View Full Version : New camera

31-07-2008, 19:33
Had a lovely package arrive for me today - my new Canon EOS 450D. It's mainly for our honeymoon in Florida next year, but I'm also hoping to get out and about with it quite a bit before then, see if the photography bug can bite. While the honeymoon is a year away, we figured it made sense to get it early so that I'd hopefully have enough time to get good with it! I took a few quick snaps in work today that I may upload when I've taken a proper look at them :)

31-07-2008, 19:50
Woo! A canonite :D

/waits patiently

01-08-2008, 17:51
Nice! A colleague recently upgraded to one of these from a 350D and it's a very nice bit of kit with a fair few useful features over my old 400D.

If you're going to the US next year then I'd strongly recommend researching lenses and getting one or two over there during your trip.

01-08-2008, 18:39
Congrats :)

03-08-2008, 09:48
Don't forget lots of memory cards too :) Welcome to the fold ;)