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29-01-2013, 22:24
Couple of questions

A) Best place to get running shoes
B) What kind of step do people advise, heel first or toe first?

29-01-2013, 22:32
A) A small, independent running shop who have a treadmill and can advise you on what sort of support you do or don't need
B) Personally? Whichever is natural. Heel strikers and toe strikers both get injured.

30-01-2013, 22:20
Shop had a treadmill, due to my weight it didn't work when I ran on it fully, and had to support myself on the bars to get it working....whoops. Still, it showed that I roll to the inside of my feet when running, no wonder the inside of my shins hurt. Shoes bought though, hopefully less pain now.

Joe 90
30-01-2013, 22:40
Just been out for another run after getting the coaching app part of micoach sorted on my phone & its working just as well as the speed cell on my shoe has been.

So now I'm thinking, should I have a look for a heart rate monitor to do things 'properly'... Do any of you guys run with a heart rate (and micoach)?

I've found out that you need an ANT+ compatible unit, but one looking at them it turns out there's an abundance of them so looking for any recommendations - http://www.thisisant.com/directory/

A) Best place to get running shoes

Personally, I looked for what kind of shoe I need, (under/over pronation etc) and then picked up a pair online.
However there's plenty of running shops around nowadays (in Chester at least!) which often offer proper fitting with a treadmill/camera setup.

30-01-2013, 23:06
Chris, shin pain is very common in new runners and can lead to shin splints if not managed correctly. How do you manage it? Quite simply stretch your shins after a run. Google how. It should go away again after a month or so. PLEASE take my advice. it could save you a **** load of agony :-)

31-01-2013, 00:23
Chris, shin pain is very common in new runners and can lead to shin splints if not managed correctly. How do you manage it? Quite simply stretch your shins after a run. Google how. It should go away again after a month or so. PLEASE take my advice. it could save you a **** load of agony :-)If I feel any pain at all when running, I take a quick break and let things recover and then ease myself back in. I do a couple of stretches both before and after runs which do seem to help. The running I have been doing has either been in trainers with no padding, or trainers that are pretty worn out, so hopefully with actual running shoes that should reduce the pain a lot. If I still have pain on Friday, i'll be adjusting my routine to compensate for it.

31-01-2013, 04:42
That's all fine and the right approach, but stretch your shins after every single run. It's something that literally takes 1 minute :)

01-02-2013, 22:10
Cov is now impossible, hopes for Reading Half 2013 stay alive, might see Chuckles there!

Only just seen that as I've not been on lately. Are you doing this? Just over a month now and I've been getting back into it over the last few weeks after the typical xmas slump!

It's crazy how addictive running is. I was dreading going out after a few weeks off but it wasn't too bad at all. It only took 10 days to get back to my times and I even managed a 10KM PB today. I've got the bug back with a vengeance and have tried for a place in the Bournemouth marathon :shocked:

02-02-2013, 07:19
nope :( achilles still not right. might not reply for a bit in tromso and off 200k ENE today (yes, nothing there)

02-02-2013, 10:49
Ah, bad luck. Don't risk it until it's totally right and then some!

04-02-2013, 14:52
Aye, I'm not sure how much damage if any is being done by wandering through at least 1-2ft of snow is doing. Given there are 2m deep areas and we've had 6" overnight it's rather hard work.

09-02-2013, 14:22
First proper run in 2 wks :/

6 miles and I think i've proved to myself that i'll never run a Marathon again! Over an hour!!!

Do NOT miss the training in all weathers!!!

Bring your trainers though Coach when you're down... there's a good route but bit dangerous to go on your own.

BB x

09-02-2013, 16:29
You shouldn't lose any fitness in two weeks really; 6 miles in an hour isn't that bad, 10 min miles.

Personally I've not run in 6 weeks, now that's a problem :-(
Still, walked at least a mile today I think and seems okay so am hoping to recommence lunch time strolls and hopefully be able to re-start training in a month, maybe another half in the Autumn.

10-02-2013, 17:47
Doms today!!!

BB x

10-02-2013, 18:53
Shows that you worked hard :-) x

10-02-2013, 19:07
Oh lol!


BB x

13-02-2013, 23:29
Hmmm suppose I'd better give a little update on where I am with running. My knee is STILL giving me jip, but (fingers crossed), I'm still training very carefully. Marathon plan is currently on track just about and a few very painful sports massages have helped tonnes.

Basically, my hips are inflexible and completely out of whack, which means that so are my shoulders and my knees. I'm running on the wonk. It's really not helping things. So, it's back to stretching religiously every night and foam rollering to manage the tightness.

Fingers crossed I'll be marathoning in May. LOVING my running at the moment :)

14-02-2013, 08:12
Nice one Kate, hope it holds up - the good stuff that is, running on the wonk doesn't sound especially good.

Which one are you doing? Edinburger?

20-03-2013, 11:51


*slightly* disappointed with the time as I was hoping for a sub 2 hour. It was my first actual race though and there were 17,000 people so I've learned a few lessons.

1) Start further ahead than your estimated time. This was the biggest problem because I started at the 2:15 marker with my girlfriend and was constantly overtaking people the whole time. It really slowed me down. The first 1km was almost 2 minutes slower than I would usually do, which killed any chance of under 2 hours. It bunched up a few times after that as well.

2) Bring warm clothes and a towel as they have lockers. That'll avoid you having to stand round waiting for shuttle busses for 90 minutes in freezing temperatures in pouring rain. ;D

Anyway, I'm still happy overall. You have to keep in perspective that last summer when I went out first time, I couldn't even run for 3 minutes without stopping, let alone over 2 hours.

Seriously if anyone is thinking about the couch to 5k but worried they won't be able to do it. Trust me you will. It's probably the best thing I've done and I've properly got the bug now :D

20-03-2013, 12:33
Brilliant work, well done :-) Another lesson to learn...do a smaller one next time. Less traffic to contend with!!

Starting running is the best thing I ever did too :-)

Competed the Ashby 20 (miles) on Sunday. Still having knee probs, but appear to be managing it ok as I didn't hear a peep out of it and ended up with a 2.5 min PB of 2:53:53. Over the bloody moon, considering I just wanted to make the distance.

Windermere Marathon is just under 9 weeks away now and I'm starting to believe that my knee might actually allow me to do it...& in a decent time too. Fingers crossed!!!

20-03-2013, 14:15
I'm starting to think my knee will hold up for Brighton as well! I did a 20 mile training run a couple of weeks ago and it was fine :)

20-03-2013, 15:16
Nice one! I found you can arrive (to the pens) at Reading about 15 minutes before kick-off to avoid standing around for ages.

I'll be back on C25K myself soon, to see if the AH holds up :s

14-04-2013, 10:04
Good luck today Jonny!!

BB x

26-04-2013, 13:02
So I haven't been on here all winter!

The new season began recently and Southampton AC stormed the first match. 3 of my training squad broke 11 seconds for 100m - one a 15 year old! Unreal!

My participation was a comical bounding over the 110mH due to my very tender hamstring, which I discovered after the massage that day has a lot of scar tissue on it, due to frequent tears/pulls. News to me! I have only ever once knowingly torn it and cramped a few times. In reality, I've injured my hammy about 5 times more than I've ever noticed!

Week off this week to ice my old leg and hopefully get back to training next week. Big match next month - Worthing AC & Basingstoke AC at Worthing, we have to deliver at that one!

Hope everyone is well!

28-04-2013, 18:37
Argh I am back to 10min miles boo :(

BB x

28-04-2013, 20:50
Do you need a programme/race to aim for madam??? ;)

28-04-2013, 22:29
I'm back slowly too, after 3.5 months off hoped the achilles was sorted so went out for a short one a couple of weeks ago, just over 20 mins for 2.5 miles. Ooops, major DOMS for 3-4 days.

Slowed down and managed to hit a 5km at the weekend without major issues, hoping to build it up slowly and maybe a race in the autumn.

arghgh, hate injurys.

29-04-2013, 05:58
Me too jmc. Currently waiting for an MRI scan. Had an ultrasound and was referred for an MRI to confirm that it's a torn meniscus. Found out Friday that the MRI had been refused as it was "unjustified". Going to book an appointment with the docs this week to discuss more options as I'm so pissed off about it. Not going to let this lie.

Fix my knee, or deal with depression, obesity and heart disease. Their choice!

29-04-2013, 06:45
Damn that sucks thought you were sorted :s Have you tried aqua running as an interim measure?

It's boring as anything but along with aqua fit (which is much more okay if you are female!) got my a 10k pb when I couldn't run a month before the two castles.

29-04-2013, 22:11
Someone else has suggested aqua jogging, but to be honest, if I won't enjoy it then there's no point... and I won't enjoy it. That's just how I roll with exercise. It's about stress relief and relaxation as much as it is about fitness. I want to be outdoors, not cooped up in a gym or swimming pool. I can walk OK on it without too much bother, so I'll just be power walking insteadm then RICEing. At least it means I can keep the enjoyment aspect :) I'm not too worried about losing speed.. I'll get it back :)

Spoke to the docs today and I'm being referred to an Orthopedic consultant. The doc couldn't understand why they'd rejected my MRI either. He said the letter was "gobbledygook" and didn't actually give a reason. The orthopedic consultant will have a look and then probably refer me for an MRI anyway. Oh well. At least SOMEthing is happening :)

03-05-2013, 19:28
Woah that was quick. Letter came through today giving me a choice of places to book an appointment. Went online, logged in using a special username/password and I'm booked into the Leicester General Sports Injuries Clinic on 21st May. WOOHOO!!!! :)