View Full Version : Olympics!

08-08-2008, 14:39
Is there not a thread yet? I know techincally this is sport but so far it's all dancing and fireworks ;)

Anyone else watching the opening ceremony? I have to say it's truly stunning! I hope they pull this off, I know it's very turbulent times over there and they've had some monumental hurdles to overcome but I really hope they can do it.

I can't help but think how can we ever hope to do something like this? 2012 suddenly seems very close :huh:

Snuggle Ferret
08-08-2008, 14:54
I am watching it at the moment.

08-08-2008, 14:55
I can't help but think how can we ever hope to do something like this?

We cant. Our attempts at something like this are always piss poor ;D

Just spoke to my mum though, she is watching it and says its amazing :)

08-08-2008, 15:00
I love looking out for countries i've never heard of. Nothing so far sadly :(

08-08-2008, 15:09
We cant. Our attempts at something like this are always piss poor ;D
Don't get me started there. The results won't be pretty. ;D

Got it on in the background. Missed the first few hours but all but the first three minutes have been recorded to watch properly later. :)

08-08-2008, 15:18

08-08-2008, 15:20
Not watching it. Was hoping to catch some coverage of the fencing but as usual the is bugger all! Plenty of water polo but no fencing :(

MB will probably want to watch the archery

08-08-2008, 15:45
I'm hoping for some decent Judo coverage this year. Last time even with freeview and its interactive channels I could barely get any decent coverage, just highlights of the matches for the most part. That's rather boring because all you saw was the one good throw, rather than the build up and skill involved in getting to it.

08-08-2008, 16:25
Judo coverage - starts tomorrow 11am - freeview channel 301. "Live coverage of the men's under-60kg and women's under-48kg judo finals, with Craig Fallon a possible medal hope for Great Britain."

No sign of fencing at least for the next 7 days. :(

08-08-2008, 16:57
woot \o/ Decent coverage, hopefully I can nab that from iplayer or something.

Von Smallhausen
08-08-2008, 17:02
Spectacular opening and probably the best yet.

I think Britain will do us proud in 2012 when the opening ceremonies include chavs juggling bottles of white lightning and spectacular fires and explosions using burned out stolen cars.

08-08-2008, 17:12
My bro in law has been working over there for the last month. Now he's finished his main work, he volunteered to help out in the opening ceremony and is being a runner for all the photographers at the top of the stadium to get their photos down to a production office ASAP.

As for the olympics itself, can't say I have much interest apart from watching some of the more obscure sports that we don't get to see much of on TV.

Von Smallhausen
08-08-2008, 17:16
You mean women's beach volleyball don't you Des ?


* fap fap *

08-08-2008, 17:16
I think Britain will do fine in 2012. We won't beat that though. That's easily the best entrance I've seen for the Olympic flame.

PS - I'm recording pretty much all the Freeview coverage (having 3TB available on the media PC helps :)). The opening ceremony got cut in half though thanks to the overrun.

08-08-2008, 17:20
I love watching the Olympics, always have done but even more so since I went to the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona.

08-08-2008, 17:45
It's playing havoc with work at the moment.

Our caps are manufactured in China and the govt is cutting power for about half the day.

Delayed orders and angry customers make me sad :(

I do enjoy the Olympics though, I like diving, athletics and gymnastics.

08-08-2008, 17:52
men's under-60kg

Better not go outside on a windy day :D

PS - I'm recording pretty much all the Freeview coverage (having 3TB available on the media PC helps :)).


I wouldn't mind some (or all) of that. I'm on the rig just now and won't be home until 2 weeks today so I'll miss almost all of it :(

I love the olympics and I'm usually glued to the box until all hours watching stuff.

It won't be the same as watching it live but if you wouldn't mind copying it for me, I'd be hugely grateful. Depending on quantity, I can send you suitable storage when I get back and you could copy it over and bring it to CP.

08-08-2008, 18:08
I can certainly sort out a copy of everything I have. It's all on automated recording so I can't guarantee what I'll get (e.g. the opening getting cut in half). Best solution - bring a HDD to CP. :)

08-08-2008, 18:26
I can certainly sort out a copy of everything I have. It's all on automated recording so I can't guarantee what I'll get (e.g. the opening getting cut in half). Best solution - bring a HDD to CP. :)

Excellent. TYVM :cool:

Once it's all over, if you let me know what size HDD is required, I'll bring one.

All I have to do now is try not to see or hear too many bits from the Olympics between now and when I come back to the rig (6 weeks), then I'll have something to occupy me during the quiet times when I'm out here next :)

Could I kindly request that anybody making a thread concerning Olympic type stuff please state clearly what the thread is about and whether it's likely to contain spoilers, so I can avoid it? Perhaps something along the lines of "Who was watching the swimming last night? - STAN KEEP OUT!!!" :D
Also, if making any posts in other threads which may give stuff away, please use spoiler tags?

Your generous co-operation will be hugely appreciated :)

For obvious reasons, I will now retire from this thread :p

08-08-2008, 18:30
Managed to watch most of the opening ceremony and it was truly stunning, one of the best things visually I think ive ever seen.

Am hoping to try and watch as much of the coverage as I can, or if not the catch up programmes that will no doubt be on in the evenings.

Love all the track events and I still get a stupid grin on my face watching replays of Kelly Holmes winning the last time, plus the relays I usually end up screaming at the TV willing our lot to not drop the baton etc etc.

08-08-2008, 18:34
Can't say I'm overly interested in watching any, but best of luck to "Team GB" go get those medals :D

Happy to be patriotic for this.

And I can forsee "our" olympics being a disaster... :'(

08-08-2008, 18:44
The Commonwealth closing would have been good too had the British weather not intevened. Oh boy did it ever chuck it down that night. I was certainly appreciative of the City of Manchester Stadium's partial roof. :shocked:

08-08-2008, 19:06
Don't forget the official Olympic cheer!


I'm looking forward to the guest event, Wushu (kung fu)

08-08-2008, 19:23
My bro in law has been working over there for the last month. Now he's finished his main work, he volunteered to help out in the opening ceremony and is being a runner for all the photographers at the top of the stadium to get their photos down to a production office ASAP.

They were quick too. I got in just as the big flame thing went up, checked the net and already there was a stunning gallery online (http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2008/08/2008_olympics_opening_ceremony.html). As for ours in 2012 well its the UK so of course we're rubbish at everything but then I think of the things I've seen this year in Liverpool. You know, if the right people are pulling the strings we could do it. A local company called Walk the plank did the 2002 Commonwealth Games event (http://www.walktheplank.co.uk/wtp/index.php?page=open). We've got some good fireworks companies here too. I think theres more than enough talent to do something stunning, its just whether the budget and politics are with us.

08-08-2008, 19:41
I was out in Beijing a couple of weeks ago and the effort they have made is absolutely astounding. In all the cities I visited in China, there were Beijing 2008 banners. There were people frantically planting thousands of flowers in troughs all along the roads etc., and the Olympic buildings themself are awesome. It was impossible not to get completely caught up in the Olympic fever and all the Chinese people were really excited about it. No way can London top this!!

I also brought back my own little JingJing bear like this one;


They've done extremely well with the marketing of the 5 little animals. Kids are going mad for them and there seems to be an official Olympic shop on every ruddy street corner.

08-08-2008, 19:42
It's also worth saying that the Chinese people are shielded somewhat from Western news. If BBC World is reporting on the Free Tibet protests, it gets blanked off so you can't see it. They have no idea of all the negative hype that's surrounded the Olympics.

08-08-2008, 20:15
Indeed - the BBC said as much during commentary.

08-08-2008, 23:19
They were quick too. I got in just as the big flame thing went up, checked the net and already there was a stunning gallery online (http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2008/08/2008_olympics_opening_ceremony.html). As for ours in 2012 well its the UK so of course we're rubbish at everything but then I think of the things I've seen this year in Liverpool. You know, if the right people are pulling the strings we could do it. A local company called Walk the plank did the 2002 Commonwealth Games event (http://www.walktheplank.co.uk/wtp/index.php?page=open). We've got some good fireworks companies here too. I think theres more than enough talent to do something stunning, its just whether the budget and politics are with us.

That is a STUNNING Gallery !!! :shocked:

09-08-2008, 08:14
It's not so much the ceremony and actual games that I fear we'll cock up - it's the infrastructure. Can't see us getting it all together in time I'm afraid.

Agreed the ceremony etc. should be a sight to behold :D

Wherever it end up ;D

09-08-2008, 11:36
I'm always very 'girly' when it comes to sporting events. I like to watch the diving, gymnastics, badminton, ice skating, and anything where we have strong contenders.

If 8 I3ALL was here, we'd also be watching anything he wanted to watch, and I'd probably quite enjoy it. But he's not, so I can pick and choose what I want to watch lol.

I missed the opening ceremony, was going to watch the highlights lastnight, but thanks to a teething baby I missed it. Ah well. I've looked at the pics and it looks like I missed a spectacular display.

The only thing that bothers me about the 2012 olympics is that we are all going to be a whole 4 years older! After every olympics I think 'omg I'm going to be such and such an age when the next one starts'. LOL

09-08-2008, 11:38
Cheers Tiggy. As if turning 30 wasn't bad enough in 2 months now I'm thinking "Crap, I'll be 34!" :p

09-08-2008, 11:51
Cheers Tiggy. As if turning 30 wasn't bad enough in 2 months now I'm thinking "Crap, I'll be 34!" :p

I'll be 40! :'(

09-08-2008, 11:55
I'll be 40! :'(


09-08-2008, 11:59
I'll be 32!!!!

09-08-2008, 12:01
I'll be 32!!!!

Oh shut up!


09-08-2008, 12:10
I'll be 33 !!

09-08-2008, 12:16
Oh shut up!

Shant! ;D

Back on topic momentarily, but I am loving all the coverage this morning, its been great switching from one thing to another, and its also great to see all our ex athletes who know what theyre talking about commenting on things. I grew up watching the likes of Sharron Davies and Steve Redgrave, so its great to still be able to see them.

09-08-2008, 12:29
I'll be 31 :( Bad times

09-08-2008, 12:41
I grew up watching the likes of Sharron Davies and Steve Redgrave, so its great to still be able to see them.

Thats *Sir* Steve Redgrave fyi ;) Do they have olympic rugby coverage?

09-08-2008, 12:51
Thats *Sir* Steve Redgrave fyi ;)

Very sorry!
*Says three Hail Marys and an Our Father and begs for forgiveness*

09-08-2008, 12:52
...I'll be 25

09-08-2008, 12:53
...I'll be 25

Well you can definitely shut up then!

09-08-2008, 13:00
I don't understand the automatic "It'll be crap when we do it" attitudes, it's really quite surprised me. I think we're going to do a fantastic job, why would this country deliberately do otherwise.

As far as I remember there's always doubts leading up to the Olympics as to whether the facilities will be ready and last minute headlines in the papers showing places looking like building sites and I don't suppose we'll be any different but I really hope and want us to make a magnificent show and I don't think this country will disappoint.

I'm proud of my nation and I don't always put us down, we can do fantastic shows.

Anyway, loving the coverage already, I've got the live BBC playing on my desktop and I'm just enjoying it being there.

Oh and for what it's worth, I'll be 45.

09-08-2008, 13:06
I think its the great British attitude. I know that for years before the Capital of Culture year people were going "It'll be so so bad. We're going to fail." and with a number of let downs in 2007 it was the general feel. Its 8 months in to 2008 and its been brilliant. This has all been put on despite the stupid politics and the fact that the council needed to find £20m to fund it, which I don't think they have yet found. Of course there will be problems and naysayers and stuff but ya never know.

09-08-2008, 13:28
I'll be 40! :'(

You will only be as old as the woman you feel, and I'll be 27 ;) :p

09-08-2008, 14:18
I missed the opening ceremony, was going to watch the highlights lastnight, but thanks to a teething baby I missed it. Ah well. I've looked at the pics and it looks like I missed a spectacular display.

The bbc has got some great coverage of it on iplayer: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer

09-08-2008, 14:43
I love the Olympics :D Especially the athletic coverage, but it's nice to see other sports that I wouldn't normally.
Not fussed either way about it being in London next time round, can't really see it affecting me much here other than being able to watch the events at a more reasonable time of day :p

09-08-2008, 20:23
Archery coverage starts tomorrow :)


09-08-2008, 20:54
I'll be 31 :( Bad times

Me too, but as has already been said, we'll be in our sexual prime.

My kids will be 5 and 8!

10-08-2008, 01:18
Mine will be 15,13 and 10. And it's all well and good us being in our sexual prime, but when men hit theirs in their teens all you boys are past it.

I hope you're right Feek, time will tell :)

10-08-2008, 02:06
I'll be 42. I won't panic. Much. :shocked:

Semi on-topic rant... My attempt to record the Olympics was somewhat mixed yesterday. I have a Nebula card and a dual tuner Hauppauge stick (got off eBay as a spare thanks to Nebula Electronics going down the pan).

Knowing that the BBC uses just two Freeview Muxes, my intention was to dedicate the Hauppauge stick to recording those, leaving the Neb free for casual TV watching. Oh no - can't do that. Stupid Hauppauge software won't let me, so I conscript the Neb to take care of one Mux with the Hauppauge doing the other. Even that didn't work out as while the Neb recorded flawlessly, the Hauppauge software kept collapsing. :/ :/ :/

So, I went and got MediaPortal. Something I've been meaning to do for a while but avoided due to the convoluted install I had to do last time. Thankfully they've fixed all that now. Mediaportal can deal with both Muxes using just the Hauppauge stick, so I've got the Neb back. We'll see how this works out.

If they work out the bugs, I might switch to MediaPortal full-time (including the Neb) and dump the mostly reliable but old Nebula software.

10-08-2008, 04:24
I'll be 42. I won't panic.

Deliberately Adamsian?

10-08-2008, 09:47
My kids will be 9,, 6 1/2 and 5. OMG!!! All at school. I'd be lost.

10-08-2008, 10:32
My kids will be 9,, 6 1/2 and 5. OMG!!! All at school. I'd be lost.

You bloody wont, you'll be down the pub like all us other self repsecting mums! :D

10-08-2008, 10:36
We just won a gold medal in the cycling didnt we!!?!?!?

10-08-2008, 10:37
Aye, I've got it on now :D

10-08-2008, 10:38
That was a good ride.. nice and close to the line. What a way to start our medals!

What an evil course & conditions though!

Von Smallhausen
10-08-2008, 11:39
I'll be 24.

10-08-2008, 11:41

The feed that's supposed to be the shooting is just a loop of the day 2 events.

Von Smallhausen
10-08-2008, 11:42

10-08-2008, 13:07
Hmmmm *strokes beard*

10-08-2008, 13:51

The feed that's supposed to be the shooting is just a loop of the day 2 events.
They've had some pretty lousy weather. I know the tennis got postponed - don't know about other events.

10-08-2008, 14:02
Have to say some of our male swimmers are HOT!!!

Von Smallhausen
10-08-2008, 14:13
I was thinking that.

10-08-2008, 14:13
Speaking of which, that swimming result appears to have been utterly unexpected. :shocked:

Von Smallhausen
10-08-2008, 14:13

10-08-2008, 16:01
Have to say some of our male swimmers are HOT!!!

I think male swimmers have the perfect physique...I think...Im not sure, Im not looking at all. Oh no. Not me.


10-08-2008, 22:22
Have to say some of our male swimmers are HOT!!!
:oI used to have that physique :(

Sort of.

11-08-2008, 04:40
Not giving too much away, but two more medals. Same event. Absolutely stunning and unexpected, and ending a 48 year run. Another absolute shocker involving a certain American for dessert. Get in. \o/

Von Smallhausen
11-08-2008, 09:30
Von, do you need to reverse the numbers there?? ;)

Quite possibly, yes. :D

Snuggle Ferret
12-08-2008, 15:20
Who else, when watching the men on the High Bar and doing the release and catches, holds their breath? It's sodding amazing!!!!

13-08-2008, 12:35
Just seen our canoeist get a silver in slalom :cool:
Has to be said that Sharon Davies looks Superb :)

17-08-2008, 02:01
This thread hasn't been updated today. Did anybody else see the 100m final sprint? How insane was that?!

17-08-2008, 02:24
Bolt is a monster, to run that quickly and still ease off for the last 15m. I wonder what his time would have been had he been pushed all the way.

17-08-2008, 09:49
I just needed a woo hoo for us now being 3rd in the medal table!

17-08-2008, 10:01
Woo Hoo indeed! Quite a day our team has had :D

17-08-2008, 10:14
Some folks at work were moaning about how we were so far down in the medal table (what was it, 11th?) I kept pointing out to them that we're a tiny dot of a country, with only a tiny fraction of the populations of the US and China. The odds of us getting a world class winning athlete isn't that spectacular. That we do get so many is something to be damn proud of.

17-08-2008, 10:23
I dont like how the medal table is organized. A country with 0 gold but 100 silvers and 100 bronze would be lower than a country with one gold only.
It should be weighted imo. :angry:

But \:D/ for 3rd!!!

17-08-2008, 10:29
Just watched the sprint final... he really does shake things up a little. How the hell can you break the world record AND STILL have chilled at the end of your running. I really wish he'd powered all the way through the 100m just to see what he could have done to that record.

I wonder if all 100m finalists are going to have to be 200m Olympiads too, maybe that is what's giving him his edge?

17-08-2008, 10:56
Some folks at work were moaning about how we were so far down in the medal table (what was it, 11th?) I kept pointing out to them that we're a tiny dot of a country, with only a tiny fraction of the populations of the US and China. The odds of us getting a world class winning athlete isn't that spectacular. That we do get so many is something to be damn proud of.

You can also inform them that we also have half the number of athletes representing us that the two teams now above us in the medal table have at the olympics. So well done us!

17-08-2008, 12:22
Looks like our new far eastern friends may have a point. 8 is clearly a magic number. :cool:

17-08-2008, 12:53
You can also inform them that we also have half the number of athletes representing us that the two teams now above us in the medal table have at the olympics. So well done us!

Don't forget the small fact that popular sports in GB aren't the ones with representation in the Olympics.

Football : we have the World Cup and the Euro's. The Olympics are in the same part of the season as the Euro's, which would just mash with them in most years or at least affect (as is happening) with the starts of the domestic season. It's also only U23 for most of the team if memory serves me correct.

Cricket : is that even there?

Rugby : I think there was rugby sevens at some point - I've seen nothing this year, and we have the World Cups and e.g. Six Nations Tournament that are preceived as more important.

Cycling, rowing, swimming (?) are pretty much individual atheletes with I'm guessing a whole load of lottery funding.

The fact that our acadamies are non-existant compared to Australia, US and China (HINT HINT!!) is another factor. So aye, I think it's amazing we're doing so well but this was touted to be a "Golden Weekend". Overall I reckon 5th or 6th is where we'll end up. Come on GB!

17-08-2008, 14:22
At least we do recognise that we need the academies and the targeted funding, and the fruits of that can be seen already - especially in events that we're not typically strong at - e.g. swimming and gymnastics.

I just hope that this is a springboard to greater things in 2012, and not an early peak.

17-08-2008, 14:34
There is another thing in the US (or certainly Hawaii) when it comes to swimming. Swimming is free for all in the public pools. Labour have committed to that now for the UK, in stages, so that by 2012 it will be free. Hopefully that'll encourage more folks to go swimming, or at least swim more often. It is a great all body way to stay in shape.

17-08-2008, 14:59
They're redeveloping our local leisure centre. The current plan is to get rid of the diving boards and it's part of the pool, and also the outdoor pool.

Thanks local council, that'll really help :angry:

17-08-2008, 15:08
What on earth do you expect? This is Essex you're talking about. :p Bitter, much, but I don't care. :p

17-08-2008, 15:16
I can't believe Phelps hasn't been mentioned in here yet! What a monster, i follow the swimming only because i enjoy it myself. Phelps is just unbelievable he is the bolt of the water :p

Adlington hasn't done too shabby herself on our side i must say as well :)

I think male swimmers have the perfect physique...I think...Im not sure, Im not looking at all. Oh no. Not me.

I swim! I swim!! :D*

*Yet look nowhere remotely like this :p

17-08-2008, 23:51

That's the way all Olympics should be ranked ;D

18-08-2008, 00:06
I dont like how the medal table is organized. A country with 0 gold but 100 silvers and 100 bronze would be lower than a country with one gold only.
It should be weighted imo. :angry:

But \:D/ for 3rd!!!

Taking the weighted idea, and running with 5 for Gold, 3 for Silver, 1 for Bronze, the top 10 looks like:

China 35 13 13 61 227
United States 19 21 25 65 183
Russia 7 12 12 31 83
Great Britain 11 6 8 25 81
Australia 8 10 11 29 81
South Korea 8 9 5 22 72
Germany 9 6 6 21 69
Japan 8 5 7 20 62
France 4 9 12 25 59
Italy 6 6 6 18 54

18-08-2008, 00:22

That's the way all Olympics should be ranked ;D
Would you be suggesting that all the brits are nancy boys? ;D :p

18-08-2008, 03:20
*ahem* USA kicks ass. \o/

18-08-2008, 03:38
*ahem* without Phelps you'd have the same number of Gold medals as us. We've decided Phelps should count as his own country (currently in 8th in the medal table :shocked:) :p

18-08-2008, 05:53
lol. dude... that guy is a super hero. He's so cuuuuuute too!

18-08-2008, 06:34
lol. dude... that guy is a super hero. He's so cuuuuuute too!

That guy is a mutant ;D
Abnormal arm span, highly efficient cardio-vascular system, abnormally low lactic acid production, double jointed virtually everything. Oh, and apparently very clumsy out of water!

18-08-2008, 06:55
I've seen his mother, but not his father. He's probably a dolphin. What if he represents the future of man's evolution? Women should start breeding with dolphins and spawn a whole generation of highly advanced human-dolphin people. The new species would be called homo-phelpians.

18-08-2008, 08:58
I've seen his mother, but not his father. He's probably a dolphin. What if he represents the future of man's evolution? Women should start breeding with dolphins and spawn a whole generation of highly advanced human-dolphin people. The new species would be called homo-phelpians.

;D Good luck with that one.

I guess it could lead to a whole line of new species if we keep working on that one. Cross-breed a Human and a Giraffe to get a new pole volter? A Human and a horse to get a world class marathon runner? I guess even if he failed as a marathon runner there would probably be work for him in the porno industry.

18-08-2008, 09:37
You all need to watch Animalympics:


Superb film. It's basically animals competing at the Olympics using their various characteristic strengths. Voiced by Billy Crystal and Harry Shearer amongst others, I used to watch it all the time as a kid.

If the voices seem a bit off from the animation, it was originally in German!

18-08-2008, 12:09
OMG !! I had Animalolympics on Betamax ! Used to drive my parents nuts watching it all the time ;D

18-08-2008, 12:52
The United State of Michael Phelps (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/olympics/7567384.stm) ;D ;D

18-08-2008, 13:11
Number 6 is the best! Just recurring images of his face. ;D

18-08-2008, 13:29
I used to LOVE Animalympics :D *gets watching*

19-08-2008, 15:56
Great day today, more medals in the cycling, a surprise on the field and a fantastic run by Christine in the 400m


19-08-2008, 16:57
Gutted - haven't been watching. Have been recording though, of course.

Disk space used - 1.136TB. Currently scrounging several hundred GB from other systems to give me enough room to record the rest without deploying my spare 500GB drive. DivX is compressing at just over 1GB/hour - going to take a while. :shocked:

Edit - just seen we're five golds ahead of a certain country 'down under'. Hope we can stay ahead - they were doing their usual and gloating about overtaking us a few days ago - I suspect we could all derive great pleasure from returning the favour. ;D

19-08-2008, 19:33
Take a look at this. Amazing 360 degree look of the Beijing Olympic Stadium just before the men's 100m final.


19-08-2008, 20:07
Can anyone find a video of Bolts final online? NBC are playing silly buggers and all the youtube feeds are broken. I don't care for quality, i just need to show someone who hasn't seen it (she been living under a rock).

Wow Mel thats ^^ awesome

19-08-2008, 20:13
It'll still be on iPlayer for a few days I suspect. I have a copy but it's going to be a while before I get to encoding that. :(

19-08-2008, 20:40
Can anyone find a video of Bolts final online? NBC are playing silly buggers and all the youtube feeds are broken. I don't care for quality, i just need to show someone who hasn't seen it (she been living under a rock).

Wow Mel thats ^^ awesome


19-08-2008, 20:41
This says it's not available in my region but it's BBC so you might be able to see this... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/olympics/athletics/7565203.stm

19-08-2008, 20:42
Jinx, Garp!

19-08-2008, 21:54
Jinx, Garp!

Meh.. I'd have been quicker but I approached it from the wrong angle, was looking at the whole episode on bbc iplayer trying to narrow it down when I suddenly remembered where I'd watched it myself ;D

21-08-2008, 10:53
Was watching the womens fancy diving at the gym last night and every time they leapt/somersaulted/flipped off, I winced as I kept imagining them bashing their heads or catching a foot on the ledge :o

21-08-2008, 10:56
Was watching the womens fancy diving at the gym last night and every time they leapt/somersaulted/flipped off, I winced as I kept imagining them bashing their heads or catching a foot on the ledge :o

I do that, every time. Find it nigh on impossible to watch as a result.

21-08-2008, 10:58
Remember seeing someone fracture their skull doing that one games or other. Not nice.

21-08-2008, 11:55
Remember seeing someone fracture their skull doing that one games or other. Not nice.

That's the reason I see it in my mind happening, I've seen that clip several times before :(

22-08-2008, 15:16
Mens 4x100m final. Just WOW!!!

22-08-2008, 17:22
Mens 4x100m final. Just WOW!!!

Just watched it on the BBC Sport home page.

Bloody hell.

22-08-2008, 17:27
Number 6 is the best! Just recurring images of his face. ;D
Why is there a pair of pants in number 13? ;D

22-08-2008, 17:33
Just watched it on the BBC Sport home page.

Bloody hell.

Is this the one where both us and the us go out?

22-08-2008, 17:34
Nope - that's the previous round. Haven't seen it, but I have seen the result. :shocked:

22-08-2008, 17:41
gah I'm trying to find the video now, anyone got a link?

22-08-2008, 17:47
Forgot to say cheers for that link guys, like Garp i was trying to narrow down on iPlayer, and i essentially watched all of it, but couldn't find it at all..... =/

22-08-2008, 18:18
gah I'm trying to find the video now, anyone got a link?


It's the one on the bbc sport home page like i said! :p

22-08-2008, 18:35

22-08-2008, 19:36
That's one hell of a winning margin. The one second I knew about was impressive, but that's just :eek:

22-08-2008, 20:50
Usain Bolt is just amazing, running 9.96 on the bend is insane. His time in the 200m was beyond belief as well, it was a record I thought would last a lot longer. There's talk of him going up to 400m soon, and I bet Michael Johnson is hoping he doesn't simply so that his record stays intact.

22-08-2008, 20:57
I don't think Michael Johnson would mind. He was celebrating with everyone else when his 200m record got broken - he certainly didn't seem to mind that one during an interview.

23-08-2008, 04:30
Oh I'm sure that he expects the record to go at some point, and Bolt seems like a nice guy, so I bet Michael doesn't mind him breaking it. I reckon it still hurts a little though to see a record that amazing (his 200m record) beaten, as it means you're no longer the best ever in the event.

23-08-2008, 10:58
Glad to see justice was served in the Taekwondo semi, even though we can only hope for a bronze now, im glad the corrupt judges were sorted out.

23-08-2008, 11:07
Me too. They say that oath at the opening ceremony. Glad to see they mean it.

23-08-2008, 11:30
She lost the semi. Seems she only had about 20 minutes to get prepared for it.

23-08-2008, 11:55
Why is there a pair of pants in number 13? ;D

And #11 looks like he's come in on the tide and faceplanted the beach! :D

23-08-2008, 12:24
She lost the semi.
But she got the Bronze :)

Snuggle Ferret
23-08-2008, 14:30
Who else thought the ref in the Degale boxing match was crap?

24-08-2008, 14:42
Watching the Closing Ceremony - the Memory Tower performance... omg! :shocked: soooo much thought gone not only into the choreography, but the costume design aswell... Amazing!!!

Shame about the miming :(

BB x

24-08-2008, 14:45
Didn't really notice the miming but then I wasn't looking. No surprise given what happened in the opening ceremony.

London's bit wasn't bad, save Boris with his hands in his pockets. :/

24-08-2008, 15:33
I'm watching the Olympic overview thing, red button BBC 1. I love these things, and hate them too, so emotive.

24-08-2008, 15:56
Recording to watch later, though I'll wager it's better than some of what we're being served on BBC One. Cover-tastic.

PS - London 2012 website appears down. Great start to our four years there. :/

24-08-2008, 16:59
Ah look theyve wheeled Heather Small out again, although she doesnt seem to be able to pronounce "today" properly this time.

24-08-2008, 18:06
Wonder who will be singing at our opening and closing?

Take That! Yeah! :D

BB x

24-08-2008, 18:37
Wonder who will be singing at our opening and closing?

Take That! Yeah! :D

BB x

Do you think if we all start writing to Father Christmas now, he might just make that possible?

24-08-2008, 22:30
Seriously though... can you think of anyone else who would fit the bill?!

Amy Whinehouse??? Haha hhahha

BB x

24-08-2008, 22:44
After all the Beijing hooplah with their themes of 'togetherness' and whatnot, we should just get Sir Paul to do an extended fifteen minute version of Live and Let Die. That would be kick-ass.

03-09-2008, 19:19
Ok my brother found this and I just had to post it here


06-09-2008, 13:54
I just wanted a "WOOOOOO!!" for our paralympic team!
Lets hope they do as well as they can.
Im sure they will.

06-09-2008, 14:00
Completely forgot. Woe betide me considering I feel the Paralympics doesn't get as much coverage as it should. Fortunately I'd already scheduled recording of this several days ago.

06-09-2008, 14:04
Recording the opening ceremony now :)
Pity there only seems to be daily highlights though :( I'd love for there to be more coverage available.

06-09-2008, 14:08
Recording the opening ceremony now :)
Pity there only seems to be daily highlights though :( I'd love for there to be more coverage available.

Yup, the only live stuff I can find is tomorrow afternoon. And its BBC 2 even for the highlights which is a shame as well.

06-09-2008, 14:31
Live coverage date/times/places:


Hopefully Mediaportal will be as well-behaved as it was during the Olympics. It was recording like a loon then (over 600 hours and 1.2TB recorded :shocked:, didn't crash once), so this will be a little less taxing.

06-09-2008, 15:14
Holy Mother of God!!!

First that 12 year old in a wheelchair at the centre of it all, now thousands of children dancing their little hearts out. I'm very impressed with this. I just hope they're enjoying it all just as much.

06-09-2008, 15:31
I loved that Tellytubbies bit earlier....had me in stitches ;D

06-09-2008, 16:33
Red button's not much use for me as I tend to record it all and watch it later in the day/the next day due to the times events are on. There should be proper live stuff on, I'm sure more people would watch rather than being restricted to the red button or online.

Just about to watch the opening ceremony now :D

06-09-2008, 16:35
As far as I'm aware you can only record on Freeview and non-Sky satellite. :(

It'll all be on iPlayer though if that helps.

06-09-2008, 16:36
If it was on live as in on BBC1 or 2, I could record it with V+ but I can't afaik if it's down to the red button. That's my main complaint :)
And iplayer's not much use when I'm away all week :p
Edit: Really, I just think it's a pity for the paralympics that they don't get the same coverage! :(

06-09-2008, 16:41
I loved that Tellytubbies bit earlier....had me in stitches ;D

My Mum just said she reckons they look like they're in gimp suits ;D

06-09-2008, 16:44
You're preaching to the converted there. :(

I'm sincerely hoping that what China have done will give everyone else a royal shunt up the backside. Who'd have thunk it - China, human rights pariah, teaching everyone a lesson on human rights.

Very rose-tinted public tip of a large and murky iceberg, but still, what China have done really ought to be a lesson for the rest of us

08-09-2008, 20:02
We got robbed of a silver medal!
Shelly Woods came 2nd in the 5000m, after a pile up on the penaltimate lap, they gave them all their medals and then changed their minds after 3 appeals from other countries (whos athletes were involved in the crash)
Shelly wasnt involved in the crash but 6 other athletes were.

The race is now being re-run on Friday!


And our 13 year old swimmer who won a gold today, nearly had me in tears as well. She didnt know whether to laugh or cry she was so happy!

09-09-2008, 09:14
We got robbed of a silver medal!
Shelly Woods came 2nd in the 5000m, after a pile up on the penaltimate lap, they gave them all their medals and then changed their minds after 3 appeals from other countries (whos athletes were involved in the crash)
Shelly wasnt involved in the crash but 6 other athletes were.

The race is now being re-run on Friday!


I watched that last night, hell of a crash, did you see an official going onto the track nearly caused another crash on the final straight. It's wrong that they are rerunning it though, these things happen and it's contrary to policy to rerun a race that is so far gone.
It's especially harsh on those who won medals, having to give them back and get into the right mindset to race again.

09-09-2008, 18:11
Yeah I did, silly official nearly took out the remaining athletes!
I agree its wrong the race is being re run as well, and I would say the same if our athlete had been involved in the crash as well.
To have to give your medal back must be awful.

10-09-2008, 00:12
Wow we're doing brilliantly at the cycling. More medals than the other team had!
Really annoys me how non-existent the coverage is though :angry: They're as big a heroes as Chris Hoy etc and they get such limited press :(

10-09-2008, 07:17
Wow we're doing brilliantly at the cycling. More medals than the other team had!
Really annoys me how non-existent the coverage is though :angry: They're as big a heroes as Chris Hoy etc and they get such limited press :(

Indeed, but its a heck of a lot better than it was in Athens.

10-09-2008, 07:32
Wow we're doing brilliantly at the cycling. More medals than the other team had!
Really annoys me how non-existent the coverage is though :angry: They're as big a heroes as Chris Hoy etc and they get such limited press :(

Agreed. Even Chris Evans was slating the lack of coverage, including the BBC's.

10-09-2008, 07:37
I hope to god that the reason the athletes parade is delayed until October is so our paralympians can join in as well.

10-09-2008, 10:10
Wow we're doing brilliantly at the cycling. More medals than the other team had!
Really annoys me how non-existent the coverage is though :angry: They're as big a heroes as Chris Hoy etc and they get such limited press :(

I was working from home yesterday and had it on in the background, it seems there is 6 hours coverage a day (or is it 8? starts at 10am) on one of the red button channels, and a roundup show on bbc2 in the evening. And even with these I'm seeing a lot of repeated material, yet looking at the schedule there is a lot more they could be showing.

A major downside to being on the interactive channels is that there is no easy way to record them, the only place you can record the daily action is if you have BBC HD, which incidentally looks amazing.

Looking forward to catching Oscar Pistorius in some more races, he really is amazing, it was a shame he didn't quite manage to qualify for the Olympics.

10-09-2008, 11:13
The red button also relies on people knowing its existence and I suspect the average viewer forgets it regularly. Also I know for example, my Grandmother would love to see it but the odds of her having any idea of the red button is non-existent.
I see no reason why it shouldn't be on the regular channels. They managed it fine with the 'regular' Olympics and I don't really see the difference personally.
I've not even seen it mentioned much on the news :/ At least not on News 24, no idea about how other channels or radio.
The red button just feels a bit of an excuse for the BBC so they can say 'well we are showing it, look!' but I don't feel they're doing anywhere near as good a job as they could. Hopefully they'll rectify it by 2012 but I wouldn't count on it.

10-09-2008, 13:37
Has anyone managed to catch any of the wheelchair basketball? It's a fantastic sport.

10-09-2008, 13:52
Yeah, saw the first GB game and highlights of the others. Really enjoyed it :)

17-09-2008, 14:44
Just finished watching the closing ceremonies for the Paralympics. Wow, the Chinese support of the games was incredible, I hope there are packed out stadiums in 2012.
The swimming and athletics were great, and with as well as he did here I look forward to seeing Oscar Pistorius at both Paralympics and the Olympics in 2012.

17-09-2008, 14:50
Just finished watching the closing ceremonies for the Paralympics. Wow, the Chinese support of the games was incredible, I hope there are packed out stadiums in 2012.
The swimming and athletics were great, and with as well as he did here I look forward to seeing Oscar Pistorius at both Paralympics and the Olympics in 2012.

There's no way he could compete with able bodied athletes without it descending into a farce.

17-09-2008, 14:53
If the BBC doesn't give full coverage to Paralympics in London it'll be a complete outrage, but I'm sure they will.

I'm already planning what I need to do in advance to secure enough money and time off to watch as many events as possible. Four weeks off work and a lot of travelling. :)

17-09-2008, 14:54
There's no way he could compete with able bodied athletes without it descending into a farce.
Why? They already ruled for the Olympics this year that his blades didn't confer an advantage, if he'd made qualifying times this year he could have been at the Olympics.

17-09-2008, 14:56
The appeal said they did though - and IMO they do. I have no problem with disabled athletes competing in the able-bodied Olympics. In fact, I have no doubt they do already. However, there must be equality, and there wouldn't have been here.

I missed the closing, but I recorded it so I'll either watch it back or watch the highlights, or both.

17-09-2008, 15:03
Why? They already ruled for the Olympics this year that his blades didn't confer an advantage, if he'd made qualifying times this year he could have been at the Olympics.

OK...here's an obvious scenario.

Lets say that his 'natural ability', had he got legs, would enable him to run 100m in 12s. He straps on his blades and runs 100m in 12s. Clearly one can say that the blades compensate perfectly for his disability.

Then the makers come up with an improvment and he runs 100m in 9s. Clearly this would be unfair on the able bodied athletes.

But how do we know that the improvement wasnt also down to better training? Its impossible to say, since you cant at any point say what level the 'able-bodied' athlete would be competing at.

If the benchmark for how much of an advantage is given is based even partially on his performance in a race then you have the absurd position that, if he wins, one can claim that he's been given an unfair advantage.

17-09-2008, 18:16
If the BBC doesn't give full coverage to Paralympics in London it'll be a complete outrage, but I'm sure they will.

I'm already planning what I need to do in advance to secure enough money and time off to watch as many events as possible. Four weeks off work and a lot of travelling. :)

I hope they do! Can't see me being able to see anything other than on TV but suppose I have time to get rich :p

17-09-2008, 19:46
Have really enjoyed watching the coverage (ive mainly caught the hour on BBC2 in the evenings due to work)

Was really disappointed to hear about one of our athletes (I think it was the discus) being reclassified when she got to bejing based on her disability, and then when she won a medal they suddenly decided she shouldnt be in that category and so she was excluded and didnt get her medal. Also one of our cerebral palsy footballers, not being "disabled enough" and him being excluded as well. Grrrrr! As if these people dont have enough to go through on a daily basis without some person sitting on a commitee deciding their future for them.

End rant, well done to Shelly Woods for winning our 100th medal and well done to all our athletes for finishing 2nd in the medal table.
GO US!!!

17-09-2008, 20:03
Difficult one that. I believe at least in the Discus case she was 'well' enough that she didn't even know she had anything wrong until a Doctor found it.