View Full Version : what Knifes do people use?

29-06-2008, 22:53
I've had global, sabatier and Kershaw Wasabi.

The wasabi is by far the best blade, but it's treated in something which makes everything stick to the blade and that makes it useless. I'm not a fan of the globals. The sabatier is a good solid knife, but lacks blade hardness so needs frequent sharpening.

Thinking about trying one of these next

what have you guys got, if you want to show of by all means show pics. WHat do you guys want?

29-06-2008, 23:14
I'm a exclusively Global person. I've got at the moment:
GSF-24 - 15cm forged utility knife.
GSF-22 - 11cm forged utility knife.
G-17 - 27cm cooks knife
G-7 - 18cm Deba
G-14 - 30cm Sashimi knife *my favourite*
and 2 of the 30th anniversary knifes. These are the ones we use most often. Ideal for veg and fruit and even some meats.

I know that some people don't get on with the grip shape of them. I've yet to have any problems with them.

I used to use Sabatier - but after being given a Global as a present, I sold them all and got Globals instead. Difference is immense. The Globals hold their edge so much easier. I used to sharpen the Sabatiers around 2 to 3 times a week, The Globals get sharpened once a week. I use a proper whetstone just to keep the edge sharp. Takes about 1min per knife.

If you want to try something different, take a look at the Ceramic knives. They are a complete bugger to sharpen, but you don't need to do it that often. I would take them to a specalist to get it done though.

Not tried the Kershaw knifes so can't comment on them. It may well be worth trying to find a proper cooks shop nearby and going down and trying their knife range. The one I use has 3 floor to celing cabinets filled with knifes and are willing to let people try the display models. :D

30-06-2008, 15:36
Not a fan of Globals myself, don't like the handle. Had a set of Sabatiers that my mum nicked and they needed a lick over the steel every few times but were easy to keep an edge on. Replaced them with a set from one of the department stores that I deemed high enough quality, nice knives but they are a bit broad and they need a regrind. I'm thinking of replacing the big ones with some new Sabatiers to be honest.

Also got a really nice quality cleaver, not a bone hacker but a thin slicer/chopper and it's probably my favourite knife out the lot and it holds such a good edge and I know it would have someones arm off if it had to.

30-06-2008, 15:40
G-17 - 27cm cooks knife


It doesn't get sharpened as often as it deserves though. :o

30-06-2008, 15:48
Poor taste. Thought about it & slapped myself. Apologise to anybody who saw it :o

30-06-2008, 20:44
I've just got a set of "professional" ones I bought from Boots when I used to work there. They're OK, but I'd love a proper knife that I could actually keep sharp. Think I'll be asking for one for my Bday, so also keeping an eye on this thread :)

30-06-2008, 21:12
My mum has the same ones as Jon, as said they're a little soft, but i've got her into the habbit of keeping it sharp. They all sit on the magnetic rack, with the sharpener next to it. When i was home recently i made sure she took them our local nice butcher who really brings them up too (for free as well! :D). Lovely knives for the price without doubt. But they're not the high end professional knife some people might want. I couldn't afford anymore for her birthday though :p

30-06-2008, 21:20
I;ve got a really nice set from Habitat that I got about 10 years ago - really wonderful set.

01-07-2008, 10:14
We now have 3 Global knives, a GS-11 Flexible, a G-2 and a G-9 bread knife.


01-07-2008, 10:20
Forgot I had a photo of my three faves:


It's the big one I think I'll replace with a Sabatier, the little paring knife and the cleaver are awesome.

01-07-2008, 10:23
I have a nice, hefty meat cleaver which my Grandad made a wooden block for. The two knives I use the most look like your pairing knife and your cooks knife Johnny. Would also like one of those vegetable knives. I like the handles on the Globals, so might go for them. Would like to have a try first though as they're a lot of money.

01-07-2008, 10:57
Any of the bigger John Lewis's's's or House of Fraser should have a knife expert to hand and should be able to let you have go with his chopper to see if you like it or not. The one in Bluewater does.

01-07-2008, 11:56

08-07-2008, 15:14
I have a set of Sabatier, what do people use to sharpen their knives? I have a 'Carborundum' (I think) stone that I use dry, I'm sure its not ideal though....

08-07-2008, 15:38
Just on a steel. If you've got good quality knives you'll need a very good steel or you'll shave it smooth.

08-07-2008, 15:50
Forgot I had a photo of my three faves:


It's the big one I think I'll replace with a Sabatier, the little paring knife and the cleaver are awesome.

Nice chopper Jon!

08-07-2008, 16:34
I want a chopper. But I aint getting anything whist in this house. My wsabi, now has huge chunks missing out the blade and my sabatier has gone missing. Think there will be arguments in the Acid house tonight..

As well as the kitchen being like a dumb. Also my blender broke the other week on it's own apparently...

08-07-2008, 17:17
Just on a steel. If you've got good quality knives you'll need a very good steel or you'll shave it smooth.

I would really recommend a Mino Sharp sharpener instead of a steel. So much easier to use and you don't run the risk of damaging the blade by not using the steel properly.

There are 2 - one for global knives and one universal one. Both around £25.

09-07-2008, 22:36
One of these things?


13-07-2008, 15:34


is the latest addition to my cooking aparatus. All I can say is.... WOW!!!! Dead pleased with it :D

13-07-2008, 22:28
One of these things?


Oooh. Not seen that one.
Normally they only have 2 wheels.

But yes, that sort of thing.