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19-06-2008, 19:48
I need a little advice on running. I've been reading an article that says that in order to do jogging as part of aerobic exercise (and hence fat loss) you should be able to maintain a conversation whilst jogging..... and I can't. No WAY can I talk to someone whilst jogging along. It gets me even more out of breath.

Do I need to slow down in order to get the best out of my jogging? It just doesn't seem right to cut down the effort for a bigger benefit. I know all the theory behind anaerobic and aerobic exercise because I've got a bloody biology degree.... but it still doesn't make sense that it's more effective to slow down.


Also, how do you pace yourselves? I'm no good at pacing when I'm not on a treadmill and tend to go too fast and run out of steam easily. I'd like to be able to run for an hour without stopping.

19-06-2008, 20:32
*subscribes to thread*

Slowing the pace (however you do it! I can't do it either :( ) you're cutting down the effort in the short term, but it's a cumulative thing. say putting in 50% of the effort for twice the amount of time *should* even out when jogging, or be better for you as the heart rate is raised for a longer period.

However, I can't pace myself for shizzle - I find music is one of the best things to pace yourself to, but I listen to quite fast music :(

19-06-2008, 20:34
Is that true? You should be able to maintain a conversation while jogging?! Sod that! I can barely maintain my breathing :p

After my 3wk holiday and no running at all, I'm finding it extremely hard to get back to my fitness levels before I went away. I can barely run 12mins at 11kph on the treadmill and feel really unfit :(

The way I did it last time was increasing my target mins 10/15/20/15 or kms: 2/3/4/5 I don't tend to set the targets until I have started running on the treadmill and 'surprise' myself by pushing a bit more. Initally it was about stamina and being able to actually run for 30mins (never mind the pace - I started 'running' on 8/9kph) then it was how fast I could do 1km comfortably, then how long far I could run at that pace.

As for pacing, I'm not sure how to explain, but I run a 15min route after work, I try not to stop (unfortunately you have to otherwise you get run over :p) but the home stretch is a hill and of course I'll go slower then.

I just take it easy and the more you do it the better you get at it, also program in some Prodigy tracks.. it makes all the difference - I ran tonight for the first time in the last couple of weeks with music and it deffo motivates you more.

Running sucks arse though... hate it, but for fat loss you are right Kate its the best thing!

Dunno if I've helped at all :/

BB x

19-06-2008, 21:37
I started off just popping on the treadmill, setting the speed at 7 and jog for 5K.. slowly build yourself up and you'll soon get into it :)

I found it easier to start on the treadmill as I found I could pace myself better.

I also found the first 10 mins are HORRIBLE ! ... then you get your breathing into a pattern and it becomes more comfortable

19-06-2008, 21:41
Phew! Glad I'm not the only one!

BB x

19-06-2008, 22:41
Thanks guys. I don't have any problem running for 20 mins on the treadmill at 9.5km, but I just couldn't hold a conversation with anyone, or even utter one or two words really. Does it matter?? Am I still getting my aerobic exercise, or am I just in anaerobic phase?

I've got a gym soundtrack which I run to in the gym, so I'll just take that with me when I go jogging outside. I don't think I've done it before because my old MP3 player wouldn't clip to my sleeve or anything.

19-06-2008, 22:52
what is the reason for not being able to speak or even utter two words?

20-06-2008, 01:37
what is the reason for not being able to speak or even utter two words?

Its a way of testing how much you're pushing yourself.

20-06-2008, 06:03
Because I'm concentrating on breathing. If I start talking, I'll lose my breathing rhythm and then I get out of breath and it all goes to pot. I feel quite comfortable but I just couldn't hold a conversation whilst running along.

20-06-2008, 06:17
Right, here's a quote off a random jogging site:

Marathon runners do not sprint the entire race, and joggers should not overestimate their pace. Experienced joggers typically have a faster pace, but the optimal speed is different for everyone based on their stride, endurance, and comfort level. Conversation is the key: a good jogging pace is one where you can hold a conversation while in motion. If you could sing without being out of breath, the pace is too slow, but if you cannot speak a complete sentence without gasping, the pace is too quick. Varying the pace with periodic sprints helps increase endurance, but a constant pace is an effective and efficient workout.
Looks like I do need to slow down then. It doesn't feel very comfortable to run at a slower pace, but if it does me more good, then I need to try and master it.

20-06-2008, 07:03
Its a way of testing how much you're pushing yourself.

You misunderstood my question.

I was asking why lostkat feels that she can't talk whilst jogging.

Because I'm concentrating on breathing. If I start talking, I'll lose my breathing rhythm and then I get out of breath and it all goes to pot. I feel quite comfortable but I just couldn't hold a conversation whilst running along.

If that's the case then you won't be in anaerobic phase, as you've said you're concentrating on your breathing. I found that when I started running I was concentrating so much on running and holding a rhythm that I would be holding my breath for periods of time and then taking deep breaths - stupidly :(

20-06-2008, 08:08
I am *exactly* the same Kate... I mainly jog at 9.5 too for 15-18mins and I'll be damned if I can utter a word! I used to watch Will and Grace when I went as it would completely distract me... the problem is I would often start to laugh and as soon as I laughed I would lose my rhythm and pace and breathing and go doubley red (if that's possible) and flag. Sometimes when that's happened I have had to slow the machine down to level 7 thingy and just regather myself for a minute, but even then I struggled to survive the next 5minutes.

I could probably... at a push... say hello. But it would sound more like:


I tend to have to do mine in two separate runs. I will do 15-18mins (which ends up 20mins with warm down) at the start, then weights, then another 15mins at the end. I couldn't... for the life of me... do it altogether. Maybe I need to slow it down too :(

Sidewinder - if Kates experiencing what I do you just get completely out of breath (end up being a bit gaspy) and wheezy and lose pace and then struggle through the rest of the run.

Can I ask a dumb question? You know machines are set at levels? (ie what level you run) Are they kmph? As in if I'm running at 9.5 then I'm doing 9.5kmph? Or what? I never know what it all means.

Someone was running at level 13 infront of me the other day for the same length of time I was doing my 9.5. I wouldn't have felt bad, but she was about 75years old :( Boooooooo!

20-06-2008, 08:13
I wouldn't have felt bad, but she was about 75years old :( Boooooooo!

I can't even run for 1 minute so you're doing better than me :p

20-06-2008, 09:00
Someone was running at level 13 infront of me the other day for the same length of time I was doing my 9.5. I wouldn't have felt bad, but she was about 75years old :( Boooooooo!

OMG that is sooooo depressing!!! If I went anything over 12kph I swear I would fall off the treadmill!

That advice that Kate found sounds about right. When Rob was training for the marathon it didn't seem like he was running that fast and he knew he could run quicker but obviously you have 4hrs to do so you can't really sprint at all.

When we used to go out 'running' I would be full pelting it and he would be barely breaking into a run, but thats because there is nothing of him and he has longer legs than me :p even walking to work I take two steps to his every one.

BB x

Admiral Huddy
20-06-2008, 09:06
Theoretically yes. I practise no.

Fat burning requires less heart activity and therefore you require less oxygen than cardio vascular, so yes you should be able to conduct a conversation whilst jogging albeit slightly distorted. However, you still need a regular supply of oxygen in order to perform at your best. You need to maintain a heart rate of around 65% - 80% BPS. Cardio requires 80%+ (iirc)

Something I do which maintains a fat burning pace is to count to one hundred loud and increment the count each time your right foot is placed on the ground. This is great way of keeping track of your pace and takes your mind off the run. It's a method I've always used since my tracks days ;)

Speeding the count increases the pace and so on.

I tend to mix it running up a bit. A gentle run for a few miles, then towards the end pick up the pace, then have a mile sor so sprinting and slowing down (recovery).. then a strong finish! Joints permitting

I can still run a 6 minute mile :)

20-06-2008, 09:19
Yeah I need to start interval training again, sometimes I need variety to make the time go by quicker, last time I did 5kph for 2mins then 8kph for 5 mins.

See how I feel this lunchtime.

BB x

20-06-2008, 09:27
This all depends on your goals Kate. There are loads of theories about calorie deficit per session versus fat burning zone (some people think that there is a 'fat burning zone' where you burn more fat and that you will lose more fat overall while training in this zone while others say that the overall calorie deficit of the session is what is required to lose the weight, meaning that you could run for 40mins in your fat burning zone or 20 faster but burn the same calories meaning that you would therefor lose the same weight).

Basically it all comes down to how you want to train and what your goals are. If you are happy training at a faster pace then do it.

The lady I train for running likes to take it at a low pace and go for longer distances. As we've trained her speed has naturally come up meaning that we're covering longer distances in the same times. Up to now I have been making sure she maintains a pace she can talk at but have started throwing in some faster paces. The only way to really find out if you are running at a conversation pace is to go running with someone else! I will soon be going running with the kids' dad as he has a hard time keeping a slow paces and tends to run to burnout!

Admiral Huddy
20-06-2008, 09:45
Yeah I have to agree.. I'm not so sure about the "Fat buring zone" because after all it's all about a balance with your diet etc. I prefer to push myself hard and set various goals and targets (weights and cardio). When I hit them, I raise the bar. As said above, you need clear objectives of what you want and where you want to be. For example, are you running to become a decent runner or simply as part of a fitness programme?

20-06-2008, 10:04
I think there's a bit of confusion over jogging and running. If I went out for a jog, I wouldn't be going very fast at all, and a conversation would be easy. For me I'd say a jog would be less than 8km/h. When I run at the gym my casual running speed is about 10.5km/h but I'd be pushed to talk for any length of time, and it would be between breaths. At my 90% speed of 15.5km/h I could probably get a few words out but I'd be struggling.

The only way to better how far/fast you can run IMO is to set a course (if outside) or a set distance on the treadmill and try and maintain the same pace to the end. If you have to stop before the end (or slow to a walk when outside) then you're going too fast and need to start out steadier. The first time I went out running I tried to run to the playing fields, do one lap and come back again. I had to stop and sit on the bench when I got there, and after the lap as well, so clearly I'd started out way too fast. Now I could run there, do ten laps and back and have my breath back in a couple of minutes.

The key for me was running far slower than felt right when I set out - when you first start you feel like you could run forever, but two minutes later you'll be out of breath and wondering what the hell you're doing. Start slowly!

20-06-2008, 10:42
At my 90% speed of 15.5km/h I could probably get a few words out but I'd be struggling.

You run at 15.5km/h!!!?!!?

OMG I would be launched into orbit if I ever got to there!!! :shocked:

BB x

20-06-2008, 10:57
Gonna keep an eye on this thread too. Really want to improve my running so need all the tips I can get :D

Admiral Huddy
20-06-2008, 11:41
One of the things that really annoys me when I see people running is they either run on their toes or heels.. Use all the foot, smooth long strides, keep chest expanded and use your god damn arms too :p

20-06-2008, 12:05
I run like an elephant.

BB x

20-06-2008, 16:50
With your trunk swinging in front of you??? :eek:

Lots of handy tips, thanks guys. Think you know where I'm coming from now. I think I'll have a try at running slower and see if it gets me anywhere. My goal is maintaining a pace for a certain amount of time, rather than a certain speed or distance. My boss has suggested that we go jogging one night per week after work. She's not a seasoned jogger, but she does it for an hour or so, so I'd be interested in what sort of pace she does. Might help me.

20-06-2008, 16:53
I run like an elephant.

BB x

PMSL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

I love you!

20-06-2008, 17:15

Despite dancing most of my life, I am incredibly heavy footed and don't think I am built for running at all.

BB x

22-06-2008, 09:18
There are so many reasons why the name Pheebs is suitable for me.

---->This <--- (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_0Ta_DIWuU) is one of them.

It's a spitting image of me running. Though include falling over lots in that too.

22-06-2008, 22:29
Hehe, I'm sure you don't look that funny Pheebs!! And even if you do... who cares?? :D

My first after work jogging session will commence tomorrow. Going to take it easy and see how I do with a 5km jog first.

23-06-2008, 19:54
OK, I hit the treadmill at the gym tonight. Now I've always been a bit crap at running. My heart and lungs can take it but my legs always seemed to seize up way too early, usually around 1 mile (pathetic isn't it). Well tonight I did 3km at a steady 7km/h and didn't stop once. That's just short of 2 miles and my legs were fine. Next time I'm going to crack on to 5km and I should be fine for that too. Then I can work on improving my speed a little. So, overall, I'm pretty chuffed with tonight :)

23-06-2008, 22:00
Sounds like you've got it spot on. :)

24-06-2008, 08:36
Nice work Desmo!

24-06-2008, 10:17
Sounds like you've got it spot on. :)
Aye, looks like I've found a good pace for me to start on. I think I need to up it ever so slightly, maybe to 7.3/5 as I feel I'm coming down a little too hard on my feet and I think it's to do with my pace.

Thanks Dawn :D

I really feel I can improve on this now. I've never been much of a runner but I'm surprised I managed it that easily. Stepped off the machine and within a minute I felt normal again. Going for the 5k next time out, probably tomorrow night.

Admiral Huddy
24-06-2008, 10:52
Keep your joints in tip top condition, take some Cod Liver oil each day.. Believe me they work!

24-06-2008, 11:04
I just use WD40 :D

24-06-2008, 11:17

Well done Desmo! Keep up the good work!

BB x

Admiral Huddy
24-06-2008, 11:48
I just use WD40 :D

In all the right places I hope ;)

24-06-2008, 12:41
He's doing well :)

Not gonna catch me though ;)

24-06-2008, 13:44
Just you wait little miss, just you wait.

25-06-2008, 06:44
I wasn't able to run on Mon/Tue due to a minor setback, but I should be good to go on Thurs (can't go tonight as it's Max/Pump/Balance night). I've found a little reservoir about 5 miles away, which will be perfect for jogging around because it'll be nice and quiet... and it's flat :p It's around 3km so I'm going to aim for getting round it twice. I know I can do 3km fine, so am trying to push myself.

Sounds like you've made a good start Jamie :)

25-06-2008, 07:21
Just you wait little miss, just you wait.

**** off. ;)

Good luck for Thursday Kate ! Hope you enjoy it ! :)

25-06-2008, 08:00
I wasn't able to run on Mon/Tue due to a minor setback, but I should be good to go on Thurs (can't go tonight as it's Max/Pump/Balance night). I've found a little reservoir about 5 miles away, which will be perfect for jogging around because it'll be nice and quiet... and it's flat :p It's around 3km so I'm going to aim for getting round it twice. I know I can do 3km fine, so am trying to push myself.

Sounds like you've made a good start Jamie :)

You take it easy little lady! If you don't feel up for running on Thursday then don't! One week won't hurt :)

ANd Jamie - well done yoooooooou!

26-06-2008, 07:20
Went to do my 5km last night. Started off fine and upped my speed to 7.5 which was a bit better. Got to 3.5km when I remembered I'm back in the gym tonight doing weights....on legs. So I decided ti was probably better to stop at 4km :D

Anyhow, did 4km in total and fel fine afterwards although just below my left knee aches a bit this morning so will have to keep an eye on that today.

26-06-2008, 18:06
Wooooo, I'm back! 6km was a little ambitious and I only ended up going once around the lake, but I recovered very quickly afterwards and it wouldn't take much for me to go round twice I don't think. It took me around 20 minutes, but I couldn't have held a conversation with someone for the last 1km so I think I was going too fast again. I gave myself stitch towards the end too, which was annoying. Enjoyed it though, despite the wind being in my face most of the time.

Think I need some new trainers. These ones are a couple of years old now and have lost their bounce. I could feel the jolting in my shins a little bit, so I need to look for some reasonably priced ones that I can use just for running.

Will go again tomorrow :)

27-06-2008, 09:38
I get a stitch nearly every time I run ! ;D

Glad you enjoyed it :)

27-06-2008, 12:14
I'm doing 4 mile jogs 4 times a week atm, and I tried this talking shizzle. Problem: it looks like I am running along the road, out in the middle of nowhere (an apt description of where I live) talking to myself..

How are you getting away with it at the gym, unless you strike up some inane banter with the guy/girl on the treadmill next to you?

27-06-2008, 22:16
We all talk to each other at our gym, it's great. There's always someone to talk **** with :p

28-06-2008, 08:01
Oh I don't ACTUALLY talk. I just know if I'd be able to or not :p I would try and sing along with my mp3 player, but if you can sing then you're going too slow :D

Got up today at 6:30 (couldn't sleep any longer) feeling ultra knackered and thought "no WAY am I going to be able to run this morning". Sat here for 3/4 hour in a daze and then got my kit on and went out. Managed to run just over 5km without stopping once. HOORAY!!! My breathing was a LOT easier this time around and I even managed to say (not gasp) "Morning" to three dog walkers. I did that route when I tried training for RFL last year and had to stop less than halfway round for a breather, so I'm dead proud. It's certainly inspired me to do more!!

No stitch either :cool:

28-06-2008, 08:53
6:30... then running... I don't think I could run very far this morning.


If I heard an icecream van going up the road I'd give it a damn good shot.

28-06-2008, 09:26
Well done Kate!

28-06-2008, 09:34
Thank you :D Feel all full of energy now!! I'm sure several trips down the tip to get rid of my heinous kitchen units will stop that :p

28-06-2008, 10:05
Weeeeee !!! nice one hun ! :D

I'm just off to do my morning run, I've upped it from 5k to 6.4k..eep

28-06-2008, 11:40
Nice work Kate. It's always good when you do the same thing and can see a definite marked improvement :)

28-06-2008, 11:59
6.4K done in 50 mins

Did squats yesterday, my legs are now mullered ;D

28-06-2008, 12:17
Was going to go for a run but have decided pole play is more fun!

28-06-2008, 12:23
I have to admit, I'm really looking forward to my run on monday morning :) Gonna aim for a 5k run but slow it down a bit so I don't collapse with an imploded lung! Hoorah!

28-06-2008, 20:46
Good luck peebee! Might go for a run tomorrow morning depending on what time we wake up. Making an early start on the kitchen because it needs to be ready for plasterers on Tuesday.

and well done Piggy :)

30-06-2008, 20:47
Hit the gym again tonight and tried the 5km again :)

Got to 2.5km at 7.5km/h and decided to up the pace so knocked it up to 7.8km/h. Then I got to 4km and gradually upped the pace until I hit the 5km mark at 10km/h and finished is in 38:23 :D

Well chuffed seeing as it's only my third time on the machines.

01-07-2008, 17:57
I officially took up running jogging on Sunday.

Any I'm here for hints and tips?.

I got some Mizuno running shoes which seemed to suit my feet the best and I'm running on the path in the park. Started off with just a few hundred metres because I'm seriously unfit. How do you stop your keys jangling around annoyingly? This is answered. Ok to run every other day?

I'm just in it to get a bit fitter. She's a bit less fit than me though, which is shocking since I sit on my skinny ass all day doing nothing and she at least walks to the station. My walking is limited to the kettle and the urinal.

01-07-2008, 19:43
You can run every day if you like! Cardio is fine to do every day but at least 1 day off a week is nice!

02-07-2008, 20:36
Did my run again tonight but dropped down to 3km due to a knee problem I seem to be getting the morning after my run. It seems to ache a little until about midday and then eases off. Nothing major, just a little niggle. Going to see what it's like in the morning to see if distance has anything to do with it. Then off out on Saturday to get myself properly sorted out with some running shoes :D

Anyhow, did my 3km in 21:08 tonight :)

semi-pro waster
02-07-2008, 22:32
How do you stop your keys jangling around annoyingly?

I know this is answered but I just carry the keys in my hand generally, I've got a small karabiner on them which makes for a handy finger hold, sometimes I stuff them inside a pair of gloves I use for running in cold weather.

Apart from that I'm not totally sure what I'm doing in this thread, I don't run for times or anything like that, I just run when I can't be bothered/want a break from the gym although I have tried to get some of my friends into running more. :)

02-07-2008, 22:40
Running shorts often have a little internal pocket. Very handy for your locker key at the gym, or just a single house key. Failing that I hide the key in the garden.

02-07-2008, 22:50
You can get wrist wallets in Tesco sports section for a few quid too.

05-07-2008, 11:15
Look what I got...



They'll get their first run out on Monday :)

05-07-2008, 20:07
Cool :D They're Saucony aren't they? Doesn't Sinead have a pair of those? :p Pro running trainers!!!

I was supposed to go out this morn, but ended up driving to B&Q at 7am for quick drying tile adhesive :angry: Tomorrow, I'll be up first thing to paint a wall so I can't go then either. However, I'm going out for a run with my boss and she does 8km so I've got to try and keep up. EEK!!!!

05-07-2008, 20:26
Yes, he copied me ;) ;D

05-07-2008, 21:33
Make him take them back!!!! :angry:

05-07-2008, 21:42
I didn't copy. I didn't, I didn't, I didn't.

05-07-2008, 22:54
Copy cat copy cat sitting on the doormat :p

BB x

Admiral Huddy
05-07-2008, 23:58
Started back running this week after nearly 4 months of agony in the calfs and joints. I'm taking of Cod Liver oil and have had a perscription. I've been stretching my legs everyday too during that time so fingers crossed.

08-07-2008, 09:12
Hope it all goes well Huddy :D

08-07-2008, 09:16
Did you pop your trainer cherry Desmo?! :p

BB x

08-07-2008, 09:31
Of course :D

They're superb....and my knee isn't aching much this morning either so they're helping there :)

Admiral Huddy
08-07-2008, 12:07
Look what I got...



They'll get their first run out on Monday :)

Those are too new looking.. Playground "new shoe" stomp required! :D

08-07-2008, 12:11
Or rolling around in the grass,.. I know you like that ;) you're a pro no?

BB x

08-07-2008, 12:35
Did you pop your trainer cherry Desmo?! :p

BB x

He did and did really well.... 5K in 33 mins :)

Beating me already *cries* :'(

08-07-2008, 14:28
He did and did really well.... 5K in 33 mins

Beating me already *cries* :'(

WTF?! :shocked:

Are they like 'Super shoes' or summat?! Where can I get a pair? :p

Or is it like Bananaman - you put on the magical shoes and you are a superhero runner?!


BB x

08-07-2008, 16:37
If anyone finds a right buttock... please can you return it to me asap.

Admiral Huddy
08-07-2008, 16:52
My trainers has a big hole in the side :D

08-07-2008, 17:42
If anyone finds a right buttock... please can you return it to me asap.

I once stopped to pick a buttock up.

In fact there was a whole field of them.

08-07-2008, 19:25
I once stopped to pick a buttock up.

In fact there was a whole field of them.


I've just done the wet-foot test thing, I'm VERY high arched it seems, which is why running in my skate shoes is really painful for me.

08-07-2008, 19:57

I've just done the wet-foot test thing, I'm VERY high arched it seems, which is why running in my skate shoes is really painful for me.

You should never run in skate shoes :/

From seeing my brothers, they are flat soled, no support for the foot or the ankle and are 'fashion trainers'... good Lord son don't run in them - you'll do yourself an injury!!! :shocked: (as you obviously already have)

BB x

08-07-2008, 20:02
You should never run in skate shoes :/

From seeing my brothers, they are flat soled, no support for the foot or the ankle and are 'fashion trainers'... good Lord son don't run in them - you'll do yourself an injury!!! :shocked: (as you obviously already have)

BB x

They're not fashion shoes - they're superb for skating in, I wouldn't like to skate in any other type of shoe.

I don't run regularly in them, infact havent gone running in them since before christmas so I'm all good now.

08-07-2008, 20:06
Obviously skating is fine for them... you need the flatness and the surface area to stand on the board, but they aren't for training or running.

I ran once in my stan smiths and they gave me blisters for the same reasons - didn't hug my feet and were too flat.

BB x

09-07-2008, 10:43
Are they like 'Super shoes' or summat?! Where can I get a pair? :p
Sorry Mei, they're not super hero shoes....it's just that I'm a super hero :D

You need to get "in the zone" hehe. I tend to run like a zombie. If something aches, ignore it. If I start to struggle, run faster. After making a big costly cockup at work that day, I decided to punish myself :/

12-07-2008, 09:16
Just did 4.5k in 30 mins. Still bloody running too fast, but it just feels like I'm running too slow if I go any slower. Oh well, breathing seems to be getting lots better so I must be getting used to it :)

17-07-2008, 16:32
Well done Kate :D thats brilliant!

I am dreading going back in the gym, maybe I should stop going on hols so I don't have to keep starting from scratch - arse!

Well done peeps :)

BB x

19-07-2008, 00:06
I hate being away from it all, even for a week. It's amazing how hard your first day back at the gym is after a hol. Going to take my gym & swimming kit to China with me because all of the hotels have gyms etc., so I'll *TRY* and do something every day :)

19-07-2008, 00:13
You are right, was like starting all over when I went to Malaysia... unfortunately the gym thing is just starting to kick off over there and there are loads of lovely big gyms being built... is it this sunday you are off?

BB x

22-07-2008, 12:37
I've not been running for a solid 2 weeks now :(
This damn patio is taking up all my spare time and I'm missing it.

30-07-2008, 19:46
I managed 7 minutes of (stupidly stupidly slow) jogging on a treadmill today :shocked: without going arse over tit!!!! like I normally do :o
I found that if I stare solidly at the timer then I don't get the dizzy feeling (the only thing I can think of describing it as is motion sickness)
I have no idea what the numbers are measurements of but I did 5 minutes at 3.6 and 2 minutes at 4 and then I looked up and fell off :o

Oh...my trousers were falling down and I kept getting static shocks from the machine too :o

31-07-2008, 07:25
Stick at it Sam :) It'll get easier the more you do and then you can slowly up the pace and distance.

I managed to get back down the gym last night :D Eased myself back in to the running with a 3km in 19:35. Wish I'd gone for longer but once I'd stopped running I can't get going again.

31-07-2008, 08:14
Stick at it Sam :) It'll get easier the more you do and then you can slowly up the pace and distance.

Thanks :) I know it isn't much and it might seem daft but as every time I've tried before I've ended up falling off/hurting myself/breaking something, it is a big deal to me to manage even what I did :o

31-07-2008, 09:29
Well done Sam! I know what you mean about staring... I stare at the numbers too.. I can't look at my reflection in the mirror as I fall over and some days am really wobbly :(

I feel like I'm counting down numbers most of my life! Saying that, I haven't been in the gym much recently as its been too sweaty - been going for runs after work instead...outdoors is much better when its nice weather of course!

Keep up the good work!

BB x

31-07-2008, 16:15
Well done Sam.

01-08-2008, 09:43
Back to my 5k tonight again :D

Don't think I'll be breaking any records after my tie away but I'll get close enough.

05-08-2008, 07:39
Did my 5km last night and a little time in thought I'd go for my best time....then realised I was on course for under 30 minutes....then missed that by 7 seconds :(

Next time you bastard, next time.

05-08-2008, 07:40
Going to try and go to the gym tonight and if it is empty I might have another try on the treadmill

05-08-2008, 09:29
I'm going to the gym tonight and even if it's not empty I'll have another try on the treadmill
Corrected ;)

05-08-2008, 18:05
Corrected ;)

After I saw your correction I was all geared up to try but the whole time I was there, all 3 treadmills were in use :/ Wondering if people are training for something because I swear I have never seen more than 2 in use at any one time before :/

05-08-2008, 18:16
If the treadmills are full there's always outside!

I'm going for an 8k run at 8.30am tommorow outdoors no matter the weather.

This is my face :(

And this'll be me when I've done the damn thing :D


05-08-2008, 18:29
If the treadmills are full there's always outside!

I'm going for an 8k run at 8.30am tommorow outdoors no matter the weather.

This is my face :(

And this'll be me when I've done the damn thing :D


*looks out the window*
Good luck :D

05-08-2008, 18:31

06-08-2008, 09:24
If the treadmills are full there's always outside!

Not an option :o

06-08-2008, 10:57
I like the friendliness of running outdoors. We see the same people running and say hi. It's nice.

8k down, 10k tomorrow. We'll be walking when she wants to but after running the 8k really well today she'll do the 10k no probs.

06-08-2008, 10:59
Got my run again tonight. Not going to set any records but might set the treadmill for 6km and see how I go :)

06-08-2008, 11:01
Go Desmo!

06-08-2008, 11:44
You know....I'm really enjoying my running :shocked:

I could never run before although I blame most of that on my trainers at the time. Now I've got something decent I just keep pushing myself more and more. I can do 5km quite easily now. I also know I can do it within 30 minutes which I'm chuffed about. My starting speed has gone from 7.5km/h to 9km/h and the other night my last 1km was done at over 12km/h. I can see a rapid improvement. But tonight I'm going to drop the speed and keep it constant and then see how far I can go....going to mix it up a bit so I go from short and fast to long and slow (can I hear a fnaarr!!!) depending on what mood I'm in :D

06-08-2008, 11:59
That's the way to do it! *hits over head with truncheon*

Am off to get my gait analysed today. My usual trainers are giving me a blister about 2 inches long on my instep when I run over 5k so need some specially for running longer distances.

06-08-2008, 13:49
the whole time I was there, all 3 treadmills were in use

I use the treadmill to make sure I maintain my top speed on the sprints for interval training as I don't have the discipline to keep going when outside. When I got to the gym yesterday all five treadmills were taken up by people walking. I bet they bloody drove there as well.

I don't have many gripes in the gym, but this is my main one, along with equipment hogs and people reading magazines on the bikes whilst doing their level 1, 0.5km/h workout. Actually, that's all pretty much the same gripe!

My only other main gripe is that the Kirsten Dunst lookalike with the tiny shorts doesn't seem to use the gym any more. Might put a complaint in the suggestion box.

06-08-2008, 18:26
Still going stupidly slow but increased time - 1 minute walking/getting up to speed, 10 minutes jogging at 4.2 (tried 4.5 for a minute but that was hurting my ankle, think its km/h), 1 minute walking. This was after my 30 minutes on the x-trainer as well as the rest of my program so I'm pleased :)
Ankle is still a bit achey so going to go for a bath to soak it.

06-08-2008, 18:50
Good work Tak!

Got analysed and gots me some of these (second ones down):


So comfy! Road testing tomorrow 08.30 hrs!

06-08-2008, 19:58
Good work Tak!

Got analysed and gots me some of these (second ones down):


So comfy! Road testing tomorrow 08.30 hrs!


06-08-2008, 20:18


We are trainer twins!

How are they?

06-08-2008, 20:26
Very very comfy and lovely !

First we're chuff chums and now trainer twins ;D

06-08-2008, 20:28
Chuff chums 4evar!

06-08-2008, 21:51
Good work Tak!

Thanks :)

06-08-2008, 22:11
Well, I went for it tonight....and didn't think I was going to make it :shocked:

Set myself up for a longer run. Got to 5km and was ready to pack up but carried on...watching my original distance count down. Got to 5.5km and was really starting to feel the pace...had to dig down deep to keep myself going...hit 6km and told myself I'd had enough...but then I just saw the counter hit 0.99km to go and I just thought bollocks to packing up now...and I slowly watched the numbers count down, increasing my speed as it did. I MADE IT...7km on my first attempt.....WELL CHUFFED :D

06-08-2008, 22:21
Well done to all! I find the numbers on the treadmill really help me pace things, and motivate me too. I'd run outside more if there was a way of displaying the times for my sprints, and my overall time and distance without having to mess about with a watch or something. I need a HUD attached to a very special running hat.

06-08-2008, 22:44
Get one of those hats with beer holders on the side so you can drink beer whilst running. Then when you've finished you can wear one with the clapping hands on it and applaud yourself.

06-08-2008, 23:27
Well done to all! I find the numbers on the treadmill really help me pace things, and motivate me too. I'd run outside more if there was a way of displaying the times for my sprints, and my overall time and distance without having to mess about with a watch or something.

I always said that! But I have to admit that running along the sea front means I can focus on something and it helps me a lot. Watching the waves today made me forget my throbbing blister!

07-08-2008, 06:34
Right, travelling is over and I've not been running for 2 weeks apart from a couple of stints at the gym whilst I was away. Need to get back into it now, so I'll get myself out tonight. Put on about 8 stone whilst I was in China and I go on holiday in just over a month, so I need to lose about 10 stone before then. Wish me luck :D

07-08-2008, 06:54
Do you mean 8 lbs ?

07-08-2008, 07:40
I hope she does ;D

07-08-2008, 09:19
Hahahaha! 8 stone in two weeks. You'd have to be on an IV of beef dripping!

07-08-2008, 09:55
They do some funny things out there mate, it wouldn't surprise me :D

07-08-2008, 10:03
Bloody foreigners, with their ways!

07-08-2008, 11:03
Did the 10k in 1hr 7 mins, with one 30 second recovery walk at 5k and a 1 min recovery walk at 8k, but the rest was running.

She was so happy she phoned her partner straight after to tell him! So sweet!

So that was done on the sea front following the path the Swansea Bay 10k takes so we know we can do that in September no probs now. The next part is training up for the 10k Merthyr Mawr run in Dec, It's over sand dunes so is a tough one so we are now starting to train by running on and off the beach.

Merthyr Mawr run:


07-08-2008, 11:15
Nice one Dawn :D

I'm going to drop back down to 5km tomorrow night and then try 7 again on Monday. Keep shifting it up and down a bit :)

07-08-2008, 18:29
1 minute walking/getting up to speed, 10 minutes jogging at 4.2, 1 minute walking.

Rinse and repeat :)

semi-pro waster
07-08-2008, 18:46
Good on you. I sometimes think getting a routine started is the hardest part, once you've done that it becomes a habit and easier to keep going than to stop. :)

07-08-2008, 18:49
Rinse and repeat :)

Good one ! :D

As SPW said, once you get into the habit and routine it does get much easier :)

Just keep pushing yourself ;)

07-08-2008, 20:03
Current plan is: 30 minutes x-trainer, weights and crunches, jogging, crunches and stretches to cool. Any time I try and set a fixed pattern of days I fail and then mentally beat myself up so I'm not going to pick set days but just aim for 2-3 times a week atm.

08-08-2008, 19:26
Been meaning to check my runs for a while (distance and time). Did 4.6km in 22 minutes, there's a couple of hills (27m elevation range) so I think its fairly respectable. Next its the 'two hills' run, which (apparently) takes me to the highest point in London!

08-08-2008, 19:31
Been meaning to check my runs for a while (distance and time). Did 4.6km in 22 minutes, there's a couple of hills (27m elevation range) so I think its fairly respectable. Next its the 'two hills' run, which (apparently) takes me to the highest point in London!

Highest point as in hampstead heath or the tip of canary wharf? ;D

12-08-2008, 12:13
Just did a 7.5k beach run. I prefer beach running to road running even though it's harder as my joints do not like road!

15-08-2008, 17:54
Highest point as in hampstead heath or the tip of canary wharf? ;D

The former, well, round Alexandra Palace/Muswell hill.

I'll do the latter when I get better at climbing, I'm only doing 5a's right now!

18-08-2008, 21:28
Did another quick run tonight. Finished off at 3.6km but upped the pace by 0.2km/h every 100m for the last 1.5km. Kept going until I couldn't run any more ;D

18-08-2008, 21:37
Did you fall over? :p

BB x

18-08-2008, 21:53
Not quite :D

19-08-2008, 06:54
Did another quick run tonight.

I gave the gym a miss completely - after the weekend I ached in muscles I didn't know I had :o ;D

Taking kit to work with me today so I might get to the gym :o :p

19-08-2008, 07:26
Is this where I have to do one of those mis-quotes again?
Taking kit to work with me today so it would be stupid not to go to the gym :o :p

19-08-2008, 09:10
Is this where I have to do one of those mis-quotes again?

Afraid not - have to take a rat to the vets so it does seem like my workout today is pointlessly carrying my kit to and from work :o

21-08-2008, 09:00
I just bought myself 3 pairs of 1000 Mile socks as they supposedly top blisters while running. I'll let you know if they work as both my feet had developed HUGE 1.5 inch blisters on my instep with my normal socks.

25-08-2008, 14:13
Did 5km on the treadmill in 33m46s and that includes my 1min of walking to warm up at the start. I'm not too displeased seeing as I haven't been running for a while :) I kept myself from being bored by identifying makes/models of cars which drove by the window and not allowing myself to look down at my distance until I'd done 10. :D

It's quite nice being able to time yourself accurately, but my gym is normally busy on week nights so I can only go on for 15 mins at a time, which is useless. I've vowed to do some exercise 5 days a week until hols now, so that means some running as I hate the gym when it's busy. Really do need some new trainers though. :/

WELL DONE DAWN btw :) I noticed that there's a 10km charity run being done by my leisure centre. Unfortunately, it's next weekend and I don't think I'll be up to spec on time for that. Booo!! If it was a couple of months away, I might have gone for it.

25-08-2008, 16:38
It's said that to get from running 0-5k is far harder than to get yourself from 5k-10k. I wholly agree with that!

25-08-2008, 16:49
Ooooo, that's encouraging!!

25-08-2008, 17:13
You'll be legging 10k in no time!

28-08-2008, 17:53
Good lord, I think I've just done about 8km. I usually go once around the reservoir, but this time I turned around and jogged all the way back round. Just measured it on a map and it's around 8km. Didn't stop once. WOOHOO! :D

Didn't find it difficult knackerednesswise. You just kinda... get used to it don't you? My calves ache a bit now though.

28-08-2008, 18:26
Excellent Kate :)
I'm still trying although its carp compared to everything everyone else is doing :( I'm up to 30 seconds walking up to speed, 15 minutes jogging and 30 seconds walking down to still. I tried setting the machine a bit faster but even going up 1 setting gives me pains in my shins and knees within a minute or 2 :( In the 16 minutes I seem to be hitting 1.12km so I'd be there for over 2 hours to get to the distance you're doing :confused::(

Gym was packed today and I did still get on though so thats an improvement at least :)

28-08-2008, 18:30
Not as crap as me :D
I was aiming to finally start my jogging plan last week as the weather hadn't been too bad (translation: it wasn't torrential rain just a bit of drizzle), but instead slipped while out last Wednesday and cut my knee open and had a swollen knee ever since.
A good excuse really wasn't what I needed for my motivation :p

28-08-2008, 18:58
Do you have trainers designed for running in Sam? Just a thought as ones not designed for running won't have enough cushioning and may cause the pain you've mentioned.

28-08-2008, 20:11
I'm struggling with my running now. I'm increasing my weights on a Tuesday night which means my legs have had it for running on the Wednesday. Guess I'll just have to strike a balance somewhere.

Good work Kate :D 8km is a target I'm yet to reach.

28-08-2008, 20:22
Thank you :) I did it purely by accident. I do feel a bit achy now though. Even my arms hurt. I'm supposed to be going again tomorrow, so hopefully I'll be alright! :)

28-08-2008, 20:23
I just have my normal trainers - I can't afford anything more.

28-08-2008, 21:10
Wow Kate .. that's brilliant ! :D

Sam, you're doing well ! ... I'll bring my trainers to CP if you like to see if it makes a difference ? ( they're a size 5 )

My running has gone a bit poop recently, I'm still doing my 5K on a Saturday morning but I'm not a natural runner .. I R A BOXER !! :D

28-08-2008, 21:30
Did 5km on the treadmill in 33m46s and that includes my 1min of walking to warm up at the start.

Wow! Thats brilliant Kate!!! You must be chuffed also to hit 8km... by accident is usually how I did it too lol ;) the best way!

My gym is hot and sweaty so haven't been for a while... it is disgusting... you walk in there and cannot breathe.

Going to try going back to the runs after work next week... had a bit of a crap week this week, run down, totm and doc app tomoro :/

Things can only get better! :D

BB x

29-08-2008, 06:54
I'll bring my trainers to CP if you like to see if it makes a difference ? ( they're a size 5 )

They must be massive on you ;D

29-08-2008, 11:32
Nice one Kate! It's a shock when you hit 10k as it really doesn't feel any different! Just keep going!

29-08-2008, 18:00
OMFG it wasn't a fluke, I ruddy well did it again :D Feel like I could have potentially possibly maybe run further too, but wasn't quite ready for another circuit around the lake, hehe :D I'm still unbelievably impressed with myself though. I used to struggle to keep going for 10 mins without having a rest :)

Oh and I've just had a look on mapmyrun.com and it is 7km, not 8km. I didn't think it seemed that far. I could definitely comfortably do 8km though. Just need to find somewhere else flat where I can run further :)

Yay!! :)

29-08-2008, 18:01
Nice one :D

29-08-2008, 18:59
Ooooh, 7.4km to be precise!! :D

29-08-2008, 20:15
Keep going next time Kate! You'll surprise yourself!

29-08-2008, 21:53
Only trouble is that if I run ALL the way round the lake to my car and then set off back in the other direction, the temptation might just be too great for me to get in the car and drive home, hehe :D It's about 9.5k to do 2 full circuits

30-08-2008, 00:01
Just keep going til you have to stop and tell yourself you'll walk back if you need to. I'm betting you won't!

semi-pro waster
30-08-2008, 02:31
Just keep going til you have to stop and tell yourself you'll walk back if you need to. I'm betting you won't!

Ah the old lying to yourself about exercise routine. I do that quite frequently, especially if I'm feeling a bit tender from a previous session, I tell myself that I'll take it easy and then usually either equal previous PBs or break them. It's stupid but it works.

30-08-2008, 07:35
That's how I did the 7.4. Right up until I got to the gate I was thinking "do I turn around and do another circuit or do I just carry on down the road to the car?". I got within 10 metres of the gate and all of a sudden it was "turn around turn around turn around" and I did :D I thought "I'll walk the last bit to cool down", but didn't.

I shall aim to do 2 full circuits next time. Eek!

31-08-2008, 17:11
GET IN!!!!! :D:D:D

31-08-2008, 17:20
So you did it then?

31-08-2008, 17:43
Yup yup yup :D In the rain and everything. Old trainers though. Muddy!

31-08-2008, 21:33
Well done Kate!

06-09-2008, 17:42
Tis a little muddy to be running round the reservoir this week, so I've had to run round the streets. I've only been doing 5-6km as I wasn't sure how far I was actually going. However, I've discovered mapmyrun.com where I can look at how far various routes will be. I've come up with one at 8.61km, which is ideal as I ran 6km this morning and it wasn't enough. It has a big eff off hill quite near the start, which will be a challenge and a half, but the rest isn't too bad.

Hopefully I'll be able to do it if the weather is tolerable tomorrow morning :)

Oh and I haz new trainers. Got them fitted at a specialist place near me, where they put you on a treadmill to measure your gait etc. They are all bouncey :D

08-09-2008, 18:42

In my new shoes :( :(

08-09-2008, 20:43
I fully endorse 1000 Mile Socks. I had whopping great 2 inch blisters on each instep until I tried these babies. They're excellent.


08-09-2008, 21:08
Ooooh, ladies socks... for ladies!

Yep this is on my instep too. I've been wearing thick socks, but this is clearly not enough for my delicate tootsies. I was thinking about your 1000 miles socks as I was jogging around in the mud, but promptly forgot about them when I got home.

I have sourced some from Ebay. Ta :D:D

12-09-2008, 07:42
WOOHOO!!! I just nailed a 8.13km run with a MAHOOSIVE (to me) hill in the middle. I've been dreading it since I mapped out the route at the weekend. I did it in 48 minutes, which means I was running on average over 10km/hr :shocked: Crikey! I've now set my sights on a 9.61km route, which I shall conquer when I get home from hols.

Then I might think about entering a 10k. Erk!

12-09-2008, 08:06
Well done Kate!

16-09-2008, 11:26
I did my first run for over a week last night and my legs ache this morning, but not as much as I thought they would :D

16-09-2008, 11:41
I have the Swansea Bay 10k this sunday. I've been too busy to train so that should be interesting!

16-09-2008, 15:04
You'll be fine :D

Just imagine a big chocolate fudge cake prize for crossing the finish line ;D

16-09-2008, 15:07
I have to teach 2 classes after that but then me and a mate are heading to a local indian restaurant where I intend to eat my body weight in popadoms.

17-09-2008, 14:19
Ran to the library yesterday... puff, puff, puff... it's not actually very far :o

17-09-2008, 14:30
Heh heh heh. That amused me.

21-09-2008, 16:00
10k down, 2 classes to teach. Bath first. Knackered already!

21-09-2008, 16:44
Congrats :D

21-09-2008, 20:25
Nice one Dawn....how easy was it? Did the choc fudge cake help?

21-09-2008, 21:20
It was bloody awful! Far far too hot and started at 1pm - hottest part of the day. Took us 1hr 12mins which is our worst time. My skin still feels hot as we were running out in the open heat!

At least I can collapse and watch Dexter now!

21-09-2008, 22:11
I'm not an expert but this page has helped a few people over the years - http://www.disturbinthepeace.co.uk/runtip.htm

22-09-2008, 07:06
Well done Dawn !

Good advice on that page Mr Poole except 1 ickle thing .... you don't convert fat to muscle, you build muscle and lose fat :)

22-09-2008, 08:10
Well done Dawn !

Good advice on that page Mr Poole except 1 ickle thing .... you don't convert fat to muscle, you build muscle and lose fat :)

Are you sure about that?
I'm not arguing because I don't know but that was always quoted to me by loads of different keep-fit instructors.

22-09-2008, 09:29
Are you sure about that?
I'm not arguing because I don't know but that was always quoted to me by loads of different keep-fit instructors.

She's right. They're both totally different cells and fibres, have different jobs and can't change into each other.

28-09-2008, 09:42
Some good advice on there dimple. I liked this bit "...once you reach 60 mins you'll feel invincible and probably see how far you can go without stopping. You'll find that your body gets into a groove with your breathing..." because it's so true. Once I hit an hour, I feel like I could just carry on for another 26 miles :p

Seems like a lot of people have had trouble with the 1000 mile socks. Going to try mine out later on today as I bought some before I went on hols due to my new trainers giving me blisters on my instep.

28-09-2008, 13:28
Hello there runners of BD!

I can't believe I've missed this thread :D

Long time runner here who is just getting back to basics after a 18month break due to medical comitments.

I'm looking forward to my first race in quite a while which happens to be the Christmas Cracker 10k in Weston-super-Mare which takes part (funnily enough) around Christmas.

My training pattern for a while will be day on/day off - hitting 25 minutes on each and pushing the 'how i feel barrier' on the third outing of the week.

My advice at this point for runners of all calibres :

- Start off SLOWWWWWWW, almost as slow as you can possibly run - this way you avoid overcooking yourself early and build up to a comfortable pace whilst retaining the energy you need for the 'last stages'.

- Measure your running on time, not speed or mileage. You should be running at a pace that is comfortable for you and relatively consistant throughout your outing- therefore a weekly plan would be far more beneficial to you if it were "12 minutes monday, 20 minutes tuesday, 25 minutes thursday" etc. rather than 3 miles, 3.5 miles, 4 miles etc etc.

Timing increments are much better- notably for people in the beginners stages of running.

As I regain my health and running back to 'my level' I look forward to organising some meets for events (and depending upon interest levels and locations) potential training etc.


EDIT: Dimple- you've covered some excellent points there that really relate to the normal person rather than the athlete that so many running magazines target- Good work :)

28-09-2008, 19:14
There's a 10K in Alton next weekend and I'm trying to decide whether to do it or not. Apparantly it's very cross-country; up hill and down dale kind of thing. I'll be able to finish it I'm just not sure if I can be arsed!

28-09-2008, 20:28
I ran along Bournemouth seafront this morning :cool: on the beach and the pier... sun beating down on my back... was coooooooooool! :D

Miss the sea (and actually being able to breathe in air and not pollution :p)!

BB x

28-09-2008, 20:48
Long time runner here who is just getting back to basics after a 18month break due to medical comitments.

Ah good, I'll be bending your ear about that then ;)

28-09-2008, 22:14
There's a 10K in Alton next weekend and I'm trying to decide whether to do it or not. Apparantly it's very cross-country; up hill and down dale kind of thing. I'll be able to finish it I'm just not sure if I can be arsed!Lazy sod! :p

I'd really like to do a 10k. Think I'll have a look around and see what's on locally in the spring.

Bit annoyed that I'm starting to enjoy this running milarky and it's coming up to winter. Don't want to have to revert to treadmill running :angry:

28-09-2008, 22:31
Seems like a lot of people have had trouble with the 1000 mile socks. Going to try mine out later on today as I bought some before I went on hols due to my new trainers giving me blisters on my instep.

I love mine! I still have to put a plaster over the area if I'm doing 10k or more but they've definitely stopped a lot of the rubbing. It was unbearable before.

I am currently trying to keep my running to the park and sand. I've got to the age of 37 without any injuries despite all the different training I do, but since road running since jan I've managed to injure my left foot and my knee is beginning to show signs of not liking the road running at all. Have told the client I run with that we're going to have to run on different surfaces or I'm going to have to stop as I can't risk further injury.

Amazing, I can hang upside down by my toes from a pole with no problems but managed to get injured from this!

29-09-2008, 10:19
Ah good, I'll be bending your ear about that then ;)

That's ok it wasn't my ear that was the problem! :p

I'm heading down to Cornwall for a week, so although I won't be on the forums for a while I'll be thinking of you all in this thread (/slimy) as I attempt some beach running!

29-09-2008, 16:55
Beach running - I believe it is the way forward!

Works your hip flexors more and is far comfier than road running!

30-09-2008, 21:41
Hope the running is going well! I have a 15k very hilly trail race in Coniston on Saturday and a 10k road race the day after in Liverpool :evil: I have not done consecutive races before but have done two in three days :'(

I have found the key to avoiding injury is, of course, not doing too much too soon. I once increased my weekly mileage by about 20 and ended up with a few calf/achilles problems which required a little physio.

So far doing up to 60 miles a week and feel good. My ultimate goal is an ultra marathon in South Africa:

Comrades (http://www.southafrica.info/about/sport/comrades.htm)

30-09-2008, 22:43


04-10-2008, 15:58
There's a 10K in Alton next weekend and I'm trying to decide whether to do it or not.

OK, I'm doing it.

Decided I needed noosh hoos so I went to London, failed to find a decent sports shop in amongst all the other shops I visited, and decided to drop into Alton Sports on the walk home from the station. Really glad I did - they went through the different types, got me running on the treadmill and outside the shop (looking good in trainers and rolled-up jeans), and spent a good half an hour finding the best ones for me. Ended up with Adidas Supernova Sequence, which have added support:


They cost £80 but should last me a fair while. They also gave me a voucher for money off next time, and a reward card that gets stamped every time I spend more than £20 there. After 8 stamps you get a permanent 15% discount, which is just awesome. If anyone's looking for some running gear I highly recommend them!

04-10-2008, 18:43
Nice one Belmit. Make sure you break in your new shoes well before you attempt the 10k!!

ojo - I am in awe of your running abilities. I think I might actually die if I had to run 90km!! :shocked:

I lost my mojo a bit this week and haven't really done much. However, I went out this morning at first light in the FREEZING cold and plan to do the same tomorrow. My first 10k will be done in the spring :)

05-10-2008, 13:55
Nice one Belmit. Make sure you break in your new shoes well before you attempt the 10k!!

Please do this! Last thing you want is to find out they are rubbing at the 4k mark. Also, they will feel less 'clumpy' and will flex better. Well, it is what I have found anyhow :)

I lost my mojo a bit this week and haven't really done much. However, I went out this morning at first light in the FREEZING cold and plan to do the same tomorrow. My first 10k will be done in the spring :)

Nothing wrong with taking a little time off :) Your recoveries are just as important.

Which 10k are you doing?

I have found joining a club really useful for a few reasons. You get a discount on races and you often get a discount in shops. Furthermore, you tend to be more prepared to put the miles in when somebody is with you and also you are encouraged to run faster than what is comfortable.

05-10-2008, 14:27
I've found a couple in my area, but haven't set my sights on one in particular yet. Perhaps I should set a date and send off my joining fee. I keep thinking about joining a club - there's one at my local leisure centre. I'm just not sure if I'm good enough for that yet. I only tend to do 6-9km on my runs at the moment.

05-10-2008, 22:44
I've found a couple in my area, but haven't set my sights on one in particular yet. Perhaps I should set a date and send off my joining fee. I keep thinking about joining a club - there's one at my local leisure centre. I'm just not sure if I'm good enough for that yet. I only tend to do 6-9km on my runs at the moment.

A club will more than likely let you run with them for a bit to see if you gel with a group before requesting any affiliation fees. Quite often they will also have different groups as well, either at different times or days catering for varying abilities.

You can consider the 10k race a milestone (or a 6.2 milestone!). Just bung your fee in and use it as a target. If you enjoy it then you can have a go at another of the same distance at a faster pace or move up (or down) to a different distance. You will easily finish it if your regular runs are up to 9k as the atmosphere will carry you through.

Entering races gives some structure to your running and encourages you to continue on those cold and rainy days.

05-10-2008, 22:55
There was a slight cock-up on the race front. It seems that the start of the race overlapped with some important sleeping I had to do.


06-10-2008, 07:18
You are a helmit ! ;D

10-02-2009, 00:02
Holy thread revival batman.

In line with one of my New Year's Resolutions I've just booked a 10km in July

Better get practicing!! :confused:

10-02-2009, 00:48
Good for you lostkat!

This thread is inspiring me to get back to running. It has also made me realise where I have been going wrong recently as when I have had a couple of bursts of running I have tried to run at the pace I know I could run before and then end up wiuth knackered knees and frustrated. I will defnitely take the advice of starting off slow and concentrate on time not distance/speed.

I would also like to aim for a 10k but I have to work on the basics a bit first I think.

10-02-2009, 01:01
I love running, well sprinting, but going for a jog when I on occasion get off my backside is really refreshing and I feel so much better for it. During a check-up with my Doctor the conversation got onto exercise and he advised me to not jog very often, about once a week max, and concentrate on swimming. He went into a long speech about joints and hip problems he faces all the time due to people jogging so much for years and years. I was a little unsure, I mean, we have legs, we're designed to run/jog, whatever, but he kinda countered that with the arguement that the human animal isn't really meant to last as long as we do these days. About 30-50 years is the average lifespan for joints etc, so impacting them frequently can bring it down to the lower end of that scale, more in line with our ancestors, who typically lived 18-30 years. Which has put me off a bit, but then I don't know really. When you get old your joints go crap anyway, and the advantages for having a healthy set of lungs and heart sorta outweighs you creaking and groaning when getting out your chair. What do others think?

10-02-2009, 08:54
Good for you lostkat!

This thread is inspiring me to get back to running. It has also made me realise where I have been going wrong recently as when I have had a couple of bursts of running I have tried to run at the pace I know I could run before and then end up wiuth knackered knees and frustrated. I will defnitely take the advice of starting off slow and concentrate on time not distance/speed.

I would also like to aim for a 10k but I have to work on the basics a bit first I think.
Come and do it with me!!! :D

10-02-2009, 09:20
I love running, well sprinting, but going for a jog when I on occasion get off my backside is really refreshing and I feel so much better for it. During a check-up with my Doctor the conversation got onto exercise and he advised me to not jog very often, about once a week max, and concentrate on swimming. He went into a long speech about joints and hip problems he faces all the time due to people jogging so much for years and years. I was a little unsure, I mean, we have legs, we're designed to run/jog, whatever, but he kinda countered that with the arguement that the human animal isn't really meant to last as long as we do these days. About 30-50 years is the average lifespan for joints etc, so impacting them frequently can bring it down to the lower end of that scale, more in line with our ancestors, who typically lived 18-30 years. Which has put me off a bit, but then I don't know really. When you get old your joints go crap anyway, and the advantages for having a healthy set of lungs and heart sorta outweighs you creaking and groaning when getting out your chair. What do others think?

Also remember that the ancestors weren't running on roads and tarmac which is far less forgiving than grass and sand.

I've done many crazy things during my life and not been injured but after just a year of running and my left knee is on its way out!

Well done Kate. You'll be great!

10-02-2009, 14:00
Well done Kate! And GL :) not that you need it ;)

BB x

10-02-2009, 18:36
I love running, well sprinting, but going for a jog when I on occasion get off my backside is really refreshing and I feel so much better for it. During a check-up with my Doctor the conversation got onto exercise and he advised me to not jog very often, about once a week max, and concentrate on swimming. He went into a long speech about joints and hip problems he faces all the time due to people jogging so much for years and years. I was a little unsure, I mean, we have legs, we're designed to run/jog, whatever, but he kinda countered that with the arguement that the human animal isn't really meant to last as long as we do these days. About 30-50 years is the average lifespan for joints etc, so impacting them frequently can bring it down to the lower end of that scale, more in line with our ancestors, who typically lived 18-30 years. Which has put me off a bit, but then I don't know really. When you get old your joints go crap anyway, and the advantages for having a healthy set of lungs and heart sorta outweighs you creaking and groaning when getting out your chair. What do others think?

My advice is get yourself a pair of decent shoes and carry on running. There are no guarantees in this life so do as you enjoy.

10-02-2009, 22:35
My advice is get yourself a pair of decent shoes and carry on running. There are no guarantees in this life so do as you enjoy.
I have to say, I agree with this entirely.

I've invested in a very comfortable pair of running shoes, which sort my gait out and feel great to run in (now they're worn in). There are far worse things I could be doing to my body than a bit of jogging... like sitting at home watching tele and eating pies for example :D

22-02-2009, 01:38
Holy thread revival batman.

In line with one of my New Year's Resolutions I've just booked a 10km in July

Better get practicing!! :confused:

Good luck! 10k is a good distance :) You will find the buzz will carry you pretty far on the day ;D Better training earlier than later though and it will be much more fun on the day.

Had four PBs in a row now, down to 1:21 half mara. Hopefully break the 1:20 mark this year but is going to hurt! :'(

22-02-2009, 11:22
Very impressive ojo

22-02-2009, 17:06
Ta, CBS.

If you want to take running a little more 'seriously' you can do a lot worse than:

Joining a club: You have access to a coach and are around like-mined people. Also, being affiliated to UK Athletics you get a discount on below.

Running races: They give you targets to aim for and supply benchmarks. Beats most buzzes I have experienced when all that hard work pays off.

Having a decent training plan: Emphasis on base work then mix in tempo (fastish) runs then some intervals the fitter you get. Just make sure you start easy for a good while.

Buy some books: The Competitive Runner's Handbook by Glover & Glover is excellent. Lore of Running by Noakes is a hefty volume and very technical but has some good sections.

Enjoy it. It is not a chore, although some long runs may feel that way. It is something you enjoy!

23-02-2009, 21:45
Some good advice there, which I will endeavor to take on board. Thank you. Would you recommend any books to novices? I'm not bothered about racing to beat people or running marathons, but it'd be good to get some tips. I've started posting in the n00b section on Runners World again as I found that helped last time :)

With regards to a training plan, I've found an 8 week plan which I will follow leading up to the 10km. For now, I'll just work on distance and endurance though. If I can get back up to 8km comfortably then I'll be really happy and can start working on speed :)

I've also been thinking about maybe joining a club. There's one very local to me who meet on a Tuesday or Friday at 7pm and they do a buddy system for n00bs where they partner them with someone experienced. I might pop along one Friday once I can comfortably manage 6-7km. I can switch to Tuesdays once I finish Uni in May :) It'll be a cracking replacement for Uni. The club also runs a 10km in August. It's cross country and very hilly. Eek!

23-02-2009, 23:20
Some good advice there, which I will endeavor to take on board. Thank you. Would you recommend any books to novices? I'm not bothered about racing to beat people or running marathons, but it'd be good to get some tips. I've started posting in the n00b section on Runners World again as I found that helped last time :)

Runner's World is a good forum. Do you get the magazine? It is fairly cheap on subscription. Fetcheveryone (http://www.fetcheveryone.com/) is also a good site which allows you to create training plans and log miles. I use it daily and the forums are a little more... colourful ;D It has groups, say of 500 miles per year and they are really supportive. There are some excellent runners on it who really go out of their way to help.

For a book I really do swear by the Glover one as it covers everything. It is not only for the 'serious' runners. I will have a look around for any other recommendations.

With regards to a training plan, I've found an 8 week plan which I will follow leading up to the 10km. For now, I'll just work on distance and endurance though. If I can get back up to 8km comfortably then I'll be really happy and can start working on speed :)

Sounds the right way to go about it. From the Glover book, it is explained with a pyramid:

Mainly you concentrate on the foundation bit and as you get more experienced and get closer to an important race you add some speedwork. It is not recommended unless you have the base training wrapped up.

I've also been thinking about maybe joining a club. There's one very local to me who meet on a Tuesday or Friday at 7pm and they do a buddy system for n00bs where they partner them with someone experienced. I might pop along one Friday once I can comfortably manage 6-7km. I can switch to Tuesdays once I finish Uni in May :) It'll be a cracking replacement for Uni. The club also runs a 10km in August. It's cross country and very hilly. Eek!

Excellent! It can be scary but the buddy system sounds good. I will suggest it to our captain ;D Clubs usually host a race or two over the year and there are some crackers. Most of all you will find it a social event and start hating the idea of missing a session.

Good luck!

PS You may be able to do 10k if you slow run for, say 3k, walk 1k, run 3k walk 1k and run the last 2k. You will find your runs get longer and the walks get shorter. Just keep it easy and the rest will fall in to place.

23-02-2009, 23:30
Brilliant, thanks very much. Really do appreciate this. Would you suggest that I attempt 10k's pretty soon even if I can't run the whole way yet? Say, for my weekly long run, if I do a route which is 10k and then plan to walk/run it rather than just doing a shorter route of non-stop running? I hope that makes sense.

23-02-2009, 23:36
Buy some books: The Competitive Runner's Handbook by Glover & Glover is excellent.

Ordered. Maybe I'll get the next one later, either way I have plenty to read at the moment.

23-02-2009, 23:38
You sod, you got it off Amazon didn't you? I went to pay and it said it had been removed from my cart as it was no longer available ;D

23-02-2009, 23:43
You sod, you got it off Amazon didn't you? I went to pay and it said it had been removed from my cart as it was no longer available ;D

You snooze, y...

On second thoughts, just have this really smug picture


24-02-2009, 00:03
Brilliant, thanks very much. Really do appreciate this. Would you suggest that I attempt 10k's pretty soon even if I can't run the whole way yet? Say, for my weekly long run, if I do a route which is 10k and then plan to walk/run it rather than just doing a shorter route of non-stop running? I hope that makes sense.

If you can run 8k in training you will probably be able to run the whole thing on the day. It will be a great feeling of achievement. However, if you think that you can stretch to 10k on your long run by putting in walk breaks then all the better! Your long run apparently should be a little less than 1/3 of your total mileage for the week and never more than 1/2. It usually accounts for 1/3 of mine on a 69 mile week.

What stops you from running? It is hurting legs? If you slow down you just may be able to go further. It is the distance which counts on the long run. Even 9½ - 10½ mm pace is great!

24-02-2009, 07:29
No, I have pretty strong legs due to the amount of squats/lunges etc. I do as part of my normal weekly exercise. It's lack of breath and lack of stamina more than anything. I think I can't make it, so I'll walk for a few hundred yards. I'm absolutely sure I can push through it though, given enough time. I think I'll start doing the 10km on a Sunday and just see how much of it I have to walk, then work on reducing it every week. Thanks for the sponsorship :D

Have also ordered the book!

24-02-2009, 19:15
Okay, slow down your pace until you can speak in full sentences. It may feel pretty slow but it will ensure that you are going at a good manageable pace. You will get faster.

Who you speak to is up to you. :D

24-02-2009, 21:49
Oh Christ, people are going to think I'm bloody nuts :D Will have a go and see how I do when I next go out. I get stitch too and that's only cured by making sure I breathe really deeply. Need to get the hang of this belly breathing again.

Did 5.38km today including a ruddy massive hill. Had to stop for a pedestrian crossing because traffic was busy, but apart from that I was alright. I've scoped out my 9.5kmish route for Sunday morning and am going to do the running/walking combinations. Not sure how to time it yet though as I don't have a stop watch. So many things to sort out!!!

25-02-2009, 07:55
Not read it yet but a friend is looking to do this: Couch-to-5km (http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml)

25-02-2009, 12:56
Not read it yet but a friend is looking to do this: Couch-to-5km (http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml)

Ahh I've had that bookmarked since erm last Summer ;D
To be fair, shortly after bookmarking it I fell over and hurt my knee. No excuse for the entire of Autumn and Winter though :D

25-02-2009, 13:01
I am thinking about having a go at it. Not sure yet though :p

25-02-2009, 13:08
I'll come too if you wanted to try it :)

25-02-2009, 13:34
I'll come too if you wanted to try it :)

Maybe :p

27-02-2009, 19:23
Well, are you two going to do it then???

My book has arrived and I've just started reading it. Also bought RW this month as it has some tips on running up hills etc. How pro did I feel taking that to the counter??? ;D

Went out for a run tonight and forced myself to run slower. I still made a reasonable time, but breathing was LOTS better. Really pleased :)

01-03-2009, 12:01
Did my "long slow run" this morning, which was 9.63km and included 3 big (in KateWorld) hills. I managed to run it all apart from walking approx 200m on the steepest bit. Really really shocked with myself and very proud too. Didn't think that I'd get the stamina back this quick. My breathing also sorted itself out at around 3km and felt really comfortable. Making a conscious effort to slow things down has helped massively, thanks for your advice ojo :) Took the plunge and bought myself some sexy cropped running leggings yesterday. I had no idea they would be sooooo comfortable, not to mention attractive ( ;) ). Makes me wonder why I jogged in my old joggers for so long!!

01-03-2009, 12:11
Not read it yet but a friend is looking to do this: Couch-to-5km (http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml)

Just wanted to say I've been following this plan for a while (tho I've been a bit slack recently). Seems to be quite a realistic plan for me, and doesn't make me feel bad for wimping out after five minutes like other schemes I've seen.

01-03-2009, 14:06
I was thinking yesterday about trying to do a bit of running...May well try this "couch to 5km" out!
(Although I have no shoes that are good for running - flat soles, insufficient support for arches... :/)

01-03-2009, 21:43
Well, are you two going to do it then???

Me? Yes......when? Not sure yet!

Since starting work again, it's felt less important to me, so I'll probably see how things go :)

01-03-2009, 21:48
Well, are you two going to do it then???

Mic has put his back out so he can't join in running atm. I haven't started anything at the moment - I'm thinking of having a go a couple of times next week on the treadmill and then maybe start the couch program the week after.

01-03-2009, 23:18

This should go towards answering something iCraig asked. Running should strengthen ligaments and tendons anyway, so as long as a runner doesn't overtrain all should be well.

02-03-2009, 22:04
Did my "long slow run" this morning, which was 9.63km and included 3 big (in KateWorld) hills. I managed to run it all apart from walking approx 200m on the steepest bit. Really really shocked with myself and very proud too. Didn't think that I'd get the stamina back this quick. My breathing also sorted itself out at around 3km and felt really comfortable. Making a conscious effort to slow things down has helped massively, thanks for your advice ojo :) Took the plunge and bought myself some sexy cropped running leggings yesterday. I had no idea they would be sooooo comfortable, not to mention attractive ( ;) ). Makes me wonder why I jogged in my old joggers for so long!!

Excellent work! Well, you can easily bag the 10k now :D

It is weird but after two or three miles you do get into the pace and things get easier. The hardest part is starting out.

I have this (http://www.rhayaderac.org.uk/20mile.htm) beast coming up soon :'( Using it in preparation for my marathon training but I reckon it will be as hard as the marathon itself.

12-03-2009, 15:38
I started on the jag last month and it was advised I started running so Iain's been taking me out with him. I can only make it as far as the gym (lol, screw gym memberships! :p ) which is about 3 or 4 minutes away by car, not sure how long it takes me to run it and I can run about half the way back.

I'm slowly trying to get myself all the way back but it's taking a while :(

I'm so unfit it's unbelieveable! Iain can run 4 times the distance and isn't really tired. I do smoke though. :(

12-03-2009, 20:40
ojo, for the record I think you are absolutely insane!!! Had a look at the map and can only imagine the amount of contour lines that will be squeezed onto that. Ouch!! You should be able to run your marathon backwards after completing that!!

Running is still going well. I've got a target this month of 2 marathons worth of distance to rack up and am almost 40% there already. The only problem I'm having is a slight ache in my shins. I know that n00bs have a tendancy to get shin splints, so I'm making sure I warm up/down and stretch them properly. Fingers crossed they won't get any worse. Any tips??

Dogma - A site to track your runs and keep a record of them is mapmyrun.com. It'll help you to see how far you've progressed from week to week, which should help with motivation. I get quite a kick from seeing my March total update everytime I add a run to my training log. Sad, I know :p

31-03-2009, 08:36
Well I set myself the goal of doing the distance of 2 marathons in March and I've just achieved it in the nick of time. Official marathon length is 42.195 km, which made my target 84.39km and I've done 85.49km :D

I also hit a massive milestone today by running my first full 10km. 10.19km to be precise in just over an hour. My personal goal is to run the 10k in July in less than an hour, so I'm really really proud of myself. WOOHOO!!! Time to start building some speed work into my shorter runs I think. I've already got some of the hill work in as part of my weekly runs because I live on top of a hill.

This was today's run. It's an extension of the 9km one I've been doing for the past few weeks. I run it in both directions, depending on which way the wind happens to be blowing :) OK so I'm not climbing mountains, but some of them feel pretty bloody steep!


31-03-2009, 14:46
Well done Kate.

31-03-2009, 14:47
meep! that looks scary! :p
Well done hun - I'm sure you'll get to less than an hour in no time :)

31-03-2009, 15:41
Nice one :D

31-03-2009, 15:50
Yikes! Are you a Terminator? ;D

I've just started out and have a quick question, how do I stop/prevent stitch? My legs are ok and my breathing isn't too bad but I have to keep stopping because it feels like my liver is being stabbed with cocktail sticks, it's really frustrating. :(