View Full Version : Eastenders - Jim **Spoilers Inside**

11-08-2008, 20:22
Watching Eastenders tonight is really rough for me, yes I know its only a soap but tonight John Bardon who plays Jim is back for one episode.

He had a stroke in real life, and so has his character, John himself is obviously struggling to talk in real life and they are showing this tonight.

Hard to explain but having had a gran who died following a stroke (allbeit 8 months later) its quite hard to watch.

Im really glad though that they brought him back to show us all how hes getting on, and I hope he is back again soon.

I will stop being a girl now, until I have to cope with the death of Wellard later in the week :'(

11-08-2008, 21:41
As me and my sister discussed then we think he was playing the character's ailments slightly more than his own. But it was damn good of him to allow the scriptwriters to put him back into the story and I have full support for him for doing that.

However, we did spot that some of the other actors were slightly uncomfortable around him, although they rallied well and it was good to see Jim back and you could tell that everyone was genuinely happy to see him :)

Wellard!? WHAT!? :'(

11-08-2008, 21:53
Peggy came across as a bit patronising but then she tends to do that with most things.

Wellard!? WHAT!? :'(

Yup, im sorry to break it to you, im going to bawl, its why hes been having "accidents" around the house.
Same thing happened to my dog, he will probably end up with cushings disease or something because the same thing as Wellard is doing my dog did.

11-08-2008, 21:59
Yup, im sorry to break it to you, im going to bawl, its why hes been having "accidents" around the house.
Same thing happened to my dog, he will probably end up with cushings disease or something because the same thing as Wellard is doing my dog did.

I thought it was just Ricky doing that so he could sleep with Bianca :p

12-08-2008, 09:15
Rob and I were trying to decide whether that was him as he is, or he was acting the part.

It didn't look like he had full control of his right side though :(

Sorry to hear your take Knipps.. :( my aunty is currently recovering from a stroke... she is making really good progress :) every time I see her.

BB x

12-08-2008, 10:22
I get the impression we wont be seeing him in it again :(

12-08-2008, 11:33
I thought it was just Ricky doing that so he could sleep with Bianca :p

Why would he deliberately do that to himself...

I never even watched eastenders that much but I still can hear the eponymous cry of "Riickkkkyyyyyy", and shudder every time.