View Full Version : Windows Live Mail

16-07-2008, 08:31
How on earth do I create a template/signature which includes a picture?

I physically put it in each time but there must be a simpler way! I just would like a picture (my logo) and my details next to it! That's all! I've tried creating a signature but it only accepts text or html files - so I created what I wanted in a word doc and saved it as a html but when I put it as a sig nothing showed! Naaada!


Fankoo for help!


16-07-2008, 12:00
I dont have live (gmail here) so i dont know if it has any strange givings to html, hence google returned results in about 0.1 seconds :p See here:
and here:
and if they don't work, work your way down this list:

16-07-2008, 14:59
I looked on google and the "copy and paste" image thing doesn't work! All I have option wise is to type in a signature or "browse" for a html or .txt document... which I have tried to create one with an image and it failed!


Either I'm super dooper rubbish (highly likely) or Windows Live Mail is poop. Oh yes! You said Windows Live Hotmail... mine just says Windows Live Mail... *wonders if there is a difference*

*goes off to use royal mail and some letterheaded paper*

Much easier :)