View Full Version : The Dark Knight...

23-07-2008, 23:25
... is magnificent.

Go see it.

23-07-2008, 23:26
Going on Tuesday \o/

24-07-2008, 00:12
Two of my fave actors......I can't wait. Loved loved LOVED Batman Begins too.

24-07-2008, 00:56
Who would've thunk it :p

Hopefully seeing this tomorrow :D Although i haven't booked any tickets, and expect it to have sold out...

24-07-2008, 01:04
Who would've thunk it :p

Hopefully seeing this tomorrow :D Although i haven't booked any tickets, and expect it to have sold out...

A friend of mine tried to see mama mia and they was full so i think it will be packed out.

Best reserve seats if possible.

24-07-2008, 01:57
Grr...I was trying to see it tomorrow, but the only free slots left are earlier on during the day. No students are left here and those that are work till later on. Grrr...

24-07-2008, 07:06
Was going to see it tonight but that's postponed until next week now

*na-na-na-na-na-na na-na-na-na-na-na...*

24-07-2008, 08:37
Off to see it tomorrow. \o/

24-07-2008, 11:40
Got to wait for next week as I'm on call this week :(

24-07-2008, 13:19
May head to Braintree and catch it at the Cineworld. Tends to be less kids and bigger screens as its out of town. :)

24-07-2008, 13:22
My initial thoughts on the Dark Knight below. I've put the whole lot in spoiler text as it may contain very minor spoilers (or really huge ones if you have no idea who harvey Dent is):p

I don't think you'll be disappointed by the Dark Knight. It's as dark and involving and complex and morally confused as Memento but has great big action set pieces every 15 minutes. Challenging for a blockbuster but also hugely rewarding. Ledger actually eclipses Nicholson as the Joker, but the Oscar talk is just talk. Daniel Day Lewis shouldn't be worried.
This incarnation of the Joker is obsessed with pushing the limits of individuals and society as a whole to see at what point order tips into chaos and where a 'good' person will trade principal over personal emotion or practicality/survival instinct. The Joker himself is morally bankrupt but shrewd and calculating, with few of his seemingly manic acts done without purpose.
Aaron Eckhart breezes through it until Harvey Dents transformation into Two Face (which is fifty times more convincing than Anakin Skywalker's) at which point with the assistance of some incredible make up effects, plays a convincing and hideous vengeance fuelled monster.
My only gripe is the number of concessions made to earn the 12A certificate. I really hope some bits can be rescued from the cutting room to release a 15 or 18 rated Directors cut DVD. Also the sound mixing was crap but that might just be Odeons crappy speakers. Odeon also has crappy seating which you really notice after 152 minutes of Batman.
So short review : It improves on Batman Begins in almost every way.

Del Lardo
25-07-2008, 00:33
Just got back having watched it with Portugese subs which was a bit weird and my simple two word review is:


Enjoyed it much more than I thought I would and I thought I'd really enjoy it.

25-07-2008, 23:44
Film of the year. Didn't feel like two and a half hours. The writing for this is amazing - it really feels like there's a revolution happening in Gotham, brewing in the background the whole time. Love the Joker's magic trick. :D

I saw Anthony Michael Hall's name in the credits (of Breakfast Club and Weird Science fame), but have no idea who his character 'Engel' is/was. Off to search now...

Edit: Christ! Didn't even recognise him, and wouldn't if I'd passed him in the street.

27-07-2008, 18:53
Love the Joker's magic trick. :D

What an entrance huh? ;)

I saw Anthony Michael Hall's name in the credits (of Breakfast Club and Weird Science fame), but have no idea who his character 'Engel' is/was. Off to search now...

Edit: Christ! Didn't even recognise him, and wouldn't if I'd passed him in the street.

Please explain?! What are you talking about?!

The Scarecrow man and 2Face scared the ****s out of me, and I can't remember Batman speaking in a gruff voice in Batman Begins.

Eckhart and Christian Bale are GORRRGEOUS!!! Bale wins though ;)

Brilliant film though, apart from I didn't come out the cinema saying 'OMG I have to see that again it was amazing!!!' like I did after Transformers :/

I <3 Christian Bale :D

BB x

27-07-2008, 19:22
Please explain?! What are you talking about?!

Anthony Michael Hall was the geek in Breakfast Club, and I saw his name in the credits at the end of The Dark Knight. Turns out he was a reporter in it, but I didn't recognise him at all - he looks completely different now.



27-07-2008, 19:44
Oh.. I don't recognise him from the film... but I DID recognise....

The Mayor being Richard from The Others in Lost, and The Bank Manager who was the FBI (?) bloke in Prison Break


BB x

27-07-2008, 19:58
Yep I recognised him, and the bank manager has been in loads of other stuff too but I couldn't say what!

28-07-2008, 02:32
I cant wait to see this! I was going the other night, and got sidetracked by alcomahol instead :(

28-07-2008, 09:09
You chose Alcohol over Christian?! :shocked:

How could you?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BB x

28-07-2008, 21:00
You chose Alcohol over Christian?! :shocked:

You wanted to watch Transformers a second time?! :shocked:

Mandy from Hollyoaks also has a blink and you'll miss it cameo. The odd looking northerner from the WKD adverts actually has a line of dialogue though.:huh:

28-07-2008, 22:01
You wanted to watch Transformers a second time?! :shocked:

I was just making the point that it was a really good film, but it didn't evoke a reaction such as Transformers did :/

Mandy from Hollyoaks also has a blink and you'll miss it cameo.

Yeah I heard about her, where was it?!

BB x

28-07-2008, 22:31
She was the blonde sat next to the mob boss on the club balcony.

28-07-2008, 23:33
Just been to see it and it was pretty good.

Made Sam have a giggle fit with (puts on best Brian Blessed voice) "Gordons Alive" :)

They've changed the look of Gotham alot from the last movie and not too sure I like it as a nice modern place.

Del Lardo
29-07-2008, 01:17
Just been to see it and it was pretty good.

Made Sam have a giggle fit with (puts on best Brian Blessed voice) "Gordons Alive" :)

They've changed the look of Gotham alot from the last movie and not too sure I like it as a nice modern place.

Pretty sure it was filmed in Chicago so what you see is Chicago

Del Lardo
29-07-2008, 01:18
Yep I recognised him, and the bank manager has been in loads of other stuff too but I couldn't say what!

Prison Break

29-07-2008, 03:15
Best superhero film, it's simply amazing.

29-07-2008, 07:20
Loved it :) and I am still giggling ;D

Joe 90
29-07-2008, 09:04
went last night. awesome film. but his voice is far too deep. just made me laugh tbh \o/

29-07-2008, 11:23
but his voice is far too deep

Seemed fine to me ;)

29-07-2008, 12:16
went last night. awesome film. but his voice is far too deep. just made me laugh tbh \o/

Me too!!! :D

BB x

02-08-2008, 16:22
Just got back..

Wow.. an amazing film, really well put together, good balance between action and plot. Coming back from the film I find myself in two minds about whether I want a third one.. they've done such a good job of portraying the universe that I don't want it to be sullied. If they do a third I think they should leave it there for sure. Would be interesting to see them dip into the Dark Batman universe possibly? He's so close to the line it would be easy to make it plausible?
Heath's portrayal of the Joker was superb, a performance that will be hard to beat by anyone, the character came across as an exquisite blend of psychopath, anarchist and intelligence. I loved the played for kicks bits like with the hospital explosion, but found it was more the little bits like the odd skipping step as he left it that made the character complete. It's a damn shame to see an actor that's been coming into their prime with their recent performances die with some of their potential unfulfilled. He should absolutely be Oscar nominated for it, the performance is more than worthy.. is it the best acting of this Oscar year? Not sure, I haven't seen enough of the other critically acclaimed films yet to make that kind of judgement.

They've changed the look of Gotham alot from the last movie and not too sure I like it as a nice modern place.

That really didn't sit particularly comfortably with me. The impression of the city from the first film was it was pretty dark and grimy place, all of a sudden they've transformed it into a typical american city. Was surprised to see no monorail, none of the major things from the first film in fact, Wayne Towers.. no mansion and so on was fine / logical, but the rest?
Also who'd not notice Alfred and Bruce going in and out of some random shipping container on a routine basis? Any PI or curious journo worth their salts would have tracked that and figured it to be suspicious behaviour for a multi-millionaire.

02-08-2008, 18:39
Saw it yesterday and I agree with Garp in some respects.

Could they, should they do a 3rd? How do you top this? Do they go darker and push him over the edge only to save him in the final 30 minutes? I think that would really be a great film and a good conclusion. He's not Spiderman, or Superman. He's not loved by the city. He's now a cop killer, technically speaking and hated by many.

I really enjoyed the little things in it. In previous Batman films he gets pummeled and it doesn't affect him because he has some gadget to get out of it. In this you can see that he's just a man. He bruises, gets bitten and the Joker goes to town on him with a crobar. You see that it all takes its toll. I loved the Batpod. I had no idea it came out the Tumbler. The way he took down the truck, and then spins off the wall like he's just flipped a pancake. I loved that the Joker's theme was simply a chaotic sound that built up. I've been listening to the soundtrack and it works so well. Two-face was some seriously good makeup. I didn't get the way the Joker played Batman until I read it on a forum. The Joker tells him the location of Rachael and Harvey, Batman runs out saying he's going after Rachael. Of course he would. He gets there and saves Harvey. I just thought that Batman changed his mind or something but the Joker played him. Thats really harsh and shows just how much better this film is than the other Batmans. In Batman & Robin theres a similar dliema but of course he's a superhero and saves them both.

03-08-2008, 10:57
Just got back..

That really didn't sit particularly comfortably with me. The impression of the city from the first film was it was pretty dark and grimy place, all of a sudden they've transformed it into a typical american city. Was surprised to see no monorail, none of the major things from the first film in fact, Wayne Towers.. no mansion and so on was fine / logical, but the rest?
Also who'd not notice Alfred and Bruce going in and out of some random shipping container on a routine basis? Any PI or curious journo worth their salts would have tracked that and figured it to be suspicious behaviour for a multi-millionaire.

There is no Wayne Towers in this film as it is burn to crisp in Batman Begins. At the start of the film, Alfred says (words to the effect) 'I can't wait to see you not sleeping at Wayne Mansion, instead of not sleeping at Wayne Penthouse' something like that... can't find the actual quote though... but Wayne Manor is being built.



BB x

03-08-2008, 12:12
Good film, but too long. Got bored about 90mins in. IMO, they could have made two decent films from what they had.

03-08-2008, 12:23
O_o How? It would have been a bad idea to split it.

03-08-2008, 13:01
I didn't even notice it was two and a half hours. First film in a long time where I haven't looked at my watch partway through.

03-08-2008, 13:49
There is no Wayne Towers in this film as it is burn to crisp in Batman Begins. At the start of the film, Alfred says (words to the effect) 'I can't wait to see you not sleeping at Wayne Mansion, instead of not sleeping at Wayne Penthouse' something like that... can't find the actual quote though... but Wayne Manor is being built.

BB x

Wayne Towers != Wayne Mansion. The Wayne Mansion got burned to the crisp in the first one, the Towers, where the Wayne corporation operates from wasn't.. but you never saw the outside of it in this film unlike the first one, despite the fact that it was fairly central to the whole city, with the monorail system going through it and so on. I know its probably a small thing not to show the outside of a building, but it was just part of what added together to make it feel (to me) like a different city

03-08-2008, 13:53
From what I remember you see Wayne Towers twice. Its very different. Its basically a rectangular block with no monorail system. I guess they decided to save money on the cgi. The monorail system was partly destroyed around the tower though so maybe they took it out. Maybe that was also being repaired and this was Wayne Towers 2. The dude is rich enough to have a backup sky scraper.

03-08-2008, 19:32
Saw it last Wednesday, loved it.

03-08-2008, 20:18
Saw this and i'm openly surprised. Really really good and I'm glad that the director captured the essence of Batman so well. Best film I've watched in a long time.

If they are going to do a third then they will have to tread carefully. With the way that hollywood is at the moment I can really see it happening.

03-08-2008, 20:20
There will be a 3rd as the main cast have been contracted for 3. Its all on Nolan now.

06-08-2008, 00:44
I concur with the majority here.

That was SMEGGING awesome :D

As pointed out by my brother, although I spotted it as well, one of the best bits from Heath Ledger was at the party where he grabs a drink off someone, spills it all and then drinks the empty glass :p

I pointed out the bit slightly earlier at the party where Bruce is on the balcony and pours his drink over the edge and pretends to drink from the empty glass when Rachel and Harvey come out :)

Excellent parodying of them being alike I thought.

06-08-2008, 18:54
Really enjoyed that :) Very dark and a surprisingly intelligent blockbuster.
I was a bit concerned I'd feel it was too long, but it wasn't. The time went way too fast and I actually didn't want it to end!
Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker was brilliant, certainly worth an Oscar nomination imo. He surpassed Nicholson's Joker. Such a shame it was his last film :( A truly great loss to the film world as well as his loved ones.

06-08-2008, 19:59
Technically it wasn't Ledger's last movie, because The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus is still in post-production :)

06-08-2008, 20:02
True, forgot that! Which is daft of me as it looks good :)

06-08-2008, 20:04
The only problem will be of course if he isn't any good in it - after The Joker, it would be a shame given we won't see him again!

06-08-2008, 20:21
Fingers crossed that won't be the case :D

06-08-2008, 21:19
Pretty sure it was filmed in Chicago so what you see is Chicago

Yes indeed it is. Especially.. ...the scene where there's a lot of traffic by the river. There's a few scenes shot in Liverpool as well apparently. I couldn't quite work out when in the film, and where in 'Pool though it may have been the end (scaffolding).

06-08-2008, 21:22
I hear that they cancelled the Liverpool shoot (http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-news/local-news/2008/01/14/movie-moguls-axe-plan-to-film-batman-in-liverpool-100252-20346200/).

06-08-2008, 21:44
See this the other night, Ledger makes the film in my opinion. I cannot imagine how anybody would want to follow Jacks joker but I'm damn glad Ledger did as his portrayal is the best yet, No other character even comes close to how good Ledger played the Joker. The rest of the film was ok but for me if it didn't have Ledgers Joker in it I'd have got bored.
There are to many favourite bits for me to mention without spoiling it for others so I'll keep stum. Go see it & Glory in a proper portrayal of a comic book char.

06-08-2008, 23:38
Good film. Ledger did a great job, he came across as a complete nut!

07-08-2008, 01:16
I hear that they cancelled the Liverpool shoot (http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-news/local-news/2008/01/14/movie-moguls-axe-plan-to-film-batman-in-liverpool-100252-20346200/).

As said nothing immediately sprang to mind when I saw the film so that explains it. Pity really. Though in all fairness it'd be a might pointless jump in costs just to do it.

12-08-2008, 08:01
I don't think its quite right comparing Jack Nicholson's Joker with Heath Ledger, the two films were done in different styles and called for. Tim Burton went for a macabre/comic style whilst Christopher Nolan went all out dark, this is reflected in how the two Jokers were played.

Having said that I think Cesar Romero was better than both of them ;)

12-08-2008, 09:12
Saw this on Saturday, and was thoroughly impressed by it. Ledger was simply amazing as the Joker, and even though I'd heard he was brilliant I was still taken aback by just how good he was. Such a shame what happened to him as no-one else can play the Joker now in these films, but he's such a central character to the comics he could always have played a part.

They can definitely do more films if they want to though. There are so many brilliant villians they could do. I'd like them to do a film (or set of films) based around Bane. Not the mindless Bane we saw in Batman Forever or whichever one it was, but the evil, calculating villian from the comics who pushes Bruce to his very limits and then breaks him. They wouldn't be able to follow the comics properly here, but he could certainly be an excellent villian if done right.

13-08-2008, 22:39
Yep I recognised him, and the bank manager has been in loads of other stuff too but I couldn't say what!

Oh yeah loads of stuff. Off the top of my head he was in the shortlived Invasion series, was Colonel Willy Sharp in Armageddon and has also starred opposite Bale before, in Equilibrium.

15-08-2008, 07:02
He's in Prison Break as well.

15-08-2008, 09:33
Oh.. I don't recognise him from the film... but I DID recognise....

The Mayor being Richard from The Others in Lost, and The Bank Manager who was the FBI (?) bloke in Prison Break


BB x

You are SOOOOOOOo last page Robert :p

BB x

30-08-2008, 09:03
Saw it last night with pheebs..Outstanding, and very clever!

A bit of forshadowing? When Batman got his new suit and asked about if it would keep dogs away, Fox said "it would protect you from cats" or words to that effect... tho hype at the moment in no catwoman in a possible 3rd.

30-08-2008, 10:54
GEee Knneeeeee Us!

Loved it. Superb.

*waiting patiently until I know there's a full box set to purchase*

One bad thing though. His voice. Although it didn't irritate me throughout the entire film the initial time I heard it I whispered to Picky "Batman should stop smoking".

Bit too gruffity gruff. Sounded like a twin to ye oldey Madge on Neighbours.

30-08-2008, 12:43
Can't remember if I posted this before but it's very funny!


31-08-2008, 13:13
bwahahaha! The punching! Genius!