View Full Version : Your food allergies

13-07-2008, 17:46
This might make an interesting thread. Have you got a food allergy and what does it do to you when you eat it?

I used to be skeptical of food allergies but in the last couple of years I've developed an allergy to white fish. I first remember it when I was about 18 when we went down to the coast and had a slap up fish supper. On the way home I was sick and brought the whole meal up undigested. I didn't think much of it at the time and put it down to a bad bit of food. At university I never really ate fish other than the odd fish finger or tuna mayo sandwich and I was fine with that but I had fresh white fish a couple of times and it made me sick each time.

It seemed to get worse over the next few years to the point that just a small helping of white fish would make me quite sick and I put it to the test on holiday in France when the family had fish and I ate a small amount with my meal. It made me very ill and I was violently vomiting for days. Since then I haven't touched any fish at all.

However, it's a bizarre thing... I am 100% fine with seafood, smoked salmon, tramasalata and I appear to be alright with anchovies because I can eat a pizza with anchovies and not be ill. It's almost like I would probably be ok with oily fish like tuna and salmon but I'm reluctant to try because of the risk of illness :D

I've promised myself one day I'll try a tuna mayo sandwich during work time so if I ruin my day it'll be a work day I ruin. I've always hoped it's just an intolerance and by not eating any of that food for a number of years I'll purge it out my system and be ok again.

13-07-2008, 18:09
None. Which is nice.

Ooh that's total bollocks!
Synthetic cream sometimes gives me a tight chest, a bit like Asthma. Cool eh? :D
(I have avoided the stuff since I was about 17 or 18 for this very reason, it might have been a one off)

13-07-2008, 18:35
Lobster :(

It's quite a recent thing too as I used to have Lobster on a regular basis when I was spending a lot of time in Italy (there is a restaurant in Milan which is famous for Lobster) back in 2002 then I went a few years without going to that particular restaurant so I didn't have Lobster again until October last year and within 5 minutes of starting to eat I got hives on my neck.

I thought nothing of it but when I was back at the hotel I went for a shower and noticed that I was covered in hives on my shoulders and back.

At least I'm not allergic to something I have regularly, but still, I adore Lobster.

13-07-2008, 18:43
i am not allergic to any foods really. Although i cant eat cheese. A while after eating it i start feeling a bit dizzy, then i feel really hot and shaky, and get really bad stomach ache that lasts about an hour or so. The hospital told me not to eat it as it is causing inflammation, but i sometimes do, so i can have things like pizza. Also i am a bit stubborn and think if i just keep having it it will go away. It doesnt though, if anything it is getting worse. Soft types of cheese are ok though, so at least its not all types. Other than that nothing, except pineapple burns my mouth so i dont eat that :D

13-07-2008, 19:16
Nada. Squat. Zip. Zilcheroony. Then again I haven't tried every food of the world believe it or not! ;) I'd be gutted if I had any - I love my food too much.

I feel really sorry for people that have to watch what they eat and read every single ingredient to check for any traces of any food types.

13-07-2008, 19:25
I'm not actually allergic to anything I know of, but even the smell of peanut butter makes me feel sick.

Last week I took my sarnies out of the fridge as per normal, got to work, had a quick peek and thought "oh, that's unusual, I've got marmalade. I'll eat those for brekkers in a bit and get something else for dinner".

I started doing my daily morning tasks and after about half hour, I absently opened the box, grabbed a sandwich out and bit into it.

I didn't realise that Mrs. Feek had accidentally mixed the lunchboxes up in the fridge and I'd picked up LMF's.

Peanut butter.

I almost threw up on the spot, it was all I could do to spit out what I'd got in my mouth and run to the kitchen to wash my mouth out, it was an awful experience and one I hope to never have again.

Does that make me actually allergic to peanut butter? I don't know, but it does provoke an interesting reaction, the boss who was sitting in the office wondered what the hell was going on.

13-07-2008, 19:32
Whilst I dislike a few things (marmite, peanut butter, tomatoes and brown sauce are the main ones that spring to mind), I don't have any allergies that I am aware of *touch wood*

13-07-2008, 19:34
Peanut butter is one of my cheat fillings - lots of protein and energy - great for a pre-workout energy boost, followed by a banana - then I become unstoppable.

no I don't think it makes you allergic, just really not liking the smell/flavour is just a subjective thing. For example I gag when I smell or drink red bull - I hate it, however it doesn't give me any allergic reactions. :)

13-07-2008, 19:48
oooh, and oranges.

If i peel one, all round my mouth burns and itches, and i get a rash.

Eating them is ok though, its just the peel that does it.

13-07-2008, 20:17
Peanut butter is one of my cheat fillings - lots of protein and energy - great for a pre-workout energy boost, followed by a banana - then I become unstoppable.

Me too! Crunchy peanut better on wholemeal toast after a workout is just perfect. I eat my banana before I workout though as it gives me an extra boost.

I have a dairy allergy. It's not dangerous but I know if I've inadvertently eaten any as I feel sick and come out in big boils. Attractive! I then usually get whatever bug or virus is going round due to my immune system being busy fighting the allergen.

13-07-2008, 20:35
None that I know of, but occasionally (only twice that I remember) I'll eat a piece of fruit and it gives me a fat lip. I think it was a peach or nectarine last time. Lasts a couple of hours but it isn't noticeable, just uncomfortable. I've since eaten them and been fine. Maybe just a coincidence.

13-07-2008, 20:59
I feel really sorry for people that have to watch what they eat and read every single ingredient to check for any traces of any food types.

Same here. My synthetic cream issue is not an issue at all because synthetic cream is effing disgusting :D

13-07-2008, 21:07
I quite like synthetic cream :o

I can't drink red wine, it brings me out in mouth ulcers :'(

13-07-2008, 21:47
None that I have found...

14-07-2008, 11:46
I can't drink red wine, it brings me out in mouth ulcers :'(
I get that too but I think it's a combination of the acid, tannin and the wine depleting you of some vitamin. Got them all over my tongue from drinking lots of red over the last week, but I haven't been eating so well either.

14-07-2008, 12:47
Interesting you can eat fish fingers. I wondered if it was something to do with the processing because they never used to make me ill.

14-07-2008, 16:07
oh Actually I do have one..

sometimes avocados make the rough of my mouth feel slightly numb whilst feeling like it's been attacked by acid.

But who cares they're so nice and it only happens sometimes,.

14-07-2008, 16:34
No food allergies here :D Hurrah!!

I do sometimes wish I was allergic to chocolate though :p

14-07-2008, 18:40
Not an allergy but an intolerance: since I had my gall bladder removed I can't eat avocados. All other fatty foods are fine but I feel really sick if I eat avocados (usually for a few hours). They are very high in (good) fat that is particularly hard to digest. Shame really as I really love guacamole.

14-07-2008, 20:08
If i peel one, all round my mouth burns and itches, and i get a rash.

Eating them is ok though, its just the peel that does it.

My lips really tingle when I peel oranges/satsumas/clementines etc but I don't get the rash.

I'm also allergic to Sweet and Sour Quavers, I come out in hives on my legs. Fortunately they don't make them any more.

15-07-2008, 12:18
I don't think I'm actually allergic to anything although diet coke makes me sick.

17-07-2008, 17:41
When I was a kid I was allergic to egg... used to get a rash around my mouth, hence I never ate it because mum never gave it to me and I never chose to eat it.

Although now I am older, mother things 'its all in the mind' and tries to sneak it in her chicken and sweetcorn soup when she makes a chinese and even though I protest and tell her off she is like 'Its not there Mei Ling its your eyes.. no nothing there..' I'm like ' I can SEE it you are lying to me!!!'

Anyway... so I was allergic to egg as a kid... and so can't stand the smell now, can't eat them poached, scrambled, fried, boiled etc.. but of course I can eat cakes and meringues and crepes :D

I think its now the egg ratio.. if I eat too much mayo or even chocolate souffles I feel sick because there is a high egg content :(

I hate touching them too... which is now tough because you use egg in too many recipes!!!


BB x

17-07-2008, 23:12
None as such just certain spices i have issues with in some types of foods like curries, chillis etc the ingredients of the actual dish are fine but the types of spices they use i just do not like that much. Hence why i wont do indian meals, chillis etc

18-07-2008, 08:57
That's being fussy, not allergic :D

18-07-2008, 13:41
I dont find feeling sick, ill if i eat the wrong spices fussy eating myself as that's how badly they affect me. Maybe more intolerant being honest but it's still a strong reaction to them.

18-07-2008, 15:18
Not allergic to anything I've eaten (or drunk ;)) so far but, after drinking a whole bottle of Southern Comfort in the bath once when I was 17, even the smell of it now, gis me the boak.

18-07-2008, 16:04
gis me the boak.