View Full Version : 5 hours sleep

22-06-2008, 07:00
Woo hoo /sarcasm

Second night in a row I've had 5 hours sleep thanks to one of my dogs thinking hat 5.30 am is a good time for me to get up :( If she wasn't so damn cute I swear I'd kill her. Early night tonight me thinks :(

No idea how I'll cope when I ever have kids, me needs me sleep.

22-06-2008, 07:16

Margaret Thatcher ran the country on 4 hours sleep a night!

(Tis faysh, who has just got in from a 12 hour night shift and is drinking a beer!)

22-06-2008, 07:53
I only had 6 and a bit hours sleep last night cos my dog thought it would be a good idea to sit on my head at that point.

22-06-2008, 08:30
5:30am is my normal get up time. You big Jessie :p

22-06-2008, 08:51
I do NOT (ok, maybe sometimes :p )

22-06-2008, 09:38
Since moving down to the Midlands I appear to be turning softer than I like :( It's hanging around with Southerners that's done it :(

22-06-2008, 09:43
Since moving down to the Midlands I appear to be turning softer than I like :( It's hanging around with Southerners that's done it :(


22-06-2008, 09:57
What's wrong with 5hrs sleep?! :o

22-06-2008, 10:00
I had 4 hours sleep last night of my own choice, and I feel fine :)

22-06-2008, 10:04
Actually 5hrs isn't that great, 6hrs is perfect though. I'm a daft o'clock waker like Kate.

22-06-2008, 10:50
Actually 5hrs isn't that great, 6hrs is perfect though. I'm a daft o'clock waker like Kate.


And that's usually how much sleep I get on a day to day basis.

22-06-2008, 10:57
5 hours is a decent nights kip! And 5.30 is a lie in!!

22-06-2008, 11:18
5 hours is a decent nights kip! And 5.30 is a lie in!!

You tell 'em!! :D

22-06-2008, 11:23
6 hours is my usual nights sleep I reckon, and it does me fine. I sometimes feel worse if I get more than that.

22-06-2008, 11:23
Friday night - 13+ hours sleep
Last night - 10 hours sleep

But then I did come home sick from work Friday afternoon...

22-06-2008, 11:36
Being sick is different though, you need all you can get so your body can fight off whatever is ailing you :)

22-06-2008, 13:44
I can easily function on 6hrs sleep. However being freelance means I often just sleep till about 10am and enjoy 8hrs. Alarm goes off at 8am... "Ah who cares *snooze*" Best idea for a noisy dog is ear plugs. Put them on him and he'll think he's gone deaf and stop barking :D (this may not work)

22-06-2008, 14:28
I can easily function on 6hrs sleep. However being freelance means I often just sleep till about 10am and enjoy 8hrs. Alarm goes off at 8am... "Ah who cares *snooze*" Best idea for a noisy dog is ear plugs. Put them on him and he'll think he's gone deaf and stop barking :D (this may not work)

She has a tendancy to flick my hand with her nose and if that doesn't work she'll jump on the bed and try and drag the covers off me ;D

23-06-2008, 00:03
7 hours is about normal for me now, except on weekends where it normally change a lot....to 4-5 hours. I used to be so lazy, thinking that 10am was getting up early.

23-06-2008, 09:10
I normally have 5 hours sleep - go to sleep about 2am, and wake up at 7ish.

I need about 10 hours a night though to feel like I have had a proper sleep.

23-06-2008, 13:11
I'm 5 hours sunday > thursday then friday/sat generally go from whatever time I get in until 11am. That could be anything from 4 to 11 hours :D