View Full Version : Shocking Young Girl Behaviour !!!

09-07-2008, 14:59
So yesterday whilst I was out & about before i got caught up in my New rig buzz I was strolling through park at the back of mine & I heard,
Go on lick it now then, I looks over & some girl around 12 is holding a sweet lolly down by her crutch, Her mate then goes over leans down & starts licking the lolly laughing her tits off :(
Now I may be an Old Git but Kin ell what Disgraceful behaviour for a Young woman :(
On top of this all the Racist jokes, Innapropriatte jokes & down right out of order jokes are sent to me by, Yes you guessed it Women.
WTF has happened to the women to turn a big majority of them into Spit & saw dust Yobbos :angry:

09-07-2008, 15:16
On the flip side why would it be better if a 12 year old male did it?

Admiral Huddy
09-07-2008, 15:19
Two letters of influence:


09-07-2008, 15:43
On the flip side why would it be better if a 12 year old male did it?

S'pose I am just old fashioned when it comes to Women/Girls. :confused:

09-07-2008, 15:55
S'pose I am just old fashioned when it comes to Women/Girls. :confused:

I think in a strange way its about being equal, not that the children themselves know but its what they're fed. I would much rather the lad culture thats accepted in lads would possibly just ease up a little, because its only expected for some girls to act like this as well...

09-07-2008, 16:31
I don't think it's just the ladies! It's the boys too!

After lending my pen to a youngster in my previous teaching assistant job and then observing him ramming it up his nose, licking it and then turning round, dropping his pants and sticking it up his bumhole.... nothing surprises me now


I liked that pen lots before he got hold of it.


09-07-2008, 19:39
This kind of behaviour got mentioned at a youth club I was involved in a while back, along with promiscuity and so on. When the concepts of chastity and so on were mentioned the response was "Yeah, but haven't you heard of womens lib?" I would love to be able to take those two back in time to meet the Pankhursts and other suffragettes. Teach them what Womens Lib was really about.

09-07-2008, 20:15
I don't think it's just the ladies! It's the boys too!

After lending my pen to a youngster in my previous teaching assistant job and then observing him ramming it up his nose, licking it and then turning round, dropping his pants and sticking it up his bumhole.... nothing surprises me now


I liked that pen lots before he got hold of it.



09-07-2008, 20:33
Two letters of influence:



10-07-2008, 19:10
This kind of behaviour got mentioned at a youth club I was involved in a while back, along with promiscuity and so on. When the concepts of chastity and so on were mentioned the response was "Yeah, but haven't you heard of womens lib?" I would love to be able to take those two back in time to meet the Pankhursts and other suffragettes. Teach them what Womens Lib was really about.

Quite, we need more Emily Davison-type figures to set young ladies on the right course ;)

10-07-2008, 19:41
I wrote my dissertation on the suffrage movement, I do not look back upon it with any fondness.