View Full Version : Anyone play Piano/Keyboard?

05-08-2008, 22:10
I'm playing the piano again after a 6 year hiatus, and I'm obviously very rusty, so now i don't have a piano teacher nor the money to pay one (:p) where does one go for pretty decent learning online. Something all the way up to grade 8 would be fantastic since i used to play to grade 7 and i wouldn't mind if i maybe finished that. This is one of those wish I'd never stopped moment really...

I'm also looking for sheet music too. I don't care where it comes from either and prefer it all to be freely available (one way or another ;D).

Danke Schon!

05-08-2008, 23:07
Bah, I found a great site for modern sheet music the other week and can't remember what I Googled for to find it. I'll have a think and post back.

Keyboard player here, but self taught, parents could barely afford the equipment let alone the lessons.

05-08-2008, 23:15
I'm playing the piano again after a 6 year hiatus, and I'm obviously very rusty, so now i don't have a piano teacher nor the money to pay one (:p) where does one go for pretty decent learning online. Something all the way up to grade 8 would be fantastic since i used to play to grade 7 and i wouldn't mind if i maybe finished that. This is one of those wish I'd never stopped moment really...

I know what you mean. I stopped at Grade 5 and loved the freedom on practice nights for around two years or so. Then A-Levels and then degree stuff came along and I really really wished I hadn't given up.

Damnit, my parents were right :'(

06-08-2008, 01:39
My son is a self taught composer and player. Not much help here, but if you get back into it, Noteworthy Composer is a good program for hooking the keyboard up to the computer (especially since I have a Key for it and it's a download. Hint, hint).

06-08-2008, 09:13
I'm also looking for sheet music too.
Personally, I'd get some decent music.


Thankyou, I'm here all week.

06-08-2008, 11:56
I know what you mean. I stopped at Grade 5 and loved the freedom on practice nights for around two years or so. Then A-Levels and then degree stuff came along and I really really wished I hadn't given up.

Damnit, my parents were right :'(

I wish I'd kept up the violin, but I stopped playing it around the same time I picked up the guitar. Now I'm helpless at it, and it frustrates me because I was up to grade 6 before.

06-08-2008, 12:02
I'm in exactly the same boat actually. Got to grade 8 (but never took it) when I was 17 but never really played since I left home. I was thinking of getting a Juno-D and getting back into it at home, but then using it as a synth in my band.

06-08-2008, 12:15
I'm in exactly the same boat actually. Got to grade 8 (but never took it) when I was 17 but never really played since I left home. I was thinking of getting a Juno-D and getting back into it at home, but then using it as a synth in my band.

a Juno-D???
dont be a poofta :D

get a decent analogue if you want an analogue ;)

Keyboard player here.. although very rusty now
have a couple of keyboards.
Roland Juno-60
Korg 01w/fd
Korg Triton 88 Studio

06-08-2008, 12:21
$$$$$ init :(

06-08-2008, 12:23
$$$$$ init :(

do you not have a K/B player in the band?

06-08-2008, 12:33
I want to learn the piano...can't afford and don't have room for one with a hammer action thou :(

06-08-2008, 12:56
I want to learn the piano...can't afford and don't have room for one with a hammer action thou :(

Its not *that* big!

06-08-2008, 13:19
do you not have a K/B player in the band?

Nah, the latest one is 2 x guitarists, bass, drums and singer.

I was thinking of changing between keyboards and guitar though for certain songs if I can pick it up again!

10-08-2008, 15:02
Well if anyone wants to know, after messing around in google a bit, hitting usenet and the torrents finally came to mind, and theyre awash with scanned content. Its perfect, i'm happily sitting here churning out trouble as we speak :)

12-08-2008, 20:15
I play.

What sort of music are you interested in learning?

My own preference is for a tutor rather than online learning but that's probably because that's how I was taught.

12-08-2008, 20:16
I want to learn the piano...can't afford and don't have room for one with a hammer action thou :(
You can get great electric pianos these days with excellent, realistic piano actions and sounds. Best of all, you can play them any time of the day without annoying people as you can use headphones :)

Try this for classical music:


12-08-2008, 20:33
I'm in exactly the same boat actually. Got to grade 8 (but never took it) when I was 17 but never really played since I left home. I was thinking of getting a Juno-D and getting back into it at home, but then using it as a synth in my band.
Yamaha P120 - 88 keys, graded hammer effect from eBay for not a lot of cash plus a lot of voices too.

12-08-2008, 21:23
If I wasn't so overly protective of my sister I'd have suggested she gives you piano lessons as she's beyond grade 8 and bloody good (and goes to Edinburgh uni). SO that doesn't really help you much! :D :p

12-08-2008, 21:27
If I wasn't so overly protective of my sister I'd have suggested she gives you piano lessons as she's beyond grade 8 and bloody good (and goes to Edinburgh uni). SO that doesn't really help you much! :D :p

Can she give me a hand getting to grips with my minuet?

12-08-2008, 21:44
Are you being rude or not? :huh:



12-08-2008, 22:26
Yamaha P120 - 88 keys, graded hammer effect from eBay for not a lot of cash plus a lot of voices too.

I managed to score a DGX620 for £350 off the bay, which i'm more than happy with! Basically i was just after a hammer action and that's all, but whilst looking for cheap stuff on ebay i saw that going at (what i though was) a silly price, so sniped and won, and over the past week or so i've been so very impressed with it :)

Phykell, i have been previously tutored and i was studying for my grade 7 before i packed it in because i was young and stupid :) As it stands i'm not really after any more qualifications as it goes, but i do want to read up on my theory again. Chord composition etc... It interests me and it's helpful when i'm just playing around.

I'm just looking to play popular music at present really, i've got all the coldplay sheet music, so i'm just busying my way through that. Everyone loves coldplay! I've got a ton of other "popular sheet music" as well, but after checking out a few songs from the collection some of them are poorly written/composed, and obviously not the real sheet music. I may look into a few classical pieces sometime in the future, this is probably the main reason i entered for grades, i enjoyed playing the music in the books! :)

If I wasn't so overly protective of my sister I'd have suggested she gives you piano lessons as she's beyond grade 8 and bloody good (and goes to Edinburgh uni). SO that doesn't really help you much! :D :p

Wait you've got a sister in Edinburgh Uni, funny you kept that quiet :p. Wait? So overly protective, who do you think i am!?! ;D I'm shocked!

12-08-2008, 23:05
Phykell, i have been previously tutored and i was studying for my grade 7 before i packed it in because i was young and stupid :) As it stands i'm not really after any more qualifications as it goes, but i do want to read up on my theory again. Chord composition etc... It interests me and it's helpful when i'm just playing around.

I'm just looking to play popular music at present really, i've got all the coldplay sheet music, so i'm just busying my way through that. Everyone loves coldplay! I've got a ton of other "popular sheet music" as well, but after checking out a few songs from the collection some of them are poorly written/composed, and obviously not the real sheet music. I may look into a few classical pieces sometime in the future, this is probably the main reason i entered for grades, i enjoyed playing the music in the books! :)
We all did that - gave up, not knowing any better ;) I only started playing again as an adult myself.

The reason I mention a tutor is because they're good at selecting the right music for you to improve which makes the playing all the more rewarding and helps to avoid you becoming bored plus they help you avoid learning any bad habits. That's the theory anyway, no pun intended.

Good selection of sheet music for purchase here:


I'd mix it up a bit if I were you and get hold of some blues and perhaps even rag time. I've got a great cocktail bar collection which is very rewarding to play as it's completely different to all the classical stuff I tend to concentrate on :)

12-08-2008, 23:47
To be fair, as much as i'd love a tutor right now, i can't afford one at all, its not even worth thinking about it :)

I will look into broadening my horizons, but for now, all my friends keep wanting me to play them stuff "they know" etc... Which is nice to join in with anyway, its all pretty instantly rewarding for me and them, whereas i would like to enjoy other stuff as well but give it time i guess :) I used to really enjoy a bit of jazz though!

13-08-2008, 07:23
Wait you've got a sister in Edinburgh Uni, funny you kept that quiet :p. Wait? So overly protective, who do you think i am!?! ;D I'm shocked!


The thing is it'd take me too long to come up there and kick your ass! ;)

She's going on the transiberian express this summer but when she's back if she feels able to give lessons I can have a word with her if you want?

13-08-2008, 11:35
When i come up to the highlands you have to teach me the basis Alex :p

I am going to save up for a Yamaha S30 i think or a YDP-131C :)

13-08-2008, 14:03

The thing is it'd take me too long to come up there and kick your ass! ;)

She's going on the transiberian express this summer but when she's back if she feels able to give lessons I can have a word with her if you want?

:p ;D Understood about the ass kicking.

Nah i'm fine, if i was to be tutored it couldn't be from a friend, or a friend of a friend. It would have to be someone who did it full time and i can separate from my life. I'm friends with my last tutor basically and it's not the same anymore... Need some teaching authoritative person etc...

So whats she studying? Guessing she's third year since she'd off gallivanting?

13-08-2008, 14:55
Started off doing Law (did it for 2 years) didn't get on with it, so is now doing what she always wanted to do, Structural Engineering & Architecture!!! It's a good 5 year course, I think she's just come to the end of her 3rd year now... so she's been there for 5 years already!

13-08-2008, 15:11
:) Sounds about right really, i've not got on with Uni too great so far either :p Still wondering if its for me really!...

13-08-2008, 15:34
Started off doing Law (did it for 2 years) didn't get on with it, so is now doing what she always wanted to do, Structural Engineering & Architecture!!! It's a good 5 year course, I think she's just come to the end of her 3rd year now... so she's been there for 5 years already!

I went the other direction Architecture -> Law !;D

13-08-2008, 15:56
Yeah but you finished your course you weirdo :p

13-08-2008, 20:14
She's averaging 88% at the moment :/

****ing genius... I swear I was the experiment child and she was the perfection :(

13-08-2008, 20:23
She's averaging 88% at the moment :/

****ing genius... I swear I was the experiment child and she was the perfection :(

Nothing wrong with coming second honey!

13-08-2008, 21:11
Nothing wrong with coming second honey!

I always believed in ladies first anyway - what can I say, I'm a gent! ;)

20-03-2009, 00:38
After almost a year of wanting one, i think i've found one on ebay. Picking it up in person on Saturday subject to full working order :)

Yamaha P70, 88keys, Hammer Action :D

http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/6862/76433754.jpg (http://img12.imageshack.us/my.php?image=76433754.jpg)


20-03-2009, 08:20
Wooooooo wooooooo!

Enjoy! :D

*still wants a grand piano*

20-03-2009, 19:16
There's a grand piano at the reception of the hotel where I work. I think I might get sacked if I open it up and start playing though :(

20-03-2009, 20:09
Looks good. Is this the one that was from Plymouth?
What exactly is hammer action? I prefer the feel of my keyboard to the piano (simply because I learnt on keyboard, I suppose) - does that mean hammer action isn't for me? Or is it more about the sound?

20-03-2009, 21:09
Looks good. Is this the one that was from Plymouth?
What exactly is hammer action? I prefer the feel of my keyboard to the piano (simply because I learnt on keyboard, I suppose) - does that mean hammer action isn't for me? Or is it more about the sound?

No, this one is in Cardiff ! going to my sister's who lives in Cardiff and her bf is taking me there. Bonus as he is Grade 7 at Piano :) So he'll play a piece or 2 on it to test it out first and checking it out.

Hammer action is like the feel of a real piano, so you get the sound of a grand piano, the feel and touch of a grand piano, minus the size and the need of tuning of a grand piano. and its cheaper ! Except it's not a piece of furniture.

21-03-2009, 16:21
Well, what a morning ! Got up bright and early to make my way into Cardiff (beating all those rugby fans), and made my way to the seller's house, picked it up, got it back on the train as all those fans was getting off and now home ! It's not too heavy (but it weights enough), the main problem is it is very awkward to carry though.

http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/3803/14812207.jpg http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/9914/29053654.jpg

Now to find a piano teacher !