View Full Version : No money and stuck in a hotel

30-06-2008, 19:06
So apparently my sister is stuck in San Fransisco with only $37 to her name, the company she dealt with to get a job teaching the US only paid her for 10 months not 12 like she thought. She is currently sitting in a hotel room waiting for confirmation that money has been transferred using Western union. Both myself and her think it's hilarious, my parents are panicking slightly and Western union is a pain to sort out.


30-06-2008, 19:08
Western Union? I thought that was only used by Nigerian scammers?

30-06-2008, 19:08
Western Union? I thought that was only used by Nigerian scammers?

Going by their site and how crap it is, I'm not surprised.

30-06-2008, 19:19
Doesn't sound like the best situation to be in! Hopefully she will have a little more money to her name soon :D

30-06-2008, 19:20
I take it she's around that area then?

Oh it's also Gay Pride week there or something, the bloke she has gone with will no doubt love it ;)

30-06-2008, 19:22
All sorted now, did it over the phone, she'll have the money as soon as she gets to a local agent.

30-06-2008, 19:27
Result, if that was me I would be VERY relieved:D

30-06-2008, 19:29
Considering she and her housemate managed to spend about $200 last night between them, she should be relieved :D

30-06-2008, 19:38
Parents are weird things :p

Thats definately not the end of the world, they'd sort something out, and if they didn't you/someone they can rely on would bail them out for the short term...

30-06-2008, 19:45
Parents are weird things :p

Thats definately not the end of the world, they'd sort something out, and if they didn't you/someone they can rely on would bail them out for the short term...

It wouldn't have been so bad, but they are in Bulgaria at the apartment and mum, bless her, has a tendency to panic ;D

30-06-2008, 23:43
All mums panic when there babies in even the littlest spot of difficulty....

01-07-2008, 00:02
All mums panic when there babies in even the littlest spot of difficulty....


If I don't phone my Mam within a week of getting on the rig, she assumes the thing has sunk to the bottom of the Med - and I'm nearly 43 :D

01-07-2008, 08:55
I thought you were 21!!!


01-07-2008, 09:01
Mum's panic, it's what they do. It took my Mum ages to get out of the habit of expecting a phone call every time I arrived in a foreign country.