View Full Version : VB help wanted, Daz probably.

22-08-2006, 23:24
I'm a mod on a forum using vBulletin Version 3.5.4

My primary usergroup is 'administrator', secondary is 'directors'.

Both these groups have the box ticked to not show when a post is edited. Which is great.

However, I'm now in a third group which is configured so show when a post is edited. I don't want this.

Is there any way I can tweak it so that members of this third group who aren't either directors or administrators will still have 'edited by' showing, but people who are in all three won't?

23-08-2006, 00:59
After a bit of fishing around the vBulletin forums...

Assuming that, for admins, you don't care about any permissions in the secondary groups, then go to the permissions for the 'administrator' group and set 'Allow Users to have Member Groups' to No.

You can do the same for 'directors' if it's relevant to you (i.e. for users who have that as their primary usergroup).

If you do care about secondary group permissions, then the answer is no, you can't do that. A 'Yes' permission always overrides a 'No'.

In any event, changing this option shouldn't affect your membership of the secondary groups.

23-08-2006, 10:58
Making the change for the administrators group seems to have done the trick, that's great, thank you :)

23-08-2006, 11:16
A 'Yes' permission always overrides a 'No'.
I always hated that. Permissions logic dictates that explicit deny takes precedence over an explicit allow, and with neither then there's an implicit deny.

Anyway, you're sorted :)