View Full Version : Any CPS members?

30-06-2008, 19:55
Just wondering if anyone on here is a member of the Canon Pro services/network and could tell me how it works?

Ive been a member for 2 years now and not attended a single event, ive been told recently that rather than waiting for invitations for events, i should be checking the CPS website for news of upcoming events, thing is when i log in there is nothing like that, just links to edit my kit and other settings...

Please help me, i think im missing out on stuff i might be interested in. :)

30-06-2008, 20:09
I haven't had any invites. I've been a memeber since late last year.

Edit: WTF are you doing here Dreeder :p

30-06-2008, 20:16
Spamming... but besides that Mr Feek and Dymetrie invited me after the Edinburgh meet... Not that Dym was there, but still i told me to get my ass signed up. :)

30-06-2008, 20:21
Ah. Shame I missed it, would have been nice to meet you. But ya CPS, not a word from them besides an email now and then. I did hear that you get invited places and get to try out the latest gear but nada.

30-06-2008, 20:32
I might email the UK rep and let them know im in the market for some shiny L glass and see if that prompts them to invite me places... not that i am.

As for the meet, ill be attending pretty much every meet any forum im on holds so as youre fairly local im sure well both end up meeting sooner or later at one of them. :)

30-06-2008, 21:20
I may email them and say "If you don't give me a 5dm2 in September I'll goto Nikon" and see what I get ;)

09-07-2008, 19:11
Damn DREEDER you gimp!

09-07-2008, 19:12
Damn DREEDER you gimp!

Erm.. Hi Robert. :o

Whatve i done wrong now?

09-07-2008, 20:00
Nothing, I was just welcoming you :D

I haven't spoken to you in ages.

09-07-2008, 20:14
Nothing, I was just welcoming you :D

I haven't spoken to you in ages.

Arhh... and you wonder why with greetings like that. ;)