View Full Version : Supermarket Bargains!!!

12-08-2008, 17:00
On Saturday I arrived at Rob's local Adsa and there was a lady with about 20 boxes of stuff standing outside the store...

Ever one for a bargain (take after my mum!) I scoped out the boxes and came away with this little lot:


Everything was marked down already, but she re-marked down everything I picked up to 20/10p so I spent about £3 for the lot! And remarkably all stuff I will use (it was hard to restrict myself :p) and all in date!

I was well chuffed with myself! Rob wasn't as it added 30mins on the food shopping trip ;D and I was the lady's best customer! She asked if I was a student :o

So anyone else had any good bargains?!

Also ... went into Tesco yesterday to get some chicken and came out with a large piece of steak for £1.98 half price from the reduction counter - nom nom!

BB x

Edit: I had a list and I didn't post :p so here it is!!

Ainsley Vegetable Cous Cous
Tin Tomatoes
40 Tea Bags
Non Stick Bacofoil
Big box Paxo Sage and Onion Stuffing Mix
Box Icing Sugar
Heinz Chicken Soup
Marigold Washing Up Gloves
2x Sellotape
European Travel Adaptor
Baking Paper
Foot File
Hair Slides
Vanilla Pod
Oust De-Odor Room Spray
2x box of 20 x Tampons - Always useful :P
Tin of Condensed Milk
2x Tins of Tuna in Brine
Pack of pens
2x Del Monte fruit in tins
Toilet Tissue Wipes
Bin Liners
Box Tissues

12-08-2008, 17:29
Supermarket bargains rock :cool:

I've been stocking up on Muller Fruit Corners. Don't tend to buy them often due to the price, but Morrisons were doing 2 6packs for £2 instead of £2.89 each. Bargain :D Offer ended last week though :(

We quite often go in Morrisons at the end of Sundays as they reduce things like cooked chicken from the deli and pies to silly prices. Makes a very nice cheap dinner :D

12-08-2008, 18:32
Supermarket bargains are great.

It's great rocking up when the meat has just been reduced and getting mince for like 20p a packet. Just buy as much as can fit in the freezer.

12-08-2008, 19:54
Ainsley Vegetable Cous Cous
Tin Tomatoes
40 Tea Bags
Non Stick Bacofoil
Big box Paxo Sage and Onion Stuffing Mix
Box Icing Sugar
Heinz Chicken Soup
Marigold Washing Up Gloves
2x Sellotape
European Travel Adaptor
Baking Paper
Foot File
Hair Slides
Vanilla Pod
Oust De-Odor Room Spray
2x box of 20 x Tampons - Always useful :P
Tin of Condensed Milk
2x Tins of Tuna in Brine
Pack of pens
2x Del Monte fruit in tins
Toilet Tissue Wipes
Bin Liners
Box Tissues

I think you just set MacGyver up for life.

"Loading Paxo cannon.... applying pseudo-futuristic bacofoil disguise... deploying Ainsley Harriot branded chemical warfare rubber glove couscous grenades..."

12-08-2008, 20:01
Haha Acid that's exactly what i do :D 10p for four co-op burger, 10p for chicken wings, 10p for a bunch of sausages. All from the co-op! I bagged about 40 of everything, and threw them in the fridge. Next day was sunny (as was planned) i invited everyone for a BBQ, tonnes of everything and it cost me about £3! I got lots of free drink out of it as thanks! :) Good times! Love the summer (not that you'd believe its summer in Edinburgh at present).

13-08-2008, 09:18
I think you just set MacGyver up for life.

"Loading Paxo cannon.... applying pseudo-futuristic bacofoil disguise... deploying Ainsley Harriot branded chemical warfare rubber glove couscous grenades..."


You crack me up Mouse Man!

BB x