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View Full Version : Decent defragger?

08-07-2008, 22:12
My hard drives are chugging away and even with the side on they're making more noise than usual. I defragged my windows partition but it still says total fragmentation is 12% and file fragmentation is 24%, not good. When I run a defrag it takes about 30 seconds and says 'Some files on this volume could not be defragemented. Please check the defragmentation report for the list of these files.' There are no files in the report!

So, can anyone reccomend something better than the Windows defracker that might help?

08-07-2008, 22:41
Diskeeper http://www.diskeeper.com/defrag.asp
O&O Defrag http://www.oo-software.com/home/en/products/oodefrag/
Perfect Disk http://www.download.com/PerfectDisk/3000-2094_4-10349543.html?hhTest

...seem to get a few mentions about the place

08-07-2008, 23:11
I don't like paying, and usually cna't be bothered stealing defrag software, so use this:
Does the job pretty damn well, does everything i rudimentaly need anyway.
These are also good though:

Tbh just read lifehacker, comes up top trumps everytime :D

09-07-2008, 00:01
JK degrag with a seperate GUI. Does the job I want brilliantly.

09-07-2008, 00:01
Cool I'll give those a try (the free ones only methinks).

09-07-2008, 00:09

I'm gonna give jkdefrag a try.

UltimateDefrag was crap, left my drive 35% fragmented :/

09-07-2008, 01:04
It's always worked fine for me, JKdefrag works great too, its just a little bare-bones :p

09-07-2008, 01:07
Just used Ultimate defrag and Windows is still saying its the same, I'll try another next time a desperately need something to occupy me late at night!

09-07-2008, 01:14
Haha, maybe they've screwed up the latest version. If i'm honest i'm never in a "rush" to defrag and leave it to the vista one. But i've installed Ultimate on 3 other machines and its not had a problem... Just try and different one i can't remember why i chose that, it seemed best at the time, but i'm sure theyre all much or a muchness...

09-07-2008, 01:21
Actually i take the above back, try this one: http://www.auslogics.com/disk-defrag

09-07-2008, 01:27
Find one that works and stick with it. Some tools will leave behind a certain amount of harmless fragmentation (typically big files which are expensive to defragment completely), others are just crap.

Once you have found one, remove the rest and disable the Windows one. Using more than one tool will probably result in a defrag war.

My Diskeeper trial is coming to an end and I'm not sure I have the funds to buy it so might leech this effort. ;D

09-07-2008, 01:34
Actually i take the above back, try this one: http://www.auslogics.com/disk-defrag

Before I realised that JK had GUI's out there I kept looking for a more friendly interface. I found the one by auslogics and tried it. I then restarted JK and found that the former didn't do a very good job. JK ran again and started shifting plenty of clusters about.

I think there was an analysis of all the free defraggers out there and JK came out top. The report is a wee bit old if memory serves me correct and the guy who wrote it himself was very surprised that such a simple and small program was the best at the time.

Edit - I found the link :

Here (http://donnedwards.openaccess.co.za/2007/06/great-defrag-shootout-all.html) is a list the programs that he analysed, and here (http://donnedwards.openaccess.co.za/2007/09/great-defrag-shootout-winners.html) is the winner. The article is actually from June 2007, so it's just over a year old :)

Edit 2 - Here (http://www.openaccess.co.za/BlackAndWhiteInc/JkDefragExtraSetup.exe) is a link containing some GUI's.

09-07-2008, 06:19

13-07-2008, 13:22
One uses Defraggler (http://www.defraggler.com/), what what.

13-07-2008, 14:15
One uses Defraggler (http://www.defraggler.com/), what what.

Just giving this one a try :D
Didn't realise out of 62gb used, 28gb of it was in dire need of defragging ;D
Hoping it'll help some weird stuttering problems I've had. *crosses fingers*

13-07-2008, 19:15
Lol ;D