View Full Version : Gym motivation

23-06-2008, 23:16
I used to have a gym membership a while back but found that I could never be bothered with actually going. Is there a trick to keep going or is it all in the mind, i.e. I want to go so I will go, not, I want to go but meh.

I'd love to start going back seriously lack the motivation even though I know I am getter for and more un-fitter the longer I leave it. :(

24-06-2008, 06:49
Believe it or not I have huge motivational issues to going to the gym. I find it nigh on impossible unless I really psyche myself up for it. Once I'm there I'm loving it, but to get there is a chore and a half, especially after a long day when you're tired.

You just have to get over that mental stumbling block. It's not easy - but if you want it and now I've started to see results it helps pick me up to get down there. :) The motivation for me would be to lose my physique and fitness/health as that's really important to me.

24-06-2008, 07:58
Once I'm there I'm loving it, but to get there is a chore and a half, especially after a long day when you're tired.

Same here to be honest. What I have to do is basically schedule what I'm going to do and just go down there! I remind myself how much money I'm spending there, how much I'll enjoy it once I'm there and how much better I'll feel after, even if I just do cardio / weights (rather than both) :)

24-06-2008, 08:24
I tend to also go there straight from work meaning I don't have an excuse to become lazy at home and lose the motivation for it.

24-06-2008, 08:38
When I worked in the gym I used to get women to put gym sessions in their diaries as an appointment and tell them to treat it as such. Once it had become a routine they were fine at coming in.

24-06-2008, 08:42
I tend to also go there straight from work meaning I don't have an excuse to become lazy at home and lose the motivation for it.

That was partly the problem, the first gym I joined the car park could only hold about 10 cars or so, so if there were no spaces I'd go home thinking I'd go back later. Which I never did. The second gym was mainly full of really fit people after work and I always felt self concious about going. If they opened early enough in the morning I would go then, but since they opened at 7.30/8.00 there was no time to go before I had to be in work.

Admiral Huddy
24-06-2008, 10:44
I could never be bothered with actually going.

Sorry to hit it straight to you but this is your problem. As the saying goes:

"Moviation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going"

Basically, you have to start treating the gym just as important as breathing, eating, sleeping and having sex :) Put 100% in, get 100% out - simple! Occassional gym gooeers piss me right off! "It's my holiday next month.. must loose 2 stone and get toned"! GRRrrrrrrrrrrrr

I'm 100% motivated for the gym because 1. It's part of my life and 2. It's by habit.

I train 4 times a week in the gym. At 12:15 I'm getting ready and 12:30 I'm off.

The best thing to get into a habit is not to go from home. For example, when I trained evenings, I went to the Gym straight from work. If I
stopped off at home first, I'd never get going. I'm lucky now I can train lunch times (I make the time up) so I'm already out of the door so to speak...

Try and make it the same time and same day and don't let anything get in the way. Unless it's vital, don't make excuses for yourself, like I casn't be bnothered etc.. As I said, I leave for the gym spot on 12:30 for the gym. Habit.

If you really are in a habit of not being bothered then it's obvious your are not doing it for the right reasons. Maybe you haven't found a clear objective as to why you want to go to the gym and/or are unsure of your goals? Unless you can answer these questions then you're best not going and saving you membership money.

24-06-2008, 11:05
Sorry to hit it straight to you but this is your problem. As the saying goes:

"Moviation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going"

You nicked this from our gym :p

Occassional gym gooeers piss me right off! "It's my holiday next month.. must loose 2 stone and get toned"! GRRrrrrrrrrrrrr

:o well I guess I am not really.... just that a holiday makes me work harder and go more often!!! :D

I'm pretty much the same... I leave here at 12.30 lunchtime too.

BB x

24-06-2008, 11:24
Sorry to hit it straight to you but this is your problem. As the saying goes:

"Moviation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going"

Basically, you have to start treating the gym just as important as breathing, eating, sleeping and having sex :) Put 100% in, get 100% out - simple! Occassional gym gooeers piss me right off! "It's my holiday next month.. must loose 2 stone and get toned"! GRRrrrrrrrrrrrr

I'm 100% motivated for the gym because 1. It's part of my life and 2. It's by habit.

I train 4 times a week in the gym. At 12:15 I'm getting ready and 12:30 I'm off.

The best thing to get into a habit is not to go from home. For example, when I trained evenings, I went to the Gym straight from work. If I
stopped off at home first, I'd never get going. I'm lucky now I can train lunch times (I make the time up) so I'm already out of the door so to speak...

Try and make it the same time and same day and don't let anything get in the way. Unless it's vital, don't make excuses for yourself, like I casn't be bnothered etc.. As I said, I leave for the gym spot on 12:30 for the gym. Habit.

If you really are in a habit of not being bothered then it's obvious your are not doing it for the right reasons. Maybe you haven't found a clear objective as to why you want to go to the gym and/or are unsure of your goals? Unless you can answer these questions then you're best not going and saving you membership money.

I understand where you are coming from but it's almost a catch 22 situation. I want to go to get fitter/healthier, lose some weight and bulk up a bit, but I don't like going as I'm pretty damn unfit and always feel weird when training next to people who are like Will. Which is stupid but it's how my brain works.

The sooner I get it into my head that unless I do something about it I'll never change.

Admiral Huddy
24-06-2008, 11:37
I understand where you are coming from but it's almost a catch 22 situation. I want to go to get fitter/healthier, lose some weight and bulk up a bit, but I don't like going as I'm pretty damn unfit and always feel weird when training next to people who are like Will. Which is stupid but it's how my brain works.

The sooner I get it into my head that unless I do something about it I'll never change.

It's not about other people.. It's about you.. I totally switch off from everything and every body whislt I'm training. Comes with time.

We have all been there.. I was a lazy 17 stone lump of lard at 28 ( I was around 11 stone when I was in my earlry 20s). I changed my life because I saw what this life had done to my father and I didn't want that. I've not looked back since. My objective was and still is to lead a fitter stronger life.

You nicked this from our gym :p

BB x

I did but I've heard it before.. 'Tis very good :)

24-06-2008, 11:38
There are two ways to look at this Wossi, you can either look at those guys, feel intimidated and leave the gym. Or you can look at those guys, feel inspired and work harder.

I've been in both frames of mind before, but I can tell you which on works best and I can tell you where I'm at right now :)

To take a saying from a pro BB'er I've met..."It's not impossible, it just takes longer than you think".

24-06-2008, 12:19
but I don't like going as I'm pretty damn unfit and always feel weird when training next to people who are like Will. Which is stupid but it's how my brain works.

Any seasoned gym-goer worth their salt will not look down on you no matter what size or shape you are. The fact that you're in the gym is enough to earn respect that you're doing something about your health. My gym is a bit of an OAP zone - about 50%-60% are over 50 and many are overweight, but the gym hasn't even been open a year yet so a lot of these people are the kind that never exercised at all before and joined up when it opened because it was local and convenient. Kudos to them for sticking at it and not thinking 'I'm too old/fat to start losing weight now'.

The only people that irk me in the gym are those that grab a magazine and sit on the recumbent bikes pedalling at 1km/h. Waste of time and space.

My main motivations are, in no particular order:

- Seeing results. The more overweight you are, the quicker you'll see results from training. As you progress, it gets harder to shift the fat but by then you can see the difference so you know it's working.

- Setting a plan. At the moment I'm doing resistance training three days a week, and cardio three days a week with one rest day. If I miss a day it means I've used up my rest day and will have to do something on the Sunday when I'd usually be resting, which sucks!

- Music. I simply wouldn't have half the motivation if I wasn't listening to something. Half the time I get lost in the music and forget I'm running like a madman.

24-06-2008, 12:41
I'm at the gym 6 days a week and working my nuts off without fail ( unless I absolutely cannot go for whatever reason )

My motivation ? I'm making real changes to my body and feel so much better about myself, I NEVER want my body to go back the way it was.

It's habit to me now and I'd be lost without the gym.

24-06-2008, 13:30
I want to start going to the gym, but I always say i am going to go, and go and join, then for a while, I really do stick at it, but then get bored and stop going eventually. I dont cancel because I think "no, I WILL go back" and by the time i realise I actually wont, I have been paying for nothing every month.

I havent been since 2002.

Ooops :(

24-06-2008, 13:48
I understand where you are coming from but it's almost a catch 22 situation. I want to go to get fitter/healthier, lose some weight and bulk up a bit, but I don't like going as I'm pretty damn unfit and always feel weird when training next to people who are like Will. Which is stupid but it's how my brain works.

The sooner I get it into my head that unless I do something about it I'll never change.


don't compare yourself to me - I've been doing it for 18 months seriously - I'm an addict it's not a fair comparison.

I'm always offering advice to new members and help them with their work out - obviously I'm not an expert and tell them so, but I'd never snub my nose at someone who's deciding to show some commitment and dedication. :)

24-06-2008, 14:05
Sorry for using you as an example, no offence was intended. It's just that there were some at the gym who used to look down on people who were a lot smaller than them especially at the first gym I went to, but then it was run by an ex-professional body builder so catered more to body builders than people like me.

I'm going to look into re-joining and force myself to go on the way home (luckily I have to pass it to get home from work) and keep at it. The main thing I want to do is lose weight and get a bit fitter.

24-06-2008, 14:12
I understand where you are coming from but it's almost a catch 22 situation. I want to go to get fitter/healthier, lose some weight and bulk up a bit, but I don't like going as I'm pretty damn unfit and always feel weird when training next to people who are like Will. Which is stupid but it's how my brain works.

I totally understand what you mean.

Last year I put on a lot of weight, because of my body shape I put more fat on my thigh area and look a bit odd :/ anyway I was busting out of my 'fat jeans' and got to the point where enough was enough.

Plus the fact that we were doing Race For Life and I wanted to be fit for that - I had something to work towards, even though its only 5km its a great sense of achievement.

I guess what I am saying is that you possibly need some sort of incentive to kick start you off... mine at the moment is my holiday in a couple of weeks, but unfortunately I seem to have plateaued... anyway I think that's the starting point.

Why don't you book in a programme session with one of the trainers so you get a pattern to follow and like others have said block out tues and thurs evenings to go straight to the gym after work?

If you miss one, do something else - go walking or jogging - remember 'something' is better than nothing and we all have to start somewhere :) once you get over that first hurdle you will be fine!

BB x

24-06-2008, 14:19
Sorry for using you as an example, no offence was intended. It's just that there were some at the gym who used to look down on people who were a lot smaller than them especially at the first gym I went to, but then it was run by an ex-professional body builder so catered more to body builders than people like me.

I'm going to look into re-joining and force myself to go on the way home (luckily I have to pass it to get home from work) and keep at it. The main thing I want to do is lose weight and get a bit fitter.

Don't be silly, not offence was taken, if anything I was rather flattered - in fact very flattered that you should choose me! :)

However what I meant was that it's silly to compare yourself to a serious gym addict - go there and do what you need to do, be inspired, don't feel like you have to be better or worse than them, do what you have to. It's hard when you beat yourself up over it, and doesn't do you any good! :)

Admiral Huddy
24-06-2008, 16:06
... It's hard when you beat yourself up over it, and doesn't do you any good! :)

We have all been here and I still do at times.

24-06-2008, 16:32
We have all been here and I still do at times.

Ditto I have as you all know a very low regard and esteem about myself form a physical appearance point of view - that's my motivation for the gym, at least the body building will held detract from my insecurities - at least that's the theory.

07-08-2008, 16:27
Slight bumpage, finally decided that I'm going back to the gym, but have a choice of 2. 1 will cost about £35 a month, the other £50 but does include a pool, sauna and steam room. I'm going to pop over and have a look to see what they have, but is there anything in particular I should ask them about their facilities and what not? I don't want to pay an £15 a month for it to be not much better.

07-08-2008, 16:37
It does depend whether or not you will feel the need to use those extra facilities. I'd LOVE a steam room in mine and would actively use it if I could however I don't... we do have a pool though, but I never use it either.

07-08-2008, 17:50
I personally go to the gym, work my butt off, maybe chat for a little while and then come home so extra facilities wouldn't really interest me.

My last gym had a pool/jacuzzi/steam room etc but I never used them ;D

08-09-2008, 13:43
There are lots of good reasons to go to the gym or get yourself out running. Self-image improves, fitness and also emotional stability improves a lot as well.

08-09-2008, 16:57
I'd be too tempted to sit in the steam room all night and not do a workout, but if you're motivated enough then it might be a nice treat after your workout.

Which gyms are they? Someone somewhere must be a member of one of ours!!

08-09-2008, 18:44
I personally go to the gym, work my butt off, maybe chat for a little while and then come home so extra facilities wouldn't really interest me.

My last gym had a pool/jacuzzi/steam room etc but I never used them ;D
My gym has a pool and a 'relaxation suite' with a sauna, steam room etc. in it. I can use it for free as I have full membership but as soon as I'm done at the gym I generally just want to go home and die.

08-09-2008, 20:05
It took so much effort to get to the gym tonight, but once I'm there I can't leave! lol! The only thing that brings me home is a huge calorific meal! :D

I need to get ready for my beach holiday so that Kate doesn't feel repulsed! ;)

08-09-2008, 20:08
i love running but my knees are ****ed from 15 years of hard graft, so cycling is my new thing :)

08-09-2008, 20:11
I love the feeling I get after running but it's such hard work shoving this weight around... I can run for ages (I have good endurance) but just not very quickly at all, it very much is a jog and not a run - I have to run on grass as with my weight on my poor knees they hurt quite a lot if I'm not careful :( I'm just not designed for fast long distance running!

However running around like a lunatic on a rugby pitch, squash court or even chucking a frisbee around with mates I can do for hours on end! :D

08-09-2008, 20:36
I need to get ready for my beach holiday so that Kate doesn't feel repulsed! ;)
I'll try not to make my wretching too obvious :p

08-09-2008, 22:19
There are lots of good reasons to go to the gym or get yourself out running. Self-image improves, fitness and also emotional stability improves a lot as well.sex life improves too, especially if you both go ;)

09-09-2008, 07:45
I think I'm like Wossi. At the moment I just can't go - I feel dreadful and get myself all wound up and upset over it.

Stupid really.

To be honest... I don't think the gym is for me. I've tried it numerous times now and I just get upset. I need to go back to something like volleyball. I loved volleyball so much.