View Full Version : Our Washing Machine....

19-08-2008, 16:28

Just came round the back after some gardening, walked into the kitchen and thought "cor blimey, the next door neighbours have a pneumatic drill going"...

alas... it was our washing machine.

Slightly concerned (obviously) - it was on the full spin bit and was really hammering away (I thought it was going to explode so left the room!)

Guarantee is no more... any ideas of what may be the problem?

Just spoken to Indesit - no tech team to speak of - they've said £109 for an engineer to pop out and have a look (the cost will pay for repairs/spare parts but not replacements) or £159 for an extended guarantee thingy where they'll send a blokey out and if they canny repair it replace it "free" of charge.

What do you reckon?! I don't have a clue how much washing machines are any more :( Nooooooooooooo to more expenses! This happened last year! Everything went wrong! I don't want everything to go wrong!


19-08-2008, 16:32
Get picky to take the top off and check if the concrete block has come loose. He'll probably need to tighten up a nut. It happened with our samsung, made a hell of a noise, called the engineer out who did just that.

19-08-2008, 16:33
The drum is usually suspended on sets of springs. If one of these has become detached or broken it will throw the drum off centre and make it do weird things. Worth checking this first.

Edit: and that ^^^

19-08-2008, 16:34
Never thought of the springs, nice one Belmit.

19-08-2008, 16:44
I had a washing machine once that wouldn't open, I ended up drilling a hole in it and attaching a piece of string to the opening mechanism.

But anyway, its going to be related to the concrete weight, take it apart and have a fiddle.

19-08-2008, 16:48
But anyway, its going to be related to the concrete weight, take it apart and have a fiddle.
And then think about fixing the washing machine.

19-08-2008, 17:08
Did you sit on it while you were pondering?

19-08-2008, 17:12
I wouldn't have a clue what the problem is, or what could fix it, but I know that it is horrible when things go wrong at the worst possible time *hugs*

Did you sit on it while you were pondering?

Lol! I was also wondering that! :p

19-08-2008, 17:28
OOOoOOoooO! Okie! We'll try taking it apart!

*edit* Picky will try taking it apart!


Fankoo! xx

19-08-2008, 17:41
Before you fix it, have sex on it during spin cycle.

You'll thank me later.

19-08-2008, 17:44
Before you fix it, have sex on it during spin cycle.

You'll thank me later.


19-08-2008, 17:46
My mates did that and the concrete bit came loose. It sounded like it was about to take off.
Hope you manange to sort it. :)

19-08-2008, 17:47
Before you fix it, have sex on it during spin cycle.

You'll thank me later.

LOL Good idea :D

19-08-2008, 19:57
:o :o :o

I think I've discovered what it was... though am shocked it could make such a terrifying noise....

I just emptied the washing machine after it's mental pneumatic drill spin and... ermm... well... I pulled out one of my bras and one cup was a bit floppy.

I then thought "huh?", pushed the drum round and it made an awful scratching noise... and then I saw it... my underwire poking out from one of the drainage holes...


How stupid do I now feel.

19-08-2008, 20:26
Well let us know if it starts banging away (fnar) again ;D

19-08-2008, 21:19
Hahahahah! :D Pheebs I can't wait to see you! You are hilarious :D


19-08-2008, 22:12
I handwash all my bras because I read somewhere that this could happen!

I bloody hate handwashing :( been doing it all evening (and scrubbing half of Swansea out of my jeans)

I had to clean my bathroom after for all the mud!!!

Yes... busy night for me tonight :p

BB x

20-08-2008, 00:16
Before you fix it, have sex on it during spin cycle.

You'll thank me later.

My mates did that and the concrete bit came loose. It sounded like it was about to take off.
Hope you manange to sort it. :)

Multi quote smut ftw!

20-08-2008, 15:05
I bloody hate handwashing :( been doing it all evening (and scrubbing half of Swansea out of my jeans)

Is that the male half?

20-08-2008, 15:08

20-08-2008, 15:20

20-08-2008, 15:52
Is that the male half?

Why you!!!!!!!!!1 :angry:

And I saw Daz as the last post... sorry had to laugh - so apt to the thread title! ;D

BB x