View Full Version : A game I stole! Badly Bl**ped TV!

01-07-2008, 20:41
Shamelessly stolen from Scott Mills this morning, I figured few of you were listening at 9:21 so I decided to grab the clips so we all could play! If you were listening then you've already played and cant join in this one :p

It's a simple game, I'll play you a clip, you tell me what's bleeped out. Points if you get it right, more points if you make it funny!

To get us started, some football commentary:

Clip 1 (http://www.dwuk.net/bleepgame/clip1.mp3)

Big ears:

Clip 2 (http://www.dwuk.net/bleepgame/clip2.mp3)

Country file!:

Clip 3 (http://www.dwuk.net/bleepgame/clip3.mp3)

And finally, miss Whiley:

Clip 4 (http://www.dwuk.net/bleepgame/clip4.mp3)

What say you, BD? :D

01-07-2008, 20:44
This is the best part of the Mills show. The best one was the one he suggested for that terrible answerphone message where the guy said 'I'm a catch'. :D

Luckily I missed it today so I can guess... shame I can't think of anything non-rude!

Dr. Z
01-07-2008, 20:44
I heard this the other day on my way home from work, I think Scott Mills shamelessly stole this idea from Greg James / Zane Lowe.

Funny as :D

01-07-2008, 20:47
This is the best part of the Mills show. The best one was the one he suggested for that terrible answerphone message where the guy said 'I'm a catch'. :D
Haha :D

DRZ - I'm trying to come up with my own phrases to bleep, brains not in gear at the mo though, and these'll do for now :)

01-07-2008, 21:07
Ahahaha! Miriam one is ace!