View Full Version : Becoming a train driver.

07-08-2008, 16:49
I went into central London by train yesterday and back home today and I wondered what's involved in driving a train. I'm sure that the procedure in learning to drive a train is a bit more complicated than learning to drive a car but I wanted to know more.

So I got home, had a doze (isn't power napping fantastic?) and then searched the internet. I found a very interesting blog from a guy detailing the procedure from start to finish.

It's a long blog but that's because it covers a period of fifteen months and I found it a fascinating read with a surprising event towards the end that I'm not going to reveal here.

If you've got some time, have a read. The blog is here (http://www.railwayregister.care4free.net/becoming_a_train_driver_blog.htm).

07-08-2008, 17:38
Driving the actual train is the easy bit. Knowing the route inside out and backwards, knowing all the rules and regs inside out and backwards, and knowing what to do when it goes wrong is the hard bit.

Done a bit of choo choo driving in my time :D

07-08-2008, 17:42
Surely the hard bit is steering the train so it stays on those thin rails!

Von Smallhausen
07-08-2008, 18:19
That is why only Jedi can become train drivers.

07-08-2008, 22:08
My uncle is a train driver. Says the same thing, driving the train is easy, learning all the emergency procedures is the hard bit. Also if they think you are even a slight risk to the public, like say you're depressed, they will take you off duty until they are 100% convinced you are sound of mind. That can mean 6 months off work or more and psychological analysis.

08-08-2008, 08:52
Don't you get loads of monies driving trains aswell?

BB x

08-08-2008, 08:55
Paul's friend has been a train driver, driven an ambulance and been a fireman. Paul reckons he's working his way through all the jobs you say you want to do when you're a kid.

08-08-2008, 08:56

Feeksta has Guns + Feeksta wants to be able to drive a train :huh:

All we need now is Buster & Ronny ;D

08-08-2008, 10:00
Don't you get loads of monies driving trains aswell?

BB x
About £35K. Eurostar and Chunnel haulage is where it's at.

08-08-2008, 21:06
Paul's friend has been a train driver, driven an ambulance and been a fireman. Paul reckons he's working his way through all the jobs you say you want to do when you're a kid.
Astronaut next then?

08-08-2008, 21:08
Cool, that's my train line as well (Hertford East -> L'pool St), will have a read! :)