowly jog? :)
Bearing in mind, my fitness levels are crap to say the least ;)
What are you doing at the moment Jen?
Basically when I was starting out - I would increase the speed till i was jogging at a comfortable speed, then each time I would push myself a little bit more.
Think I started at 8km/h (this is way back) in feb I was on 9.5km/h and now I am on 10.4km/h - the more you do it the quicker your body adapts.
You are doing really well btw!
BB x
Oh it's pathetic compared to you! :)
I'm managing about 4mph-4.2mph. Can do 4.5mph but only for short bursts.
I'm trying to remind myself that it was only a month ago that 3mph was plenty and my foot was really feeling it then but I'm impatient :D
6.5km/h then
Yes! Be patient esp with your injury!
That is great... soon you will be looking back on 6.5km/h and thinking 'gosh that was slow'.
Also when I was first starting out I would do ten mins running/ten mins cross trainer/ten minutes step... then increased the running to 15 mins till I was running for 30mins.. then I would concentrate more on my speed.
/cue Reevo telling you to get outside and not use treadmill :p
BB x
I hope so :D I'm really enjoying it which is the main thing :)
I do 15mins focusing on getting my speed up then a break for some weights or leg extensions then 10-15mins on a gradient. Hopefully will up the time gradually now it's all going quite smoothly!
I can't not use the treadmill yet :( Despite having some fancy trainers that have made a HUGE difference to everything (even just walking around shops), my ankle still isn't the biggest fan of concrete but hopefully that'll improve with time :D
That's really good - and even better that you enjoy it! (Wish I did)
I find diet is often paramount to performance... if I have eaten a lot of **** or too many carbs/treats before the gym I let myself down performance wise....
Also noticed that drinking hydrated and drinking lots of water before running is good.
All obvious things but wanted to point out I have actually noticed! ;)
BB x
Don't tend to drink a huge amount beforehand but drink plenty during and after :)
Also, don't forget to start slow and build the speed up! Start too fast and you'll wear yourself out as all the crap pumps into your blood and lungs :)
Well it feels like I'm not going to be running for a couple of days. My back is ultra tender from the caudal injection and I think bouncing up and down on it won't go down well. Knew I should have run yesterday :D
I fear my body is full of crap ;D
I am admittedly terrible for just wanting to get on with things and getting impatient with myself :o
Thanks for the advice both :D
I think it's fantastic Jen. I applaud anyone who makes time and the effort to look after their health. It's even better that you enjoy it! :D keep it up!
Running seems to be one of those types of exercise that has longevity for a lot of people. Once you crack a certain distance and you're confident you can get to places and back again, you'll be wanting to run everywhere!
Running seems to be one of those types of exercise that has longevity for a lot of people. Once you crack a certain distance and you're confident you can get to places and back again, you'll be wanting to run everywhere!
That's very true.... I find myself getting annoyed that I could run certain distances faster - if I wasn't laden with baggages!!! :/
BB x
That's very true.... I find myself getting annoyed that I could run certain distances faster - if I wasn't laden with baggages!!! :/
BB x
Well, my advice would be that you need to get rid of your speed obsession for marathon training me dear! You need to start focussing on distance or time on your feet, NOT speed!! You will slow down a huge amount once you're running longer distances and you need to stay focussed on doing that distance or running for 3-4 hours rather than being annoyed at yourself because you ran it slower than you would have liked. By the way, you're almost in December and I can't see any longer weekend runs creeping into your plan yet!?!?!?! Chop chop!! :p
Jen - My answer to your question is whichever speed feels comfortable. Worry not about the numbers. I know it's easy to get hung up on them, but if you're running at a speed you're not comfortable with, you'll burn out quicker and it'll be very frustrating for you because you'll never be able to get to that "comfortable" pace where you feel like you could run forever. I think that's why most new runners give up.
Just find a pace that you're comfortable with and try to go for as long as you can. If you're flagging and you have your music on, tell yourself that you're going to run until the end of the song you're on. It'll keep you going a bit longer and start to build your stamina. Also, have you tried running on grass? It's much gentler than concrete. Might be a nice alternative to the treadmill if you want/need it :)
Well, my advice would be that you need to get rid of your speed obsession for marathon training me dear! You need to start focussing on distance or time on your feet, NOT speed!! You will slow down a huge amount once you're running longer distances and you need to stay focussed on doing that distance or running for 3-4 hours rather than being annoyed at yourself because you ran it slower than you would have liked. By the way, you're almost in December and I can't see any longer weekend runs creeping into your plan yet!?!?!?! Chop chop!! :p
I actually meant it was like when I am walking normally back from the shops... up the road... I think that I could run this quicker...
You are right though I do have a speed obsession which I have to address... and a lack of long runnage which I also need to address.
Have sacked my pole girls off for next year for running training which was sad... even if I had the time, I can't afford any injuries.
Another 6miles last night 55m 47 but I ran for an hour...
/slopes out of thread
BB x
I just mapped out last night's 'head clearer' and I did 10.2 miles! I didn't really plan the route, I just headed out and picked a few roads that I didn't know where they went. I ended up at a park that I know is quite big and decided to do a lap while I was there. Completely deserted and pitch black which was quite exciting, so I followed the edge of the park and ran blind on the path. I really enjoyed it. Had a double stretch when I got in and feel fine today.
I was chatting to the guy in the ward next to me on Wednesday when I was in hospital about being fit. He was an ex tug-of-war competitor and we both agreed that the feeling of being fit is amazing. It kept popping into my mind when I was out yesterday, particularly when I chose to take a diversion to do a hill near the end of my run. I'd already run over 10k and was still able to tackle a pretty gruelling hill and it felt good :D
Jen - My answer to your question is whichever speed feels comfortable. Worry not about the numbers. I know it's easy to get hung up on them, but if you're running at a speed you're not comfortable with, you'll burn out quicker and it'll be very frustrating for you because you'll never be able to get to that "comfortable" pace where you feel like you could run forever. I think that's why most new runners give up.
Just find a pace that you're comfortable with and try to go for as long as you can. If you're flagging and you have your music on, tell yourself that you're going to run until the end of the song you're on. It'll keep you going a bit longer and start to build your stamina. Also, have you tried running on grass? It's much gentler than concrete. Might be a nice alternative to the treadmill if you want/need it :)
I'm not really in a position to push myself excessively anyway which is a sort of blessing! I know if I push my foot/ankle too far too fast I'll just end up laid up for a week or so and I quite like being able to walk with minimal pain! That thought in the back of my head and the soreness keeps me from being too competitive with myself. :)
It's just nice psychologically to have a number in mind as to when I can say to myself that I'm jogging rather than just walking. :)
I've got a feeling it's going to be a pretty slow path (certainly if today was anything to go by as my foot's playing up!) but I like targets :D
Hadn't thought of grass but admittedly I'm one of those weird people that likes the treadmill ;D
He said about a 16wk plan and that apparently the Reading Half falls nicely into the plan.
You still planning on doing the Reading half? Seriously temped by this one though with a hotel, travel and all it's probably about £100... The timing works out well just a couple of weeks before I go on holiday where there is no chance of being able to run.
Wondering when it'll fill up, be nice to be back up to 10 milers (Xmas) before I do.
I've been reading FetchEveryone and apparently the Reading HM is a very popular event, which usually sells out by the end of November, so if you're going to enter, then get your skates on!!
Just entered the Ashby 20 (miles), which is a key race in my marathon plan. Done it the last 2 yrs running now and it's great because it's round my normal training route :)
eeeek thanks for checking, signed up!
When I've got a uninjured HM under my belt I'll considering something insane, like 20 miles :)
I am bloody ill! :(
Its been a long time coming... think I will go home and recoup tonight then try to crack out some miles tomorrow.
Am PO cos I gots all the gear now innit.
BB x
One day won't do you any harm. :) better to get yourself better than run yourself to the ground. (pun intended)
I am bloody ill! :(
Its been a long time coming... think I will go home and recoup tonight then try to crack out some miles tomorrow.
Am PO cos I gots all the gear now innit.
BB x
How ill? If it's just a cold you can often get away with it (think someone on here said above throat go, below that don't, possibly). That said is was blinking cold, +9 with a wind chill to +6, the shorts and t-shirt may be getting their final outing this weekend!
You're right JMC. If it's a head cold, you can run. In fact, it makes me feel better and clears my sinuses if I go for a run with a head cold. HOWEVER, if it's moved onto your chest, you're coughing OR you feel really grotty, it's not even worth bothering. You should never run whilst you have a chesty cough.
Running whilst you're properly ill is more likely to put your recovery backwards, so rest up girly otherwise I'll have to get Will to pin you down :p It won't do you any harm at all to have a few days rest.
/me is currently arguing with holiday inn about late check-out for their Reading Hotel.
I've had a cold for the last two weeks (mainly last week), managed to get out and felt better though was a bit icky at times. That said I've mainly been doing 5ks.
[ Edit: Update ]
For anyone interested, Reading Holiday Inn (at £36ppn for March 31st) direct number is 0118 9311958, as opposed to some 10ppm 0845 one or some 087 number they tried to fob me off with! Now will they do a late check out...
A cold is slowly but steadily breaking out in J69 head. Perfectly timed for the Santa run and the Grim.
Am going to have a go tonight and see how I feel.
Beechams is our friend Jonny!
BB x
After all that fuss I did 10miles :/
I was like RunForrestRun and probably could have kept going - no pain, wheezing, stitches etc etc... was v weird.
Then I couldn't sleep last night.
6m45 in 55m45
3m60 in 33m15
Total = 89m
Kept a constant pace of 10.4km/h.
BB x
You may have run too late in the day and the endorphins hadn't cleared. This disturbs your sleep. I find if I'm going to push myself at all I have to do it earlier in the day so everything has a chance to clear out my system.
Blooming Endorphins!!! :angry: IWxHdZjzofY5-2sVzuTvh6TAeOaPw
BB x
If you wish to call Reading Holiday Inn don't use the number above as it's a fax line. I do love call centers.
They do a marathon special, it's £85 for one night (4pm check-out and two bottles of water) instead of the £36 advance booking. But then the Hilton's special is £120 including a 2pm checkout. Gah.
Has anyone any experience of staying in a hotel before a race? Are these normal prices? Event itself was £48 including a t-shirt!
BBx - Love the endorphin.
£48??????? Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus :eek: There's no way I'd pay that much to enter a race. Running the London Marathon is only £26!!! Faaark!!
Never stayed in a hotel, apart from Hotel MeiMei before London last year, which was very reasonable indeed ;)
After all that fuss I did 10miles :/
I was like RunForrestRun and probably could have kept going - no pain, wheezing, stitches etc etc... was v weird.
Then I couldn't sleep last night.
6m45 in 55m45
3m60 in 33m15
Total = 89m
Kept a constant pace of 10.4km/h.
BB x
WOOHOO! Nice one :D
So... when are you joining this running club and getting outside then? ;) *nag nag nag*
£33.50 for race then the t-shirt was extra. Think cov was > £26 tho they at least included a t-shirt.
It's the £120 for travel and staying there that is hacking me off! Though someone is making a killing with 16,000 open entries.
Never stayed in a hotel, apart from Hotel MeiMei before London last year, which was very reasonable indeed ;)
Yeah I knows Reevo...!
Ashby 20 fits in with the training plan next year do you think???
Room at Chez LopKat to facilitate???
Reading - appearing too much hassle to enter JMC am doing Brighton Half already as part of training. Reading proving too inconvenient/costly (Reevo do not hit me! :p).
BB x
Ah yeah, Brighton looked a bit early for me, might be running in snow though like Reading it is likely to be flat. Unlike Cov which resembled the Fan Dance without the downhill part.
Chez LopKat would be honoured to provide BBx with accommodation for the Ashby 20. I shall of course be running :) Be warned though BBx, it ain't flat!! It will, however, be great Marathon prep. I ran it before I ran London :)
And why would I hit you for not doing Reading? I wouldn't pay that much to enter an overcrowded half!! :p Brighton sounds fine! If you want to do a half a few weeks before, you can always run the Belvoir Half with me and stay chez Lopkat again. It's a lovely little half marathon. I think it's on Easter sunday :)
P.S. Reevo = me
And why would I hit you for not doing Reading? I wouldn't pay that much to enter an overpriced overcrowded half!! :p Brighton sounds fine! If you want to do a half a few weeks before, you can always run the Belvoir Half with me and stay chez Lopkat again. It's a lovely little half marathon. I think it's on Easter sunday :)
FTFY, Reevo :P
Reading just happened to be great timing for me personally, it'll be interesting to see if it's better organized given it's 10x larger than Cov, just looking sooo pricey, oh well, only live once.
Ha! The Santa run was hilarious. 1500 Father Christmaseses running round and round Battersea park. Brilliant :D
semi-pro waster
03-12-2011, 19:10
Sounds like a great laugh Jonny. Hope the Grim is as much fun, if that's the right phrase.
Just been out for a quick run, according to Map My Run it's just over 4.5km so slightly under 3 miles and ticked that off in about 25 minutes which I'm reasonably happy with I think.
The grim was amazing. 1900 runners! We were warned at the start that anything that looked bigger than a puddle wasn't a puddle :D
There was a cargo net crawl that would have been a muddy crawl under normal circumstances. Because it was so wet, it was nearly waist deep clay and like quicksand. Everyone got covered head to toe, I got stuck and lost a shoe, which I had to get back by sticking my arm up to my shoulder into the clay and then scoop it all out :D
They told us in advance the course was actually 8.5 miles, not 8, down from 9. On the day they said it was in fact 9 again :D
I'd do it again. There's a night version in the pitch black in February ;)
Spot me behind Santa no.47 looking to my right. My running buddies are no.47, no.450 to my right and no.663 on the left with the turquoise top under the Santa suit!
lol jonny! well done! :D
8m thurs
4m on sat
10km in 58m 41
hard slog :(
BB x
78mins run home lol
BB x
Is that from work to home?
Yeah mate. 8 degrees and I got lost twice lol ;D
Had to stop at Canada Water and find my way at Surrey Quays.
Wasn't too bad... though should have been faster.
BB x
Aye, step it up a bit. I ran faster than that through this lot ;D 590_n.jpg
It was only because I didn't know where I was going!
Would rather not have ended up somewhere hideous.... like Beckenham ;)
BB x
Lol, we don't call it 'Nam for nothing ;D
Ouch, thought I felt a bit of rubbing! (
I tipped about a tablespoon of grit, sand and dried clay out of each of my trainers yesterday morning. They are pretty crispy feeling and must be quite rough, hence tearing into my Achilles. I think I need some longer socks ;D
Yeouch. I have a wide variety of socks as they are the one thing I've never been able to find a decent pair for, finally got some short ones that were okay but having to dig out longer alternatives now it's sub-zero.
8 miles yeterday, but right knee was not at all happy after 7, what is it about my blinking knees (it was the left during the cov half).
My knees jip me too :( at different times.
BB x
Yeouch. I have a wide variety of socks as they are the one thing I've never been able to find a decent pair for, finally got some short ones that were okay but having to dig out longer alternatives now it's sub-zero.
That's a good idea. I'm still running in M&S cotton socks, but they aren't ideal when the conditions are like the Grim. I guess proper running socks can take that sort of punishment without rucking up and grating.
On the subject of knees, mine don't seem to give me any trouble any more. I think it's a matter of them toughening up to running, which I think only happens over time and there isn't much you can do to speed the process up. Just my experience though, no evidence to back this outrageous claim up.
On the subject of knees, mine don't seem to give me any trouble any more. I think it's a matter of them toughening up to running, which I think only happens over time and there isn't much you can do to speed the process up. Just my experience though, no evidence to back this outrageous claim up.
This is what I thought - it comes and goes for me :)
BB x
Sock wise definitely go for something other than cotton, but (as always in my limited experience!) expect to pay close to £10 for a good pair. The longer ones i got from the runners world shop seem mainly okay, for shorter ones I prefer the Nike dri-fit or something ones but like everything it's going to vary per person.
Knees used to be fine, just occasional aches after long distances, even okay over 18 miles in July.
After a long search for socks, sampling many different brands, my favorite by a country mile are Aldi. I always look out for when they have running stuff in so i can stock up. Always have ankle highs. Hate them being too low and just wear long running tights when it's chilly. Sometimes wear leg warmers to cover the gap between leggings and socks though as i have trouble finding leggings long enough.
In terms of knee pain, i only tend to worry if its persistent. on long runs they can ache just from being tired from constant pounding. however its important to know that lots of muscles connect to your knee, so any probs with those muscles often result in knee pain. its not always the knee itself to blame. I've had tight quads, tight ITB and even tight foot muscles resulting in knee pain. A lot can be avoided by simple stretches :-)
Yes, if I get it, it generally stems from a tight calf on my left side rather than because of a problem with my knee. I've been talking to some other runners today and I'm wondering if I'm observing that going into long distances too soon can cause a lot of runners' knee troubles because they don't have adequate strength in their knees through sustained experience. They end up with quite bad injuries early on that come back and haunt them, which they wouldn't have got if they'd trained slower over a longer time frame. I think what I'm saying is please take it easy on the longer runs BB and if you feel it starting to pull then back off rather than trying to push through it?
Start: 6.15
Finish: 7.25
70mins... and in the rain!!!
Bonus is that I didn't get lost! :D
BB x
Yes, if I get it, it generally stems from a tight calf on my left side rather than because of a problem with my knee. I've been talking to some other runners today and I'm wondering if I'm observing that going into long distances too soon can cause a lot of runners' knee troubles because they don't have adequate strength in their knees through sustained experience. They end up with quite bad injuries early on that come back and haunt them, which they wouldn't have got if they'd trained slower over a longer time frame. I think what I'm saying is please take it easy on the longer runs BB and if you feel it starting to pull then back off rather than trying to push through it?
Which is partly why I told her to get herself up to 13m before xmas. Then mara training is easier on the legs because you already have some distance and strength. The lines idea that her boss suggested is a great one too. I did body pump before I started mara training and I really think it helped a lot!
Hmmm my knee is still causing jip. I'm trying to strengthen it by doing leg exercises and running a mile and a bit a few times a week. It's not much but I'm hoping a few more weeks and I'll be doing 3miles and then on in I should be laughing.
I hope.
Bit depressing though. Because it does play up I have to run slow (I'm such a gimp when I run fast I pound it out... at least running slowly I can properly heel toe myself).
I look at you guys and am gutted I cannot seem to get up to speed so quick. Makes me a bit meh :(
Start: 6.15
Finish: 7.25
70mins... and in the rain!!!
Bonus is that I didn't get lost! :D
BB x
Haven't run for over a week. Got a horrible chesty cough now.. Missed a half marathon yesterday cos of it. Thoroughly fed up!!
Not as big a problem as you Kate as I haven't got any targets or anything like that but I'm increasingly annoyed I haven't been able to do anything in a week and a half! Had a pesky cough that just seems to be getting worse instead of better.
So annoying!
Oh yeah it's miserable out there, warmed up 7C but theres a 40mph wind taking it down to 2C with driving rain and miscalculated so was out almost 40 mins, no way I wanted to do 70, mucho impressed! Knee issues were suvivable, I've grown to know what is a 'good' pain and what is 'it's screwed', Saturdays was verging towards the latter for the last mile.
Had an appt. a week or so ago for Pilates which suggested I have some strengh issues, taking that up in the new year and hopefully will help. At least I'm managing to get in three sessions a week atm after doing two for a lot of year.
This is not a good time of year for illness, if it wasn't for the wind and rain it'd be quite pleasant.
Yeah the second 'bright idea' I have had this year - running back in pouring rain and high winds!!! :D
Am going to have to plan some longer routes back, but after I have done this one a few more times - actually don't mind running back... although its a strange feeling knowing that I ran back from work :/ plus the fact I looked like an actual panda tonight because of the rain ;D
Neil at work suggested that I should just 'jump on a Boris bike if it gets too much'.... well no! That kinda defeats the purpose PLUS (unlike his own running route home) the last Boris bike station is the other side of London Bridge which is REALLY not worth it.... not that I would even contemplate it of course!!! ;)
Mental note: ALWAYS ensure that waterproof is packed into running bag...
BB x
In other news.... need to put my estimated time on the reg form for the marathon... am running with my friend who 'zoned out' at the start of it with me...(think she was a bit nervous) so am not sure whether to put the same time as her: 5 hours
Reevo has suggested putting 4 hours so I have no slow people in the way.
I will be running with all the charity places anyway...
My friend has text back saying it would be nice to stay together.
So now I don't know what I should put....because I know what you put here on the form, dictates which pen you start in and whether you are with fast or slow peeps. :confused:
I guess.. if I am down as a 'fast runner' and decide to hang back with my friend - that is more likely to be overlooked than the other way round....
BB x
Did a short run... I say run and it's a jog at 5mph... again tonight. What was poop was that by the time I hit the end of my road I could already feel my knee hating me. Mile and a half only. What is really annoying is my breathing is consistent and my other leg is dandy as... if it wasn't for my knee I reckon I could easily be pushing out about 4miles each run which for me isn't bad seeing as we've only really just got back into training. Albeit not at a fast pace, I reckon I could still do it. It's so stupidly frustrating!!
I think the reason my knee was more hurtsy straight away was because I did leg training two days prior so it was a wee bit more delicate. Hoping a mile and a half for the next week and then upping it to 2miles will make it grow stronger and get better.
Training wise we're doing the following (roughly... some days if we're absolutely dying muscle wise or have commitments we'll have a day off)
Day 1: Upper body work out (arms and chest)
Day 2: Cardio (I run my mile and a half and then do a 30min dance video... knee dependent)
Day 3: Leg and tummy work out (Squats, Pulse Lunges, a few ball thingys like extensions and then tummy exercises)
Day 4: Cardio
Day 5: Upper body work out (shoulder and back)
Day 6: Cardio
Day 7: Chill
We're aiming at 3 hours of cardio a week and 3 hours of weight training. It's working out pretty well. Just... as said... god damn knee. Need it to get better as I would like to run 45mins x 2 a week and dance once. That's the aim...
Boo hiss! And as per my FB... seriously... this knee is a super hindrance if there's a zombie invasion!! This needs to change! And rapidly!
Any hints as to how I could help my knee out would be great and much appreciated :) I have a knee support I wear when training (makes a HUGE difference) and I am really really focusing on my gait when I run to make sure I'm not as clumpy.
Thanks people :)
Sorry to hear that your knee is still giving you jip Pheebs. Like I said up there, knee pain can be down to tonnes of different reasons, so it could be all sorts of things really. All I can suggest is trying to stregthen up the muscles around the knee by doing weights (lunges/squats like you're already doing) a couple of times a week and making sure you're stretching your quads, calfs, hip abductors, shins, hamstrings etc. thoroughly (1 minute each) after all leg exercises. If it isn't getting any better after a sustained period of trying to strengthen (1-2 months), then off to the physio I'm afraid. Unfortunately, these things don't sort themselves out in a day... unless it's a really tight muscle which can be massaged and relaxed to relieve the pain (that's what my knee pain usually is). It wouldn't have persisted for so long if this was the case though IMHO.
BBx... reet proud of you :) You'll still have slow people around you at 4hrs... all the people who think they can run a 4:30hr marathon, but put down 4hrs for a start ;) (you have to play the game unfortunately). You're right about them being happier to let you go backwards in the pen though. You won't get into a quicker one.
It all depends on whether you're more interested in getting a certain time or running with your mate. Personally, I'm crap at running with someone else, especially for 26 miles!!! I have to go at my own speed or it messes me up big style. Decisions decisions :) Bet it feels good once you're back to know you've already completed your run by the time you are home :D
Thanks Reevo :)
I'll put 4hrs & judgement call on the day.
Would like to at least start together - have no intention doing the whole thing with her as I am insanely unsociable when it comes to any sort of exercise ;)
BB x
new pb :D
Start: 6.30
End: 7.35
Am surprised as I ate a big lunch & was v tired on the run - plus I didnt cut thru the car park & went round which was longer.
BB x
£48??????? Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus :eek: There's no way I'd pay that much to enter a race. Running the London Marathon is only £26!!! Faaark!!
The Liverpool Marathon was about £48. Expensive but it was the first for over 20 years. Money well spent for me. :)
Still need to blog about that day. Got it saved somewhere.
The Liverpool Marathon was about £48. Expensive but it was the first for over 20 years. Money well spent for me. :)
Still need to blog about that day. Got it saved somewhere.
Kind of different for a marathon, but £48 for a half? I'd be expecting a cup of tea and a hob knob at every drinks stop :p
Have you run since Pete?
Kind of different for a marathon, but £48 for a half? I'd be expecting a cup of tea and a hob knob at every drinks stop :p
I'll let you know :P
5:15??? 5:30 is crazy, when the heck do you sleep?!
I'll let you know :P
5:15??? 5:30 is crazy, when the heck do you sleep?!
That's when she gets up! :D
I don't understand it either - woman is crazy but I <3 her!
BB x
Kind of different for a marathon, but £48 for a half? I'd be expecting a cup of tea and a hob knob at every drinks stop :p
Have you run since Pete?
£48 for a half? Missed that. Blimey.
Yeah I've ran since. Few 10k's, no problems. Done a fast 5k around the 26:40 min mark too. Happy with that.
Thanks Kate for advice! We've been a bit pants the past couple of days (I've been feeling queezy) so no running :( Will be working out tonight upper body... might do a leg around the block just as a warm up :)
A review of my marathon -
Riiiiiiiiight, for charity purposes (which I will likely pester you all about later) I have put myself forward for a 10km cross country run in mid March.
I do not do running.
Any suggestions for essentials? Obviously i'm going to be needing a decent pair of trainers but I suspect just wandering into Sport Soccer and picking ones that look cool is not really the best way to go about things...
Any suggestions for essentials?
Nip guards.
As for shoes, Asics or Mizuno. Goto a dedicated running shop and talk to them.
Nip guards.
As for shoes, Asics or Mizuno. Goto a dedicated running shop and talk to them.
Haha, apparently so for blokes. Sports bra for ladies prevents that ;)
I wouldn't limit myself to those 2 brands of trainers. I've had Nike, New Balance, Adidas, Asics & Mizuno trainers, all of which have been great. Saucony are also a very good brand. Just go into a running store and see what they give you to try on.
I note that you're doing a cross country though, so this makes things a little different. Are you going to be doing any training on the road? The reason I ask is that trail shoes are very different to road shoes and they're not really interchangable. So, if you're thinking of taking to the streets for your training then you'll need 2 pairs of trainers... sorry!! :p
You will pay much more for road shoes than trail shoes. For example, I paid £80 for my road shoes and £30 for my trail shoes. This is because when you run offroad on an uneven surface, all that fancy support shizzle built into the road shoes is useless and can even be restrictive to your running. Road shoes are also like normal trainers underneath - wide flat grips so they have lots of surface area in contact with the road. Trail shoes on the other hand tend to have very little support (what's the point? you'll be all over the bloody place scrambling through mud) and huge whopping great grips to cling to the mud and stop you falling over. Basically, there's less techy crap on XC shoes, so I just go out and buy a pair that feel comfy. I am currently sporting 2 yr old Adidas Kanadias, which were £30 from chavs direct :D
Whatever you do, DO NOT run a cross country race in road shoes. I cannot stress this enough. You'll have no grip whatsoever and it'll be a nightmare. Trail shoes are also brilliant in snow.... :D
Apart from shoes, don't wear cotton clothing (incl socks). Buy yourself some running leggings and a techy top (Chavs Direct do a good, cheap, Karrimoor range), some thin gloves, a hat, running socks and you're away :)
Good luck!
Oh, and take it SLOWLY to start off with. Run at a pace that feels uncomfortably slow. Pretty much all new runners go far too quick, burn out in minutes and get all frustrated because they can't even manage half a mile. If you slow it down, you'll go further :)
Here endeth your lecture.... for now :p
Still not running. Had to cancel another race this weekend. 10K. Bastard cough :( :( :(
Just because i'm a bit mental, that's what i've put myself in for.
I won't be doing much on road training, I live right next to Southampton Sports Centre which is full of the sort of inclines etc. that I will be expecting to find in that event and I can stick to the grass/dirt areas easily enough.
Very helpful post that, thanks, I'll take that onboard.
That looks like a mini Grim. You're going to love that :D
I disagree with Kate about the shoes though. I ran the Grim in my road shoes and had no problems. The only times I thought a trail shoe would be more suitable were when I was running down a very steep muddy slope and when I went up to my knees in the mud. Essentially, you can run down a steep muddy slope in road shoes, but you can't stop; if you have slower people in front, you won't be able to slow down and you risk a crash :D Then, in deep muddy clay my shoe came off when it went up to my knees and I think a trail shoe is better designed to stay on. Otherwise, they were fine on all the other terrain and through the river, so I'm not going to be investing in trail shoes. Unless you're running in truly terrible conditions all the time I don't think you need them.
Definitely don't wear cotton. It holds too much water and you'll get cold. Run the Brutal in tights and a technical top.
Kate, your cough sounds -> :(
I'm number 299!
BB x
Which is partly why I told her to get herself up to 13m before xmas.
Well I did 12.5m then went round the block once more when I got back - just in case wasn't long enough (had worked it out as a 12m before I left) so all in all I did about a half today which is ****ing crazy ****. :shocked:
Start: 10.40
Finish: 12.48
2hrs and 8 mins for 12.5m with mother****er hills x2
Extra round block: 12.50 - 12.56 approx 0.7m = 6mins
Total = 13m in 2hrs 14mins - not far off my official half time of 2h17min BUT, baring in mind I had two GINORMOUS hills to contend with which slowed me down and ate away my soul... I am quite happy with :)
I ran from my house to Bexleyheath which is where my uncle lives... in hindsight I should have used my bladder.... freezing cold, rain/sleet for about ten minutes and stupid me...of course I choose the most direct route which involved SHOOTERS HILL which of course is a bloody hill!!
Daft bint! That was MEGA hard work!! Was considering a different route back but would have got lost.
BB x
Congrats BBx :) My run yesterday included a significant amount of rain but managed just under 8.4 miles without major problems for the first time since the Cov half Oct 2nd.
Bit quick at 1:12, I had issues slowing down early on, fastest long run since August but pretty much the same speed as my HM PB from June (albeit 5 miles shorter).
Wow thats good! :D
Well done you too!
BB x
7.5m from rents to Portslade few gradients.
went ok
Start: 11.05
Finish: 12.16
BB x
10.01mi (12:47-14:15)
Determined to do 10 before Xmas so went for it, knee just about survived. No more mileage increases for me for a while!
Pressure was on yesterday. Family meal looming and I was expected to perform in the eating department, so as not to let the side down :D
Thought I'd better go for a quick trot to ensure a large appetite, so I went out for a swift 5k through the local lanes, fields, woods and (curiously for a small village) airfield. It was actually quite a good route with some tough ups and downs, a river to run in if I wanted and plenty of mud :D
2hr 12m according to my new Garmin Forerunner 110 :cool:
BB x
Yey congrats BBx, decent time too! Love that watch, santa? :)
Thanks jmc! Knocked me out for the rest of the day though!
BB x
Woohoo!!! Nice one BBx. Lovely pressie too ;)
I've read books that say your 'gait' can change, and books that say it can't.
Well, after two years / three pairs of over-pronating shoes yesterday the shop that last year confirmed I was still overpronating found I wasn't and I'm now trying some neutral ghosts.
Somewhat concerningly the bloke seemed to think the adrenaline ones were for serious over-pronators, but the evidence on the monitor thing certainly showed much better results in these than any of the others with added support so will see how it goes.
On another note, I tried out this HRM thing but found it only worked when I wasn't wearing a t-shirt, at which point my resting rate was apparently 48-54. Has anyone else used one of these (with something over the top) with any success? The initial tests on a 5 miler report me as 'dead' (I did forget to wet it) :( And despite it getting somewhat warmer I'm not going out without a t-shirt!
Yep, my gait has changed. My feet have straightened up quite a lot too, I used to stand and walk very turned out. I'll probably go for more neutral shoes next time.
My resting heart rate is about 62, but bear in mind I have high blood pressure and some kind of arrhythmia when my heart rate slows. Be interested to see what it goes up to when I'm pushing myself, but I'd have to invest in schtuff to find out :)
Went for a run today with a friend - first time NOT on my own...
She runs slower than me so had to pace with her, but we were catching up and chatting anyway :)
Lovely day... started from William's gym and went through Kidbrooke, to Blackheath, down through Greenwich Park, round Greenwich Park, through the foot tunnel to Isle of Dogs, along the river to Tower Bridge and back to the foot tunnel.
Then we ate noodles :p
Garmin said 14.1miles... but obviously didnt register the foot tunnel or the distance from that to the point that it re-joined the satellites... so times not accurate.
Plus my time was much slower as running at Joyce's pace.
2h 53secs
I think it was actually 15miles probably more. Good thing about it is that I now know another route home from work :)
BB x
Try mapmyrun to find out the missing distance if you are interested :) Should be able to download the garmin stuff to see what part is missing (possibly).
15 miles in two hours is a bloody good time!
Try mapmyrun to find out the missing distance if you are interested :) Should be able to download the garmin stuff to see what part is missing (possibly).
15 miles in two hours is a bloody good time!
Closer to three ;) but thanks :)
Am going on Garmin now - couldn't find the foot tunnel on googlemaps :/ or mapmyrun t'other day.
BB x
Time on your feet MLP, time on your feet. Bloody well done!
No way I could run 15 miles at the moment. Managed my second run tonight. A measly 4.8 miles at snail's pace before coughing up a lung on the doorstep. Oh well, onwards and upwards. My marathon training doesn't start for 3 weeks so I have that long to get up to 10 miles :)
Closer to three ;) but thanks :)
Ah you mean 2h53m? Not 2h 53s :P
Still good going, no-way I could spend 3h running at any pace atm!
You're getting up to some pretty decent distances Mei :)
You're getting up to some pretty decent distances Mei :)
I have to Jonny! Now is when the proper training kicks in :)
Plus coach is on my back ;)
BB x
Just over 4 miles today, tempo run.
Mile splits: 08:54 / 07:25 / 07:24 / 07:49
Got the HRM working eventually, seems my average today was 165, tbh it was 149 during the 10 miler last weekend though and that was just under 9 min splits. About right for a tempo as my MHR seems to be 186-195.
Wow you are fast JMC! well done!
BB x
Knackered tho! Was running .2mi (~350m) max runs with .3mi recoveries (9 times after mile warm up) Tiuesday averaging 9-10mph on the fast parts!
Looking forward to slower weekend, as are my legs. First time i've done 4 runs in a week.
first run home last night from new office & its 7miles :)
1hr 10 mins
2mins of that was getting distracted by my thoughts & getting lost :p
Plus a bit of a false start as still learning how to use my watch! Doh!
BB x
Nice one kidda :) My marathon training starts in 3 weeks, so just building up to a decent LSR at the mo after my enforced break.
Steady, but very hilly 8 planned for tomorrow.
Which mara are you doing Coach?
BB x
Which mara are you doing Coach?
BB x
Windermere on 20th May. Hilly, but beautiful. I decided that if I couldn't do London, I was going to do a pretty one :)
There are 5 of us doing it from my club and we'll go up and camp for the weekend. My parents will go too. It was brilliant last year.
Cool. Am going out in a bit & going to try the same route as last monday on my own.
I should be faster than last time.
& will try to remember to stop my watch for the foot tunnel. :/
BB x
Ooo well done JMC super quick man!!
BBx you're doing amaaaaaazing! Go go go!
Back to running today! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Canny wait! Even if it's short spurts to make sure I don't fluff up my knee! Sam is suffering from tight Achilles at the moment as well so we will be taking it easy :) I like having a running partner it's mega :)
I did 6k home on Friday and expected it to kill me, since I haven't run since Christmas day. I'm fine though. Cycling is suffering a bit though, I did Crystal Palace hill on the tough side this afternoon and it was decidedly more difficult that I remember ;D
Nice one Johnny!
Tried to do a run today and my knee faaaaaaaaailed! Haven't run since around the 20th December and haven't done any weights so I think my knee has gone back to poopness!
Still, I was managing it before and I did a mile running then intermittent on the way back so at least it's something :) I think a warm up of kicks and squats probably didn't help... might do something more upper body orientated as a warm up in the future instead! It's frustrating as, although I am sweaty and raised heart beat, my breathing is good and I'm not hurting at all other than knee!
If it doesn't improve with a gentle start back up over the next couple of weeks I will pop and see the physio!
Yay to getting back into it though! Really looking forward to being back to a normal run :) Sam's being mega too, nice to have a jogging/limping partner ;)
Well done guys :)
I did 15.5m yesterday in 2hr 49min 19secs.
This included 4m30 in the foot tunnel which works out at .40 of a mile.
Annoyingly I forgot to bathe in some special salts my bros girlf sent me for Christmas so I ached like a bitch all evening :( I prob didn't really have time for a soak in any case as we had friends over. Doh!
BB x
Did 67mins of exercise.
10k in 57m 35s
So all in all about 7miles :)
BB x
ate too many pastries :( & not enough water.
BB x
5.9 pace and used heart monitor so will look at the results for that too later :)
BB x
Do you have any issues with your Forerunner misting up BBx? Someone from running club had one for christmas and says it mists up. I've told him to send it back but was wondering if it's a common problem
I have a Forerunner (year old now) and it's fine. Got a little misty today due to the fact it's so cold (had to defrost my car at 4pm, what's that about) but was still visible and easily wiped off.
Good week for me, 5k part of sub-40 5m in the week was a PB around 23:15, new 10k PB today @ 48:57 - and I could have gone faster, plus unlike the only other sub-50 I've run I didn't want to puke or have shin splints from hell :D Bring on Reading.
Well done jmc! :D misting...yet.
Dont think i'll be able to do 15miler today. :( have a sore throat but training books say to do 'something'
BB x
hilly, ill, glad done, bleurgh..
BB x
17-01-2012, 21:18
I'm back running; slowly
17-01-2012, 21:32
So the Girl has just started running for the first time in pretty much ever (:p) Directed her straight to C25K and told her just please please follow that. Because she is defo of the type to overdo it and never run again.
Currently she has some "Wildebeast" shoe which to me looks like some kind of appraoch/walking shoe. I was there when she bought them in a sports/mountain shop in Holland before we went galavanting around South Africa. Now tbh I do think these will do for running right now, they're not a make i know (nor can currently find on the internet at all!) but they seem to have decent support etc...
Anyway barring slightly average shoes, since there is not quite a need to invest yet. She does need something to run in. She has very limited tops or bottoms. Where do you buy your stuffs? I use wiggle a lot but i'm not sure it's cheap for running things. I'm gonna buy her a few little things as a way to make sure she keeps it up (nothing like emotional blackmail :p) but i've no idea where to start. I don't run and don't really every plan to do so :D
10k 57m41secs
I don't feel any better for doing it. Bah!
BB x
Anyway barring slightly average shoes, since there is not quite a need to invest yet. She does need something to run in. She has very limited tops or bottoms. Where do you buy your stuffs? I use wiggle a lot but i'm not sure it's cheap for running things. I'm gonna buy her a few little things as a way to make sure she keeps it up (nothing like emotional blackmail :p) but i've no idea where to start. I don't run and don't really every plan to do so :D
I also use wiggle and they are overall not too bad. Amazon can also work well, I went into a local outdoor shop here to where I got a very good winter running top about a year ago as I wanted a second one. They were extremely overpriced but got to test the size out and then got it on amazon for about 30-40% less. For running stuff size is quite important so have used runners world (the shop, they are a chain I think) for gloves and have gotten socks from loads of places inculding JJB Sports (I believe Aldi is meant to be good but we don't have one around here).
[ Edit ] Go Outdoors does a lot of cheap stuff if you buy their £5 card. Bought myself a second pair of trainers last year for about £75 online (RRP £90 or something) and they were doing them for about £60 when I went in a few weeks later!
Mountain Warehouse another chain does a lot of slightly cheaper stuff too, got 2 for 1 summer base layers from there (£10-15 for the pair possibly) last summer. I've been to the ones in Warwick, Hatfield and Portsmouth!
BBx: Time on feet, all counts! I was mashed at weekend so only did 3.7 miles Sunday :-(
MB: Slowly is fine, the taking time off and having to keep distances down post all my knee issues drove me around the bend but taking 3 weeks off and then over 2 months to build back up to just about being able to tackle a longer run did work. And still, I've not run HM distance since October.
17-01-2012, 22:11
I use Sweatshop almost exclusively, they aren't the cheapest but their staff are well trained and they have a good selection. I suspect a girls needs a good running bra, I personally would buy proper running shoes, running is a cheap sport and shoes will be ok for 500 miles so worth the investment of up to £100 I think. Running shorts are important for a bloke as they contain the plums, I don't know about girl clothes but avoid cotton.
Retrospectively tonight's run was a bit of a revelation, I've been told for ages I'm going off to fast and now I understand why, because I was, even when I was running sub 30 5ks which were my peak. However tonight I finished at the same pace I started and felt I could have gone for another couple of k which was a surprise. I'll be keeping my cadence down in the future :)
I did my first run tonight since our AN charity run....ouch ;D
Not sure what happened but on the final section my left leg actually went numb and then I got pins and needles in it. Managed to carry on running until I got home though :D
17-01-2012, 22:55
Sounds like a trapped nerve James
Anyway barring slightly average shoes, since there is not quite a need to invest yet. She does need something to run in. She has very limited tops or bottoms. Where do you buy your stuffs? I use wiggle a lot but i'm not sure it's cheap for running things. I'm gonna buy her a few little things as a way to make sure she keeps it up (nothing like emotional blackmail :p) but i've no idea where to start. I don't run and don't really every plan to do so :D
I've got most of my sports clothes and my outdoor running gear from sportsdirect - there is no need to spend uber amounts.
Last year I wanted to get a Skins pair of leggings but Reevo advised against it - she saved me about £70!!
BUT she will agree that a good sports bra is essential.
Unfortunately it totally depends on what your missus is comfortable in to do sports... e.g. I HATE wearing tshirts - took hot and baggy, I dont wear shorts - chaffage and don't understand people who can run in jogging bottoms - no streamlining?!
I need new trainers :( had my gait done on sat with some new trainers that were so comfy and cosy it just re-inforced the fact that I need new ones. Esp now as I need to break them in for all my runs!
Was unimpressed with Sweatshop when I went running bag shopping and as (I apparently 'incorrectly') thought Sweatshop was was a running shop I went in there to see what they had. They had two bags and none were on the shop floor :/
Well done to MB and Desmos for getting back on the running! :)
BB x
17-01-2012, 23:13
Just goes to show that chains vary, our Sweatshop is very good but the one in for example Bluewater which was a was a rebranded He Runs She Runs isn't very well stocked in comparison despite the size. Shop around and find a shop you feel comfortable with, I was impressed with the no quibble returns policy on shoes at Sweatshop even if you've run in them.
Oh yes it was Bluewater I was at.
In the end I bought a bag from a family run shop in Brighton for £25.50 something that would have been over £40 in Sweatshop! :D
Felt good not shopping at a chain too :)
BB x
18-01-2012, 00:42
Thanks guys :) Ok, so i guess i know what i'm looking for, typically i hadn't quite thought about the fact i can't really buy her clothing when you really need to try this stuff on! But it seems i'm ok in popping by the "sports" shops so she can try stuff on, and no problems really to buy if there are vague deals on as such? SportsDirect/JD?JJB et al... I assume? Leggings, some kinda wicking top i guess, sports bra check, maybe gloves and some kinda top, it's fairly baltic up in Edinburgh for the foreseeable future... And maybe if i get her those she can invest in some running shoes at the actual running shop i know round the corner properly... seems fair :)
Sports Direct is always my first port of call for running stuff. Cheap and usually something I want. It varies massively from store to store though. I also go in Sweatshop sometimes if I'm in town. He Runs She Runs is just an offshoot of Sports Direct, which is owned by the same company as Sweatshop so it's much of a muchness really, unless you're talking about quality and knowledge of the staff. I sometimes venture into JJB etc. too. Aldi/Lidl have some really good running stuff, but you have to keep an eye out for when they are stocking it as it gets snapped up very quickly.
For me, the most important thing about running gear is comfort (which means very soft, man made fabric). I love Ronhill stuff because I find their tops incredibly comfortable. Gore is also lovely, but quite expensive so I nab it in the sale if I can. I like Nike stuff, especially their summer t-shirts and long leggings because I haven't found any others long enough and the pockets in the back fit my phone in. Thin running gloves and a headband which covers your ears are an absolute must in this weather. I usually run in a long sleeved top and a gillet if it's cold but not raining. If it is raining, a lightweight windproof jacket. You won't find anything waterproof without shedding out serious money and I think they're pretty pointless anyway when you're sweating, but at least a windproof one will keep you warm.
Running bra really depends on how generously proportioned you are. They are absolutely essential though, no matter what your size and again comfort is very important, after support. It MUST be a high impact sports bra designed for running. Look at the label. The only running bra I would buy is the Enell, which looks horrible and pretty much completely flattens you, but I get no movement and it's a very comfy bra even after 26 miles.
Running shoes come from a local running shop near work because they've been recommended by several people at my running club and they seriously know what they are talking about. It's the sort of place where they don't even ask if you're after a particular brand, they just bring out whichever shoes they feel will be right for you.
Running socks always come from Aldi. It took me 2 years to find a pair of running sock that I liked, so every time they have them in, I pop in and buy about 5 pairs :D
Think that's about it :)
Nice one MB. Glad you've finally found a pace you're comfortable with. You WILL get quicker in time, but you have to go through the slow phase first to get your body used to it :)
never thought of a headband over me ears instead... have a hat, but pretty much scared a pedestrian wearing it at the weekend! :D
BB x
18-01-2012, 13:06
Cheers everyone, perfecto and exactly what i want! Really amazed to see everyone running so much and so far, seriously far more than i could do! :)
Gonna have a date at sports direct right after i drop by the job centre and receive my dole money, maybe even eat at McDonalds inbetween! ;D
Good to see you back Matt :)
(and Jamie :))
Cheers everyone, perfecto and exactly what i want! Really amazed to see everyone running so much and so far, seriously far more than i could do! :)
Gonna have a date at sports direct right after i drop by the job centre and receive my dole money, maybe even eat at McDonalds inbetween! ;D
Haha, yes it's a **** hole. Full of chavs whose main form of exercise is lifting a fag to their lips... and that's just the staff :p They do sell some reasonable, cheap running stuff though so it's definitely worth fighting through the hoards of scummers crowded around the Lonsdale stand for a look :)
19-01-2012, 21:49
Proper run tonight, ran my short route but doubled back and ran Hellish Hill twice making a more punishing 5k than I've ever run before, slowed to a walk twice but stayed with my new found philosophy of keeping my pace down and being more consistent which is paying dividends :)
Yay! Good on ya MB :)
As I have been ill this week I have had to do most of the running in the gym :( sadly. Due to coughing up half a lung or having blocked sinuses/sore throat.
10k 57m 41s
BB x
semi-pro waster
20-01-2012, 21:35
For a bit of a change I ran home today with a couple of guys from work, it's apparently just under 6 miles and took about 55 minutes which seemed alright considering I've got a bit of a cold right now. It's the furthest I've run yet, I suspect I'll have a blister or two tomorrow but apart from that feeling pretty good.
I did 10k on Wednesday lunchtime up to Crystal Palace park and back, so it's good to know that loop is bang on 10k. It's also got the killer ascent which I love :D
Last night was interesting. I rode home from central London to Kent on my little 60's Raleigh RSW shopper bike. WOW getting up Crystal Palace was hard work ;D
Don't know if anyone else does this but I just signed up on parkrun. Free timed 5K runs every Saturday morning in quite a few parks round the country:
I felt like joining a running club but the subs combined with how seriously it looks like they take it put me off.
Don't know if anyone else does this but I just signed up on parkrun. Free timed 5K runs every Saturday morning in quite a few parks round the country:
I felt like joining a running club but the subs combined with how seriously it looks like they take it put me off.
Yup I do park run... Not that I've mentioned it in this thread several times or anything ;-)
As the newly appointed Secretary for our running club (eek!) I can tell you that Subs cover your england athletics membership fees amongst other things. Ours are £16 a year which I think is pretty good considering you get a few quid off each race you do. We have a real mix of competitive and non competitive runners and it's a really good atmosphere down the club & I wouldn't have done half the things I've done if it hadn't been for the encouragement. I've made lots of great friends. I think the secret is finding the right club for you. some are dead serious (avoid ones with athletic in the name) and some offer a great mix of social and competitive running. A good one will also giveyou your dietary session free so you can try a few before you decide. Seriously, I was so nervosa about joining a club but it's the best thing I've done!
Dietary = first. Bloody phone!!!!!
Bah. I'm still new to this! :p
Hope my comment about running clubs came across OK. I was writing it out on my phone. SOME can be snobby. However, I know there are others out there just like mine and I know that you'll benefit from joining one if you find a good one. Just give a few a try and see what you think :)
I've always been nervous about running clubs thinking everyone would run off and leave me huffing and puffing behind! My neighbour joined one recently and apparently they properly banged out an hours worth of running with no ease and she died a death and is now too scared to go!
This... is why I avoid running clubs! It scares me!
Well it's a **** running club then and she should try somewhere else. There are plenty of them around.
We have a policy that new runners ALWAYS have a committee member as a "buddy" to run at their pace, we always make sure that nobody is ever left behind. Each group has a leader who keeps everyone together. To leave someone running on their own without a group is dangerous and irresponsible not to mention the fact that they'll never come back again!!
Well, after being out since the start of December with a chesty cough and then injured, I'm HOPEFULLY back on the road to recovery :) I'm pretty sure that the knee was a result of very tight calves and hamstrings. A good vigorous sports massage seemed to sort it though and I've done 3 runs since, 2 of which have been pain free :) *fingers crossed*
Got a 6M league race this weekend which will test it, although I'm not going for any record-breaking times. I have a 16M cross country next weekend (officially a fell race), which I think I'm going to give my number to someone else as (a) I'm not fit enough yet and (b) It will wreck my calves again. Gutted as my parents like to come and watch this one. They bring their motor caravan and provide tea and cakes afterwards. Boooooo!! Stamford Valentines 30K (18.6M) race the week after though (ARGH!!!), which I'm hell bent on not cancelling, so I definitely need to get a 15 miler in next weekend.
Just hope the knee holds out! Lots of stretching, hot/cold treatment in the shower, ibruprofen and deep heat at bedtime.
I've done so little running this year I think I'm going to sustain an injury too, unless I'm very very careful. The 10k I did last week made my knee jip a bit and I think it might have been ITB related because it didn't feel like my normal calf pull. Either way I've been disciplined and not run on it at all since. Got that Parkrun 5K in the morning which should be a nice little introduction back and something to commit to regularly. It's a good circuit with some flat and hill work and it'll be nice to meet some new runners.
What's that 16M cross-country run Kate? Sounds like my kind of thing :)
Use foam rollers - They're absolutely essential IMO for tissue mobilisation and recovery. Bloody painful, but a good 10-15 min session of rolling, whilst it is tender and sore the myofascial release really does help (in due time) recovery. This is certainly true for rugby training and gym training. Muscle activation and Active Release Therapy I think are valid in any form of sport, certainly for impact activities like running.
I use them every time I go to the gym, and sometimes at home when I have time to treat my calves, adductors, quads, ITB, and ever smaller spots like the TFL, hip rotators, glutes (medius and piriformis). I do it before a workout as the myofascial release is important. However, on an "off" day or, in the evening, doing it them is ideal, especially before bed.
My roller is rock hard though - I started off with a really soft one, it just doesn't cut it anymore! :D
Went out for my longest ever run last weekend - 10.43k in 59:04. Not bad considering I re-started running about three weeks ago! I've done the Moors Valley 10k in about 53 mins (my second longest run ever!) but that was almost entirely flat. Looking forward to doubling that distance in the next few months!
27-01-2012, 19:31
Out again tonight. I'm starting to really enjoy it again, felt rubbish all day and was dubious about running but once I get home and go and get my kit I get into run mode and it's all automatic.
Interestingly my times are coming down to around 30min for 5k despite the fact I am a lot heavier than I have been for a while, that not far off when I was at my best and a couple of stone lighter :) The weight will come off in time but I'm not too worried at the moment, the fitness is more important right now especially with a 10k booked for the summer.
I'm keeping my splits a lot more consistent than I used to and at the end of 5k I still have enough left for a little finish, not much of one but a burst none the less.
I'm going to be running for NRAS from now on its their 10k in the summer, the Hughesden Manor 10 which is by all accounts a bit of a bastard hill wise which is why my new regular 5k route has a 65m elevation gain built in the 10k has 120m I called NRAS to find out about sending them money and they sent me a running vest, I've never had a proper one before but for a July run I may need it! :D
28-01-2012, 09:34
I think I may enter the Bedgebury Forest 10k in May, it's a trail run and I was thinking it might be a good tune up race for the Tough Mudder boys but it's a the same weekend :(
I did my first Parkrun 5K this morning in Crystal Palace park. Managed a 21:26 which includes 75m elevation on each of the two laps. It's a proper lung buster that route :D
It's the Charnwood Hills Jonny. An infamous race in this area, only to be bettered by the Charnwood Marathon. I said I'd never do Charnwood Hills, but did it for the first time last yr and loved it. Tough, but brilliant. Bit gutted that I probably won't be doing it this year :( Another goodun is the Belvoir (pronounced Beaver, uh huh huh) Challenge. 16 or 26 mile cross country walk or run around the Vale of Belvoir with... CAKE STOPS!!! :D Two of my fave past times (cake & running) rolled into one, haha.
Glad you enjoyed Parkrun. You've set a benchmark now, so go back see if you can better it :)
Will - Got a hard foam roller.... YOWCH!! Bloody good though. I do use it, but it's so flipping painful, especially when my muscles need a proper massage. I get to a point where only a massage can sort them out because rolling them is utterly agonising and I end up easing off. I can stop with a foam roller, but if someone is massaging you, I find you're much more likely to stick it out and put up with the pain.
Well done MB. Sounds like things are going well. SO pleased you're finally enjoying it and finding your pace :) There's nothing better than a run after a tough day at work. Dissolves away all my troubles and stresses.
It is painful. But as you start to loosen up in time it does get better. I agree about massage though you feel more compelled to let them carry on ;D
For anyone still looking for running gear. Might be something here in the 'what's left' bit. :)
Picked up my new trainers tonight. :D wore them for bodypump and a bit of body attack.
They are so new and shiny I don't want to wear them outside :'(
Wanted to support local businesses and get them from the running shop in Brighton where I got my running bag, but they wanted to charge me £90 :( minus 10% so £81.
Sweatshop had them online for £69 reduced from £90 as they are old stock now. Plus I had £5 off for running the Brighton Marathon :) yay! So got them for £64 instead of £90. :)
Thing is... we were in Brighton so went to see if Sweatshop Brighton had them and they didn't have my size :( so I called the Sweatshop City branch in London (its in my gym) on the off-chance to see if they could order me a pair in from another store and after all of this it turns out that the branch in my gym has my ACTUAL size!!!
This is when I spent 3 days last week walking past the shop thinking... 'er shallI get my gait done and look at trainers? Nah... I'll wait for Brighton.'
Mega lol :D
BB x
30-01-2012, 23:44
Hmmmm so Dom has just signed me up for a (3miles?) 5k for sport relief mile thingy. I'm really not a fan of running, but I said i'd be proud of her if she does it, so she said I have to support her by doing it as well (!?). So she has 2 months to get herself to 5k. But now i've got to do it as well. Bums. :D
Guess I should do some running!
//Said i'd never run...
31-01-2012, 00:06
If I can run 5k you can!
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31-01-2012, 01:09
Yeah I guess i'll be fine i'm not particularly worried, and i've done more on my bike, I just really don't enjoy running per se :p But i'll do 5k with her if it makes her happy and gets her into something :)
For anyone still looking for running gear. Might be something here in the 'what's left' bit. :)
Just spent £60 on over £170 worth of stuff! Good bargains. Wish they wouldn't call men's running trousers 'tights' though. Makes me feel wrong.
First run in new trainers! :D
6miles 55m40s
7miles 67m apx
BB x
Just spent £60 on over £170 worth of stuff! Good bargains. Wish they wouldn't call men's running trousers 'tights' though. Makes me feel wrong.
I really wish my new skintight sports gear hadn't been delivered separately on hangers, which tore through the bag, and was delivered at work, while I was out, so that it was left hanging on my office door for all to see like my superhero costume had been sent back form the dry cleaners. ::/:
I really wish my new skintight sports gear hadn't been delivered separately on hangers, which tore through the bag, and was delivered at work, while I was out, so that it was left hanging on my office door for all to see like my GIMP costume had been sent back form the dry cleaners. ::/:
Sent from my Galaxy S2
like my superhero costume had been sent back form the dry cleaners. ::/:
That sounds so cool! ;D
Wednesday: 10km plus 2miles I think.
10km: 57m40
70mins running
Last night
10km: 57m40
BB x
03-02-2012, 11:32
I made my track comeback last night. 4x200m in extreme cold weather.
It was horrible. My calves seized up. I thought I was gonna be sick. I'm struggling to walk downstairs today. My legs were burning when I got home.
Tomorrow morning same again? Yup! The bug is well and truly alive in me!
10km 57m15s
69mins of running not 70 unfortunately as had to catch train. :( last 5mins at 5% incline, whole thing was run at 10.5km/hr
Was like runforestrun last night despite having no music.
BB x
Omg. If I had a cape whilst I ran and a mask I swear I'd go faster! (... mainly to save me having my butt whooped around WSM!)
Proud of you Mei mei :)
Nice one Camerajuan! :D Keep it up!
Went out last night with Sameroo for a short 2mile jog to flex my knee a bit (we've been bogged down with work for the past two weeks so it's proper lush to get out!) Knee twinged but survived very well! Was mega happy! Gentle stretches after and no further exercise.
It's a stupid slow pace we're going at (faster than a walk but no where near what I used to do as a casual jog)... but if it means my knees coping and I can increase the distance over the next couple of weeks I'm hoping... super super hoping... that my knee will strengthen and I can then pick up the pace!
It's hard not to pace it out like I used to but I know when I did before and it caused my knee to hurtsy I ended up frustrated and upset and then I couldn't go out again in the week and bleh. There's slight frustration in that I know I the rest of my body could easily go much further (was a bit sweaty and pulse was up but I had a good few more miles at that pace in me!) .... but I will continue to take it slow!
Glad to have Sam as a partner in crime when out and about :) Specially when I get to watch his arse in front of me ;D
Well done Clare :) softly softly catchy monkey... take it easy and you will get there in the end :)
10km 57m 40s
Need some clarification from the Coach... its brighton half marathon not this weekend but the next... last time I did a half I did the whole reverse taper and carbo loading...
Seeing as half marathons are part of my training I am assuming that there is no need to reverse taper for this or the Ashby 20? Actually, maybe the 20...?
I will be doing the carboloading and the hydration though :)
*waits for Reevo*
BB x
Ta Mei mei :) Again tonight, knee sliiightly more twitchy so tomorrow no running just upper body work out :)
Well done Clare :) softly softly catchy monkey... take it easy and you will get there in the end :)
10km 57m 40s
Need some clarification from the Coach... its brighton half marathon not this weekend but the next... last time I did a half I did the whole reverse taper and carbo loading...
Seeing as half marathons are part of my training I am assuming that there is no need to reverse taper for this or the Ashby 20? Actually, maybe the 20...?
I will be doing the carboloading and the hydration though :)
*waits for Reevo*
BB x
Bang on Mei Mei :) No for Brighton, yes for Ashby
Bang on Mei Mei :) No for Brighton, yes for Ashby
Thanks Coach! :D
last night: 10km in 57m35m then did 1mile and the time was 63m 05
BB x
Not sure if I'll be running Ashby yet BBx :(
Have picked up a nasty niggle and went to see the physio about it today. It's nothing too serious as I've caught it before it got really bad, but I have to give myself time to recover and do some progressive stretches to lengthen the muscle that's causing the problem. He basically said "run until it feels tight", which is after about a mile at the moment. No idea how quickly I'll recover, but fingers crossed :) I can always ride round with you on my bike if I can't run it and there are plenty of spots we can cheer you on too :)
Sounds like the running is going well anyway. Onwards!!! :)
21:39 on what can only be described as treacherous conditions on the snow and ice this morning. And I had to wait over a minute to register my time. So close to that 20 minute barrier now! Quite chuffed!
Got beaten by a 14 year old girl though :D
lol well done jonny!
A -2degs 12miles for me.
Nice in the sun raced myself home but was over the 2hrs by 16secs :( boo me!
Unplanned hills as well... Vanbrugh Hill... my Lord is a 17% gradient lol - practically vertical!
BB x
Oi!! Which part of TIME ON YOUR FEET doesn't compute BBx??? :angry: Do NOT put yourself under any timing pressures for your long runs. They are aaaaall about getting the distance in your legs, not speed. In fact, set your watch so it just shows distance and nothing else for long runs!!
Consider yourself told :p
Coach Reeves x
A -2degs 12miles for me.
I know, it was ccccccccc-cold this morning!
Oi!! Which part of TIME ON YOUR FEET doesn't compute BBx??? :angry: Do NOT put yourself under any timing pressures for your long runs. They are aaaaall about getting the distance in your legs, not speed. In fact, set your watch so it just shows distance and nothing else for long runs!!
Consider yourself told :p
Coach Reeves x
Sorry Coach :(
It was like the last 2min.... (less probably) that I sprinted not the whole thing!
It was all steady pace..apart from that :)
BB x
I always like to finish reasonable fast, though am trying not to always, especially on speed runs where I've been hitting decent speeds for intervals or a tempo. Saying that I had to yell at a cyclist to move on a steady run today :P
It was -5C with the wind chill a couple of weeks ago, just glad there isn't major snow and I haven't yet had to miss a run.
But then, my longest run since Xmas was 9 miles today :(
It was like the last two mins!!! 2!!!! :p
The rest of the run was at a steady pace :)
Last TWO minutes..or less - did I say that already???
BB x
Saturday morning I did a half marathon - just went out and kept going until I hit the distance. Two weeks ago 10-11km was the furthest I'd ever done, then I did 15km last weekend, so quite a feat considering at new years I was doing 6-7km at most, and was knackered! Managed it in 1hr 57mins which I'm fairly pleased with... for now!
Saturday morning I did a half marathon - just went out and kept going until I hit the distance. Two weeks ago 10-11km was the furthest I'd ever done, then I did 15km last weekend, so quite a feat considering at new years I was doing 6-7km at most, and was knackered! Managed it in 1hr 57mins which I'm fairly pleased with... for now!
Great goimg, and good time too! Just be careful not to do too much, I did 13 miles one weekend ans 18 the next last year (was going for 15 and decided to keep going). Felt fine, tired but fine but hit isssues on some runs a few days later that led to major itb problems which took months to sort.
Not saying it was that alone, but in combination with hills and the 3 peaks I feel it may have played a part.
Just imho of course. And well done again, I haven't run 13 miles since the October 2nd cov half! (2:12 btw).
The way my legs ached by the end of Saturday and on Sunday I'll not be doing that distance again for a little while! I know exactly where the tipping point was as well because the 15km last week was fine - legs didn't hurt afterwards. Started to feel exhaustion in the legs about 3km later this time so I think I'll keep it at <18km for the near future until I'm more comfortable at that level.
Well done on the distance Chris. Are you doing cross country runs yet? Definitely need to get some of those in before your Tough Mudder. The diff between road and XC is huge, especially with the type of race you'll be doing.
The way my legs ached by the end of Saturday and on Sunday I'll not be doing that distance again for a little while! I know exactly where the tipping point was as well because the 15km last week was fine - legs didn't hurt afterwards. Started to feel exhaustion in the legs about 3km later this time so I think I'll keep it at <18km for the near future until I'm more comfortable at that level.
Good rule of thumb is increase by 10% a week, obviously thats only a rough rule and some people may be 5% before problems, others more. Also depends on how many you do I guess.
Main thing that I personally think does apply is don't try adding in distance and any type of speed work (including hills).
I spent late October to Xmas getting my distance from 3 miles (9-10/week) to 10 miles (20 a week), since then been working on speed, and now trying to put the two together, but I'm not increasing speed any more just keeping the same sort of sessions but increasing the w/end runs up to 11/12/13/14/15, then two week taper.
Good point from Kate too, huge difference running on different surfaces so try to find something comparable. Softer ground can be easier on the knees but can also be harder work (I think).
Yeah, you're supposed to increase one discipline at a time. So, increase distance but keep pace the same OR increase your pace but keep your distance the same. You're right about the hills too.
Cross country is definitely easier on the knees imo, but harder on everything else (for me anyway). My calves and hips are absolutely wrecked after a long, hilly cross country. I think it's where my current injury started back in November. It is also much much tougher effort-wise too, so with obstacles thrown in it'll be a killer. I run about 1-1 1/2 min per mile slower during cross country races.
I'm photographing a race called "The Beast" in 2 weeks. It's a cross country round a horsey jumping course with obstacles, cammo nets, water etc. thrown in. Love photographing it, but would like to have a go some day. It's a 5 mile course with a "double or quits" option. Looks pretty tough, but it'll be nothing in comparisson to this Tough Mudder they're doing!
Managed 2 miles tonight before my knee felt tight. It actually kicked in at 1.1 miles, but I was being stubborn. Iced and stretched after my run and it's not hurting now, which is a relief. This is SO frustrating :( I felt great otherwise!
I was just concentrating on 'knowing' how far 12-13 miles is and to get that under my belt. Now I know I can get through it I can start looking at some cross-country stuff. :)
Good stuff :) Let us know how you get on! If you're not already thinking about nutrition, it might be an idea. That race looks tough. A handful of jelly babies in your pocket should be sufficient :)
Was having a chat with Sam before our jog this evening and he said it's best to breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Always done this weight training buuut... running I'm more mouth breathey... find through the nose I don't feel although I am getting enough air (I'm sure it's all in my head though!)
What breathing techniques do you guys use/recommend? :)
I read the there is no right or wrong way as long as your lungs are getting air it's all the same?
I read the there is no right or wrong way as long as your lungs are getting air it's all the same?
Yup. Whatever feels most comfortable and gets you enough air :) What's the point nose breathing if you don't feel you're getting enoough air? That'd just panic me. Mondo's right, it's all the same air so it doesn't matter how you get it in. It's not like you're doing yoga or weight training or anything.
I don't even know which way I breathe on a run... don't think about it :)
What breathing techniques do you guys use/recommend? :)
If I breath in through my nose I don't generally get enough air even if I'm going slow, so I breath in through my mouth and out the same, always try to start breathing out on my left foot (comes naturally eventually) as it's meant to prevent stiches (could be psychological that!)
At the end of the day to echo the others, whatever gets the air you need in most comfortably.
The breathe in through the nose & out through mouth is an old thing where they used to think that you got rid of any tiny bits of debris you might breathe in before it hit your lungs, especially in cities & polluted areas, rather than breathing technique for running. If you think about it, the other way around doesn't work so well as the airways are smaller & it could make you cough. Its probably it's just evolved from that but has no real science behind it!
Sent from my Galaxy S2
If I'm running fast I breathe in and out as my left foot hits the ground. Helps me keep my rhythm and stops me getting out of breath. I then vary the amount I breathe in and take deep lungfuls if I need it e.g. running uphill. If I'm really going for it I doubt I'd be able to get enough air in if I breathed through my nose!
semi-pro waster
16-02-2012, 20:24
I tend to start off breathing through my nose but as I get further through the run and start exerting myself more I will tend to be breathing through my mouth more often. There's no absolute right or wrong as has been said but if you think about it the way you breathe is much less important than ensuring you get enough oxygen in the first place.
Not sure if I'll be running Ashby yet BBx :(
Have picked up a nasty niggle and went to see the physio about it today. It's nothing too serious as I've caught it before it got really bad, but I have to give myself time to recover and do some progressive stretches to lengthen the muscle that's causing the problem. He basically said "run until it feels tight", which is after about a mile at the moment. No idea how quickly I'll recover, but fingers crossed :) I can always ride round with you on my bike if I can't run it and there are plenty of spots we can cheer you on too :)
Sounds like the running is going well anyway. Onwards!!! :)
OMG missed this! :'(
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Please get better *prays*
(just goes to show how well I have read all your other posts :/)
Yes seems to be going well... though unfortunately the more running I do, the more I dislike it. Its not the sport for me :( Its soooo much harder doing the training when you are doing something you don't enjoy.
I WANT to enjoy it but I don't. I guess its just one of those things.
Also haven't updated about the London Marathon seminar I went to the other weekend - it was truly inspirational :) when they were talking through the whole day I almost had a tear in my eye. (I'll have to remember this feeling during my training).
I came out of it quietly confident as I had done all the things they said I should be doing and what point of my training I should be at - that is thanks to my coach ;)
I met one lady who had been told the week before that she was doing the marathon :shocked: and hadn't started training yet... she was in awe of me.
Was a really good day and am glad I braved the snow to attend it - was full of good training advice and nutritional advice along with the obligatory sales push thanks to Adidas (and yes all the speakers were wearing Adidas kit) :rolleyes: I didn't need anything but came out with a souvenir T Shirt which I will take with me on Marathon day to change into afterwards :)
In other Marathon news... I have raised £500 of the £1500 I need for my charity and am going to meet the CEO of the charity and some of the kids in the hospitals who benefit from the fundraising...
Though this will be the day after Ashby 20 so William may be carrying me round the wards.
Mon: 10km 57m40
Weds: 10km 57m40
Today: 7miles 01:10:18
Last run before blustery cold Brighton Marathon on Sunday, would like to pb but to be honest this isn't a race - its part of my training and with plenty of gradients its going to be a challenge in itself to complete.
BB x
Bugger, thought you might have started to enjoy it at least a little bit by now :( You're doing so well. I don't think I could do it if my heart wasn't in it, so extra kudos to you for doing that. Glad you enjoyed the seminar though. I always find those massively inspiring.
I have already written off Ashby in my mind to be honest. At the moment, I can barely run 3 miles without pain, and then I have to have a rest day because my knee hurts so much afterwards. Ashby is 4 weeks away. My injury is partly the result of being off ill for a month, then trying to do too much when I came back. Cranking up training and doing silly miles, even when I'm better will just take me back to the injury bench again. I really am gutted, but I've got to put up with these knees for another 50-60 years and I want to continue running, so I have no choice but to look after them :(
It's now a question of whether I can run Windermere in May.
That's rubbish Kate I feel your pain took me so long to recover :(
I did my 11 mile injury run today, the same progression I crashed out at 8 miles on with ITBS last Sept. Different route back home, at exactly 8 miles turned and went down.
My chin looks like I've been mugged, elbow bashed, thumb has a bit missing that mwant hand was covered after 3 more miles and left hand in pain, wrist now so bad eating is tricky. On my way to Iceland now for a photo trip.
I did complete run at least this time, actually faster than expected as the other pains were being blocked.
21:33 on last week's Parkrun. Looks like I'm fairly consistent :D
I'm looking for a 20 on that route though, and eventually a 19. I'm running pretty much on my limit at the moment so I need to look into what I can do to get those times down. I think I can get the 20 just with a change of tactics, but the 19 will need a bit more work. Basically, there's a young girl who runs 20:30s and she's run consistently the two times I've run with her. I've caught her up and passed her on the uphill section both times, but then she is a lot faster on the last half of the second lap and breaks away from me. She also runs off from the line very fast, which I don't tend to do, and she makes quite a big distance, so I've caught her on a long uphill stretch. My change of tactics I think will be to run her race strategy, i.e. stick behind her and copy her pace and see if it helps my times. Essentially I'll have conserved energy on the hills and will have more left for the end.
I'm pretty much the only one who starts off the line quite slowly. Most of the pack runs past me in the first 100m and by the 200m point I've passed a lot of them again. I'm going to have to have a go at the fast starts, but I do know that heading out too fast can kill the run for me as it gets my heartbeat up too high too quickly.
For the 19, I'm not sure what to do because it'll need me to have better cardio and I'm running pretty much on my limit at the moment. I'm not sure if I'm fit enough to pick one of the guys who I know runs 19's and follow him through the race. Any tips on the downhill bits? I really stride them out, so the fast guys must really make some progress on them.
So... it was Brighton Half Marathon on Sunday and managed to PB my Marathon time :) 02:03:11 down from 02:17:50.
There's been a lot of outrage on Runnersworld and all over the news in the South East because the course was longer than 13.1m. My Garmin registered 13.56m but even at 1 or 2 miles said I had gone further... apparently it was the 4.5mile turnaround point which was out. 0.40m out and have adjusted the times on the site accordingly making me 02:00:14 :/ but I don't see how that is accurate.
Anyway I wasn't running for speed... its just annoying and I will probably do another half after the marathon and train for speed for it to make it sub 2hours ;)
Anyway was a good race.. if a bit boring... yes the seafront in the sunshine was beautiful (had a great day for it!) but I am glad I am not doing the Brighton Marathon as I think I willl need the sightseeing aspect of the London to get me round.
So... Ashby 20miles next. Am gutted am not running with Coach :( - Kate can you advise on what I should be doing long run wise up to that with a taper? Need to plan my weekend runs mainly as I have said earlier booking out 3 hours of my day is the hardest part! Plus reverse tapering suggestions would be good :) :
25th - 26th: This weekend is free so can do anything - will probably long run on Sat
3rd - 4th: In Ireland but am planning on getting a run in - probably Sunday
10th - 11th: At a party up north :p perhaps you could tell me a good run to do - if anything?
17th -18th: RACE DAY!
I am thinking that I should do 16miles this weekend (longest run so far 15.5/16m), then 18miles on the 4th but I will be in Ireland and not sure if am going to be able to spare 3 hours and I will probably get lost in the process!!!
What do you think?
BB x
Did a gentle 6k on an empty stomach and no water on the way home last night. Destroyed me. Glad I opted out of the 13.5k route :(
I've read most courses are a little long as they measure straight lines so you always do a little more. Pretty much planning on doing at least .2 miles more at Reading.
Either way that's a decent time especially without a taper remember!
Kate can advise better I'm sure but whatever you do be careful if it's an odd course. If you are used to 16 miles on flat roads don't do 16 miles on hilly countryside! Hills make a massive difference and parts of ireland are rather steep (and wet and windy).
Hope it was just a one-off Jonny, I've done mid range runs without sufficient water and it's not fun :(
So... it was Brighton Half Marathon on Sunday and managed to PB my Marathon time :) 02:03:11 down from 02:17:50.
There's been a lot of outrage on Runnersworld and all over the news in the South East because the course was longer than 13.1m. My Garmin registered 13.56m but even at 1 or 2 miles said I had gone further... apparently it was the 4.5mile turnaround point which was out. 0.40m out and have adjusted the times on the site accordingly making me 02:00:14 :/ but I don't see how that is accurate.
Anyway I wasn't running for speed... its just annoying and I will probably do another half after the marathon and train for speed for it to make it sub 2hours ;)
Anyway was a good race.. if a bit boring... yes the seafront in the sunshine was beautiful (had a great day for it!) but I am glad I am not doing the Brighton Marathon as I think I willl need the sightseeing aspect of the London to get me round.
So... Ashby 20miles next. Am gutted am not running with Coach :( - Kate can you advise on what I should be doing long run wise up to that with a taper? Need to plan my weekend runs mainly as I have said earlier booking out 3 hours of my day is the hardest part! Plus reverse tapering suggestions would be good :) :
25th - 26th: This weekend is free so can do anything - will probably long run on Sat
3rd - 4th: In Ireland but am planning on getting a run in - probably Sunday
10th - 11th: At a party up north :p perhaps you could tell me a good run to do - if anything?
17th -18th: RACE DAY!
I am thinking that I should do 16miles this weekend (longest run so far 15.5/16m), then 18miles on the 4th but I will be in Ireland and not sure if am going to be able to spare 3 hours and I will probably get lost in the process!!!
What do you think?
BB x
OK, first all you need to make sure that you do some runs involving hills, as Ashby is not a flat race. It's not mountainous, just undulating. Be prepared for hills, that's all.
Ideally, I'd want you to do 16.5 this weekend and 18ish next weekend, but it's not going to happen so there's no point planning for it. A 2 week taper will be fine :) You're right on track!
If your longest run is 15.5, I would push for 17 this weekend if you can. It just takes the pressure off having to run a long way next weekend in a place you're not used to.
It would be good to get a long run in next weekend too, but drop it to 12ish miles if you can find a route. You could do loops so you're not too far from home. Boring, but necessary I suppose.
The following weekend, we'll do 9-10 miles with some hills thrown in and we'll do it at 10am on the Sunday morning... Haha JOKE!! We'll go out pre-partay ;) Depending upon my knee, I'll either run with you or come on my bike. It'll be a very pretty countryside run, I promise :) I'm in two minds of whether to take you round some of the course or not. Don't want to scare you!! Haha
Really desperately wish I was running it too, but we will be supporting you ALL the way round and I want to try and run the last bit with you if I can (don't want you disqualified!!) just up to the gates of the park where you finish.
P.S. Pasta for tea on Friday night then :)
Ye gads. Ran home from Bromley which is down the valley boyo then back up again. Rucksack on back with 5kg of laptop and books. Whatever the muscle is that you use to lift your foot up is absolutely demolished! (the one you usually do-in when you kick a football around)
though unfortunately the more running I do, the more I dislike it. Its not the sport for me :( Its soooo much harder doing the training when you are doing something you don't enjoy.
I WANT to enjoy it but I don't. I guess its just one of those things.
I'm feeling exactly the same, i'm forcing myself to do it at the moment but I will sure as hell be glad when i've got this charity event out the way.
Despite my best efforts, I don't think i'm going to manage to run the full 10k, I suspect i'll be walking a fair amount. The furthest i've managed to date is 6k (which took me 39 mins).
I'm finding it incredibly hard to push myself doing long runs though, as on top of feeling out of breath and the rest, I just don't really have any desire to be doing it in the first place :(
I too had a terrible run tonight, 8 miles, 6 of which was a tempo run above 10k pace, but legs were mega tired for the whole lot, knees ached like anything and stomach felt like a horse had kicked me. So much for avoiding the curry at lunch, had a pasta salad instead :(
I guess I'm on track baring injury, but think I might scale it back a bit after Reading. Run before this was Tuesday evening after 22h sleep in 4 days and a 3 hour car trip (I was driving), really didn't want to go out but felt I needed to stay on track.
Be prepared for hills, that's all.
Okey dokey.... been taking on more hills of late but will push for more.
I would push for 17 this weekend if you can.
Ok am planning to plan a route round the city and then run home... more north of the city and not Marathon routes though.
It would be good to get a long run in next weekend too, but drop it to 12ish miles if you can find a route.
Yup :) ok.
It'll be a very pretty countryside run, I promise :) I'm in two minds of whether to take you round some of the course or not.
I think I would prefer to face the challenge unprepared! :D
Really desperately wish I was running it too, but we will be supporting you ALL the way round and I want to try and run the last bit with you if I can (don't want you disqualified!!) just up to the gates of the park where you finish.
<3 :)
P.S. Pasta for tea on Friday night then :)
Ohhhhhhhhh yes yes yes!
I'm feeling exactly the same, i'm forcing myself to do it at the moment but I will sure as hell be glad when i've got this charity event out the way.
Despite my best efforts, I don't think i'm going to manage to run the full 10k, I suspect i'll be walking a fair amount. The furthest i've managed to date is 6k (which took me 39 mins).
I'm finding it incredibly hard to push myself doing long runs though, as on top of feeling out of breath and the rest, I just don't really have any desire to be doing it in the first place :(
Don't give up! Its all baby steps :) I've got to the point where what I eat and how I feel totally shows in my performance... make sure you drink loads of water and don't eat rubbish and you will feel more energised. :) Its probably the weather as well. Just build up the training and you will be fine.
Which charity event are you doing?
BB x
24-02-2012, 03:51
Ok so i have a month to do some real runs around the park training, it's only 5k, but i realllly should be doing something... =/
I really do hate it before I've started, it's so hard to not climb on my bike for a nice scenic route instead...
Don't give up! Its all baby steps :) I've got to the point where what I eat and how I feel totally shows in my performance... make sure you drink loads of water and don't eat rubbish and you will feel more energised. :) Its probably the weather as well. Just build up the training and you will be fine.
Which charity event are you doing?
BB x
I don't think it's a charity event in general but i'm doing it for charity anyway :P
I'm entered in the windmill hill event on march 17th
How funny, I had a poop run yesterday evening too! Boo to people having poop runs!
But then saying that I think it was mainly because I had a bit of a dicky tummy! Nearly had to run to the dunes for an emergency when on the beach buuuut instead just pegged it back home!
Still... 3miles (which is 1mile improvement from 2 weeks ago) on sand, propelling myself along with my poorly tummy... it's better than nothing!
Had some dodgy food out last night and my ankle was killing me so didn't sleep well. Strangely seems ok today though, no more stiff than the other one from all the steep downhill work and not warming up first.
Got the tail end of a cold so wasn't expecting much today, but after running 1.13km in the first five minutes (as reported by RunKeeper!) I decided it would be good to try for a sub-50-minutes 10k. Almost pushed it too far when I realised I had to run the final 300m uphill in two minutes but managed it in just over 49 minutes. Fairly happy with that. Would love to get closer to 45 but that's going to be a while off yet. :)
I beat my pb at Parkrun on Saturday. I didn't get my 20, just 2 seconds faster than my previous pb. However... I couldn't find my bike lock so I ran to the park which is 3-4k and I was taking it easy-ish listening to my iPod and basically fiddling about with it putting on some tunes. I got chicked by a woman with grey hair and passed by a man with a running push chair so I don't know how I managed my good time :D
Two okay runs and another disaster one. 12 miles steady Sat was fine, then 5 miles Monday with 1:30 400m (x8 with recovery); tempo run tonight, went fine until the last mile when after a mild stitch I'd cleared got major stomach cramps. Ran a 7:04 fifth mile (faster than planned, had virtually no pace control) before slowing which cleared the left side, but couldn't fully shake it until I got back (6 miles); not happy as it was extremely painful.
Schedule says 13 miles steady next, doing that Friday before my weekend, sure I can squeak out another 160m at the end.
Well done Jonny! :D
Jmc-what ru training for again?
Sat: 18.5miles
Mon: 6miles in 55m 40s
Tues: 7miles in 1hr 10m 40s
Rest tonight so went to ANOTHER Marathon seminar! :D
They are all starting to repeat themselves now... still find them interesting & inspirational though. :)
BB x
Jmc-what ru training for again?
Reading Half, April 1st. Will do the two castle too, mid-June but that's just 10k though my holiday mid-April makes that tricky.
Two okay runs and another disaster one. 12 miles steady Sat was fine, then 5 miles Monday with 1:30 400m (x8 with recovery); tempo run tonight, went fine until the last mile when after a mild stitch I'd cleared got major stomach cramps. Ran a 7:04 fifth mile (faster than planned, had virtually no pace control) before slowing which cleared the left side, but couldn't fully shake it until I got back (6 miles); not happy as it was extremely painful.
Schedule says 13 miles steady next, doing that Friday before my weekend, sure I can squeak out another 160m at the end.
Ooyah. I've been lucky with stitches *thankfully*. I'm interested what causes it, I know it's your intestines rubbing together and a friend gets them when she eats sausage rolls before she runs.
irrc they don't actually really know what causes it (can be all sorts of things) and they don't know how to cure it. I just keep running through it and it goes away eventually. Damn annoying though.
Haven't run since last Thurs. Did a hilly, but very slow run and knee was agony the next day. Saw physio Mon and have been bruised since. Hoping to run tonight, but knee is aching again this morn. So frustrating! :(
Yeah normally not too bad and even stiches are normally survivable, this was the entire stomach area and really bad, worst I've ever had anyway.
Strange one today, worked from home this morning and had loads to drink (like a litre before 7:30) then spent half the morning getting rid of that and having a bit more stopping at 11:15. Had half my pasta lunch I did yesterday about 10am.
13:45 went out for my run, had a few mouthfuls to drink about 20 mins before but still felt really dehydrated :s Stomach wasn't too bad but not perfect either; wondering if the intermediate pilates class did as much damage as it felt like. Still survived. Legs really ached though even from early on - the sort of "I've done 10 miles and my legs feel twice as heavy" aches. Then I realised, I've actually done over 36 miles in the last 7 days because I moved this weeks runs to Mon/Wed/Fri to avoid having to run while away at the weekend.
Not running again til Tuesday.
Hope your knee gets sorted Kate, not having a good run at the moment :( (Pun accidental)
I'm now fully immersed in Knee poopiness now... threw myself off the motorbike today doing 30mph and thwacked my already slightly jaunty knee.
Bit miffed as was improving on running and looking forward to one tomorrow. Back to square one for the moment and waiting patiently until it's improved again. :(
Knees seem to be the subject of woe at the moment :( hope you girls get better soon.
Unfortunately also in this camp :( did 12miles on saturday 2hr 15m 23s - with the sis in law to be who's doing the Brighton Marathon the week before me.... oh and also the dog! Hence why it wasn't that steady a 5 laps of the park - lovely weather though. :) Knees were quite sore afterwards but ok yesterday and today so hoping it was just... I dunno :/
Got my Ashby 20 number, chip etc in the post on friday - omg serious!!! :shocked: No headphones? No people on bikes?! Two laps... omg. The strictest one I have done so far I think! Going to be pooped!
BB x
Knees seem to be the subject of woe at the moment :( hope you girls get better soon.
Unfortunately also in this camp :( did 12miles on saturday 2hr 15m 23s - with the sis in law to be who's doing the Brighton Marathon the week before me.... oh and also the dog! Hence why it wasn't that steady a 5 laps of the park - lovely weather though. :) Knees were quite sore afterwards but ok yesterday and today so hoping it was just... I dunno :/
Got my Ashby 20 number, chip etc in the post on friday - omg serious!!! :shocked: No headphones? No people on bikes?! Two laps... omg. The strictest one I have done so far I think! Going to be pooped!
BB x
It's on public roads so no headphones is the norm. They can't stop cyclists though. Although I won't be able to ride round with you because we don't want you disqualified :-( I HATE two lap races, but I really enjoyed this one. Don't worry you'll be fine xxxxx
Well the Parkrun at Crystal Palace was cancelled on Saturday because of another event running, but they managed to bury it so deep in the newsletter that nobody saw it. About 20 of us ran it anyway, untimed, straight through the middle of the event. Critical Mass for runners, RECLAIM THE PARK! There were some newbies there as well, so it would have been a let-down for them.
I've heard another local Parkrun is completely cross-country, so I'm going to go along to that one next week.
How goes the taper BBx, Leicester this Sunday isn't it? I've got a nice short (well, for me very long) 15 mile training run, good luck with 20!
Weather for Warwick and Leicester Sunday...
Rain / Snow Showers
High +9
Low -1
Yes I realise last night how behind I was posting my runs in here :( they are all in the watch so will catch up soon :)
As advised by Coach I did 7miles earlier on the week and 5 last night. Been hydrating and eating pasta (my favourite part of rev taper ;)) and if I am honest with you could do with some more sleep otherwise am good :)
The weather yes looks crap, but to be honest I would prefer that to sun. Whenever I go out I seem to automatically put all of my clothes on lol. So should be ok.
I actually think Ashby 20 is going to be harder than the London Marathon!!! Its two loops - not a fan of loops and hilly (according to Coach). Still, it will do me the world of good in prep :)
How are things going for you? Good luck with the 15m!
BB x
True, I don't fancy running even if it's 15C (felt like 20-25C in the sun tho) like last weekend.
My taper calls for just 10 next w/end and then gentle 3/5 mile runs but that's just a half. Tbh my knee is still giving me issues (and calves today quite sore) so I may sack off next weeks speed work, I've done two hard & fast sessions this week so not sure it'd do me much more good that close. Having today and tomrorow off too giving me legs almost 72h this time.
Hills definiately helpful for flatter running, or other hills of course!
Just about to leave for my 'Brutal 10'
cannot wait for this to be over :p
That hurt.
I've not seen such bloody massive hills in all my life, I wasn't expecting to have to literally crawl up some of them using my hands!
The atmosphere was nice though, with the MOD training grounds next to us, constant background gunfire and explosions :p
semi-pro waster
17-03-2012, 16:53
Congratulations on completing the run. :)
Just seen the provisional results :P
220th out of 221 in the mens category and 416th out of 428 overall!
My time was 1h27m15s, which i'm fairly happy with considering I only started running in any shape or form around mid January!
Congrats :) Not one for me, prefer the more normal runs!
The weather yes looks crap, but to be honest I would prefer that to sun. Whenever I go out I seem to automatically put all of my clothes on lol. So should be ok.
I actually think Ashby 20 is going to be harder than the London Marathon!!! Its two loops - not a fan of loops and hilly (according to Coach). Still, it will do me the world of good in prep :)
Not long to go now, good luck - hope it goes well and isn't too terrible weather wise. Looks like it'll be pretty chilly, just remember it'll feel warmer! Maybe Coach can grab a layer off you a few miles in :P
Well that was fun, thought I should post that I did indeed complete the 15 miles.
Bit miserable though, drizzle most of the most and cold; started at 6C and went down to 5C by 12pm. That was without the wind-chill taking it down to 2-3C of course.
Darn hard work, very different to just a few miles less; but I had done two hard runs Tues/Thurs so hopefully with a taper I can run at 30s/mile faster (hmmm) in two weeks.
We'll see. Calves very sore again today :(
Sorry for the late update!
Ashby 20
Well, on the drive to the start of the race it was SLEETING which I wasn't best pleased about, but it quickly turned into light rain and stopped totally about 2miles in. Then it was sunshine!
I did indeed strip at 1 mile :p hee hee.. my supporters were brilliant :) even through taunts of 'I could run faster than that backwards' (19.70miles).
The course was 2x 10mile laps. The last one seemed 'faster' than the first one. At the end of the second one I remembered the lovely downhill start that we had - which could only mean that I had a lovely uphill to contend with in the last 2miles.
The last bit (I usually sprint finish) was in the rec ground so very and sprinting wasn't an option, but despite that I managed the whole thing in:
3hrs 17mins 35 secs :D
Which I am extremely pleased with :) considering it took me the same amount of time to do my 18.5 miles in a couple of weeks ago!
Gutted I couldn't run it with Coach :( but was SOOO glad that we went out the week before for a 10mile road run in prep - was very surreal sharing roads with cars, dead rats and I also saw a man poo :p lol.
The water stations were totally fantastic.... they had bottles AND cups, gels and sweeties and chocolates - really well organised... the only downside is no medal :( I like collecting the medals... you DO get a good goody bag after (no leaflets just food!) and a sweatshirt - apparently famed and tbh more likely to wear this more than my medal... but I like collecting medals!!! lol
Found out that there was a 20mile road race near where my parents live on the same day... checked the route when I got home and its FOUR laps of road.. and there was me whinging about 2!!! I made the right choice I think!
Was aching pretty much Sunday and Monday (had the day off in which I went to visit the CEO of my charity and visit some of the kids in hospital - will update my Marathon thread later with more details). Wasn't knees, but was leg muscles and walking downstairs wasn't too much fun. Glad it wasn't the knees.
Was instructed by Coach to do a 4m and a 6m this week. So felt ok on the tuesday and did the 4m then and running home tonight.
The next time I will be on a start line will be the big day! *gulp*
BB x
Tues: 4miles - 40mins
It's a month today isn't it? Wish we'd known you were going to be in t'Midlands, we'd have come to cheer you on :)
Great going BBx. Stupid people, bet the bloke (gotta be a bloke) saying he could go faster backwards couldn't run 20 miles!
That time is not too shabby either! Sub 10 miles and rolls out to a 4.5h marathon (10:20 miles). Is that your target? Obviously last 6 miles is a much bigger task but sure you'll do it.
Hope cooler (but not snow) weather holds for April 1st and 22nd! Miserable as 2-3C and rain was it was better than 15C and sunny (felt like 25!) The weekend before.
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