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Didnt have map... can some1 knock up a zip of maps in the cycle?
Didnt have map... can some1 knock up a zip of maps in the cycle?
The map cycle is bog standard maps + 2 that have been installed afterwards. I've already linked to them a couple of times in the thread.
Admiral Huddy
15-09-2006, 11:43
.. I was looking for some jungle maps last night but couldn't find any.. 1.6 has quite a few.
I might have a scout around at the weekend :)
If we do start to add some new maps, I think we should remove some of the current ones that we don't like (maybe a poll). I don't like it if there's too many maps.
15-09-2006, 12:39
I agree Desmo, I'd always keep in the "popular" maps (I guess people's views of popular vary, but I'd see this as dust1/2, aztec, office and a handful of others.) but axe the ones nobody is so keen on.
How about adding a few fun maps like rats?
If we can get a complete maps listing then I'll start a poll and see which are the ones nbody likes.
Admiral Huddy
15-09-2006, 12:58
i don't think there are any that i don't like. Some are quite the same.
University of Teeside has a Gunmod server thats usually a bit of a laugh. My performance is always rather changeable. They have some very interesting little maps on rotation for 'deathmatch' gunmod stuff.
One is a pita, though initially I thought it was cool.
Its basically one large square room. Inside the room is a grid made up of partitions, all + style, which rotate around constantly. Trying to get a clear shot is interesting, its like playing in a constantly changing maze. After about 2 minutes it began to get annoying. After 5 I was totally pissed off with it. I ended up spectating for the final 25, just watching it all take place from a free-look cam.
Would be nice if we had some control over the game style and maps :)
I know Paul was looking into but his time is limited.
If we can get a complete maps listing then I'll start a poll and see which are the ones nbody likes.
Would be nice if we had some control over the game style and maps :)
I know Paul was looking into but his time is limited.
I'll try to get around to it over the weekend.
Sorry mate, wasn't try to hassle you or anything, hehe. Just that it would be handy that we can vote maps or games whilst on server :)
If we can vote maps then we can have as many in the cycle as we want, including the crapier ones :p
If we can't get a voting system in place then I think we should have a vote here on the maps we like.
Admiral Huddy
15-09-2006, 15:06
Chaps i've updated the OP with all the information you've provided. Hope that's ok.
I've set the next pre-arranged match for Tuesday, 26th September :)
17-09-2006, 00:12
Be there, or be square!
cs_militia seems to be one that neither Dym or I were keen on as soon as it loaded, bringing groans of 'oh, not this one'.
Had a good little game last night of something I'd not played before. Was a big room full of wooden crates with a platform at each end. T's start at one end with CT's starting at the other, we had 15 a side. Deagles were the only weapons apart from a couple of grenades spawning at the start point. Was just a complete random blast-fest but was quite a good laugh :D
Ahh that map sounds like cs_deagle5
Good fun map :)
Ran a local server on my Ubuntu box at home, just for laughs. Was stunned. Its an XP3000 with 512mb of RAM, and was quite happily handling 23 bots at Expert difficulty without budging over 70% CPU. Make that 31 and the server started to lag a bit :)
The server was happy, I wasn't. Damn those bots are frikkin hard at that level. You've no sooner seen them than your dead!
no one playing tonight then ?
Can I make a request for the BD server please Burble, could you set the bot_quota to 6, and raise their skill level one notch? Might make for a more interesting game if we end up with just two of us playing again like last night (813all and myself owned it all over the bots without batting an eyelid)
Can I make a request for the BD server please Burble, could you set the bot_quota to 6
I was thinking this the other day. When there's two of you playing then a 2v2 game isn't all that great. A few more bots would be good :)
could you set the bot_quota to 6, and raise their skill level one notch?
Done and done.
20-09-2006, 12:32
Done and done.
I am so gonna get OMGWTFPWND even more by the bots now :(
I am so gonna get OMGWTFPWND even more by the bots now :(
It's all about practice and decent ears :)
20-09-2006, 12:34
It's all about practice and decent ears :)
getting pwnd by bots? I reckon I've managed to get plenty of practice in... And 5.1 surround in game ROCKS :p
getting pwnd by bots? I reckon I've managed to get plenty of practice in... And 5.1 surround in game ROCKS :p
Got headphones though? They'll help you a LOT more than anything else could. You can hear people coming then ;) That's how I get most of my kills.
That and learning the maps so you know the most common places for people to appear.
20-09-2006, 12:44
I'll give headphones a go, although my hearing does officially suck :(
I know some of the maps pretty well, not great though.
although my hearing does officially suck :(
what ?
Anyone wanna play later on tonight?
im getting pwnt - both my the bots and having to dl the maps :( how many non-standard ones are there in the rotation? :(
There are only 2 non-standard maps on there &
I've no idea why the downloads are so slow - that box has oodles of bandwidth but Feek did mention that even the server running on his LAN was giving slow downloads :/
I have them both now, shouldnt be a problem in future then.
I have left now because it was just me and the bots and it was getting a bit boring. If people are on later, gimme a shout :)
I'm going to grab an early night, but like I said to you earlier, I'll most likely be about at some point over the weekend. I'll send you a message on Steam if you're about when I'm going to start.
Interesting (
23-09-2006, 14:49
I can see there being a mixed reaction to this. I quite like the idea in principal, but I suspect it might cause problems for some mods which are run on some servers.
I can see there being a mixed reaction to this. I quite like the idea in principal, but I suspect it might cause problems for some mods which are run on some servers.
Yeah.. wonder how it'll react to Gungame? Thats going to serious screw up the values as people work their way up from pistols to rifles et al.
if you look at the projected prices they arent that different to the original so i cant see it changing things much
Yes but the price changes each week so in a couple of months things could be quite different.
Exactly, the more people buy, the higher prices are likely to go.
So sysops will just increase the initial level of cash one starts with.
Not sure I like this idea.
I really dont see the point to be honest.
I really dont see the point to be honest.
Encouraging a more challenging game I guess. Stop people just being m4/ak47 whores the whole time they're playing
If this requires a server and client update each time they change the prices, I'm going to get pissed off very, very quickly.
23-09-2006, 21:58
Stop people just being m4/ak47 whores the whole time they're playing
Still, it's better than the clan server I sometimes play on where every other person has a bloody awp and knows only too well how to use it.
i think they should remove AWP from the game all together .
there is nothing worse than a server over run with AWP wores it just kills the game
Anyone up for a game tonight?
I might be able to after the Arsenal game.
Admiral Huddy
26-09-2006, 09:04
Chaps i've updated the OP with all the information you've provided. Hope that's ok.
I've set the next pre-arranged match for Tuesday, 26th September :)
Anyone up for a game tonight?
Anyone up for a game tonight?
lol, lots of people ;)
I'll be about tonight. Lost finale though, so it wont be a late one for me :)
What sorta time? 7:30/8:00?
Admiral Huddy
26-09-2006, 10:39
I'll be about tonight. Lost finale though, so it wont be a late one for me :)
What sorta time? 7:30/8:00?
sounds about right.. record it dude.. ;)
Will have to check my diary. Will be at the gym tonight but should be about later on for a short while.
26-09-2006, 10:48
I'll be about at some point :)
Admiral Huddy
26-09-2006, 11:09
I'll be about at some point :)
no!! You're banned to give us noobs a chance.. ok ok me a chance :D
I'll probably be about for a little while :)
Admiral Huddy
27-09-2006, 08:59
Not too many of us on last night.. Might have had something to do with the football and the last LOST :)
Played a few maps that i hadn't seen before. I liked the one with the court yard and the goldfish lol..
The one in the industrial yard that Dym and I were playing was quite hard.. not sure what the map was called... I'm sure the BOT AI has been increased. I was shooting one with an SMG point blanks in the head.. nothing.. he turns round and shots me with a couple of pistol shots and that's me toast :(
27-09-2006, 09:08
I tried to come on, but my ping was stupidly high (>500 most of the evening) so there'd have been little point. My connection has been a bit fubar'd for the last couple of days now :(
Was a good laugh last night but could have done with a few more of us :)
Played some new maps too which I thought were quite good once I knew where I was going.
I'm sure the BOT AI has been increased.
Aye, they were notched up a level a couple of days ago :)
If bullets don't seem to be registering correctly, it might be worth giving the server a restart. Used to happen a lot on my clan server. :)
Sorry guys, I got distracted by a couple of things and forgot :embarassed:
If bullets don't seem to be registering correctly, it might be worth giving the server a restart. Used to happen a lot on my clan server. :)
I VNC'd onto the server to bounce the service and found that it had crashed during the night anyway. Go Windows! It's a shame that I don't have a co-lo'd Linux box with enough grunt to run my game servers on.
It's up again.
Winblows indeed. One of my distractions was resizing the ntfs partition on my newly arrived laptop so I could put some linux goodness on it \o/
That and the football. Then Lost, which was a big disappointment :(
Admiral Huddy
27-09-2006, 10:09
If bullets don't seem to be registering correctly, it might be worth giving the server a restart. Used to happen a lot on my clan server. :)
Nope I'm just crap :)
Still not seen you on the server yet Haly?
I've not been on for a couple of weeks. Been busy moving and then I got a bit busy playing World of Warcraft :embarassed:
I'll get round to it eventually :)
She's too scared that she'll get her arse whooped.
Admiral Huddy
28-09-2006, 14:49
Any one up for Tuesday, 10th October :)
was thinking of taking screen shots of the stats .. then recording them on match nights.. :)
im in
just hope we get a better turn out then tuesday
Admiral Huddy
29-09-2006, 11:37
willl make a note under my siggy :)
I wonder if I can get my linux box to connect to the server and record stuff? Hmmm...
willl make a note under my siggy :)
Would you like to make a note that works? ;)
I probably won't be about on Tuesday - got visitors over from France so I'll most likely have to go out to dinner with them.
I'll probably be about next Tuesday for anyone that fancies playing next week.
Admiral Huddy
29-09-2006, 14:59
Would you like to make a note that works? ;)
:huh: I can't see the HTML under my sig editor ? what's happended there then?:D
It said - http://http//
I've fixed it for you :)
Admiral Huddy
29-09-2006, 15:13
It said - http://http//
I've fixed it for you :)
Thank you - I love you :p
I wonder if I can get my linux box to connect to the server and record stuff? Hmmm...
Meh.. would need SourceTV flag switch on on the server which would put it under much more CPU load.
Meh.. would need SourceTV flag switch on on the server which would put it under much more CPU load.
The box is all but idle so I can flick the switch and see what happens if you want.
The box is all but idle so I can flick the switch and see what happens if you want.
I'll give it a shot on my box at home and see what happens generally.
I'll give it a shot on my box at home and see what happens generally.
Admiral Huddy
29-09-2006, 19:56
Having a game now for 40 mins if anyone is intrested in having a bash with me :embarassed: :D l
Admiral Huddy
03-10-2006, 16:20
Where has everyone been recently? :(
Ok - those bots are a bit hard to beat... like I put 1000M rounds into [BD]Toms head and nothing.. one cap from him and i'm plastered all over the the table. damn.. 2 kills in 20 minutes.. i'm crap but not that crap..
A couple of questions... I've seen a sever were it tells you which map is coming next and it daisplay so when you start.
Also, I've seen a setting for bounty on higher rated players.. great stuff. How do they do that.. ?
Can we get a listing of settings etc that we might want to review..
Lastly, my son some how mananged to get the ping statisics window always showing at the bottom.. Anyone know how to get rid :) damn hacker..
Okay.. maybe we should knock the bots down a level.
I'm aiming to be on the server this evening if anyone wants to join me for a fight.
I was, sorting meetgallery out again might keep me from it though :(
Lastly, my son some how mananged to get the ping statisics window always showing at the bottom.. Anyone know how to get rid :) damn hacker..
When in game, press ` to bring up the console then type net_graph 0 and press ` to get rid of the console again.
Should sort it :)
i will be about so in
Sorry for my absense, a few things came up. Still as no one else was around apart from 8ball prior to my absense, I've been faffing about with the local server. Oddly, despite chosing LAN I ended up with someone external playing on it. Even more disturbing is I swear that port isn't open on the router :eek:
Bots are too hard for me :(
Admiral Huddy
05-10-2006, 09:11
When in game, press ` to bring up the console then type net_graph 0 and press ` to get rid of the console again.
Should sort it :)
cheers i'll give that a try tonight.
Bots are too hard for me :(
yep please crank those bots down just a tad... It isn't too much fun being humiliated.
Any news on an extra settings.. like the bounty?
I'll try and sort the bots out tonight. Being realistic, nothing else is gonna change on that server for 6 weeks or so - I'm abroad for almost a month and won't be wanting to arse about with a server when I'm between travels.
Meh.. am I the only one thats been enjoying the challenge of the harder bots? Guess I'll keep practicing on my local server against them :(
On a positive note, I've got space set aside in Dirty Lan, and an IP address. As soon as my paypal gets authenticated finally, then I'll be trying to nab a flea-bay bargain to go in the space. Unfortunately it has to be rackmountable as desktop cases are no longer allowed (otherwise Tiddles would be going there instead)
Meh.. am I the only one thats been enjoying the challenge of the harder bots?
Nope, I've been quite enjoying it I must say. Rather too hard than too easy.
On a positive note, I've got space set aside in Dirty Lan, and an IP address. As soon as my paypal gets authenticated finally, then I'll be trying to nab a flea-bay bargain to go in the space. Unfortunately it has to be rackmountable as desktop cases are no longer allowed (otherwise Tiddles would be going there instead)
Nice one :thumbup: Specifically for source?
Nice one :thumbup: Specifically for source?
Thats my initial intention. Think I'll be having it run as my e-mail server too, and get it doing folding@home, but other than that... :)
.... teamspeak? dym's isnt always up, and neither would you expect it to be.
If Jarp gets a CS/S server up and running then I'll most likely retire mine.. one thing less for me to have to spend time on would be very much welcomed.
.... teamspeak? dym's isnt always up, and neither would you expect it to be.
Could try that, sure. I'm going to approach it one service at a time though, see how things go :)
I'm not certain how the latency sits in the rack though. In theory no one is using bittorrent, but I'm not certain what the reality is. All equipment in the racks are fed through the same 10/100mb switch, with a gig connection to our backbone basically shared amongst the boxes. In theory I should be fine *shrug* We shall see :)
You paying for the rackspace or is it a perk of your position?
*Paying* for rackspace? How does that work? :)
Only applicable to mortals dude. You don't need to worry ;)
You paying for the rackspace or is it a perk of your position?
Perk :)
Lots of little restrictions on it though, some of them:
3: The dirty box must not harbour or facilitate the exchange of copyrighted material, pornography, warez, music or any other materials which could be considered copyrighted, illegal or potentially damaging to the reputation of Claranet or the owner of the dirty box. The box must not be used to publish or spread defamatory or libelous remarks, documents, propaganda or opinion. Non-compliance will be considered gross misconduct and, subject to a disciplinary meeting, may lead to dismissal and legal proceedings against the owner. The owner of the dirty box is wholly responsible for any data contained on it and indemnifies Claranet from any possible prosecution under applicable laws relating to said data.
3B: Strictly no peer-2-peer file or link sharing applications to be run, either as a client or server, with the exception of a regular FTP server daemon.
4: The dirty box may not be used for commercial gain, either directly or indirectly. Non-compliance will be considered gross misconduct and subject to a disciplinary meeting may lead to dismissal.
6: The box should be sourced and paid for by the member of staff and be rack mountable with a vertical footprint no greater than 4u. The installation of desktop PC's is no longer permitted.
9: No more than 1 dirty box per person and no more than 1 dirty IP address per person. The IP to be taken from and nominated by the data center manager.
11: Claranet may perform maintenance on the dirty network at any time and without warning. This maintenance may result in partial or total loss of service.
12: Claranet reserve the right to use packet sniffers, port scanners, root kits and any other tools, either network or OS orientated when either troubleshooting or monitoring hosts and data flows on the dirty network. Claranet may request unrestricted root access to hosts on the dirty network from time to time in order to assist in troubleshooting either technical issues or suspected breaches of the above code of conduct, or if requested to do so by law enforcement officials.
14: The dirty network is provided as is and without any warranty whatsoever as to its reliability or availability. The Dirty network contains single points of failure that, in the event of a hardware failure, may take several days or longer to fix. Claranet accept no responsibility for loss of data, email, earnings etc caused by any such service failures. Persons who have private email, DNS or other services handled by servers on this network are advised to have appropriate alternatives on other networks. Under no circumstances will Claranet provide any form of compensation for loss of service to the dirty network.
14b: No guarantees are made as to the availability of bandwidth. Bandwidth is fully contended with all other dirty network users. No preference is made between one user and another. Claranet reserve the right to cap bandwidth at any time without warning.
Only applicable to mortals dude. You don't need to worry ;)
Phew! You had me worried there for a minute.
The box should be sourced and paid for by the member of staff and be rack mountable with a vertical footprint no greater than 4u.
Blimey. Can get some real power in 4U these days. Not that you'ree looking for anything particularly beefy of course :)
Blimey. Can get some real power in 4U these days. Not that you'ree looking for anything particularly beefy of course :)
Aye.. I've got my eye on a very tasty dual opeteron 1U jobbie thats on e-bay at the moment for a steal of £150.
Very impressive! Which Opty's? x86_64?
-Antec 1U Rackmount chassis
-Tyan S2882 Motherboard
-Dual Opteron 244's @ 1.8Ghz
-2 x 1U Dynatron Copper CPU Coolers A76G, i think
-Corsair 2x1Gb DDR400 ECC REG Memory
-2 x 80Gb 7200RPM Seagate Barracuda Hard disk
-1U 400W Switching PSU
They should indeed be x86_64, if you fancied it :)
05-10-2006, 12:19
dym's isnt always up
it was just that one time! and you promised not to tell anyone....
it was just that one time! and you promised not to tell anyone....
You didn't actually expect him to keep that promise did you :huh: :shocked:
has burbles server been killed already ?
Nay, it should still be running.
hmmmm strange it wasnt showing up earlier
Defo up for this tonight. Got to do a small bit on a website for maybe 15 mins, then I'll be in and kicking arse!
I'll be there. Spanking everyone all over the shop like a spanking maniac who's just been let out of a spanking asylum after 20 years of no spanking.
I'll try and get on tonight, will be a bit rusty though.
I'll be there. Spanking everyone all over the shop like a spanking maniac who's just been let out of a spanking asylum after 20 years of no spanking.
Guess you'll be spanking me then....
Yet again I won't be around to play.
I'll see what I can muster. I'm working late tonight but should be back in time for some food and then a quick blast :)
I might be :) My body clock's a bit all over the placeso it depends if I can keep the adrenaline going for the rest of the day ;D
I'll be in after some fooooooood :) Bring on the spanking.
Say the word then boyo's.
Get in teamspeak if you can dude.
OH - I'll have to set that up sometime ;)
Good game all..
GG folks :D
though I think the accurate phrase is:
0wned! (
worse game ever for me :(
They had their ups and downs for me too.
Im surprised my computer ran militia as poorly as it did... I may have to check out a few settings and stop some background tasks and see how it copes then..
Admiral Huddy
11-10-2006, 10:26
Sorry for not being there last night.. The Mrs wasn't very well..
Counter-Strike: Source Update Released
November 1, 2006, 5:00 pm - Jason Ruymen
Updates to Counter-Strike: Source have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:
Counter-Strike: Source
* Added Dynamic Weapon Pricing
There it is folks.. new weapon pricing. Could be interesting.
Does that mean that the server will need updating again?
Does that mean that the server will need updating again?
Aye, I believe so.
dynamic pricing?! So will prices rise for popular guns in real time? Like a stock market?
Oops - posted by Pickers
dynamic pricing?! So will prices rise for popular guns in real time? Like a stock market?
Oops - posted by Pickers
Yes indeed.. the more a gun / item is used (including Kevlar GRRR) the higher the price will go. I think they're just trying to add a bit of change into the CS:S gameplay by forcing people onto different tactics and styles more often, getting rid of those who just use AK47s the whole time.
updated steam this morning, and now downloading the ship - may try that in a bit
I've updated the server from version 53 to 55.
getting rid of those who just use AK47s the whole time.
Admiral Huddy
06-11-2006, 10:29
There it is folks.. new weapon pricing. Could be interesting.
There is an article about this in this month PC Gamer.. and saw it for the first time last night. I'm not keen tbh.
mp_dynamicpricing 0 should turn it off.
mp_dynamicpricing 0 should turn it off.*Burble!!!*
Cliffy, I love you :D
Admiral Huddy
06-11-2006, 16:34
mp_dynamicpricing 0 should turn it off.
cheers Cliffy :D Is that a fix for the server or the client?
Opps just saw feeks posts to burble! Ignore me !!
Anyone up for an evening of romping soon?
I'll have to try and get online for a game soon, not played in ages.
My broadband should be back next Tuesday, so as long as my kit turns up I'll be back for a game after then :)
Can't go romping this week, but would be up for it soon ;)
Admiral Huddy
06-11-2006, 16:47
Maybe something for the week after.. Midweek? Should give Daz enough time to get himself sorted and for some of us to get some needed practice in.. okok for me to get some practise :)
Any prefered dates?
I'm away from home most of this week so probably won't be able to VNC onto the server (the firewall only allows certain IP addresses to VNC through it) until the weekend.
If I get time after going to the hospital I may try and pop home, but it's 30 miles or so in the wrong direction.
I've got my own server up and running as a CS/S server if people ever fancy having a shot on it. I'll set up gungame too on it soon. Same password as on Burbles. Also running is a teamspeak server.
Point both your teamspeak and CS:S at:
and all should be fine. Haven't quite sussed out why rcon isn't working yet for me in CS:S but thats minor potatoes.
Speaking of my server, it's dead. There is some sort of hardware issue with it that I can't be arsed to look at so it'll mos tlikely remain dead for a few months at least.
26-12-2006, 22:33
WHY OH WHY HAVE I not seen this thread...
Is it every tuesday?
which IP/Pass?
WHY OH WHY HAVE I not seen this thread...
'cause its been dead and buried for nearly two months :)
Is it every tuesday?
Nah.. just when we get around to organising one
which IP/Pass?
password: omgwtfbbq
Anyone up for another game/laugh somepoint next week maybe?
Ooh ooh, I need to get back into CS. Bought the source version a while back and played it like, twice. My steam thingy is nutcase_1uk and I've usually got the player name nugget.
er, how do I add a server again? :embarassed:
edit: just remembered WHY I only played it a couple of times. The graphics card in my main pc is crap. Thread coming soon :D
:shocked: DEFINETLY let me know when people want to play a game.
I've got my own server up and running as a CS/S server if people ever fancy having a shot on it. I'll set up gungame too on it soon. Same password as on Burbles. Also running is a teamspeak server.
Point both your teamspeak and CS:S at:
and all should be fine. Haven't quite sussed out why rcon isn't working yet for me in CS:S but thats minor potatoes.
Love the gungame mod, will defo be up if i can get some spare time.
Okay.. I've got GunGame running on the server.
If you haven't played GunGame yet, give it a shot its quite good fun and a good way to learn the different weapons in CSS.
Ooh, just did half an hour or so (and gave some german some easy target practice!) and all seems well :) Is that server down at the moment? I put the details in and it just goes back to the same screen.
Ooh, just did half an hour or so (and gave some german some easy target practice!) and all seems well :) Is that server down at the moment? I put the details in and it just goes back to the same screen.
Which one? Mine ( or Burble's server (the one mentioned in the first post)?
Mine should be up, Burbles is down.
edit: Mine definately seems to be up.
I'm going to hunt for a better map rotation to use with GunGame, the usual CT - T maps aren't the most suitable, need ones more like team deathmatches.
Your one :) Just tried a couple more times and I'm in :)
Your one :) Just tried a couple more times and I'm in :)
L 01/02/2007 - 13:10:43: "nugget (noob)<30><STEAM_0:0:6284280><CT>" say "lo"
I have a few maps made specifically for gungame, i'll sort them out for you later i'f you'd like?
Man I'm rubbish :) Killed 2 bots in about 20 minutes ;D
I have a few maps made specifically for gungame, i'll sort them out for you later i'f you'd like?
Names and the like would be fine. I can download them onto the server directly taking advantage of the bandwidth at work :)
OK, i'll post the names up when i get home.
In the mean time you could try looking at any maps that have gg_ at the start.
There are a few here:
Burbles is down.
It's down for good. If Huddy sees this, can you edit the first post?
Here are the ones i have:
Admiral Huddy
03-01-2007, 10:37
Been a long time since we've had a match night. What do guys reckon?
Been a long time since we've had a match night. What do guys reckon?
Can do tomorrow night, but not next week at all as I'm on lates and won't be back 'till 9:30 (don't let that stop you though.)
If people would prefer a vanilla server for the evening rather than GunGame I'll make the changes. Hopefully tonight I shall be putting up some GunGame maps onto the server as its stock in trade ones :)
*nudge* Huddy, don't forget to update the first post like Burble asked :)
Admiral Huddy
03-01-2007, 16:49
Ok, I didn't see it... Do we have a replacement server?
I can do any eve this week as long as I can finish early cos have to get up... early :)
Slow moving target at the ready!
Admiral Huddy
03-01-2007, 18:04
Ok, since my PC is on 24/7 i might be able to setup mine as a game server. Can someone post what I need to to do etc.
Ok, since my PC is on 24/7 i might be able to setup mine as a game server. Can someone post what I need to to do etc.
Reading the thread is another alternative :)
I've got my own server up and running as a CS/S server if people ever fancy having a shot on it. I'll set up gungame too on it soon. Same password as on Burbles. Also running is a teamspeak server.
Point both your teamspeak and CS:S at:
and all should be fine. Haven't quite sussed out why rcon isn't working yet for me in CS:S but thats minor potatoes.
Admiral Huddy
03-01-2007, 18:13
Reading the thread is another alternative :)
Admiral Huddy
03-01-2007, 18:19
Ok i've set a date for next Tuesday :)
Garp, let me know if anything in the OP is wrong or needs to amended like maps and settings etc.
Any new players?
Ok i've set a date for next Tuesday :)
That's me and Garp out then :(
Garp, let me know if anything in the OP is wrong or needs to amended like maps and settings etc.
Looks about right to me, I'm nabbing the two maps that I was missing off that rotation and will add them to the server and map rotation this evening.
I'm bored of playing with BOTS :D
As normal im in
Its been a while
Admiral Huddy
04-01-2007, 15:51
Set a date then people, preferably a tuesday, wednesday or Thursday.. Not the 17th though as some of us are meeting up :)
Well I guess I can make it about 10pm on any day next week, or any time in the eve the week after :)
So this isnt happening tonight ?
So this isnt happening tonight ?
I don't see why not? Just 'cause nutcase and myself can't make it isn't a reason for it not to take place.
I'll grab a look around 7:30 and just make sure its coping fine. If there's issues with the server I'll be contactable on msn till '8, but won't be contactable after that again until about 9:30.
okie dokie i will loiter in the server and see who turns up
okie dokie i will loiter in the server and see who turns up
Spotted you :p
L 01/09/2007 - 19:16:08: "8 I3ALL<108><CT>" killed "Frasier<118><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "mp5navy"
L 01/09/2007 - 19:16:18: "8 I3ALL<108><CT>" killed "Ferris<123><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "mp5navy" (headshot)
L 01/09/2007 - 19:16:23: "8 I3ALL<108><CT>" killed "Nick<117><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "mp5navy" (headshot)
nice one... shall I mention these? ;)
L 01/09/2007 - 19:14:39: "Nick<117><BOT><TERRORIST>" killed "8 I3ALL<108><CT>" with "ump45"
L 01/09/2007 - 19:13:50: "Frasier<118><BOT><TERRORIST>" killed "8 I3ALL<108><CT>" with "glock"
Ooh, see if anyone's there in 5 mins...
Spotted you :p
L 01/09/2007 - 19:16:08: "8 I3ALL<108><CT>" killed "Frasier<118><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "mp5navy"
L 01/09/2007 - 19:16:18: "8 I3ALL<108><CT>" killed "Ferris<123><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "mp5navy" (headshot)
L 01/09/2007 - 19:16:23: "8 I3ALL<108><CT>" killed "Nick<117><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "mp5navy" (headshot)
nice one... shall I mention these? ;)
L 01/09/2007 - 19:14:39: "Nick<117><BOT><TERRORIST>" killed "8 I3ALL<108><CT>" with "ump45"
L 01/09/2007 - 19:13:50: "Frasier<118><BOT><TERRORIST>" killed "8 I3ALL<108><CT>" with "glock"
NO !!!! :embarassed:
nutcase im up for a litle fraggin but ive got GFX card trouble so if i leave the game dont worry i will be back
Had a bit of fun but I see you timed out. Can't keep eyes open so won't be in for long!
Admiral Huddy
10-01-2007, 10:27
Sorry chaps, I was I bit busy yesterday and last night.
Anyone got a prefered next date?
Anyone got a prefered next date?
Anytime over the next couple of weeks would do me IIRC, apart from next monday and burble's b'day do.
Im up for playing this week all be it in directx 7
Next week will be even better with the 7900gtx installed ;)
Will try and stick my head in a couple of times this week to see if anyone's about. Going down with (man)flu tho so feel like poo and my already pathetic reaction times will no doubt improve :embarassed:
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