View Full Version : Bandwidth problems

Admiral Huddy
19-08-2008, 16:39
It appears that my bandwidth on huddysworld has shot up past the 50GB limit fom nowhere, which really suprises me really. Looking at Awstats, I can't seem to find out why because the bandwidth on previous months was quite limited.

The problem is I have admiralcomputers.co.uk is parked in the same domain and it would cost me another £99 to upgrade to 200GB of bandwidth withy 5GB of disk space.

I was thinkiing of hotlinking the images from photobucket. Is this a good idea?

Any ideas what i can do?

19-08-2008, 16:45
Sure it's not to do with the ftp space you set up?

I think photobucket have a premium account you can sign up for with unlimited bandwidth so it's worth a look.

19-08-2008, 16:46
Yeah, I'd suspect the FTP account. Putting images in Photobucket won't help there. :(

Admiral Huddy
19-08-2008, 16:47
ftp not been used as far as i can see and there is nothing in there.. I've had to disable it.

I might for the sake of £24.00 setup admiral into it's own domain. My fault, I thought 50GB of bandwidth was ample!!

19-08-2008, 17:02
The FTP has been used, but people have been cleaning up behind themselves. I'd certainly recommend keeping personal and business hosting seperate.

Admiral Huddy
19-08-2008, 17:04
I can't find anything in the logs but I'm guessing it must be.

I've spoken to Krystal and they have given me some extra bandwidth free for a few months.

I've also added a new domain for AC.