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View Full Version : Dragon Boat Racing

Admiral Huddy
04-07-2008, 12:15
We mananged to get roped in to Dargon racing a few weeks ago.. but ended up on the ladies team. I kept clashing my paddle with the girl in front as she wasn't leaning forward enough.. As a result she had very wet knickers. My mates team ended up as the days winrars!!
Here's some pics:

The 6 hour briefing.. :rolleyes:

off we go to the start 1...2...1...2...1... Tomorrow we'll learn numbers 3 through to 4.. Inclusive..

My daughter is at the front not banging her drum and my son is in the red Arsenal shirt trying to work out which way we should be going!


half way to the finishing line.. It's close as you can see. The girls knickers are very wet at this point and some tart keeps banging my head.. Nice to see we are keeping up..!! :D


Ok this is a few seconds later and i think we are sinking..


In all a very enjoyable day .. Get 'em Danno!
dadadadadaaaaa dadadaaaaaa

may be something we could arrange next year ?

04-07-2008, 12:18
I went to watch some dragon boat racing last weekend over in Milton Keynes. Was a good morning out :)

04-07-2008, 12:21
Ok this is a few seconds later and i think we are sinking..

With you on board, I'm surprised it was as little as this. I was thinking icebergs, explosions, lifeboats, sharks....

Admiral Huddy
04-07-2008, 12:24
With you on board, I'm surprised it was as little as this. I was thinking icebergs, explosions, lifeboats, sharks....

The day went through with no incident - I'm getting better :D

04-07-2008, 12:29
I've never heard of it before :o Looks like a great day though :)

04-07-2008, 12:48
I did this a few years ago while i was still with the ex, it was her works day out and as a partner got invited along. Similar issue to you Huddy as guy in front kept coming back with his paddle far to far so i couldn't do anything bar avoid my fingers getting smashed. Not that i was happy doing this with my slight ok complete fear of water due to something that happened to me as a kid, so if the forum arranged this i would stand on the bank as official photographer :p


semi-pro waster
04-07-2008, 13:05
I've always thought it looks rather like fun but I'm not sure I'd cope too well with trying to play nicely with everyone else in the boat, matching strokes is hard work and when I've gone double kayaking or white water rafting I just end up thinking "it'd be so much easier by myself".

04-07-2008, 17:57
Sounds like you had a lot of fun! :D

Did the kids enjoy it?

06-07-2008, 21:27
I was going to do this myself, glad I did not if Paul 'accident waiting to happen' Huddy was there, we would have hit an iceburg ! ! ! !