View Full Version : Vantage Point

11-08-2008, 22:21
IMDB Link (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0443274/)

Just finished watching this and really enjoyed it.
You get to see "an event" though the eyes of several different people, each person seeing something more or different to the others, which all helps to build up what actually happened.

Really worth a watch :)

11-08-2008, 22:27
I went to watch this at the cinema, and personally i didn't enjoy it, i don't remember exactly what happened now. But basically the repeating to me wasn't done as well as I'd hoped it would. And the ending was a real let down i think, no major/clever twist like I'd really hoped... I felt ripped off watching it at the cinema, might be an alright DVD release...

11-08-2008, 23:08
Didn't see it at the cinema but have it here to watch. Not really sure what to expect so will keep an open mind.

11-08-2008, 23:24
i enjoyed everything about it, right up to the end bit

i've lost a very important man.... oh no wait, there he is, crisis over.

12-08-2008, 07:30
Yes the ending was weak, and fairly obviously it was a little repetitive without enough of a twist to it. It could have been a lot better. Still good fun though. :)

12-08-2008, 09:12
Really good film :) but...

Jack Shepherd can't be evil :( its just not right!

BB x

13-08-2008, 01:40
If you haven't seen it check out Go - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0139239/