View Full Version : Stupid localhost question

25-08-2008, 15:38
I use Opera and keywords for my browsing. So "bd" in Opera loads up this site, "gm" loads up my gmail and "hx" loads up the Hexus.net forums and so on.

This works well apart from some skill I've picked up where I'll type "fm" for Fastmail.fm or "gm" for Gmail as I said earlier. However I seem to manage to press control+enter on these keywords and instead of Fastmail.fm I get "fm.com" and "gm.com" instead of gmail.com.

Now I reckon I could fix this by doing something to my localhost file so that when I accidently request fm.com or gm.com I actually get my PC/Opera to go to fastmail.fm and gmail.com.

I did have a go at this a while ago but it didn't work. Meaning I did it wrong most likely. Anyone fancy telling me how to do it propah? :D

Dr. Z
25-08-2008, 20:32
Editing your hosts file (I assume thats what you mean by localhost file) is really easy.

C:\system32\drivers\etc\ is where it is, you just put in the ip and then the hostname on a new line. For example: localhost www.shockradio.co.uk

Really, really easy :)

25-08-2008, 20:47
Cheerz DRZ. Thought you might know. :D

So easy I got it wrong last time eh? :p

So is that saying that if is requested it will direct to shockradio.co.uk instead?

25-08-2008, 22:07
The IP address I get for Gmail just takes me to Google.com and I can't reach Fastmail.fm using the IP address. So is it possible to redirect fm.com and gm.com to Fastmail.fm and gmail.com respectively and not use any IP addresses?

25-08-2008, 23:11
You could turn off the auto complete .com .co.uk things with opera but that would ruin it every other time too which is crap. Best best is ctrl+t, bd, enter. Which is exactly what i do, and just get into that habbit :).
Or what does seem to work is, press F2 then bd and ctrl +enter works for me.

25-08-2008, 23:15
Ctrl+t, bd, enter is what I am trying to do. I just keep pressing ctrl too many times. :D

And F2, bd, ctrl+enter does the same, gets bd.com. F2, bd, enter is right. ;)

25-08-2008, 23:34
Oh wait i've just realised i use ctrl + shift + enter, then press 2 :). So do that :p

25-08-2008, 23:42
Nothing happens.

25-08-2008, 23:47
Oh, for me ctrl + shift + enter is open in a background tab

so typing in the url bar of current window (or F2 window): bd + ctrl +shift +enter opens a tab in the background. 2 is the shortcut to skip to the tab to the right. Unles you're not using the 9.2x compatible single button shortcuts.

25-08-2008, 23:58
Ah type the shortcut in first! Works now. Using Opera standard keyboard shortcuts I think. 9.2 ones better?

26-08-2008, 00:19
I dunno i was just used to the 9.2x ones, so i just set it to 9.2 compatible by default. No idea what the difference is but i don't care :p

26-08-2008, 00:20
Oh and you should have just asked on MSN. Also i might have answered on OcUK if i wasn't sus'ed as per *rolleyes* :p

26-08-2008, 00:43
Asked what you naughty naughty boy?! ;D