View Full Version : Grow your own herbs!

20-06-2008, 17:50
No no not that kind :p

I just thought I would post up a piccy of my little herb garden. Fresh herbs make all the difference to your cooking if you have fresh ones to hand. I don't have a proper garden, just some pots outside my window on the roof but they still seem to do well even up here in chilly Scotland :D


Fennel, Tarragon, Chives, Rosemary, Purple Sage, Thyme, Indian Mint & Garden Mint. I also have Tomatoes in my window box and for a bit of colour there is Aubretia, Lobeila, Allysum and Petunias.

20-06-2008, 17:53
No no not that kind :p


I just thought I would post up a piccy of my little herb garden. Fresh herbs make all the difference to your cooking if you have fresh ones to hand. I don't have a proper garden, just some pots outside my window on the roof but they still seem to do well even up here in chilly Scotland :D


Fennel, Tarragon, Chives, Rosemary, Purple Sage, Thyme, Indian Mint & Garden Mint. I also have Tomatoes in my window box and for a bit of colour there is Aubretia, Lobeila, Allysum and Petunias.

What a cracking idea. I love cooking with fresh herbs but the quantities you get in the supermarket are far to much and I end up throwing most of it away before I get a chance to use it.

20-06-2008, 18:17
I got 3 large pots ages ago, for planting up some herbs for an inside window sill. But so far, I haven't gotten around to it.

You should also grow a chilli plant, they do well in pots.

20-06-2008, 18:34
Most of mine aren't doing too well at the moment :/ Would like to try a chilli plant though :)

20-06-2008, 18:56
Most of mine aren't doing too well at the moment :/ Would like to try a chilli plant though :)

They're MEGA easy to look after, grow quite quickly and you can get what I call bush chillis rather than tall chillis which are what I have, the plant grows to about 40cm high max and then bushes out :p my old housemate dave had tall chillis that he had to use canes for.

I'm getting an apache plant soon too, that'll be one firey beast :p

20-06-2008, 23:11
Looking very healthy Mubs :)

My herb garden is being overtaken by fennel at the moment. I have chives, parsley, rosemary, thyme, sage, mint and marjoram amongst other things all growing happily. I have some dill and coriander in the greenhouse ready to be potted up. I've also got some tomato plants and courgettes in the garden too. Should have my first courgette of the season in a few days. So satisfying being able to grow your own herbs and veg for cooking. Will definitely have a veg patch when we next move.

Most herbs will grow really well outside, but personally I wouldn't bother with basil or coriander as they're too tender. Just propogate them from seeds and then keep on a windowsill. You can also mash various combinations of herbs with butter and freeze it, which is a good way of preserving them through the winter.

21-06-2008, 04:30
You can also mash various combinations of herbs with butter and freeze it, which is a good way of preserving them through the winter.

Excellent tip, thanks Kate :)

21-06-2008, 11:25
Another way instead of butter is mix with a touch of water and blend. Then freeze in ice cube trays, then transfer to bags.
This is also an excellent way for stock as well. Stick the bones in some water with some veg, boil down for a few hours until very concentrated. Skim some of the fat of. Then again freeze in ice cube trays and transfer to bags. Fresh stock ready to rock!

21-06-2008, 15:20
This is also an excellent way for stock as well. Stick the bones in some water with some veg, boil down for a few hours until very concentrated. Skim some of the fat of. Then again freeze in ice cube trays and transfer to bags. Fresh stock ready to rock!
Agreed, I do this too. It's great when you just need a little splash of the stuff to add to a reduction or whatever.

21-06-2008, 15:22
They look gorgeous! I thoroughly intend to plant all my tomato/strawberry/pepper plants this year! Honest!

25-06-2008, 22:41
I have a few, can never get parsley to grow though